

Chapter 401: Paying Respects to Yang shi

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: Millman97

Someone had rejected the acknowledgement of the ancestors after passing the master teacher examination?

You must be pulling my leg!

Is there... such an insane figure in the world?

"Winning the acknowledgement of a senior is a huge blessing! Reject? Who in the world is it?"

After a moment of daze, Pavilion Master Jiang nearly went insane.

Mo Hongyi's feat of winning the acknowledgement from a single ancestor had already broken the record of Tianwu Kingdom for the past three hundred years, and it had incited a wave of excitement within the Master Teacher Pavilion.

Pavilion Master Jiang also felt honored; he would be able to keep his head up in the other Master Teacher Pavilions of the other kingdoms in the future.

Yet, for someone to reject the ancestors' acknowledgement...

It was fortunate that Mo Hongyi wasn't around. If he were to learn of this news, wouldn't he spew blood and faint on the spot?

"This... That's impossible!"

Su shi and Ling shi were perplexed as well.

The acknowledgement from the ancestors would grant one with a unique aura that would raise one's Soul Depth swiftly. There wasn't a single master teacher who could reject such a benefit. This...

"Wait... The headquarter said that if there's a Teacher Acknowledgement Hall of any branch has collapsed, report swiftly... The Teacher Acknowledgement Hall here has collapsed!"

Ling shi was the first to realize this matter, and his face tensed.

They didn't know what 'Rejection of the Ancestors, Sorrowful Chimes of the Bell' meant, but since the headquarter had asked about the collapsing of the Teacher Acknowledgement Hall, it wasn't difficult for them to deduce the matter.

The headquarter wasn't so idle as to do unnecessary things. Since they asked about the collapsing of the Teacher Acknowledgement Hall, it must have something to do with these nine words.

"You mean that... the person who rejected the acknowledgement of the ancestors might be in this guild?" Su shi eyes widened, and his voice sounded a little hoarse.

In the past few days, only Mo shi and Zhang shi had passed the examinations. The former had managed to win the acknowledgement of one elder while the latter caused Kong shi's statue to fall over and the entire Teacher Acknowledgement Hall to collapse... Even though the entire incident was bewildering, they didn't see him reject the ancestors.

"Let's ask about it!"

Confused, Ling shi dabbed the brush in ink and wrote, "What does 'Rejection of the Ancestors, Sorrowful Chimes of the Bell' mean?"


The words disappeared, and not too long later, a radiance flashed, and another line of words appeared on the Communication Wall.

"Not absorbing the unique aura granted by the ancestors, rejecting their goodwill..."

Upon realization, the group shuddered once more.

To reject the ancestors and induce their sorrowful cries...

How incredible must a figure be to do such stuff?

They stared at one another in shock, bewildered over who had that kind of guts that do such a thing. At that moment, the wall before them shone once more, and a few more line of words appeared.

"Two days ago, at shu hour [1], he rejected the acknowledgement of all of the ancestors and Kong shi, resulting in the shaking of the statue... Under such circumstances, it's highly possible for the Teacher Acknowledgement Hall to collapse! If there's the shaking of the Kong shi's statue or the collapsing of the Teacher Acknowledgement Hall in any branch, report swiftly!"

"Two days ago, at shu hour... That seems to be around the timing when Zhang shi is seeking acknowledgement from the elders..." Su shi trembled.

"Indeed! The trembling of the statue and the collapsing of the Teacher Acknowledgement Hall... Could the one who incited the sorrowful cries of the ancestors be... Zhang shi?"

Ling shi's body swayed vigorously.

He was just thinking which incredible figure it could be, when it turned out to be the fellow just around them!

Are you for real?

"It should be true..."

Upon thinking of something, Pavilion Master Jiang smiled bitterly.


Hearing Pavilion Master Jiang affirm the matter, the two 4-star master teacher turned to look at him.

"A similar situation happened two days ago. The ancestral tablets of the Teacher Acknowledgement Hall trembled... and Kong shi's statue moved as well..."

After pondering for a moment, Pavilion Master Jiang explained the situation that happened two days ago.

"The Trembling of Myriad Tokens... Celestial Master Teacher? Trembling of Kong shi, this is... Kong shi Admits a Disciple, the Student of the Sage?"

"But more importantly... he was rejected?"

Su shi and Ling shi was on the verge of going insane.

It was one thing to reject the acknowledgement of the ancestors, but to reject an offer to become Kong shi's student...

Since it happened here, it was clear that it was the doing of a genius in the guild.

In that instant, a figure appeared in their minds...

Zhang Xuan!

"It must be him!"

With quivering lips, Su shi jumped up in agitation.

Celestial Master Teacher, an existence whom even Kong shi wanted as his student... Initially, they thought that all they would find was a slightly more capable genius. Never in the dreams did they expect that they would find such a formidable figure whose feats exceeded their imagination.

"Hurry up and inform the headquarter! Have the pavilion master welcome him personally..."

Ling shi excitedly picked up the brush and prepared to write on it.

Putting aside Kong shi's intent to take him in, just the fact that Zhang Xuan was a Celestial Master Teacher already made him an existence worthy of the pavilion master to invite over personally.

Of the entire continent, only Kong shi had managed to become a Celestial Master Teacher. Other than him, no one had ever achieved that feat.

"Ling shi, wait a moment..." Jiang Shu hurriedly stopped him.

"What's wrong?"

Frowning, Ling shi turned to look at Jiang Shu.

"The matter of Celestial Master Teacher is too big... I'm afraid that it might bring calamity to Zhang shi if the matter were to leak out. Besides... Kong shi being rejected isn't a glorious affair. I've already ordered the others to keep quiet on the matter, but if the news were to leak in the headquarters..." Pavilion Master Jiang explained.

Even though the Master Teacher Pavilion possessed overwhelming authority in the continent, they still had many hidden enemies.

Besides, given that the Master Teacher Tournament was going to be held, if other powers were to learn of the existence of such a formidable genius, they might be tempted to poach him or even cut him off before he grows.

It was better to proceed prudently.

"Pavilion Master Jiang is right. We should report this matter straight on to the pavilion master alone. The fewer people who knows of it, the better it is!" Su shi nodded grimly in agreement to Jiang Shu's words.

"Un!" At this moment, Ling shi also recovered from his agitation and nodded. He then wrote on the wall, "None!"

Since they decided not to speak of this matter on the Communication Wall, they could only reply like this for now.

"Celestial Master Teacher, and on top of that, a person who nearly became Kong shi's student... It's one thing if we didn't know, but once we know, we should pay him a visit regardless of the cost!"

After replying to the headquarters, Su shi and Ling shi could no longer suppress their agitation in their hearts

They might be 4-star master teachers, but as compared to a Celestial Master Teacher, they were way too lacking.

They had only earned the acknowledgement of the ancestors, but the other party earned the acknowledgement of the heavens...

The gap between them couldn't be summarized with just the single word 'large'.

As long as he survived, he would most probably reach the pinnacle of this world.

"We must pay a visit to Zhang shi eventually, but the first person we should meet is... Yang shi!" Su shi replied grimly.

"To be capable of grooming a Celestial Master Teacher, and more importantly, have his own student reject even Kong shi, how fearsome must this Yang shi be? If we were to listen to even a word of his guidance, we might be able to take a huge step forward in our cultivation!"

At this time, Ling shi also came to the same conclusion, and he nodded in agreement.

One could have a lot of teachers in their life.

But there were some who have decided to only acknowledge one teacher in their entire life.

It was just like Kong shi's students. Even if they wanted to acknowledge others as their teacher, no one would dare to accept them!

For Yang shi, Zhang shi was willing to even reject Kong shi. How fearsome could this Yang Xuan be?

"Let's go!"

Without any hesitation, the two 4-star master teacher swiftly headed for Zhang Xuan's residence.


In the past few days, Mo Hongyi had been in a good mood.

Ever since that Zhang Xuan fellow's appearance, his records had been beaten one after another, and his title as the number one genius had been usurped.

Since he wasn't as capable as the other party, he could only work diligently in hopes of overtaking him in the future.

And his efforts paid off. Two days ago, he was acknowledged by the ancestors, and he managed to triumph over Zhang Xuan for once.

With this, he had broken the record of the Master Teacher Pavilion for the past three hundred years.

Wasn't that Zhang Xuan a genius? Wasn't he formidable?

But, so what? Zhang Xuan still ended up being acknowledged by none of the ancestors at all.

In the end, he was still the ultimate victor.

A slight smile curved onto Mo Hongyi's lips.

The refusal of the ancestors to acknowledge him meant that he had come to the limits of his potential, and his future achievements were limited!

He had heard of many geniuses who shone brightly when they were younger, only to end up just like anyone else in the future.

This Zhang Xuan was probably still the same as well.

So what if he was a genius? Potential was the key!

"I should look for Su shi and Ling shi, and see if they are willing to take me in as their student. If they really take me in, I would surely be able to surpass Zhang Xuan soon!"

Tidying up his clothes, a streak of excitement flashed across his eyes.

Ever since Pavilion Master Jiang introduced Su shi and Ling shi to him, the intention to take one of them as his teacher had sprouted in his mind.

If he succeeded, a whole new world would open before him.

"Mo shi, my apologies, but Su shi and Ling shi have already left this morning!"

Mo Hongyi looked around the Master Teacher Pavilion, but he couldn't find the duo. In the end, after asking around about the matter, he met with Pavilion Master Jiang.

"Left? Where did they go to?" Mo Hongyi asked.

"Oh, they went to Zhang shi's residence!" Pavilion Master Jiang replied.

"Thank you..."

Upon learning of their whereabouts, Mo Hongyi nodded and left.

"I need to hurry..."

It was very possible that Zhang Xuan might have the same thoughts as him.

How could he give this good opportunity away to that fellow?

He had surpassed the other party in the acknowledgement of the ancestors, and this was a good omen. As long as he worked hard, he would surely be able to surpass the other party's records.

Zhang Xuan's residence wasn't too far away from the Master Teacher Pavilion. It didn't take too long for Mo Hongyi to arrive at his destination.

Turning around the streets, he suddenly caught sight of two figures and hurriedly stopped.

"That is... Su shi and Ling shi?"

The two master teachers were standing quietly in front of Zhang Xuan's residence with a respectful look.

Didn't they head here early in the morning? Why were they still standing at the doorstep?

More importantly... that respectful attitude... what in the world was that?

They were 4-star master teachers, the respected elders of the Myriad Kingdom Alliance's Master Teacher Pavilion. Even if the emperor of Xuanyuan Kingdom were to come, he would have to welcome them subserviently.

Yet, at this moment, they seemed no different from anxious students...

Mo Hongyi blinked his eyes in disbelief.


Just as he was still in the midst of his shock, the gates to the courtyard opened, and a plump man walked out. He spoke casually, "The old master has just returned, and he has asked for you two to enter! I'll just say this in advance, the old master doesn't like a ruckus, so try to maintain silence after you enter!"


"Don't worry, we'll definitely keep quiet!" Su shi and Ling shi hurriedly nodded.

"Alright, then let's go!"

Waving casually, the plump man led the way.

The two master teachers hurriedly followed behind.

"The heck..."

Mo Hongyi's eyes were about to fall to the floor.

What... in the world is going on?

To think that 4-star master teachers would still have to request for a meeting!

On top of that, to wait an entire morning for it?

And that butler's casual attitude, almost to the point of being rude... Wasn't he afraid of being smacked to death?

Mo Hongyi's mouth twitched violently, and he felt as though the entire world had gone wrong.

[1] shu hour is from 7PM to 9PM




Chapter 402: Unfathomable Yang shi (1)

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: Millman97

Rubbing his glabella, Zhang Xuan finally woke up.

There was too much information contained within the Library of Heaven's Path, causing the time he was passed out to last much longer than before.

However, the rewards he got was massive as well.

Battle techniques, apothecary, beast tamer, painter, physician, master teacher, poison master...

The information of countless occupations had become his own. He no longer had to dive into the Library of Heaven's Path to look up this information; with a single thought, it would appear in his head.

To gather all of this knowledge, even if one possessed photographic memory, it would take at least dozens of year. On the other hand, Zhang Xuan only took an entire day...

If other were to know about it, they would definitely spurt blood.

What genius and what advanced master teacher... Before such efficiency, they meant nothing at all.

There was no basis of comparison at all.

"As expected of the Book of Heaven's Path. It truly doesn't let me down!" Zhang Xuan chuckled.

Even though he knew the might of the Book of Heaven's Path, the pages of which were formed by the earnest gratitude of a student, was formidable, he couldn't help but feel impressed every time he used it.

To casually raise his Soul Depth by 5.0 and assimilate the knowledge contained within the innumerable books in the Library of Heaven's Path for his own...

Regardless of which one it was, it was sufficient to send anyone into a frenzy.

"The Book of Heaven's Path probably has many more uses than this!"

Zhang Xuan had only managed to uncover these two effects by chance. The use of the Book of Heaven's Path was surely much more than that, and he had verified it back then.

It seemed like he had no accept more students in the future and win their gratitude so as to collect much more golden pages.

This way, he would be able to grow swiftly.

After waking up, he spent a long time reorganizing his knowledge before stretching lazily and walking out of the room.

Upon walking into the main hall, Sun Qiang walked up to him and reported, "Young master, someone has requested to meet with the old master, and they have already waited for an entire morning!"

"Requested to meet the old master? Who?"

Zhang Xuan was taken aback.

"They said that they were from the Master Teacher Pavilion. One of them is Su Fan while the other one is Ling Yuheng!" Sun Qing replied.

"Su Fan? Ling Yuheng?"

Zhang Xuan was perplexed. Who were they? There didn't seem to be these two figures among the master teachers of Tianwu Kingdom...

"Wait. They are... Su shi and Ling shi?"

An epiphany struck him. and he nearly fainted on the spot.

Back then, when Pavilion Master Jiang introduced the two master teachers to him, out of respect, he didn't use their full names. As such, Zhang Xuan didn't relate Su Fan and Ling Yuheng to the two 4-star master teachers instantly. However, given that they came from the Master Teacher Pavilion and they were here to look for 'Old Master Yang Xuan', who else could it be other than those two fellows?

Didn't he say that he would tell them about it once 'Yang shi' returns? Why would they rush here all of the sudden, not to mention, early in the morning?

He hadn't even made preparations yet...

The two 4-star master teachers were existences that surpassed Zhizun realm experts... Yet, they had been waiting at his entrance for an entire morning?

"Where did you arrange them to rest at? The guest room or the conference room?"

Upon thinking about how he kept these two formidable figures waiting, Zhang Xuan's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but ask.

"Guest room? Conference room? They didn't even bring anything when paying a visit to Yang shi, are they worthy of such treatment?"

Sun Qiang harrumphed in disdain. "I had those two disrespectful fellows wait outside the residence! If not for the fact that they came from the Master Teacher Pavilion, I would have chased them away already! Who the hell do they think they are, to not even know the rules!"


After hearing those words, Zhang Xuan's body swayed, and he nearly collapsed to the ground.

"Young master, what's wrong?" Sun Qiang hurried forward to support him.

"What's wrong?"

Zhang Xuan nearly burst into tears.

The hell!

Do you know how powerful the two of them are? What's wrong?

This useless fellow! How did he find himself such a darned butler...

The two of them were 4-star master teachers, and he kept them waiting outside for an entire morning...

He sure was courageous!

Zhang Xuan felt blood welling up at the back of his throat.

If he didn't discipline this butler of his soon, it was just a matter of time before he is done in by another party.

It was fortunate that those two master teachers had a good temper. Otherwise, if they were to lash out, even the entire Tianwu Kingdom wouldn't be sufficient to placate their wrath!

Just as he was about to berate the other party, he suddenly recalled that the other party's arrogant personality was a result of 'Yang shi's' teaching back then. Suddenly, he felt stifled within.

"Hurry up and invite them in. Make sure to treat them respectfully..."

Holding back his frustration, Zhang Xuan instructed. However, halfway through his words, he shook his head, "Forget it. Just treat them as any other guest, and bring them over here. I'll contact teacher now..."

The 'old master' whom the other party wanted to meet was supposed to be an equal existence to them. If he were to change his attitude now, it could bring even more trouble.

It wasn't his first time playing off as an expert, and he didn't mind doing it again.

Besides, he had no other choice anyway...

The butler had already gone so far. If the strength of this 'Yang shi' turned out to be inferior to them, wouldn't they immediately fly into a rage?


Sun Qiang walked out.

Upon seeing him leave, Zhang Xuan took out a set of clothes from his storage ring and put it on. Then, operating his Heaven's Path Disguise Art, his muscles started moving, and his appearance changed.

It didn't take long for him to turn into 'Yang Xuan'. However, with his stronger cultivation and higher Soul Depth, he held a much more imposing disposition compared to back when he was still at Tianxuan Kingdom.

Ascertaining that there were no flaws in his disguise, Zhang Xuan walked over to the main seat, sipped on his tea, and waited patiently.

Not too long later, the duo walked in under Sun Qiang's lead.

As Zhang Xuan expected, they were Su shi and Ling shi.

"This is the old master, Yang shi!"

Upon seeing that the old master was in the main hall, Sun Qiang was dazed for a moment before hurriedly introducing with a proud look.

"Su Fan pays respect to Yang shi!"

"Ling Yuheng greets Yang shi!"

The duo clasped their fists respectfully.

Even though they could tell that Yang shi was man of great capabilities through Zhang Xuan, they still felt a little displeased at how the other party kept them waiting for an entire morning.

No matter what, they were 4-star master teachers. To be left waiting at the doorstep, it could only mean that the other party didn't think much of them.

Thus, they started observing this Yang Xuan as soon as they arrived, intent to see if he was as formidable as the others made him out to be.

But with a single look, they frowned.

The muscles and the bones of the man before them didn't align perfectly with one another, and there were signs of them being moved. Clearly, he was in disguise.

They couldn't discern his original appearance, but through his clean and smooth skin, as well as his powerful vitality, he was likely to be young.

There were geniuses in this world, but no matter how talented a person was, he needed time to grow. In the end, age was still a limiting factor for one's abilities.

"This Yang shi seems young..."

Upon seeing through all this, Su shi sent a telepathic message to Ling shi.

"Indeed. However, I can't see through his cultivation!" Ling shi frowned.

They were both existences who surpassed Zhizun realm. As long as the other party's cultivation didn't surpass theirs, they should be able to discern the other party's cultivation easily, even if the other party tried to conceal it. However... despite their intent observation, they were unable to tell anything at all. This meant that the person before them could only be stronger than them.

"Un!" Su shi nodded.

He was unable to see through the other party's cultivation as well.

There were only two possibilities if one was unable to see through another person's cultivation. Firstly, the other party was stronger than them. Secondly, the cultivation technique that the other party cultivated was at a much higher level than their own, resulting in his zhenqi being so pure that one was unable to make a clear assessment.

Regardless of which of the two possibilities it was, it could only mean to say that Yang shi wasn't an ordinary person.

"Done looking yet?"

They stared intently at Yang shi with a tenacious drive to dig out every single detail of his, only to see the other party casually lifting a teapot and slowly pouring himself a cup of tea. Without even glancing at them, his impassive voice sounded.

"We've heard of the numerous amazing feats of Yang shi, and your ability to nourish a student like Zhang shi has filled us with admiration and curiosity. Please pardon our breach of etiquette!"

Upon being exposed, the duo felt a little awkward. Smiling faintly, Su shi and Ling shi glanced at one another before taking a seat.

"It's not a problem!"

Putting down the teapot, Zhang Xuan lifted his head and glanced at them.

Only then did the duo clearly see his appearance. Yang shi was in his forties, and he had a dashing appearance.

Su shi and Ling shi immediately tried to match his looks to the descriptions of the master teachers they had heard of, but at this moment, they suddenly saw the other party's clear eyes.

Looking into those eyes, Su shi and Ling shi's breathing immediately hastened. Their eyes widened, and they nearly dropped the teacup in their hands onto the floor.

"This is..."

"Eye of Insight!"

Small strings of Insight Energy flowed within those wise and deep eyes, making the person before them an unfathomable existence.

With just a single look, a name immediately appeared in their minds...

Eye of Insight!

This was an ability that only 6-star master teachers could comprehend. It was said that those who possessed this could peer into the essence of the world with a single look...

They thought that it was only a legend, but to think that it would be true!

And for it to appear on the person before them at that!

"Could it be that..."

The lips of the duo quivered.

Could this Yang shi be a 6-star master teacher, or even higher than that?

The very thought of it vanquished their displeasure from being disregarded by the other party.

Putting aside the knowledge and rallying ability of a 6-star master teacher, with his cultivation itself, he would be more than capable of destroying the entire Myriad Kingdom Alliance!

Even if an expert of his caliber were to humiliate them, they wouldn't dare to utter a single word of complaint!

This was the strength and rank of a 6-star master teacher!

The disparity between each rank grew larger the higher up the ladder of a master teacher. Especially after 5-star, the difference between each rank was like heaven and earth.

A 2-star master teacher might be hard-pressed to defeat ten 1-star master teachers, but it was a walk in the park for a 6-star master teacher to subdue a hundred 5-star master teachers at once.


The duo's hearts jolted. Fortunately, the Insight Energy flowing within Yang shi's eyes disappeared after a short moment, and he reverted back to his original state. Gazing at the duo impassively, Yang shi said, "Su shi and Ling shi, may I know the reason for your visit?"

"Ah..." Su shi was dumbstruck.

Initially, they thought that Yang shi would be around their caliber, and their highest estimate was 4-star pinnacle or 5-star. If so, they could still interact and trade some insights. Who could have thought that... the other party would display the Eye of Insight which only 6-star master teachers could comprehend?

They could still trade insights with those around the same level as them, but with this kind of expert... How in the world should they trade insights with him? It would be more like seeking guidance!

But given how they abruptly visited the other party, if they were to say that they were here to seek guidance, that would be a huge breach of etiquette!

"Actually, we asked a favor of Zhang shi. May I know if he has discussed the matter with Yang shi yet?" Ling shi reacted swiftly, and he hurriedly replied.

"That's right! We're here for this matter!" Su shi nodded vigorously.

"Is it about the matter of the Master Teacher Tournament?" Zhang Xuan frowned.

He was perplexed by why these two experts were so intent to find 'Yang shi', but to think that it would be for this matter.

Back then, when the other party told him to discuss this matter with his 'teacher', it seemed like they really meant that they said.

"Yes. Despite being under twenty, Zhang shi possesses outstanding talents. If he were to join, he'll surely be able to make a name for himself..." Su shi hurriedly explained. However, before he could finish his words, a cold harrumph echoed in the hall.

"Does my student need a tournament to prove himself?"

Yang shi gestured haughtily, "You must be joking!"


Su shi and Ling shi shuddered, and their faces paled simultaneously.




Chapter 403: Unfathomable Yang shi (2)

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: Millman97

This person before them could potentially be a master teacher beyond 6-star. At the same time, his student, Zhang Xuan, was a person who was capable of breaking the records of the guild simultaneously. If he truly wished to make a name for himself, there was no need for him to join any tournament or what. In fact, just by saying that he was Yang shi's student, he was already able to incur the envy of countless geniuses in the world.

"Yang shi, I have misspoken! Pardon me," Su shi hurriedly apologized.


Zhang Xuan waved his hands casually. "If this is the reason why you all are here, you all can leave now. The decision in Zhang Xuan's hands! I am only his teacher, I'm not his nanny. I don't interfere in all of his affairs."

"We were rash..."

Upon hearing the other party's intent to chase them out, Su shi and Ling shi hurriedly stood up, but they didn't leave immediately. Instead, a hesitant look appeared on their face, and Su shi gritted his teeth and asked, "Actually, I have met with some doubts in my cultivation, and I would like to ask for Yang shi's guidance."

This was a master teacher who was likely to exceed 6-star! He might not necessarily meet another one in his entire life. Since he met with one, if he didn't ask any questions, he would surely regret it for the rest of his life.

"What doubts do you have?"

Zhang Xuan clenched his fists tightly, but he put on a nonchalant expression.

This was what he feared the most disguising as a higher ranked master teacher. As a master teacher, he had a duty to enlighten his juniors. While he could refuse the other party, it could potentially raise doubts on his character, or even worse, his identity.

Seeing that the other party didn't reject them outright, Su shi heaved a sigh of relief. A hint of delight flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly replied, "The cultivation technique that I am cultivating now is Miniature Solar Art, and every time I drive it to the seventh circulation I feel as though my body is being torn apart, and I'm unable to continue on. This matter has been plaguing me for a while, and I've been unable to find a solution to it!"

"Miniature Solar Art?" Zhang Xuan's face darkened.

He had assimilated the knowledge of the books in Tianwu Royal City into his head, but this name didn't ring a bell at all. He had no idea what the sixth or seventh circulation the other party was talking about was at all

"Show me!"

Even though Zhang Xuan felt a little stifled within, he had experienced this kind of stuff numerous times, so he didn't panic at all. Instead, he slowly sipped on his tea before raising his gaze to ask. His movements were composed and refined.

"Yes!" Su shi nodded.

To offer the most accurate guidance, one had to see the situation for themselves first.

Su shi moved to the center of the room and sat down cross-legged. Then, his hands moved in a circular motion, and spiritual energy started to concentrate in the center.


The speed at which spiritual energy was being absorbed was so swift that a deafening sonic boom sounded.


Seeing the speed at which the other party was pulling in spiritual energy at, Zhang Xuan's eyelids twitched.

As expected of a 4-star master teacher, his means were indeed exceptional.


Given that the other party was operating his cultivation technique, a book immediately appeared in the Library of Heaven's Path.

Zhang Xuan quickly flipped through it.

"Su Fan, 4-star primary master teacher, Transcendent Mortal cultivator, an elder of the Myriad Kingdom Alliance's Master Teacher Pavilion. Cultivation technique: Miniature Solar Art. Flaws: ..."

Su Fan's information was recorded in detail in the book.

After using the golden page and assimilating the knowledge in all of the books of the Library of Heaven's Path into his head, Zhang Xuan already knew that beyond the Fighter 9 dans was [Transcendent Mortal].

The Fighter 9 dans was actually a stage to bring the strength of a mortal to the very limits. From there on, one would surpass his mortality to reach higher realms.

Just like the Fighter 9 dans, the Transcendent Mortal realm also had 9 dans. However, as Tianwu Kingdom didn't have access to books of that level, there wasn't any detail description on it.

However, given that the person before him was a Transcendent Mortal expert, regardless of whether it was his physical body, spirit, or level of existence, he had already surpassed that of Zhizun realm to reach the heights unattainable by mortals.

It was just like the gap between a Phantom weapon and a Spirit weapon.

Their level of existence was completely different from one another.

After reading through the flaws written in the book, a bizarre look flashed on Zhang Xuan's face.


The moment Su shi started cultivating, Ling shi hurriedly turned his gaze onto Yang shi.

As an old buddy of the former, Ling shi knew about this problem as well. He searched through countless books and even asked a higher tiered guild through the Communication Wall about the matter. However, no one had been able to answer this question.

Since Su shi had brought up this problem, Ling shi was curious to see how Yang shi would deal with this situation.

Given that the other party was likely to be a master teacher ranked beyond 6-star, seeing how he dealt with problems and learning from him might prove to be helpful to him for his advancement in the occupation.

Thus, he focused his all of his attention on Yang shi, intent on catching every single action of his.

However, after taking a brief look, a deep crease furrowed on his forehead, and doubts sprouted in his mind.

It was normal for master teachers to ask of the other party to display their cultivation technique or battle technique and observe it intently so as to determine the problems within them. However... Yang shi closed his eyes right after catching a glimpse, and fell motionless. What in the world was he up to?

Don't you have the Eye of Insight?

Shouldn't you use this ability to determine the faults in his cultivation?

Why aren't you using it?

On top of that, the faults in cultivation techniques tend to be deeper than battle techniques. You should at least observe it for a while longer and even ask him some questions about the matter before making a decision!

To do nothing at all, and close your eyes as though you are sleeping... What kind of diagnosis method is that?

Ling shi was baffled.

Master teachers were similar to physicians in several ways. One had to observe carefully to determine the crux of a problem before dealing with it at the very root.

As a 4-star master teacher, Ling shi knew more than ten thousand diagnosis methods, but none of it consisted of a momentary glimpse before closing one's eyes and falling into a daze...

"It can't be that... even he can't solve it?"

A thought appeared in Ling shi's mind.

Given how the other party possessed the Eye of Insight, he bore no doubts toward the other party's identity. However, he couldn't bear to see his good buddy to be disappointed once more.

"Alright, it's enough!"

At this moment, Yang shi finally opened his eyes and said. There wasn't a single emotion that could be seen on his face.


Calming down his cultivation, Su shi stared at Yang shi hopefully.

"Yang shi... Is there a solution?" Ling shi asked carefully.

Given how the other party closed his eyes right after catching a glimpse... He didn't think it was likely, but that couldn't stop him from hoping.


Zhang Xuan shook his head. "There's no problem with his cultivation. The Miniature Solar Art is also very compatible with his physique!"


The duo was stunned.

If there was nothing wrong with his cultivation, and his cultivation technique was compatible with him as well, then why would he be unable to continue upon coming to the seventh circulation?

"You wish to reach the eighth circulation?"

Seeing the duo fall silent, Zhang Xuan gazed at Su shi and asked.

"Yes! I've been stuck at the seventh circulation for more than five years already, but I'm still unable to find the method to achieve a breakthrough..." Su shi hurriedly nodded his head.

The cultivation technique that he practiced, the Miniature Solar Art, was a Spirit cultivation technique. It had been more than fifty years since he started cultivating the technique, and he had endured intense heat and frigid chill innumerable times to master it. He thought that he could try for the ninth circulation, the highest realm of the technique, at a single go to achieve a breakthrough in his cultivation...

But he couldn't have imagined that he would be stuck at the seventh circulation.

For five consecutive years, his cultivation had stagnated. He had asked countless master teachers about this matter, and numerous elders of the guild even sat together to inspect this matter. However, none of them was able to determine the root of the problem.

"If you wish to reach eighth circulation, then listen to my instructions. Don't try to retaliate and don't harbor any doubts!"

Zhang Xuan stood up and slowly walked toward Su shi with his hands behind his back.

"Alright!" Su shi agreed without any hesitation.

The person before him was an expert who groomed a Celestial Master Teacher. Since the other party was willing to help him, this was an extremely good opportunity for him.

"Alright. Start cultivating once more. I'll use a special method for you to pass the seventh circulation, but before that, you have to close your eyes. No matter what happens, just focus all of your attention on driving your cultivation technique!" Zhang Xuan said gravely.


Still seated cross-legged on the floor, Su shi took a deep breath and started to cultivate once more.

"You can't sit, you have to cultivate in the horse stance!" Zhang Xuan instructed.

"Cultivate in the horse stance?"

Su shi was taken aback, but he nodded his head without much hesitation.

At his level, he was more than capable of multitasking. Putting aside cultivating while in a horse stance, he could even cultivate while executing a battle technique.

"Alright, I'll begin then!"

Thus, Su shi took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Gu gu gu gu!

The spiritual energy from the air began to be pulled into his body once more.

The Miniature Solar Art induced concentrated yang energy to be infused into one's zhenqi, thus granting one strength far greater than those of the same cultivation realm.

This was precisely the reason why, even though Su shi and Ling shi were both 4-star primary master teachers, the former possessed a much higher standing.

Su shi reached a state of imperturbability as soon as he began. Satisfied, Zhang Xuan nodded. He circled around the other party before turning over to Ling shi.

"Do you wish to help him?"

Ling shi was taken aback. "How can I help him?"

Shouldn't your guidance be the key to his breakthrough? I have a play in this matter as well?

"Just listen to my commands!" Zhang Xuan said.

"Yes!" Ling shi agreed.

The other party's action of closing his eyes after a glimpse had already left him doubtful. Yet, at this moment, the other party was asking him to help him in this matter. Ling shi's curiosity was piqued.

He wanted to see what kind of method the other party would use to help Ling shi to reach the eighth circulation, and what kind of role he would play in the matter.

"Hold on for a moment!"

After hearing Ling shi agree to the matter, Zhang Xuan stood silently on the spot, staring intently at Su shi impassively.

Gu gu gu!

Along with Su shi's cultivation, his aura gradually grew stronger and stronger, as though a dragon awakening from his slumber.

"Fourth circulation... Fifth circulation... Sixth circulation!"

Feeling the aura on the other party slowly growing more and more powerful, Ling shi's expression turned graver and graver.

The two of them were close buddies, and Su shi had cultivated the Miniature Solar Art before Ling shi on numerous occasion, so he was well aware of the details of his cultivation technique, as well as when the problem would occur.


The sixth circulation came to an end, and as soon as the seventh circulation began, 'jiya!', a crisp sound echoed from Su shi's bones, and it sounded as though something had broken. Then, his flesh started to tear apart, and blood spilled out from the lacerations.

In the blink of an eye, the scholarly-looking Su shi suddenly became a demon that crawled out from hell.

"Yang shi, Su shi... might be unable to hold on any longer..."

Upon seeing the state of his old buddy, anxiety showed on Ling shi's face.

Based on his understanding, this was the limit of the other party. Any further than that might cause severe injuries to him.

It was precisely because of his body being unable to withstand the cultivation technique that the cultivation of his old buddy had remained stagnant for the past five years. This was also why he was intent on visiting Yang shi after hearing about his incredible feats.

"Un! Let's begin now, come over here!"

Nodding, Zhang Xuan beckoned Ling shi over.


Ling shi hurriedly rushed over.

"You just have to do this..."

Zhang Xuan sent him a telepathic message, explaining his 'secret technique' to him clearly.

"This... this..."

Upon hearing Yang shi's 'secret technique', the edges of Ling shi's mouth twitched, and his entire body froze on the spot. He was already on the verge of tears.

What the heck was this solution? Are you trying to kill him through my hands?

"Will it... really work?"




Chapter 404: Unfathomable Yang shi (3)

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: Millman97

"It's worth a try!"

After which, Zhang Xuan walked back to his seat and sat down calmly. Then, he poured himself a cup of tea and silently sipped on it.

"Try?" Ling shi spewed blood.

The method you brought up is obviously a murder attempt! I thought that you are confident in this matter. To think that it would only be a... 'try'!

What if it doesn't succeed? Won't Su shi die for real?

I will have to bear the crime of killing a comrade if that happens!

"Yang shi... Is there any other possible solution?" Ling shi asked, hesitant to use Zhang Xuan's method.

Zhang Xuan couldn't be bothered to answer Ling shi's question. He sat quietly on the spot, not even sparing the latter a glance.

Upon seeing his attitude, Ling shi knew that it was impossible to pry anything out of his mouth even if there was another solution. Thus, he turned his gaze to Su shi hesitantly.

What the hell was this! The one who was afflicted with the problem was Su shi, and the one who wanted to pass the seventh circulation was him as well, then why was the one who was in dilemma him...

"How is it? Hurry up! I can't hang on any longer..."

While Ling shi was still conflicted, Su shi bellowed with a savage expression.

He had already held onto the seventh circulation for quite a period of time now. If nothing was done, he would surely be severely injured once more, and this attempt would end in failure.

In the past, that was the case as well. Every time he tried to cultivate this technique, he would have to rest for at least a month.

Honestly speaking, Su shi felt stifled as well. What was wrong with this old buddy of his?

Since Yang shi had already told him the solution to the problem, he should hurry up. What was he hesitating for? Did he want to see him fail this attempt and be stuck in bed for another month?

"Alright then!"

Hearing the other party's urging, Ling shi gritted his teeth and walked over. Then, with a look of pity, he said, "Su shi, I'm sorry!"


Su shi was taken aback.

Using the 'secret technique' to help me pass the seventh circulation is helping me, so what do you mean by 'sorry'?

Before Su shi could make sense of the situation, he suddenly felt a strong shock wave from beneath his crotch.


Just the immense shock wave he felt caused Su shi's soul to almost leave his body in fright.

If the attack were to strike him, he would surely be crippled! There was no doubt about it!

Even though he was already old and it wasn't of any use already, it was still a part of his body. What in the world are you trying to do...

"Don't move!"

Just as Su shi was about to twist and avoid the attack, Yang shi's stern voice echoed. The slight moment of hesitation sealed his fate. Ling shi's leg flew swiftly upward.


Su shi's face immediately distorted. His vision darkened, and an intense pain struck his entire body from his crotch, causing him to almost faint on the spot.

Ling Yuheng, you'd better remember this...

Howling furiously in his heart, he was just about to tear the person before him apart when a giant palm struck his head.

After seeing that he was still alive after having his crotch struck, the other party wanted to finish him off with a slap?


Su shi burst into tears.

Didn't Yang shi get you to use that 'secret technique' he taught you? Why are you beating me up instead?

You don't think that crippling me is enough, so you wish to claim my life as well?

Stifled, Su shi tried to avoid the attack but to no avail.

In terms of strength, the two of them were on par. Even if Su shi could defeat Ling shi, it would at least take a thousand blows. Now that his crotch had been struck, and unimaginable pain was coursing through his body, how could he possibly be in the condition to avoid the other party's attack?

Furthermore, the other party used his zhenqi to seal his surroundings, causing him to be unable to move at all. Before he could struggle free, the other party's palm had already struck his head.


His vision turned dark, and he spurted a mouthful of blood.

But all of a sudden, Su shi felt a powerful strength gushing from his dantian, and unable to hold himself back anymore, he roared furiously.


A powerful shock wave immediately gushed forth from him, and cracks swiftly spread across the floor tiles as though a spider web. At the same moment, the tables and chairs in the vicinity was reduced to dust.


As though having eaten some nutritious tonic, his zhenqi, which had stopped moving, suddenly formed a torrent, and having broken through the countless shackles from before, it performed another circulation in his body.

The eighth circulation!

"I suc-succeeded?"

Recovering from his pain, Su shi sensed the raging and seemingly endless zhenqi flowing through his body, and he froze for a moment before frenzied delight grasped him.

Never in his dreams did he expect to break through the obstruction which had hindered him for five years just like that...

"It worked?"

Ling shi thought that his friendship with the other party would have come to an end after he crippled him and struck him on his face. He didn't expect the other party's aura to suddenly surge, allowing him to break through his bottleneck at the seventh circulation.

He hurriedly turned to look at Yang shi. As though knowing that this would happen, the other party was still drinking his tea calmly, not paying any heed to the situation here.

"This is a problem which even the pavilion master and a 5-star master teacher couldn't solve. Yet, with a single kick and slap..."

Ling shi's eyes opened wide, and his body trembled slightly.

He knew that it was impossible for Yang shi to be simple, given how he was able to groom a student of Zhang Xuan's caliber, but... he didn't think that he would be so impressive!

With a single glance, the other party had already found the root of the problem, as well as the solution to it. On top of that, he didn't even use his Eye of Insight at all. Yang shi's capability was already beyond his imagination.

"Just that... isn't the solution... a little way too ridiculous..."

After recovering from his shock, Ling shi's first reaction was speechlessness.

When other master teachers guided someone, they would often alter their cultivation technique, point out the errors in their cultivation, recommend them some effective pills, or something along those lines. Yet, this fellow's guidance was actually a kick and a slap...

It was simple, but...

Upon recalling the kick just now, Ling shi's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Even if the other party wasn't crippled, he would have to at least recuperate for two years before being able to use it once more.

"Yang shi, thank you for helping me achieve a breakthrough..."

At this moment, Su shi had finally finished his cultivation, and his aura felt significantly stronger than before. Excited, he hurriedly clasped his hand to thank Yang shi.

Having reached the eighth circulation, his cultivation rose significantly as well, even though it was still slightly unstable as he hadn't reinforced yet it. But in any case, he had managed to take a step forward after five years of stagnation.

Just that... the price was a little way too high!

The excruciating pain left his legs shaking non-stop, and cold sweat trickled down his forehead profusely. If not in consideration for his image, he would have definitely bent down and scrunched in a C shape.


Putting down his teacup, Zhang Xuan stood up and gazed at the duo calmly, "Do you all understand the reason behind this?"

"Yang shi, please enlighten us!" The duo gazed at one another before bowing toward Yang shi.

It was unfathomable how a single kick and a slap could work such miracles.

Even though they had seen the sight for themselves, they still couldn't help but find it inconceivable.

Seeing the incomprehension in their eyes, Zhang Xuan shook his head and turned to Su shi.

"The technique you cultivate is Miniature Solar Art, and your physical constitution also possesses overwhelming yang energy. Without a doubt, this cultivation technique complements you very well! Rationally speaking, it shouldn't be a problem for you to reach the eighth circulation. However..."

With a deep gaze with slight traces of regret within, Zhang Xuan continued, "Time trickles on like a relentless river. As you age, your physical function slowly deteriorates, and the yang energy within your body is already unable to keep up with your cultivation technique! If I'm not wrong, you don't have much of an interest in the opposite gender now, right?"


Su shi felt a little awkward.

As he aged and his physical functions deteriorate, his interest toward the opposite gender slowly died down.

However, this was his secret. After having such a matter pointed out by the other party, his face immediately flushed in embarrassment.

What men feared was having their impotency pointed out.

"Since even the opposite gender is unable to attract you, it goes to show that the decline of your yang energy has already reached a severe state. Without sufficient yang energy to sustain your cultivation technique, no matter how formidable you are, you won't be able to drive it as easily as you used to."

Disregarding the other party's embarrassment, Zhang Xuan continued explaining, "The crotch isn't just the symbol of one's masculinity, it's also the origin of yang energy in a man. As such, when Ling shi struck on it with his might, the yang energy accumulated within immediately gushed out, granting you with a further drive for your cultivation technique.

"But of course, this didn't necessarily guarantee that you can exceed the seventh circulation. Just in case, I had him strike your head as well.

"The head is where the yang energy gathers at! After the origin has been struck, the dissipated yang energy would gather at your head. Thus, when Ling shi struck your head, you immediately broke through your bottleneck, reaching the eighth circulation!"

Chuckling lightly, Zhang Xuan stood up with his hands behind his back. The shadow behind him extended far, making him look incomparably large and powerful.


The duo was shocked.

The other party had put it simply, but as master teachers, they knew how difficult the matter was.

While it was true that the crotch was the birth of yang energy, it was also the weakest spot of a man. On top of that, the head was an even more vital region. To strike the both of them consecutively...

If there was the slightest error in the other party's conjecture, Su shi would have died!

To have such grasp over Su shi's illness, was this person before them... still a human?

"Incredible! Yang shi is truly incredible..."

Glancing at one another, the same though appeared in the duo at once.

To be able to identify his problem with a single glance accurately and accurately determining the amount of strength Ling shi should put into his attack in just this short period of time... There was no one that they knew who was capable of such a feat!

To think that they thought that Yang shi would be of equal standing as them! In the end, there wasn't any basis of comparison between them at all, they were at completely different levels!

As expected of the master teacher who had comprehended Eye of Insight, fearsome!

"You should hurry up and condition yourself. Your injuries are also quite severe this time around."

Seeing the expression of the duo, Zhang Xuan knew that he had managed to hoodwink the duo, and he inwardly heaved a sigh of relief. At the same time, he looked at Su shi in sympathy.

If Zhang Xuan made a move himself, he could use Heaven's Path zhenqi to stimulate the other party's acupoints to release the accumulated yang energy. This would produce the similar effect of breaking through the seventh circulation as well.

However, the other party would surely be able to see through the uniqueness of his Heaven's Path zhenqi, as well as his cultivation. If so, he would give himself in. Thus, after much contemplation, he decided to go with this.

However, this was indeed a little too violent...

Even Zhang Xuan couldn't help but feel a chill at his crotch upon seeing the sight.


Upon hearing those words, Su shi heaved a sigh of relief. Putting everything aside, he immediately sat down and drove his cultivation, warding off the excruciating pain he was suffering from the two violent blows.

"Yang shi, Su shi has managed to reach the eighth circulation this time, but... if he wants to try for the ninth circulation, what should he do?"

At this moment, Ling shi couldn't help but ask.

Only after reaching the highest level, the ninth circulation, could Su shi attempt to reach for higher realms. Given how difficult it was for him to reach the eighth circulation already, what should he do to reach the ninth circulation?

"Simple! Just use the same method. If a single kick doesn't work, then kick another time. If it still doesn't work, then kick it ten more times... Eventually, sufficient yang energy should be stimulated for his breakthrough!" Zhang Xuan replied calmly.

"Ten times?"

Ling shi's sweat immediately flowed down profusely.

At the same time, Su shi's body trembled upon hearing those words, and his cultivation nearly went berserk.

The heck...

If only that I knew this would happen, I shouldn't have picked up this cultivation technique!


While the two master teachers were on the verge of a breakdown, not too far away, in the Lin Residence, a giant savage beast flew straight over. Hu! It landed at the center of the courtyard, and two men and a lady alighted from its back.




Chapter 405: The Formidable Sun Qiang

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: Millman97

"This is the Lin Clan Residence?

As the number one clan in Tianwu Kingdom, even if it was late at night, the Lin Clan Residence should have been bustling with guests.

However, the empty courtyard was wrecked, and there wasn't a single guard or servant to be seen.

It was completely different from how she remembered it.

"Liu Cheng, I'm going to kill you..."

Princess Consort Lin Long's beautiful eyes widened in rage, and her black hair drifted slightly despite the absence of wind. Her furious howl reverberated within the residence.

When she received the news back then, the person named Liu Cheng was in the midst of dealing with the Lin Clan Residence. Without a doubt, that fellow must be the culprit!

"Hurry up and look around to find my father and my little brother. If anything happens to them, I want the entire Tianwu Kingdom to be buried along with them!"

Her silver teeth clenched tightly in resentment, and deep killing intent flashed in her eyes.

How dare a Tier 1 Kingdom, a trash-like existence whom wasn't worthy of her consideration, lay its hands on her Lin Clan? It was courting death!

To dare assault the Lin Clan, that Liu Cheng had to die!

And for the Tianwu royal family to know of the matter but stay idle, it must pay the price as well!

"Yes!" The two men behind her immediately darted away.

Eastern Palace Commander Liang Qingming possessed the strength of a Zhizun realm advanced stage, while Beast Tamer Zhou Jin, who tagged along with the two of them, had reached Zhizun realm primary stage.

The two Zhizun realm experts moved swiftly, and before long, they reported back to the princess consort.

"Your Highness, Clan Head Lin and Young Master Lin are over there!"

Upon hearing that her father and younger brother weren't dead yet, Lin Long heaved a sigh of relief. She hurried over, and entered a giant hall. With a single look, her face immediately crumbled.

The duo was alive, but they were no different from being dead.

Their cultivation had been dissipated, and there wasn't a single spot on them that was intact. Heavily injured, even if they were to be saved at this point, they were already crippled.

The younger of the duo was unconscious, and if not for his faint breathing one would have thought that he were dead.

"Long-er, you must exact vengeance for us!"

Upon seeing her walk over, Lin Ruotian immediately rushed over, as though meeting his savior.

Back then, even though Lu Chong didn't kill him, he had Hall Master Liao plant at least seven lethal poison all over his body, causing him to be in agony at every single moment.

On top of that, the Lin Clan's fall from grace caused all of their past enemies to come knocking. The torture and humiliation he'd suffered made him tempted to commit suicide.

If not for a tenacious drive pushing him on to wait for her daughter and have her exact vengeance for him, he would have already given in.

"What happened?"

Lin Long hurriedly fed the other party a recovery pill before asking.

"It's... Liu Cheng! No, to be precise, it's 2-star Master Teacher Zhang Xuan! His student is that bastard who fled from the Qu Clan two years ago..."

After consuming the pill, Lin Ruotian recovered some of his stamina. Gritting his teeth, he started recounting the matter.

But of course, all he talked about was how he was insulted and humiliated by the other party. As for the cause of the matter, as well as the destruction of the Qu Clan, he didn't bother to fill the other party in on the details. But in any case, it was unlikely that the other party would care either.

"Zhang Xuan?"

Lin Long narrowed her eyes and bellowed, "Commander Liang, head to the Master Teacher Pavilion at this moment and capture Zhang Xuan! I want him to pay the price and let everyone know that only death awaits those who dares to offend our Lin Clan!"

"Your Highness, please reconsider your orders. This Zhang Xuan is a 2-star master teacher, and a genius at that. He's likely to be a target of protection of the Master Teacher Pavilion..."

Frowning, Liang Qingming tried to persuade the other party.

A 2-star primary master teacher didn't mean much to Xuanyuan Kingdom.

However, killing a master teacher publicly might result in a backlash. Even Xuanyuan Kingdom couldn't afford to incur the wrath of the Master Teacher Pavilion.

"He destroyed my family and killed my kin. So what if he has the backing of the Master Teacher Pavilion? Can a master teacher act unreasonably just because he has backing? Besides, the Xuanyuan Kingdom Master Teacher Pavilion's Pavilion Master Luo is a close friend of the crown prince. As long as we explain the situation to him, he should overlook the matter!"

Lin Long's eyes reddened in fury.

The pavilion master of Xuanyuan Kingdom's Master Teacher Pavilion was Luo Qianhong. With his backing, Lin Long had very little worry. After all, it wasn't beneficial for him to turn against the future emperor over such a minor character.

"Yes!" Seeing the other party's insistence, Liang Qingming could only obey her orders. Nodding, he was just about to leave when another voice sounded.

"Wait a moment, I want to go with you. I want to see how this fellow is torn apart..."

The savagery on the emaciated face of Lin Ruotian created an extremely eerie sight, as though a demon who had climbed out of hell.

"Alright, let's go together!"

Seeing her father's state, Lin Long immediately agreed to the matter.

Thus, the group climbed onto the Gold-scaled Lightning Beast and darted into the skies.

"I've been keeping tabs on that scoundrel. He isn't in the Master Teacher Pavilion now, but in a residence not too far away!" Lin Ruotian said.

Knowing that his daughter would rush in as soon as she could to exact vengeance, he had the final loyal servants of the Lin Clan keep an eye on Zhang Xuan... Instead of escaping, the other party had been holing himself in his residence.


Given the speed of the Gold-scaled Lightning Beast, it only took a few moments for it to reach the skies above the residence.

"Commander Liang, I hope that you can capture him alive. I want to torture him slowly to his death..."

With a face distorted in savagery, madness shone on Lin Ruotian's face.

As the father of the princess consort of Xuanyuan Kingdom, he knew some of the important figures around the crown prince, and Liang Qingming was one of them.

Based on what he knew, the other party possessed a strength of Zhizun realm advanced stage!

With such strength, he could wipe out the entire Tianwu Kingdom easily!

Even the guardian beast of Tianwu royal family was only at Zhizun realm primary stage. An expert of this caliber could easily crush it to death.

"Don't worry!" Liang Qingming nodded. He walked up to the head of the Gold-scaled Lightning Beast and gazed coldly at the residence below. The might of a Zhizun realm advanced stage expert immediately shrouded the entire area, and a cold voice boomed.

"Zhang Xuan, come out and die!"


His voice was infused with the zhenqi of a Zhizun expert, and the entire capital trembled before it.

"Come out and die?"

"Shit, the princess consort of the Lin Clan is here!"

"This is bad. Judging from the might from his voice itself, he's at least a Zhizun realm expert. Can Zhang shi... really stand against him?"

"Zhang shi might be strong, but he's still far from a match from Zhizun realm experts. This time, he's really in trouble..."


The voice alarmed the entire population of Tianwu Royal City, and their faces paled.

The backing of the Lin Clan was no secret. Even though there hadn't been any movement from Xuanyuan Kingdom's side the past few days, they knew that it was only the calm before the storm.

At this moment, given that fearless and mighty voice and the gigantic savage beast flying in the air, without a doubt, the other party... was here!

They were here to exact vengeance!

"Zhizun realm... advanced stage? If I'm not wrong, that must be the commander of the Crown Prince Residence, Liang Qingming!"

In the palace, Mo Tianxue also heard the voice as well. Rushing up to the highest tower, he saw the middle-aged man on top of the savage beast, and his lips quivered in fear.

As a vassal state, he still knew a little about the various powers and important figures in Xuanyuan Kingdom. Given the powerful might he shown, without a doubt, this middle-aged man had to be the Zhizun realm advanced stage commander!

"Zhizun realm advanced stage? Isn't Zhang shi in trouble then?"

Mo Yu's body swayed, and anxiety filled her.

Even though Zhang Xuan had produced miracles time and time again, there was a huge gap between Zhizun realm advanced stage and Half-Zhizun.

To think that Lin Long would actually send such a person here! How in the world could Zhang shi withstand such overwhelming strength?

"There's... nothing we can do! On top of that... it seems like Tianwu Kingdom is doomed as well..." Mo Tianxue's body shuddered.

The other party was a Zhizun realm advanced stage expert. No strategy would work when there was such a humongous disparity in strength.

Even the guardian beast was helpless in this situation.

They weren't a match at all.

"Xiao Yu, take this ring and escape swiftly. As long as you survive, even if the kingdom is destroyed, it can still be rebuilt..." Mo Tianxue hurriedly took off the storage ring from his forefinger and passed it over to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu was talented and smart. If Tianwu Kingdom were to be destroyed today, she would be the only hope to rebuilding it from ruins. No matter what, she mustn't die here.

Otherwise, Mo Tianxue wouldn't be able to face the predecessors of the Mo Clan even upon death.


Mo Yu's body trembled in agitation.

She was unwilling to abandon her father, but she knew that this was the best solution they had.

Back then, Lin Long could eradicate the entire Qu Clan over such a minor matter. Given that how the entire Lin Clan was destroyed this time around, it was highly possible that she would turn her rage to Tianwu royal family after Zhang shi dies!

It was highly possible that she would wipe out all that possessed the royal blood in vengeance.

"Alright, go. I can't go with you... If I were to leave now, there'd be a pandemonium. My fate will be one with Tianwu Kingdom!" Mo Tianxue said determinedly.

As the emperor of the kingdom, he couldn't abandon his men now.


Knowing that his death was sealed with this decision, Mo Yu's body trembled. She wanted to say something, but at that moment, an impatient voice echoed from the Zhang Xuan's residence.

"Audacious! Which idiot is causing a ruckus here? You must be tired of living! If you wish to meet the young master, go out and kneel!"


Mo Yu and Mo Tianxue were stunned.

Given the huge uproar Liang Qingming stirred, almost every single person in Tianwu Royal City was staring at this situation intently. Upon hearing those words, they were dumbstruck, and they nearly spurted blood.

This was a Zhizun realm advanced stage expert from Xuanyuan Kingdom! To speak such words...

Everyone immediately hurriedly leaped to the highest location to see who was the one speaking. Perhaps, it might be a formidable figure who could save Tianwu Kingdom from this impending catastrophe. However, with a single look, they nearly keeled over.

It was a potbellied middle-aged man... Butler Sun.

In the past few days, quite a few people have come into contact with this fellow, so many knew that his cultivation was only at Pigu realm pinnacle. Even in Tianwu Kingdom, he stood at the very bottom of the power pyramid...

With such weak cultivation... How did he find the guts to spout such brazen words?

For you to dare spout such words, do you know how powerful is that guy in the sky?

Mo Yu and Mo Tianxue glanced at one another, and they trembled in fear.

At Zhizun realm advanced stage, the other party could be considered as an expert of the highest tier even in Xuanyuan Kingdom. For a mere Pigu realm butler to act so arrogantly...

The heck!

This matter was already hard to resolve, and this fellow just had to anger him further.

Without a doubt, a festival of blood would soon begin in this city.


While everyone was in a frenzy, Liang Qingming nearly fell from the Gold-scaled Lightning Beast upon hearing those words.

He was a famous and respected figure even in Xuanyuan Kingdom. He thought that his bellow would send these insignificant ants from a backward kingdom trembling in fear, but to think that... there would be someone who would disregard him, even ordering him to kneel outside...

The heck!

Are you brave, or is there a screw loose in your head?

"I'll count to three. Get Zhang Xuan to scramble out here, or else, I'll destroy the entire residence and have everyone within accompany him to hell!"

Liang Qingming's face twitched furiously.