

Chapter 301: The Excited Ji Mo gongzi

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"Teacher, why are you here?"

Zheng Yang couldn't help but ask. The others also quickly turned to look over.

They had searched the entire area but didn't even see a hint of him in the city. Yet... It turned out that they were in the same inn.

Truly, one always overlooks the places closest to them.

"I just arrived at Tianwu Kingdom today. This inn is closest to the city gates, so naturally, I settled in here as well!" Zhang Xuan smiled.

This was the only decent inn near the city gates. Where else would he choose to stay if not here?

"You just arrived today? Then..." Zheng Yang pointed at Physician Bai Chan's departing figure in disbelief.

The other party was so arrogant that if he could, he would have torn down the entire heaven. Yet, after you beat him up, he acted so obediently as if he were a loyal dog. It is inconceivable for the two of you to not have known each other before that.

Furthermore, the patrol squad seemed to have left fearfully after they heard something. He had just arrived but was able to instill fear in them? What was going on?

"Perhaps my slaps were more painful than usual, so he felt intimidated!"

Zhang Xuan replied casually.

The matter regarding the Red Lotus Ridge involved the Great Herb King, Poison Hall, poison master, physician, disguiser... This wasn't a matter that could be easily explained even if he wanted to. Therefore, he decided that he might as well avoid the topic altogether.

Besides, what Bai Chan was fearful of wasn't just his connection with the Great Herb King. What he was more intimidated by was his relationship with Princess Mo Yu, so in a way, Zhang Xuan was taking advantage of another person's prestige. It wasn't anything honorable, so Zhang Xuan didn't feel compelled to explain the matter to them.

"Slaps are more painful than usual?"

Everyone became speechless.

If beating the other party up was useful, they would have long done so. There wouldn't have been a need for you to interfere at all!

If you don't want to explain, you should at least come up with a better lie! This lie of yours is way too perfunctory?

"This fellow is the same as ever..."

Huang Yu rolled her eyes.

This fellow was just like that. If he didn't want to speak, he could just say so. After all, everyone has their own secrets. However, what they found hard to accept was him lying so blatantly without any feelings of embarrassment.

"Regardless of the reason, as expected of teacher. No matter how big the problem is, you can solve it without a hitch!"

Zhao Ya and the other students' eyes burned ardently.

The issue with Physician Bai Chan had left all of them helpless, yet their teacher was able to turn the situation around the moment he appeared. More importantly, the other party listened obediently to him. As expected of their teacher, it seemed as if there was nothing in the world that was insurmountable to him.

"Senior, if I'm not wrong, your cultivation has reached Half-Zongshi, right?"

Seeing that Zhang Xuan was reluctant to remain on that topic, Liu Ling stroked his beard and asked.

Zhang Xuan possessed the Heaven's Path zhenqi, and even a Zhizun realm expert or a 2-star master teacher would be unable to tell the depth of his cultivation. However, during the battle just now, Liu Ling was able to discern Zhang Xuan's cultivation realm through the overwhelming might and aura he that displayed.

Even so, he found it hard to believe.

Although reaching Half-Zongshi wasn't as difficult as reaching Zongshi realm, it was nevertheless an extremely tall obstacle to overcome.

In Tianxuan Kingdom, there were several hundreds of Tongxuan realm pinnacle experts, but only one of them, Old Ancestor Shen Hong, was able to reach Half-Zongshi. This proved clearly how herculean the advancement to Half-Zongshi was.

It was just a while ago that Zhang Xuan was still Tongxuan realm pinnacle. Liu Ling thought that it would take at least two to three years of effort before Zhang Xuan could take the final step to reach higher realms. Yet, never in his dreams did he expect that... in just a month of absence, the other party had already achieved Half-Zongshi!


Everyone was astonished, especially Lu Xun, who became wide-eyed.

After an entire month's time, Lu Xun finally broke through to reach Tongxuan realm. He thought that he could finally be on equal footing as the other party. He wasn't expecting that... the other party would have walked even further ahead!

"Un!" Zhang Xuan replied.

"By embracing the various schools of cultivation, a Zongshi is able to create his own unique school. This is the first difficult hurdle of the Fighter 9 dans. Even though you aren't far from it at Half-Zongshi, it will be difficult for you to achieve a breakthrough without accumulating experience and reinforcing your cultivation time and time again."

Upon hearing the other party affirming his conjecture, Liu Ling nodded.

Half-Zongshi may sound as though one is extremely close to reaching the level of a Zongshi, but in reality, one has only stepped onto the jumping platform. To truly make a successful leap over is another matter.

Shen Hong, him, Zhuang shi, and Zheng shi, which of them weren't famous geniuses when they were younger?

Alas, they were stuck at this hurdle for decades, unable to make the final jump no matter how hard they tried.

If not for Yang shi, they might have been stuck at Half-Zongshi for the rest of their lives.

Thus, Liu shi knew very well that if one didn't adjust one's state of mind to cultivate properly and patiently, reaching Zongshi would be nothing but a fleeting dream.

"Yes!" Zhang Xuan knew that the other party was saying these words for his own good, so he nodded in agreement.

"You're much more talented than I am, and you are entitled to teacher's personal guidance. Thus, your breakthrough should be much smooth-sailing than mine. The reason why I said so much to you is that I hope that you won't get anxious and lose yourself. You would still be considered a genius among geniuses if you manage to reach Zongshi realm within three years." Liu Ling continued.

This senior of his had reached Half-Zongshi at such a young age, and it was unavoidable for him to feel complacent. The reason why he said so much was that he wanted to remind the other party to remain humble and persevering so as to not lose himself in pursuit for greater heights. Otherwise, he might just end up destroying himself.

"Alright, I won't obstruct the reunion between senior and your students. We'll leave to take a rest first!"

Knowing that Zhang Xuan and his students had a lot to catch up on, Liu Ling smiled, clasped his hand, and bided his farewell. Huang Yu, Lu Xun, and the others followed behind him.


After the three left, Zheng Yang and the others kneeled onto the floor in agitation.

This was especially so for Zhao Ya. She felt extremely grateful to her teacher for saving her.

If not for his timely appearance, who knows what might have happened to her by now.

"Execute a punching routine so that I can see how much you have all improved!"

Flinging his sleeves, Zhang Xuan sat down and looked at his students.

Since he was their teacher, it was his responsibility to keep a close watch on their cultivation.


The group immediately executed their punching routine.


A strong gust of wind, full of might, whipped up within the room immediately.

If it were anyone else, even if they manage to discern the cultivation realm of the five, they wouldn't be able to see where their flaws laid.

However, Zhang Xuan was different. With a jolt inside his mind, the recent flaws in their cultivation appeared in their respective books instantly.

"Not bad. All of you have improved in the past month. Nonetheless, you are still far lacking."

After browsing through the issues they met in cultivating written in each of their books, Zhang Xuan's eyebrows shot up. "Zheng Yang, the cultivation technique I gave you specifically called for you to cultivate your taiyin meridian, why are you cultivating your sancu meridian instead? Not only are you wasting your effort, you are destroying your own cultivation. If you continue to behave like this, you should just scram now. Don't waste my time!"

"Liu Yang, although your right arm has recovered, when you're training, you still have to be mindful of exerting too much strength. Do you wish to be crippled again?"

"Wang Ying..."


Very quickly, Zhang Xuan pointed out the recent cultivation flaws that his five students had and imparted them some new methods.

Even though Zhang Xuan might be unreliable when it came to other aspects, he didn't slacken at all when it came to guiding his students.

Honglong! Pipa!

In the next two hours, the five students started to achieve breakthroughs. Zheng Yang and Wang Ying first broke through Pigu realm to reach Dingli realm primary stage, and Yuan Tao followed closely behind, reaching Pigu realm pinnacle.

Of the five, the one who experienced the biggest improvement was still Zhao Ya. Initially, she had only opened two acupoints. However, after Zhang Xuan's explanation and deciphering of the Pixue realm, she opened ten acupoints consecutively in the next two hours, resulting in an exponential rise in her strength.

Having their cultivation raised significantly in such a short period of time, everyone felt both excited and astonished.

Previously, Liu shi said that if they wanted to achieve a breakthrough, they would require an impetus. Even at the fastest, it would take about half a month. However, after a session with Zhang laoshi, all of them broke through into higher realms immediately. Didn't this display clearly that Zhang laoshi's means were superior to Liu shi's?

Upon realizing this fact, they felt even greater admiration for Zhang laoshi.

"Alright, I'll be taking the master teacher examination tomorrow, so we'll stop here for today! Have a good rest!"

Zhang Xuan instructed.

After this incident with Zhao Ya, he realized that there was an urgent need for him raise his status. This fueled his determination to pass the master teacher examination.


"I have urgent matters to report to Ji Mo gongzi!"

At the Ji Clan, one of the Three Great Clans of Tianwu Kingdom, a figure could be seen in an urgent rush to the doorstep.

If Zhang Xuan were here, he would surely have been able to recognize the person as the leader of the group whom he pummeled outside the city previously.

This leader was still wounded throughout his body. However, after undergoing treatment, his situation had alleviated greatly, and at the very least, he was able to move around without help.

"How is it? Have you succeeded yet?"


The doors opened. Upon seeing the other party's face, Ji Mo gongzi's face lit up.

"Reporting to gongzi, even though we are severely injured, we have managed to accomplish the task you asked of us!" The leader kneeled onto the floor.

"Un, not bad, not bad!"

An excited gleam flashed across Ji Mo gongzi's eyes.

That lad had caused him to lose his entire dignity, and he wouldn't be able to vent his anger if he didn't teach him a good lesson.

"Take out the Record Crystal, I want to take a look!" Stretching his palm forward, Ji Mo gongzi asked expectantly.

Weren't you full of arrogance?

Producing paintings of the third level, fourth level, and fifth level as if they are circus acts... So what if you're a 3-star painter? Let's see if you can remain as haughty now that we hung you nude on a tree.

"Reporting to young master, the Record Crystal was ruined in the middle of the battle!" The leader answered in embarrassment.


"Yes. However, we have hung that lad on a tree outside the city, and the other brothers are currently guarding him. Young master, why don't you follow me there to mock him in his face? This way, you will be able to vent your anger better!"

The leader replied.

"That's a good idea. Ridiculing him right in his face is what I like best!"

Chuckling, an evil gleam flickered across Ji Mo gongzi's gaze.

It felt that it would be a great pity if he didn't personally view and mock that arrogant fellow who had been hung naked on a tree.

"Let's go!" Ji Mo gongzi was ready to go right after putting on his robe.

"Gongzi. No matter what, the person we have offended is a 3-star painter. Even if we were to record his sorry state with a Record Crystal in order to blackmail him and that the other party does not dare to do anything to us, if any of those elders in the residence find out about this, you won't be able to avoid a lashing. In my view... Why don't you put on a black suit and sneak out? This way, we won't alarm anyone, thus preventing the news from leaking out and avoiding unnecessary trouble."

Seeing that Ji Mo gongzi was about to walk out openly through the main door, the leader immediately advised him otherwise.

"You're right. Not bad, seems like you have given the matter some thought. I'll deal with those old fellows sooner or later. Once I become a 2-star painter and inherit the position of the clan leader, I'll definitely teach them a lesson!"

Ji Mo gongzi nodded his head in satisfaction.

Did you see that? This is what a loyal subordinate should be like, keeping the welfare of his owner at heart.

I am probably the only person who is sufficiently charismatic such that my subordinates give their all in order to accomplish my tasks.

Thinking of this, he felt exhilarated.




Chapter 302: Paying Respect to Zhang laoshi [2in1]

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"I shall reward you handsomely, in view of your loyalty, when we return!"

Giving the leader a compliment, Ji Mo gongzi changed into a black suit and followed behind the other party to an isolated corner of the residence before secretly flipping over the wall.

They proceeded carefully and they successfully managed to avoid alarming anyone.

Soon, they arrived at the forest beyond the city.

"Young master, this is the place..."

The leader pointed forward with a finger.


Upon hearing that the person who embarrassed him was inside, Ji Mo gongzi proceeded in, his body shaking with excitement.

"Where is the person?"

Walking into the forest, Ji Mo scanned the surroundings, but it was completely empty. He was feeling perplexed when the sight before him turned dark all of a sudden. A gunny sack had been pulled over his head.

"What are you doing..."

Feeling shocked, Ji Mo was about to struggle, but he felt a sudden and excruciating pain on his face. Fists, sticks, and stones came raining down on him.

Pi li pa la!

The sounds of fists and legs sinking into his flesh filled the air, and before Ji Mo gongzi could react, he was already knocked onto the ground. Innumerable bones throughout his entire body had been fractured.


Ji Mo gongzi wailed through lips that had swollen to look like sausages. Until now, he had yet to comprehend the situation.

Isn't the purpose of the trip here to watch Zhang Xuan getting humiliated? Why am I getting beaten up now?

It seemed as though an eternity had passed before the torrential blows on his body came to a stop. The gunny sack was torn apart, and his clothes were taken off his body.

Then, he felt an ache on his hands. When he finally recovered, he was already hanging on a tree. A chilly night breeze blew across his bare body.

"What are all of you up to?"

At this moment, Ji Mo finally saw the faces of the group who bashed him up.

They were the five subordinates whom he sent after Zhang Xuan.

"Gongzi, we don't have a choice either. Why did you have to offend someone you shouldn't have offended? You even had to implicate us..."

As the leader spoke, he infused zhenqi into a Record Crystal, recording the sight before him.

"You... Puuuu!"

Realizing that his naked body was getting recorded, Ji Mo gongzi felt embarrassed and infuriated, and he spurted a mouthful of blood.

What the heck is this...

Aren't these people my subordinates? When did they betray and become the other party's lackeys?

It wasn't easy for me to devise this plan, a plan where the other party has no choice but to suffer in silence. Yet... To think that it would be executed on me instead!

It was laughable that he had felt impressed with his subordinate's loyalty... They were indeed loyal, just not to him...

"All along, I thought that he would be big and strong since he was able to attract the attention of so many beauties. To think that it would be that small!"

"You're right, it's really small. It's my first time seeing one of that size..."

"Me too. It is such an eye-opener!"


Just as his frustration was bubbling within, he heard the discussion that went on in the group below him.

The hell! You're the one who has a small one, your entire family has small ones...


Greatly infuriated, Ji Mo gongzi couldn't hold himself back, and he sprayed another mouthful of fresh blood. Then, he fainted.


It was a silent night.

When Zhang Xuan finally woke up from his sleep, his fatigue from the journey had disappeared completely. As he stepped out from his room, he saw Liu Ling and the others standing right outside his doors, looking at him as if he were a monster.

"You... simply gave them a few pointers and they achieved breakthroughs?"

Pointing to Zheng Yang, Zhao Ya, and the others, Liu shi asked in disbelief.

When he woke up early in the morning and saw the leap in the group's cultivation, he was so shocked that his teeth nearly fell onto the floor.

For all of them to achieve breakthroughs with just a brief of guidance...

Isn't it way too easy to achieve breakthroughs!

All along, Liu shi thought that even though his senior had a unique and impressive way in guiding his students, his senior was inferior to him, especially since that he wasn't yet a master teacher. Only after witnessing this situation did he understand...

That there was indeed a gap between the two of them, but it was the other party who was way ahead of him...

"Ah, that's right!" Zhang Xuan nodded. "It isn't anything much. Let's go to the Master Teacher Pavilion!"

Upon hearing these words, the group staggered on their feet.

Breakthroughs in their cultivation aren't any big deal?

Seeing how casually he put it, Liu shi and the others felt as though they had taken a thousand arrows to their heart.

In order to help students achieve a breakthrough, they had to go through all kinds of trouble and dig up every last inch of their knowledge, but even so, it wasn't certain that the other party would succeed. Yet, Zhang Xuan made it seem as easy as eating and sleeping... Indeed, humans aren't born equal...

After checking out from the inn, they rented two carriages and headed straight for the Master Teacher Pavilion.

Two hours later, a grand building stood before them. On top of the entrance were three grand words which represented the ultimate authority!

Master Teacher Pavilion!

Even though the Master Teacher Pavilion is considered as a function of the Teacher Guild, it wields much greater influence and power. Those who are able to join its ranks would gain incredible standing in society.

Flashing his emblem, Liu shi led the group in.

The hall was vast and grand.

"Zhang Xuan? You're here!"

Melded within the crowd, Zhang Xuan was about to inquire about the examination venue when he heard a voice, then with a turn of his head, he saw a young lady who was accompanying an elder.

"It's you?"

The person was the master teacher apprentice whom Zhang Xuan met right after entering Tianwu City... Ling Xiaoxiao!

"Yeah. You're here to attend Princess Mo Yu's Question Symposium as well, right? It's about to start and almost every master teacher in the city is there. Let's go!"

Even though she wasn't very fond of this ignorant fellow, he was nevertheless an acquaintance. Thus, Ling Xiaoxiao invited him with a smile on her face.

"Are they all there? Alright, let's go then!"

Hearing that every master teacher was there, Zhang Xuan knew that his master teacher examination would have to wait until after the Question Symposium. Hence, he decided that he might as well take a look to get an idea of the symposium so that he will be able to make better preparations for his own turn.

Upon hearing that someone was facing the Question Symposium, Liu shi and the others became interested as well. Thus, all of them followed Ling Xiaoxiao into a room.

It was similar to those theory classrooms. Tables and chairs of various designs filled the room, and a crowd, numbering above a hundred, was gathered in here.

An entire row of powerful-looking elders and middle-aged men were seated at the very front.

"To think that this fellow would be here as well..."

Scanning the surroundings, Zhang Xuan suddenly caught sight of a familiar figure.

He was Squadron Leader Yao of the patrol squad from yesterday night.

This fellow stood by the corner and was acting as a guard. If not for his reddened and swollen face, Zhang Xuan would have suspected if he were his twin brother.

After scanning the entire room briefly, Zhang Xuan didn't see Mo Yu. Thus, he followed the group and casually took a seat.


Just as Zhang Xuan noticed Squadron Leader Yao, the latter saw him as well.

In usual circumstances, the kingdom patrol squad would never be responsible for the safety of the Master Teacher Pavilion, but because the person taking the examination this time was Princess Mo Yu, he was transferred here for temporary duties.

Initially, he intended to look for a replacement due to his injuries, but upon recalling that it was the princess's examination, he thought that the fellow would definitely appear if he was truly related to her.

If he didn't show up, or if the princess didn't recognize him, that would mean that Physician Bai Chan was lying. Considering how badly he was beaten up, no one could blame him for desiring to take revenge.

Thus, with such motives in mind, he endured his injuries and stood guard at a corner. To think that the fellow would really turn up.

"Hmph, I would really like to witness if you are indeed close to the princess..."

With a cold harrumph, Squadron Leader Yao stood upright and observed the situation quietly.


Zhang Xuan and the others took a seat.

"There's a total of thirteen 1-star master teachers and three 2-star master teachers in Tianwu Kingdom. The Question Symposium is the last formal procedure for a master teacher examinee, and none of the 2-star master teachers is here."

Knowing that the person before her knew nothing at all, Ling Xiaoxiao explained kindly.

Zhang Xuan was astounded.

Tianxuan Kingdom didn't even have a 1-star master teacher, yet Tianwu Kingdom had thirteen 1-stars and three 2-stars. Just by the number of master teachers, one could tell the difference in the national might.

As expected of the strongest kingdom within the cluster of thirteen countries.

With so many master teachers conducting lessons here, how is it possible that the next generation not be incredible? How would the nation not be so mighty?

"Who are the 2-star master teachers in the kingdom?"

Recovering from his shock, Zhang Xuan could not help but ask.

Hearing the other party ask such a fundamental question, Ling Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes once more. "The most formidable 2-star master teacher in the empire is naturally Pavilion Master Jiang. According to the rumors, he has reached 2-star pinnacle, and it is just a matter of time before he reaches 3-star. As for the other two, they are Wang shi and Mu shi. Mu shi reached 2-star less than two years ago, and he is the newest of the three."

"Oh!" Zhang Xuan nodded. Glancing around, he asked, "Is the genius you spoke of, Mo Hongyi, present?"

"Of course he's here! Furthermore, he has the highest position of all the master teachers here. Look, he's the one seated right at the center!"

Ling Xiaoxiao pointed.

"Right at the center?" Zhang Xuan raised his head to take a look.

At the center of the very front row of master teachers sat a young man who seemed to be about twenty-five. He exuded an aura which felt as vast and deep as an ocean, and it exerted an immense pressure on those around him.

Zongshi realm pinnacle!

Not only was he strong, his pitch-black eyes seemed to wield some kind of unique power as well. He was appeared to be confident and astute, seeming as if there was nothing in the world which could trouble him.


With just a single glance, Zhang Xuan could tell that the other geniuses he had met were nothing compared to him.

They were in different leagues.

Even Princess Mo Yu paled far in comparison to him.

"I'm afraid that his Soul Depth is 6.0 at the very least!"

Liu shi's attention was also on Mo Hongyi, and he sent a telepathic message over.

"6.0?" Zhang Xuan was thrown.

With a Soul Depth of 3.0, one becomes eligible for the 1-star master teacher examination; 6.0, one can take the 2-star examination.

To possess such incredible Soul Depth at just twenty-six year old and, not to mention, his formidable cultivation, he sure lives up to his name as THE genius!

"Princess Mo Yu is here!"

Just as he was busy examining Mo Hongyi, Ling Xiaoxiao's voice echoed once more. Turning to the entrance, he saw a young lady making her way in.

Who else could the person be if not Mo Yu!

Dressed in a bright red robe, her hair and face had been immaculately done up, making her appear much more charming and beautiful than before. At this moment, she was in no way inferior to Zhao Ya.

As expected of the number one beauty in Tianwu Kingdom. It was mere moments since her entrance and she had already managed to attract everyone's attention.

Once inside, Princess Mo Yu began to scan her surroundings, then her eyes fell on a certain spot and lighted up unwittingly.

As the center of attention, her expression piqued everyone's curiosity immediately.

They followed the direction of her gaze and swiftly turned their heads over. They thought that they would find a formidable figure, but it turned out to be just an ordinary young man.

Seeing her look toward him, Zhang Xuan became speechless.

You know that you're the star of the show, yet you just have to look at me like that, bringing me unwanted attention. You are doing this intentionally, aren't you...

Feeling despondent, Zhang Xuan was thinking about what to say when he heard an agitated and excited voice sound out beside him.

"Princess Mo Yu looked at me! She actually noticed me..."

Ling Xiaoxiao was so excited that her face turned red. If not for the situation, she would have shrilled in joy.

"Ah?" Zhang Xuan shook his head, looking at that zealous lady before him.

However, coincidentally, her actions actually helped Zhang Xuan to avert that awkward predicament.

"The Question Symposium begins!"

Upon the arrival of the examinee, Mo Hongyi declared, and the final test of the master teacher, the Question Symposium, began.

The Question Symposium was similar to the Pill Debate of the apothecaries. Every 1-star master teacher in attendance would pose a question regarding cultivation, and the scope would usually be limited to below Zongshi realm.

"One's zhenqi is congested at the last acupoint, resulting in the person being unable to reach Tongxuan realm. How can this problem be solved?" A master teacher asked.

"There are two solutions. The first solution is to gather a large amount of zhenqi around the acupoint to stimulate the blocked zhenqi. As for the second method, one can utilize medicine. A grade-1 Acupoint Soothing Pill can resolve this situation, but it is ineffective for those who have suffered from this problem for an extended period of time. If so, one should consume a grade-2 Acupoint Breakthrough Pill instead..."

Princess Mo Yu answered the question calmly. Clearly, a question of this level wasn't sufficient to stump her.

After listening for a few moments, a blank expression appeared on Zhang Xuan's face.

Although he could impersonate master teachers and had, in fact, helped many people achieve breakthroughs, he had basically been relying on his Heaven's Path zhenqi . The methods that Princess Mo Yu mentioned were completely foreign to him.

There wasn't a question that he could answer!

"Looks like I have to browse through some books first before taking the 1-star master teacher examination. Otherwise, I will surely fail this Question Symposium..."

Zhang Xuan shook his head.

After all, when they ask him about how to achieve a breakthrough in different circumstances, he couldn't simply reply them all with 'a needle and a surge of zhenqi'!

If he were to really reply like that, he would surely be evicted right away.

After listening for another duration, he ascertained that he truly didn't understand a single word that the other party spoke. Thus, he could not help but look at the lady beside him and ask, "How many tests are there in the master teacher examination?"

Even though his purpose here was to attempt the master teacher examination, he had no idea how the examination was conducted.

"Do you not even know that?"

Ling Xiaoxiao was on the verge of going insane.

She was even suspecting whether the other party had bought his apprentice emblem using money.

These are all... fundamental knowledge!

If you don't even know these, how the hell are you going to take the master teacher examination!

Zhang Xuan nodded his head.


Feeling utterly defeated by the other party, Ling Xiaoxiao could only explain helplessly. "There are a total of five tests for the master teacher examination!"

"Five tests?"

"That's right. The first test is the House of Trust. What it assesses is the Trust Level that the examinee's student has for him, and the passing criterion is a Trust Level that exceeds fifty. If one doesn't have any students or if none of his students had a sufficient Trust Level, it would be deemed as a failure."

"The second test is the Supporting Occupation Pavilion. In order to become a 1-star master teacher, one must possess a supporting occupation and reach the level of an official member."

"The third test is Puppet Hall. During the test, two puppets fighting each other will appear. These puppets are forged using a unique method, and the moves and battle techniques they utilize will be completely different. However, they are similarly powerful, and neither of them is able to defeat the other. The examinee has to provide guidance on the spot such that one of them achieves victory over the other."

"The fourth test is the Cultivation Technique Ocean. There are countless cultivation and battle technique manuals in the Ocean, and one will have to pick out a random book and conduct a relevant lecture immediately. During the lecture, you will be judged by several master teachers, as well as the Whilom Sage Bell!"

"Whilom Sage Bell?"

"Un. The Sage's Bell is a spirit treasure in the Cultivation Technique Treasure. Imprinted inside the Whilom Sage Bell is the comprehension that former sages had over the techniques. If the content of one's lecture doesn't satisfy the Whilom Sage Bell, the bell will not chime and he obtains a fail!"

Zhang Xuan was taken aback.

He didn't expect such an incredible object to exist in this world.

"After the first four tests, one will have to undergo the Unerring Pavilion! In the Unerring Pavilion, a puppet will display a cultivation technique, battle technique, or even a skill from the supporting occupation you chose. The movements that it displays will contain errors within them, but they will all be well-disguised, making it nigh impossible to discover them. The examinee has to identify one error within an incense stick's burn time in order to pass, otherwise, it is considered a failure."

Ling Xiaoxiao seemed to be extremely familiar with the various tests of the master teacher examination, and she explained each of them in detail.

House of Trust, Supporting Occupation Pavilion, Puppet Hall, Cultivation Technique Sea, and Unerring Pavilion...

Five tests, with each of them is harder than the previous.

"Wait, what about the Question Symposium?"

Zhang Xuan had a perplexed expression.

Isn't the Question Symposium the final test in the master teacher examination? Why didn't Ling Xiaoxiao mention it?

"Even though the Question Symposium is the final test out of the entire master teacher examination, it is also the easiest one. As long as an examinee is able to pass the first five, this last test is negligible. So far, its passing rate is hundred percent. Thus, as long as one passes the first five tests, he would be considered to have passed the master teacher examination and be qualified to call himself a master teacher. The Question Symposium is more of a formal event to introduce the new master teacher to the others."

Ling Xiaoxiao explained.

Zhang Xuan nodded, but at the same time, a wave of dejection took over him.

So it appears that this symposium is the simplest stage of the entire examination... To think I would be unable to understand anything that they said on stage!

From the looks of it, the master teacher examination isn't that easy after all.

As the two of them continued to converse, the Question Symposium above neared its end.

"Congratulations, Master Teacher Mo Yu!"

"Here is your emblem. From now on, you're a 1-star master teacher!"


The master teachers in the front row of seats offered their congratulations.

After receiving the master teacher emblem and the robe specially tailored for master teachers, Princess Mo Yu felt thrilled.

There seemed to be just a sliver of difference between an apprentice and a true master teacher, but the status they possessed were worlds apart.

Only after successfully becoming a master teacher can one truly be considered to be at the pinnacle of society.

"I have something on, so I'll first take my leave!"

After passing presenting the emblem and robe to Mo Yu, Mo Hongyi nodded and then turned around to leave immediately.

Seeming to be well aware of the other party's temperament, Mo Yu didn't look angered.

After trading a few obligatory pleasantries with the crowd, Mo Yu was finally able to extricate herself and she headed in Zhang Xuan's direction.

Upon seeing Mo Yu walking over, Ling Xiaoxiao's face flushed in agitation, and words could do little to describe her excitement.

"My idol is coming. Does she really recognize me? Hurry, help me take a look. Is my hair messy?"

"Er... It's not messy!" Zhang Xuan shook his head.

"That's good..."

Ling Xiaoxiao stood up hastily.

"Apprentice Ling Xiaoxiao pays respect to Mo shi!"

"Un!" Nodding her head slightly, Princess Mo Yu then ignored her, turning to face Zhang Xuan instead.

Seeing how the princess who had just passed her 1-star master teacher examination had her gaze fixated on an unfamiliar youngster, the environment fell into silence immediately.

Ling Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded by the sight, and she nearly keeled over.

She thought that her idol had come for her. Never in her dreams did she expect for Princess Mo Yu to simply respond with a slight nod and then immediately turn to the person beside her.

Isn't this fellow merely an ignorant apprentice who knows nothing?

To come here specially to meet him... What in the world is going on?

"Can... what Physician Bai Chan said be true?"

From the side, Squadron Leader Yao had been keeping tabs on Zhang Xuan. Upon witnessing Princess Mo Yu approach that person, his breathing hastened.

What Physician Bai Chan said must be true, without a doubt. Otherwise, the princess wouldn't have gone to him.

It was fortunate that he listened to the other party's advice and stepped down. Otherwise, he wouldn't even know how he died...

"However, the princess always carries herself with dignity and does not get involved with any men. If this fellow does have a relationship with her, many people will definitely soon learn about it..."

Squadron Leader Yao thought. Just as he was picturing how the bewildered faces of her suitors would look like when the news spread out, he saw Princess Mo Yu clasp her hand and perform the formality that would only be done when a student meets her teacher.

"Student Mo Yu pays respect to Zhang laoshi!"




Chapter 303: Master Teacher Examination, Begin! [2in1]

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

Student Mo Yu?

Pays respect to Zhang laoshi?

The entire room became ghastly silent. Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

What is going on?

Princess Mo Yu is the second greatest genius of the kingdom, a figure who became a 1-star master teacher at such a young age... Yet, to respectfully greet someone younger than her as Zhang laoshi...

Where did this he appear from?

What rights does he have to make the princess behave in such a manner?


Squadron Leader Yao felt his knees go weak and he nearly kneeled onto the ground.

Oh my gosh!

He thought that the other party was romantically involved with the princess, but to think that the princess was actually the other party's student...

Is there a need for such exaggeration?

It was fortunate that he didn't behave too recklessly the day before. Otherwise, even if he were to be killed on the spot, no one would have dared to speak up for him.

On the other end, Ling Xiaoxiao's face became frozen.

She thought that her idol was here to speak with her. She couldn't have imagined that she was here to greet this ignorant lad.

Brother, didn't you not know where the Master Teacher Pavilion is? Didn't you not know how the master teacher examination is conducted?

Didn't you not know who Mo Hongyi is?

An insignificant and ignorant apprentice made the number two genius of the kingdom, the newly qualified master teacher, Princess Mo Yu, bow and respectfully address him as laoshi...

What kind of twist is this?

Even the expert beside her widened his eyes in astonishment, nearly dropping to the ground.

Initially, he had been feeling somewhat dissatisfied to see the young mistress wasting her breath on this fellow. But at this moment, he realized that this ordinary-looking guy was actually a hidden expert!

To be addressed by the princess as teacher... Based on just this fact alone, he was on an equal footing with several prestigious clans in the capital.

They weren't the only ones, even Zhao Ya and the others felt bewildered.

The arrogant Physician Bai Chan was beaten to a pulp, but he didn't dare to retaliate; the genius princess bowed respectfully and addressed him as laoshi...

Didn't Zhang laoshi say that... he arrived at Tianwu Kingdom just yesterday afternoon?

It had not been long since his arrival and he had already managed to cause such a huge ruckus, earning himself respect, fear, and awe...

If he were to remain here for any period longer, wouldn't the pavilion master of the Master Teacher Pavilion have to come greet him personally as well?


Ignoring everyone's shock, Zhang Xuan nodded his head faintly.

He was indeed worthy of the other party's bow.

If not for his guidance back at Red Lotus City, it would have been impossible for her to pass the 2-star apothecary examination.

"Zhang laoshi..."

Princess Mo Yu had intended to ask about the matter in the Poison Hall, but after hesitating for a moment, she decided not to bring it up, especially with such a huge crowd present.

Back then, when she left Red Lotus City for Tianwu Kingdom, Zhang Xuan and the Great Herb King had already set off for the Poison Hall.

Impersonating the special envoy to enter the Poison Hall was extremely dangerous, so she had been worried about him. Initially, she thought that even if Zhang Xuan were to return alive, it would be difficult for the two of them to meet again. But never in her dreams did she expect that she would encounter him in just a few days' time.

This was why she lost herself back then and stared at him.

Then after the end of the Question Symposium, she couldn't hold herself back anymore and came forward to greet him.

As the number two genius of Tianwu Kingdom, she did possess her own pride. However, after the days accompanying this young man, she realized that the little talent she possessed meant nothing before him.

"Mo Yu, aren't you going to introduce him to me?"

Mo Yu was about to continue speaking when a voice suddenly sounded. Then, a tall and muscular man could be seen walking over.

Looking to be in his thirties, he was dressed in a long robe, and the emblem on his chest signified his identity as a 1-star master teacher. Judging from the aura he exuded and his immense strength, he was a Zongshi realm expert!

Being a 1-star teacher and a Zongshi realm expert in just his thirties, even though his talent was beneath that of Mo Hongyi and Mo Yu, he wasn't too far from them.

Upon seeing him, a faint look of displeasure flickered across Mo Yu's eyes. Nevertheless, she nodded, "The reason why I am able to forge a grade-2 pill and pass the 2-star apothecary examination, despite my cultivation not having reached Zongshi realm, is due to Zhang laoshi's guidance. As such, he is half a teacher to me!"

The Apothecary is one of the top occupations among the Upper Nine Paths, and under normal circumstances, a practitioner's cultivation has to reach Zongshi realm before he can take the 2-star examination.

This is because only upon achieving Zongshi realm can one better control the heat of the cauldron, the properties of the medicinal herbs, the clash of various energies within the cauldron... And from there, forge a grade-2 pill.

By merely following Zhang Xuan's instructions, Mo Yu was already able to successfully forge a grade-2 pill in the Beast Hall.

Then after continuing to learn diligently from Zhang Xuan for several days in the Red Lotus City, her proficiency in pill forging improved even further.

After returning to the capital, with the support from the royal family, her cultivation escalated. Even though she was still a distance away from reaching Zongshi realm, she had already managed to reach Tongxuan realm pinnacle.

Under usual circumstances, no one is allowed to take the 2-star examination without first reaching Zongshi realm. However, she successfully forged a grade-2 pill and was granted a special exception to be promoted to a 2-star apothecary. From then on, her feats became a legend.

"Half a teacher?"

"For Mo shi to pass the 2-star apothecary examination at such a young age, that young man's pill forging skills must be incredible!"

The crowd burst into an uproar, and they stared at Zhang Xuan in amazement. They finally understood why Mo Yu regarded that young man so highly.

If Mo Yu passed the 2-star apothecary examination due to his guidance... Doesn't that mean that he is superior to her in the field of pill forging?

Surpassing 2-star? It can't be possible that he's a 3-star apothecary, right?

A 3-star apothecary who has yet to reach twenty?

Everyone poured out a cold breath of air.

"Taught you how to forge pills?"

A flash gleamed across the muscular man's eyes. He turned toward Zhang Xuan immediately and smiled, "So it's a grandmaster apothecary. I apologize for my disrespect. My name is Jiang Chen, and I am grateful for your guidance to Princess Mo Yu!"

However, Mo Yu's eyebrows knitted together in displeasure and she spoke sharply, "I don't need you to thank him for me!"


Jiang Chen laughed dryly, not giving any heed to Mo Yu's attitude. Flinging his sleeves aside, he carried an aura of superiority as he looked at Zhang Xuan, "The Apothecary Guild's Apothecary Hong is my friend, and he passed the 3-star apothecary examination recently, Since Zhang laoshi is a talented apothecary as well, I believe that the two of you should be acquainted with one another. But why have I never heard of there being a genius like you in the guild? Furthermore, I know every single apothecary in the guild who is 2-star and above... May I enquire what Zhang laoshi's grade is?"

Hearing what he said, everyone turned to Zhang Xuan immediately, their eyes filled with curiosity.

"I am only a 1-star apothecary!" Zhang Xuan replied.

He had only taken the 1-star apothecary examination and didn't think that he was a genius of any sort. Besides, he had never been to Tianwu Royal City's Apothecary Guild, so naturally, he neither knows Apothecary Hong nor possesses any fame.


"A 1-star apothecary guided Princess Mo Yu to forge a grade-2 pill? You must be joking!"

"The hierarchy in the Upper Nine Paths occupation is extremely strict. How can a 1-star apothecary guide a 2-star apothecary..."


Everyone became baffled once again.

They had seen for themselves how highly Princess Mo Yu regarded the young man, and it felt as if she would really kneel down in admiration for the other party. Thus, they thought that the young man would be a formidable apothecary. In the end, it turned out that he was only a 1-star... Did someone make a mistake?


Jiang Chen was taken aback as well. An expression of disdain was revealed on his face but was swiftly hidden. "To be able to reach 1-star at your age, Brother Zhang is indeed talented. As long as you work hard, you will surely be able to reach great heights!"

He had addressed the other party as Zhang laoshi previously, but in the blink of an eye, he had amended that to 'Brother Zhang'. He had even dropped all of the pleasantries.

After which, he ignored Zhang Xuan completely and turned to Princess Mo Yu, "Mo Yu, I have prepared a feast to celebrate your successful promotion as a master teacher. Let's go!"

"I refuse!"

Princess Mo Yu shook her slender hands.

"This celebration feast is specially prepared for you, how can the star of the show go missing..." Getting rejected before such a huge crowd, Jiang Chen felt somewhat embarrassed.

"I still have things that I need to consult Zhang laoshi with. Feel free to carry on with the feast without me!" Mo Yu replied coldly.

It seemed that she wasn't fond of the other party.

"How about this, why don't Brother Zhang come along as well? This way, you can consider it as repayment for his guidance."

At which, Jiang Chen turned to Zhang Xuan and said, "What does Brother Zhang think? You seem like you have just arrived at the capital, and there are many VIPs joining in the celebration. Apothecary Hong will be there as well, and I can make use of this opportunity to introduce him to you. As a 1-star apothecary, it will be good for you to come into contact with high-ranking apothecaries like him."

"I'm not free!" Zhang Xuan shook his head.

If the other party was inviting him sincerely, he would have considered heading over after he was done with his master teacher examination. However, Jiang Chen acted as though he was inviting Zhang Xuan out of charity. Taking into account the other party's attitude, even if it were the emperor's birthday celebration, Zhang Xuan wouldn't have bothered.

"You're not free?"

Jiang Chen could tolerate being rejected by Mo Yu, but to be turned down in public by a 1-star apothecary, his complexion darkened immediately, and his eyebrows shot up. He emitted the pressure of a Zongshi realm expert, "An official apothecary may possess incredible status, but that is nothing compared to a master teacher. You should reconsider your option. Don't let a moment of folly land you in deep trouble... Hey, I'm still talking to you! Hold it right there!"

Jiang Chen thought he could frighten the other party into obedience by pointing out the possible consequences of his rejection. However, before he could finish his words, the other party was already gone. Jiang Chen nearly fainted out of anger.

As a 1-star master teacher and a Zongshi realm expert, when had anyone dared to disrespect him like that?

Shaking his head, Zhang Xuan disregarded the conceited fellow and stopped before Mo Yu. "Bring me over!"


Back in Red Lotus City, Zhang Xuan had told her that he intended to take the master teacher examination. Thus, Mo Yu immediately understood the other party's intentions, and the duo walked pass Jiang Chen.

"This fellow..."

Seeing how Zhang Xuan disregarded Jiang Chen and left just like that, the corners of Ling Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched.

Do you know who this fellow is? To ignore him like that...

Even the emperor would have to give him VIP treatment, yet you ignore him...

Ling Xiaoxiao was about to go forward to offer some advice when she saw Princess Mo Yu stop before an elder and said, "Wu shi, Zhang laoshi intends to take the master teacher examination. I will have to trouble you to make preparations."

"Take the master teacher examination?"

Ling Xiaoxiao had barely taken a step forward when she heard those words and staggered, nearly falling to the ground.

It is just a moment ago that you are clueless about the master teacher examination and you want to give it a try now... Brother, are you sure you aren't joking with me?

After the conversation just now, she could have confidently declared that the fellow named Zhang Xuan knew nothing about master teachers. In fact, she had even suspected that Zhang Xuan's master teacher apprentice emblem was bought...

Does he want to take the master teacher examination, just like that?

Do you know what master teachers represent?

Ling Xiaoxiao felt as that she was on the brink of going insane.

Jiang Chen, who intended to step forward to teach the other party a lesson, also stopped upon hearing Mo Yu's words. His eyes narrowed, and he seemed to have fallen into deep contemplation.

"Alright, but I'll have to check if you are qualified to take the examination!"

Wu shi nodded.

In the guild, he was in charge of conducting the master teacher examination, thus he was extremely well-versed in the procedures.

Before taking the examination, he had to ascertain that the candidate fulfilled both the internal and external conditions.

The external conditions are: the recommendation from a master teacher, the identity of an assistant master teacher, and at least one supporting occupation!

The internal conditions are: reaching the State of Insight of the Heart of Tranquil Water and Tongxuan realm cultivation!

Liu Ling had told Zhang Xuan about these conditions at Tianxuan Kingdom, so Zhang Xuan was no stranger to them. With a flick of his wrist, he took out his master teacher apprentice emblem and 1-star apothecary emblem and passed them forward. At the same time, he revealed his Half-Zongshi cultivation.

With a glance, Wu shi verified that the emblems were genuine. Thereafter, he took out a Stone of Insight and passed it to Zhang Xuan.

"It's a test of your Soul Depth!"

Zhang Xuan nodded. He grabbed the Stone of Insight and adjusted his state of mind.


"Jiang shi, there's no need to get angry. He is just an ignorant countryside bumpkin. I doubt that he will even be eligible for the examination!"

Upon seeing Jiang Chen's darkened expression, an apprentice walked up and fawned on him. "Besides, even if he is eligible for the examination, it is impossible for him to match up to you! After all, you are a genius who is born with a Soul Depth of 4.0!"

The requirement for the master teacher examination was a Soul Depth of 3.0.

Most apprentices, upon achieving Heart of Tranquil Water, would only possess a Soul Depth of 1.5. They would require countless years of cultivation before they are able to raise it to 3.0.

But this Jiang Chen possessed a Soul Depth of 4.0 from the moment he reached Heart of Tranquil Water.

His name was spread far and wide.

Even though he wasn't able to match up to Mo Hongyi's 6.0 and Mo Yu's 5.0, he was still ranked among the best of geniuses in the capital.

"Competing with me? Who does he think he is!"

Upon hearing those words, Jiang Chen's grim complexion lightened greatly.

Other than those two monsters, he didn't fear anyone when it came to Soul Depth.

The other party was just a nobody. He might be skilled in pill forging, but his Soul Depth... This is the foundation of being a master teacher, similar to what zhenqi is to a fighter. Even if the other party's Soul Depth had reached 3.0, he would still be a far way off from him, who was blessed with a natural Soul Depth of 4.0.

The difference between 3.0 and 4.0 doesn't appear to be great, but this gap can only be bridged by decades of effort.

Ling Xiaoxiao looked over as well.

She didn't think that this ignorant fellow would possess a Soul Depth that was eligible for the master teacher examination.

After all, have you ever met a master teacher who came for the examination without knowing what would be tested?

Every other master teacher had to study and prepare for their master teacher examination in advance, not daring to slack off in any way. Yet, this fellow wants to make an attempt without knowing anything about it. Examination... your head!

If even this guy manages to pass the examination, didn't that mean that I, who know everything about the tests, am ready for the 2-star examination?

She was thinking about what she should say if the other party's Soul Depth didn't meet the criteria when she heard a light buzz.

The Stone of Insight in Zhang Xuan's hands shone, and a line of digits slowly floated into appearance.

Wu shi received the Stone of Insight over from Zhang Xuan and lowered his head to take a glance. His indifferent expression was shattered immediately, and his lips quivered uncontrollably, "This... this..."

"Quick, let's see how much it is!"

Everyone was startled to see the usually calm Wu shi behave in such a manner. With faces full of curiosity, they could not help but direct their attention to the Stone of Insight.

With a single look, each and every single one of their bodies shuddered.

"Go and take a look!" Full of pride, Jiang Chen refused to go forward and instead, sent his apprentice.

The young man nodded and walked forward. But when he returned, he had an expression that seemed as if he had just seen a ghost.

"Why? Can it be that his Soul Depth matches me, Jiang Chen? Did he attain 4.0 as well?"

Jiang Chen frowned. "I come from a clan of master teachers, and from young, I have been receiving guidance from master teachers. This is also the reason why I can achieve such a high Soul Depth upon reaching Heart of Tranquil Water. How can a wild brat like him compare with me? How much is it?"

With an extremely red face, the apprentice spoke hesitantly, "He... 5.1!"


Jiang Chen's body swayed, and he immediately felt his heart stifle.

The heck! He had just claimed that this fellow could never compare up to him and his Soul Depth was revealed to be 5.1... This was superior even to that of Princess Mo Yu!

Jiang Chen could feel fresh blood welling up in his mouth.

"5.1? This..."

Ling Xiaoxiao's eyes widened in shock. Brother, you have achieved a Soul Depth of 5.1 and yet you don't know what the master teacher examination tests are about? Do you live under a stone?

5.1, that's already the level of a top-notch genius! With just a bit of effort, your Soul Depth will be able to reach 6.0, and you will be eligible to take the 2-star master teacher examination!

Despite the geniuses that have appeared in Tianwu Kingdom over the years, less than a handful became 2-star master teachers...

The person whom she thought to be an ignorant countryside bumpkin suddenly became an absolute genius. Ling Xiaoxiao's face reddened, and for a long while, she was unable to say a single word.


"Soul Depth of 5.1, you are a genius among geniuses. Let's go to the field, I'll conduct the examination for you right now!"

With a greatly agitated expression, Wu shi took large strides as he headed out of the room.

Zhang Xuan and the others quickly followed behind him.

In no time, the group arrived at a vast hall.

At the very end of the hall were five tightly shut doors.

"The five tests for the master teacher examination are House of Trust, Supporting Occupation Pavilion, Puppet Hall, Cultivation Technique Ocean, and Unerring Pavilion! If you have students, you can have them enter that room. As long as their Trust Level exceeds 50, you will pass the first test!"

Pointing to the very first door, Wu shi said.


Having heard the rules from Ling Xiaoxiao, Zhang Xuan nodded and beckoned for Zhao Ya and the others to come closer. "These are my students!"


Glancing at the crowd before looking back at Zhang Xuan, a sliver of doubt flashed across Wu shi's eyes.

Usually, there would be a significant age gap between the teacher and student because it would be easier to establish a trust that way.

Taking, for example, if a twenty-year-old man were to teach a seven-year-old child, he would be likely to hold unconditional trust for your words. However, if that same man were to teach a sixteen-year-old teenager, putting aside whether he would trust your words, it would be a problem in itself to have him acknowledge you as his teacher.

Why should he?

This was exactly the situation before him. This Zhang laoshi appeared to be below twenty, but his students were sixteen to seventeen, and there was a small age gap. Are you sure that the Trust Level these students have in you exceeds fifty?

"That... May I ask how long have you taught these students for?"

After hesitating for a moment, Wu shi asked.

While the small difference in age posed a problem, it could be made up with time. If one could impress his students with his guidance over time, the Trust Level would surely rise.

"Around half a month..."

Then, after hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xuan added sheepishly, "For that half a month, I've been out often, so adding it all up, it's probably only around five to six days!"

"Five to six days..."

Wu shi's body swayed violently, and he nearly passed out. He stared at the fellow before him as if he were looking at a monster.

When others take the master teacher examination, they would bring students whom they have groomed for numerous years. This way, the Trust Level would be higher, increasing the likelihood that they pass the examination. Yet, you sure are bold... Bringing students whom you have taught for just five to six days...

Are you sure that their Trust Level in you exceeds 50?

"What's wrong?" Zhang Xuan didn't know that there were so many things to consider about deciding on which student to deploy, so he felt perplexed.

"That... It's nothing. I would like to ask if you have any other students whom you have taught for a longer period of time or are younger..."

Fearing that the other party wouldn't understand his meaning, Wu shi explained patiently.

"There's none. They are the ones whom I have taught for the longest period of time, as well as the youngest!" Zhang Xuan nodded.

Wu shi rolled his eyes.

The heck! They are almost the same age as you and you've only taught them for five to six days. And you say that they are your youngest students, those whom you have taught for the longest period of time?

You must be pulling my leg!

Feeling dismayed, Wu shi was thinking about how he should explain to that fellow when the other party shot him a doubtful look, "If they won't do, I have taught Princess Mo Yu for a few days as well. She can give it a try too!"

Give it a try?

Try your head!

Do you think that the master teacher examination is a joke?

He thought that since the other party had a Soul Depth of 5.1, a top-notch talent, it shouldn't have been a problem for him to pass the examination. Yet, to think that... even such simple words could not get through to him.

"If these are your only students, you can get them to enter. However, allow me to remind you in advance. Their Trust Levels in you must reach at least 50 in order for you to pass. If they don't... You can only try again the next time!"

Forcefully suppressing his own feelings of frustration, Wu shi couldn't be bothered to explain any further.

"Un, I understand!"

Zhang Xuan turned to Zhao Ya and the others. "You all should enter!"

"Yes!" Zhao Ya and the others nodded their heads before stepping into the room.

"Drip a droplet of fresh blood here. Just like the crystal ball used to test Trust Level, all kinds of illusions will appear in this room to assess your student's trust in you. Eventually, the result will appear on the wall!"

Seeing the fellow urge his students to enter without even giving them any instructions, Wu shi felt increasingly dumbstruck. At this point in time, he was no longer carrying any expectations for him.

Other teachers would explain to their students what they should do upon encountering the illusion to hint their students about how they can achieve a higher Trust Level...

Yet, he didn't even bother to say anything. It was a wonder how someone like him became a teacher.

It was true that Zhang Xuan wasn't aware of the rules for the master teacher examination, but from his perspective, there wasn't really a need for any clarifications. He simply came to the front and released a droplet of blood onto a pedestal.


With a light ring, the entire House of Trust burst into action, and a glaring radiance filled the room.

Seeing that the first test of the master teacher examination had begun, the crowd, who had followed along, focused on the tightly shut doors with great anxiety.

"To bring similarly-aged students whom he had taught for just five to six days... It would already be considered incredible if his Trust Level reaches 20!" Jiang Chen sneered coldly.

Even though the master teacher examination was difficult, there were certain tricks.

As a 1-star master teacher who came from a clan of master teachers, he was well aware of the ways to maximize the possibility of passing the examination.

One's Trust Level toward one's parents would be only around sixty, while this test required a Trust Level of fifty at the minimum. This was equivalent to trust that people have for their own siblings.

How can he establish a trust of this level with students whom he had taught for just a few days?

Putting aside a star teacher, even 1-star teachers are unable to induce this level of trust in similarly-aged students within such a short period of time.

"Did you really only teach these students for... five to six days?"

Jiang Chen wasn't the only one who thought so. Mo Yu could not help but ask Zhang Xuan.

"Actually... If I were to add up the time I've been together with them, it's only about fifteen to sixteen hours!"

Zhang Xuan contemplated for a moment before answering.

During the period he was teaching Zhao Ya and the others, he was busy every single day with many different things. Thus, he would often just lecture and correct their flaws in the morning before disappearing in the afternoon. Thus, the time in which they spent together might only add up to a total of fifteen to sixteen hours.

"Fifteen to sixteen... hours?"

Princess Mo Yu saw her vision turn gray for a moment.

What kind of trust can you establish in such a short period of time?

She thought that this fellow was well-prepared, that's why she brought him here. To think that he would be so unreliable...

"Look, the Trust Level is out!"

Just as she was considering how she should explain the matter to this fellow and have him prepare himself properly before retaking the examination, she heard someone from among the crowd shout.

Mo Yu turned to look immediately.


The first door trembled violently, and a row of digits slowly appeared on its surface.

"What? How is that possible?"

Mo Yu, Jiang Chen, and the others exclaimed in shock.

"The Trust Level of Life-and-death Kindreds? This is what only a 5-star master teacher can achieve..."

Wu shi trembled vigorously in agitation.

All of the master teachers who tagged along fell silent, displaying their shock for the numbers before them.

The two large digits that hung on the door were exceptionally conspicuous, but those looking at it couldn't help but doubt their eyes...






Chapter 304: No Mistake?

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

The relationship between parent and child was around 60 while with one's spouse, it was around 70. Beyond that was the level at which both parties would be willing to die for one another, Life-and-death Kindreds!

This was the level at which both parties had unreserved trust for one another. They would willingly die for the sake of one another if there was a need to!

This was a level that would only appear in students taught by a 5-star master teacher!

Jiang Chen had just said that it would be impossible for the Trust Level to even reach 20, and such a situation occurred in the very next moment. He felt a stinging sensation on his face as though someone had slapped him hard and dislocated his lower jaw. He stared at the numbers with his mouth agape.

He only taught his students for only five to six days?

Have you ever seen anyone reaching such a high level of trust after teaching for just a few days?

If you can reach this level after such a short period of time, doesn't that mean that if you were to teach them for a few years, you would reach 90 and above?

The heck!

Even a 5-star master teacher would be incapable of such a feat!

Soul Depth of 5.1, Trust Level of 85...

This countryside bumpkin was about to charge through the heavens!

Ling Xiaoxiao's slender body trembled, and ten thousand mud horses raced across her mind.

Bringing over new students who were around the same age as him... It was clear that the young man was a newbie who didn't know a single thing about the master teacher examination.

Yet, it was the same person who casually blasted their eyes with a Trust Level of 85!

She felt helpless and frenzied.

Mo Yu's mouth twitched violently as well.

She had guessed long ago that Zhang laoshi would surely pass this test. However, she had never expected him to do it so overwhelmingly with such inconceivable results.

One must know that she had brought students who she had groomed for three years for her test but their Trust Level only reached 52.

Even the students brought here by the number one genius of the kingdom, Mo Hongyi, only had a Trust Level of 55. Those students had been following him since they were seven and at the time of the examination, they were only eleven.

Regardless of whether it was the age of Zhang Xuan's students or the duration he had guided them for. The result of the House of Trust was completely inconceivable, to the point that they started to doubt if it was malfunctioning.


The door opened and the slightly fatigued Zhao Ya and the others walked out. They turned around and glanced at the Trust Level on the door.

"I'm sorry, teacher..." The few of them apologized.

On the inside, they felt that they would trust Zhang laoshi unconditionally no matter what he did, or else, they wouldn't have left their kin to follow him here. Thus, upon seeing the result of the test, they felt embarrassed.

Seeing their expressions, the crowd immediately suffered billions of damage.

Not only was the teacher a monster, the students were monsters as well. To be discontent with a Trust Level of 85, why don't you all just go and die...

"Cough cough!"

Seeing that the master teachers and apprentices were traumatized and rendered speechless by this matter, Wu shi immediately coughed to draw everyone's attention.

"With a Trust Level of 85, you passed the first test! We'll move on to the second test now, Supporting Occupation Pavilion!"

"The content of the test for the Supporting Occupation Pavilion will naturally be on your supporting occupation. However, as your supporting occupation is that of an apothecary, I will have to warn you in advance." He said as he turned towards Zhang Xuan.

"For the 1-star apothecary examination, you have to forge a grade-1 pill. However, the test for the Supporting Occupation Pavilion is different. What it tests is not your understanding on pill forging, but... your ability to impart your knowledge!"

"That's to say, even if you are a 3-star apothecary, if you are incapable of guiding others on pill forging, you will be deemed to have failed this test! The results of the test will be determined by two factors. Firstly, the level of the pill you have forged. Formation, Satiation, Perfection, and Inscribed Pill... The higher the level, the better your results. Secondly, the number of errors you make in your guidance. For every error made, you will have points deducted from your score. Do you understand?"

After explaining the content of the test, Wu shi asked.

"I understand!" Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up.

Even though he was a 1-star apothecary, he passed the examination through Pill Debate. As such, he was unable to even forge a grade-1 pill. For him, guiding others... was much easier.

With the all of the books from the Tianxuan Kingdom Apothecary Guild in his head, even if he didn't use the Library of Heaven's Path, he would still be able to guide others to forge a grade-1 pill with ease.

"Good, you may enter!" Wu shi gestured.

"Un!" Not wasting any time, Zhang Xuan walked in.

"Do you all think he will be able to pass this test?"

"Even Mo shi has addressed him as teacher, he must possess incredible aptitude in pill forging. Passing shouldn't be an issue, I only wonder what his results will be."

"Just like the House of Trust, the maximum score that one can get in the Supporting Occupation Pavilion is 100 points, and the passing score is fifty. The difference in occupation will result in a difference in judging criteria. For a painter to pass, he has to guide someone to paint a second level painting. Since he is an apothecary, as long as a pill is successfully formed, he should be able to reach 50 points and pass the examination."

"Indeed. Back then, when Mo Hongyi took the Supporting Occupation Pavilion test, he was tested on his occupation as a formation master. With his score of 60, he created a huge commotion back then!"

"Reaching a score of 60 means that one's understanding of one's supporting occupation has already exceeded the level of a 1-star. To be achieve such results for the 1-star master teacher examination... Only a genius like him is capable of doing so!"

"However, this fellow's Soul Depth is 5.1 and his students' Trust Level is 85. I think that... his results won't be low."

"You're right. However, forging a pill by yourself and guiding another person to do the same are two completely different matters. I think that reaching 55 will already be a huge hurdle for him!"


The crowd started discussing as they saw Zhang Xuan walk into the Supporting Occupation Pavilion.

What the Supporting Occupation Pavilion tested was one's ability to guide others on the occupation, not their own mastery in the occupation. There were many geniuses who came to take the examination, only to leave the examination hall disappointed.

Even though Zhang Xuan's Soul Depth and House of Trust results have astonished the crowd, most people didn't think that he would do well for the second test.


Jiya! The doors closed.

Zhang Xuan scanned the room.

It was a room of around twenty meters in length and width, and there was a massive cauldron placed in the center of the room.

"It looks like this room will change according to the supporting occupation of the examinee!"

Zhang Xuan was taken aback when he saw the cauldron. However, after giving the matter some thought, he came to a realization.

The Supporting Occupation Pavilion would change its interiors depending on the supporting occupation of the examinee. Since Zhang Xuan's supporting occupation was apothecary, naturally, a cauldron would be placed at the center of the room.


Just as Zhang Xuan was wondering how the test would be carried out, a puppet walked over to the side of the cauldron.

Zhang Xuan couldn't tell what the puppet was made of, but it seemed no different from a human apart from its completely impassive expression.

Before the puppet was a row of around forty to fifty different medicinal herbs.

"Green-leafed Split Palm Flower, Rootless Grass, White Angelica Flower...Am I supposed to forge a grade-1 Spirit Enriching Pill?

Zhang Xuan deduced as he examined at the medicinal herbs.

Based on his knowledge on pill forging, even without using the Library of Heaven's Path, he could tell what kind of pill these ingredients could make.

Right as he was discerning the various herbs present, the puppet started to move.

Lighting the flame, warming the cauldron, placing the medicinal herbs in... Even though the puppet's movements weren't fluid, they were orderly and sequential.

"It is impossible for a pill to be formed like that..."

With a glance, Zhang Xuan shook his head.

Pill forging was just like executing a battle technique. Even with the same herbs and the same forging sequence, if the person forging it was different, the result would be different as well.

Although the sequence in which the puppet placed the medicinal herbs in was correct, the puppet failed to grasp the timings well, resulting in multiple conflicts between the medicinal properties of the various herbs. Under such circumstances, the pill forging was inevitably bound to end in failure.

Bo! As expected, when the pill forging came to an end and the cauldron was opened, black smoke immediately billowed out.


"To pass this examination, you have to guide the puppet to successfully forge the pill!"

A voice sounded.

It seemed like the examinee was supposed to carefully watch the forging process of the puppet and determine the errors in its movements so as to guide it when it forges for the second time.

As soon as those words sounded, the puppet started forging once more. Its actions were exactly the same as before.

If it was an ordinary apothecary, it would be impossible for him to forge another pill in the exact same way as he did before. Probably, only this kind of specially created puppet could follow instructions so precisely.

"However, this is better for me. Unlike humans, puppets won't suffer from lapses in concentration. As long as it strictly follows my instructions, it will surely be able to forge the pill out!"

Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up.

Back then, when he instructed Mo Yu on forging a grade-2 pill back in the Beast Hall, it was due to her concentration wandering that the pill forging nearly failed.

Humans have emotions, be it happiness, sadness, or anger, and these could affect the result of the pill forged. However, puppets were different.

They would strictly follow the instructions given to them so it was impossible for them to make any mistakes.

"Slow the igniting process of the flame by half a breath, and extend the warming of the cauldron by four breaths. Wait a moment. Alright, begin..."

Understanding this, Zhang Xuan smiled. Standing on the spot, he muttered instruction after instruction.


In the hall outside, everyone's gaze was fixated on the number on the door.

"He should already be guiding the puppet by now!"

Someone shouted.

"That's right! Different from the House of Trust, the score of the Supporting Occupation Hall will be reflected on the door as soon as the test begins. As correct instructions are issued by the examinee, the score increases. On the other hand, if erroneous instructions were to be issued, the score decreases."

"This way, we can see his result real-time!"

"Back then, when Mo Hongyi guided a puppet to set up a formation, the points kept increasing and there were only five occasions where the score fell. That is to say, he has only made five errors!"

"Indeed. Even Pavilion Master Jiang made seven mistakes when he took the 2-star master teacher examination. Yet, Mo Hongyi only made five. This in itself is making history!"

"I wonder how will the fellow inside fare!"

"Even if he's a genius, his Soul Depth is only 5.1. Compared to Mo Hongyi Mo shi's 6.0, he is still slightly lacking. I think that his mistakes should probably number at least ten!"

"I think so too. It should be above ten!"


Everyone were chattering wildly about the situation.

"Look, the score is starting to increase!"

Another voice broke all of the discussions in the room. All gazes swiftly fell onto the door.

The number which appeared previously was slowly increasing.




"Not bad, his score is increasing steadily. This means that he hasn't made any errors so far, I am impressed!"

"It's just a matter of time before he makes a mistake. After all, who can guarantee that he will be able to guide someone perfectly?"

"Your words make sense..."

The crowd nodded as they watched the number on the door.

Initially, they were still chatting casually, but as time went by, their faces slowly turned grim.

"It's already 40 and he hasn't made a single error..."

The eyes of all the master teachers in the room widened, as though they were looking at a fearsome monster.

The number on the door has already reached 40 but it hasn't decreased a single time yet. This meant that from the start of the pill forging, Zhang Xuan hasn't issued a single erroneous instruction!


Mud horses -> It is a homophone for a vulgarity in Chinese





Chapter 305: Mo Hongyi Goes Into A Frenzy

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"45, no mistakes!"

"50, no mistakes!"

"55, no mistakes!"

The unceasing voice gradually grew fainter and slower, as if the one speaking was finally overcome by disbelief.

Since the score had reached 55 without a single error, it meant to say that the pill forging was already more than halfway through...

To make no errors for the entire former half of the examination?

Even that invincible genius, Mo Hongyi, wasn't capable of such feat back then!

It could even be said that no master teacher in Tianwu Kingdom had ever achieved such an impressive result.

"This... impossible! It wouldn't be possible for even a 3-star apothecary to offer such perfect guidance... He is just a countryside bumpkin, what basis does he have to achieve that?"

Jiang Chen's mouth quivered, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Even though one merely has to guide the puppet to forge a grade-1 pill, the 'answer key' was based on the forging process of a 4-star apothecary.

At 4-star, an apothecary's understanding toward medicinal pills has reached an extremely profound level. They are already capable of forging grade-1 pills impeccably.

Thus, using their forging process as an 'answer key' was more than appropriate.

For the fellow inside to forge the pill without any errors, what does that mean? Can it be that his comprehension of pill forging is already comparable to that of a 4-star apothecary?

How is that possible?

The most capable apothecary in the entire of Tianwu Kingdom, the guild leader of the Apothecary Guild, was only a 3-star apothecary primary stage. Just like the newly-promoted Apothecary Hong, he was still a long way from reaching 4-star.

Yet, a youngster below twenty has managed to reach the level of a 4-star?

"Can it be that... what Princess Mo Yu said is true?"

Someone within the crowd muttered.

Upon hearing those words, the eyes of the crowd narrowed involuntarily.

Previously, Mo Yu, a 2-star apothecary, said that Zhang Xuan was half a teacher to her, and if not for him, she wouldn't have successfully passed the examination.

Back then, most of the crowd found it hard to believe.

Then, when he revealed his apothecary grade... 1-star! Everyone thought that the princess had exaggerated her words.

A mere 1-star apothecary… How skilled and knowledgeable can he be?

But after witnessing the result he obtained in this Supporting Occupation Pavilion, they realized that it was all true.

If it wasn't true, then the situation that had unfolded before them couldn't be explained.

"Don't worry, he will definitely make an error soon. Even a 4-star apothecary can't promise to forge a 1-star pill perfectly each time..."

Veins popped out on Jiang Chen's temple. Unable to accept the situation, a ferocious expression had crept onto his face subconsciously.

He thought that this fellow would make a disgrace out of himself once the examination started. Who would have thought that he would be so formidable, going against all odds and not making a single mistake in the entire first half!

"60, no mistakes!"

Without care for the astonished expression on the audience's faces, the digit on the wall continued to increase steadily without any signs of stopping.

"He has already broken Mo Hongyi, Mo shi's record!"

"I thought that this record would remain unbroken for at least several centuries, to think that it would be broken in just a few years' time!"

"This Zhang Xuan's understanding of pill forging is simply too formidable. Not only is his score high, the crux is that he hasn't made a single mistake. Will he really create a new record?"

"Who knows? In any case, based on the current flow of events... He will surely make a new record. Just that, I wonder how far he can go... 65? 70? Or 75?"


Accompanying the unceasing rise in his score, everyone grew progressively nervous.

Wu shi, who was in charge of conducting the examination, felt his body stiffen, and sweat flowed down his forehead incessantly.

He had conducted uncountable examinations throughout the years, but it was his first time witnessing such a situation.

Despite having exceeded 60 points, Zhang Xuan hadn't made a single error. No one would have believed it if they hadn't seen it for themselves.

"Wait, look, he made a mistake!"


Just when everyone began to think that the fellow would continue his streak until the end of the examination, the number on the wall flickered all of a sudden, and from 60, it dropped to 59!

Since the score dropped, it meant that there was an erroneous instruction!

"He finally made a mistake! I thought that he might complete the test without making any mistake. Phew..."

"Indeed, didn't I say so? How can there be anyone who doesn't make a mistake guiding another on pill forging? It wouldn't be logical..."


Seeing the dip in the score, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

If he were to really achieve a perfect score, that would be truly scary.

That would mean that the fellow inside was way beyond their league.

They felt relieved that that wasn't the case.

"As time passes, the rise in temperature and the increasing medicinal herbs in the cauldron makes errors more likely to happen. Even if he made no mistakes in the earlier half, there is no guarantee that he can keep this up for the rest of the process. In fact, most of the errors should be made toward the end!"

A master teacher within the crowd, who had a supporting occupation as an apothecary, stroked his beard.

The crowd nodded in approval of his words.

That was also why it was so difficult to become an official apothecary.

Due to the flame beneath the cauldron, the temperature within would just grow higher and higher as time passes. Furthermore, while fusing two medicinal herbs together may be easy, fusing dozens at once might result in all kinds of unexpected conflicts.

This is similar to stacking blocks of wood. Stacking two pieces of wood may be easy, but when it comes to stacking several hundred of them, putting aside how they are stacked toward the end, a single error at the start can possibly result in a poor foundation and an unstable center of gravity, and all of your work might end up in vain.

The slightest mistake would cause miles of difference.

It was the same any other thing. The further one got, the greater the difficulty.

Zhang Xuan's flying start had indeed shocked them all, but once a mistake occurred, it would be as if a dripping a droplet of ink into clear water, resulting in an irreversible domino effect.

"Hmph, I thought that you would never make a mistake..."

Jiang Chen also heaved a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to continue speaking, his eyes suddenly narrowed into two thin slits.

The number on the door, which had just decreased, flickered again before increasing abruptly!

Zi la!



In a silent chamber inside the Master Teacher Pavilion.

Seated within, Mo Hongyi was in the midst of adjusting his breath. Wave after wave of visible spiritual energy absorbed into his skin, slowly but steadily pulling his cultivation to higher heights.


He opened his eyes all of a sudden and revealed his displeasure, "Didn't I say that no one is to interrupt me when I'm cultivating?"


The door opened, and a servant walked in fearfully. "I don't mean to interrupt Your Highness, just that..."

At this moment, he hesitated with his words.

"Speak!" Mo Hongyi frowned.

"It's because someone is taking the 1-star master teacher examination!" The servant spoke up hastily.

"The master teacher is the world's number one occupation, and many view it as their dream. Every day, countless people travel to the Master Teacher Pavilion from all around the world in hopes of achieving their goal, but those who do pass amount to less than a handful!"

Mo Hongyi thought that it would be a something important. However, after hearing the servant's words, he shook his head and said indifferently, "Did you interrupt my cultivation just for this matter? If that's the case, go ahead to receive your punishment. 100 whips, not a single one less!"

He hated to be interrupted during his training, and as such, he made a rule stating that anyone who interrupted him without a good reason would be punished.

Upon hearing the punishment that his master had issued, the servant shuddered and hurriedly added, "It's not just that... The one taking the examination has a Soul Depth of 5.1!"

"Soul Depth of 5.1? Even higher than Mo Yu?"

A gleam flashed across Mo Hongyi's eyes.

Without a doubt, the news had surprised him.

"That isn't anything much. However, to be able to achieve such a Soul Depth during the 1-star master teacher examination, he is indeed talented!" Even though Mo Hongyi was surprised, he didn't think too much of the matter.

He was a genius whose Soul Depth exceeded 6.0. A mere 5.1 didn't mean anything to him.

"A person with a Soul Depth of 5.1 taking the master teacher examination is indeed a huge affair. However, it isn't good enough a reason to interrupt my cultivation. Go back and take 50 whips!"

Mo Hongyi waved his hands and returned back to his cultivation.

"Your Highness, Your Highness... I'm not done yet..."

Seeing that his master was about to return to his training, the servant hurriedly spoke up.

"Is there anything else?" Mo Hongyi frowned.

"That person taking the examination is known as Zhang Xuan, and he seems to be below twenty. Just a moment ago, he brought a few sixteen to seventeen-year-old students into the House of Trust and... he achieved a Trust Level of 85!"

Afraid that he would incur his master's displeasure if he wasted his time, the servant spoke swiftly.

"House of Trust... 85 points?"

Mo Hongyi lost his calm and stood up abruptly.

He had never heard of any teacher in Tianwu Kingdom who could induce such trust in his students. This completely exceeded his expectations.


The young man nodded his head and his disbelief was apparent as well. "Not only so, he is currently undergoing the second test, Supporting Occupation Pavilion and managed to reach 60 points without making a single mistake!"

"Reached 60 points? How... How is that possible?"

Mo Hongyi's face warped in shock.

He was the one man who scored the best result in the Supporting Occupation Pavilion throughout the past thousand years of history of the guild. Even so, he had made five errors. Yet, the other party hadn't made a single mistake?

Didn't this mean that the other party was even more talented than him?

"Yes... However, this is where weird things started to happen. At 60 points, he made a single mistake, so a point got deducted. However... in the next instant, his score leaped to 62!"

Up until now, the youngster still unable to understand what was going on. He had even suspected that the scoreboard was malfunctioning.

"After getting a point deducted, his score decreased to 59, but in the next moment, it increased to 62?" Mo Hongyi had never heard of such a situation either and he became stupefied.

"That's the case!" At this point, the servant hesitated once more. "Furthermore..."

"Furthermore, such a situation was repeated three times afterward. A point was deducted first before three points were swiftly added..."

"Points were deducted before being added again? What's going on? The scoreboard of the Master Teacher Pavilion was created with the efforts of a formation grandmaster and countless master teachers. For the last several thousand years, it has never once malfunctioned. Why would it behave like this all of a sudden?"

Mo Hongyi felt perplexed, "Has anyone checked if it is damaged?"

"Wu shi, who is in charge of the examination, checked the scoreboard on the spot and has confirmed that there is nothing wrong with it..." The servant said.

"If there's no error, why would his score be added back after being deducted? This..."

Mo Hongyi shook his head. Then, he suddenly froze upon a certain thought, and his eyes narrowed to small slits, "What did you say just now? The situation happened after he reached 60 points, and repeated itself for another three more times afterward?"

"Yes!" The young servant nodded.

"Then..." Mo Hongyi's lips quivered. "What... is his current score?"

The first time it happened, Zhang Xuan's score reached 62. If it happened another three times, didn't that mean that his score had already exceeded 62? Judging by how his point would increase by a total of 2 every time the situation occurred, his score would be at minimum 68 by now!

Achieving 68 points in the Supporting Occupation Pavilion?

This... Such a score is completely unimaginable!

Can that fellow called Zhang Xuan really be more talented than me?

How is that possible?

"His... His current score is..."

Upon recalling the score, the servant's face contorted immediately as if he had thought of something terrifying. His body trembled, and his mouth opened and closed for several times before words escaped from his quivering lips.

"101 points!"