
Library of Heaven's Souls

Novels brought Gray where he wouldn’t have gone with a gun. Bad Neighborhood? Worse... Transmigration! But that's not all. The Region’s all-powerful Duke wants him dead, his current body/soul are utterly crippled, and his backing is non-existent. He's in for a LOT of trouble! But amidst an existential crisis, opportunity arises… [Unlocked Library of Heavens Souls!] Watch Gray become the wind of change he was always meant to be! Teach as a cover? Sure! Uncover his lost past? Why not? Grow Stronger? That’s a given! Mistakenly Crush Countless Worlds? YES!… Wait, what?! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Initial concept inspired by LoHP 'cause I felt nostalgic. As for where this will all go... May the gods have mercy on my poor readers' souls! Update Schedule: Every Day! (Blame Raj) Discord: https://discord.gg/wQ54ABEF3M *PS: Yes, it's called Waifu Party: LoHS ^_^v

ClasslessAscension · Fantasy
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149 Chs

Bunny Power!

Gray couldn't stop smiling! 

"This might just actually work!" 

He needed a Curse, right? Well, he was about to get lots of them! He scoured his house like a madman for a certain item, then went straight to a magical place! 

As for his destination? The Mess Hall! 

It was bursting with students, and who said students said gossip. He had barely arrived that he had already heard his name a couple dozen times! 

"Holy shit, that lesson was INSANE!" 

"T-Teacher Gale killed her?! I'm still shaking!" 

"I can't believe it either! His lesson made sense, too!" 

"Eh, of course it freaking did! He's a Legendary Swindler!" 

"Wait, so an Assistant Teacher will replace him when he's kicked out, right?" 

On a scale of 1 to 10, Gray's reputation was about -100! Still, that didn't stop him from happily queuing for some food while wearing… a plague doctor mask?! 

This weirdo would have sparked a commotion on any other day, but not today! There was so much more going on that he passed almost unnoticed… until it was his turn. 

A gentle-looking cafeteria lady…

"What will it be for you, hun? Just swipe your badge over then you can select what you want!"

Glowing vegetables, steaming meat with a fragrant aroma, sweet-looking desserts, and even what seemed like magical protein shakes?! As for what he wanted… 


"Ha, nice joke, but seriously what—"

She froze, trembling, as Gray repeatedly swiped his Badge on the reader. S-Seriously?! A shaking Mess Lady actually started piling food in his tray. 

A few instantly noticed him… 

"Y-You, what are you doing?" 

"Moneybag! How many Coins is he spending?!" 

"No, it can't be. Don't tell me, a Teacher's Badge?!" 

"But what kind of Teacher would be that shameless?!" 

At this moment, all eyes landed on him. What was up with the disguise? What was up with that mountain of food? More importantly, whose Teacher's Badge was this?! 

Seeing the crowd getting rowdy, Gray sighed, acting all mysterious… 

"Don't tell anyone, but it's for the Hunting Grounds…." 

Picture this: Poor creatures living peacefully in the Forest when suddenly, BAM! Lots of greedy students killing them for their cores! This time, he'd do something for them.

All this food? It was to feed the poor critters! Hearing the concern in his voice, many couldn't help but soften. Suspicious guy? No, he was an unsung hero!

Under their teary gazes, Gray utterly robbed the Mess Hall and left! 

"Sigh, who do you think that kind soul was?"

"No clue, but I bet the Badge was Teacher Aldor's!" 

"Maybe Miss Mei? She loves fluffy and cute things!" 

But just as they were wondering, a certain girl suddenly remarked. "Say, if he's feeding the beasts, then why the hell did he take all the Strawberry Parfaits, too?"




— Gasp! Gasp! — 

Their gaze landed on the poster on the wall. 

[Fatty Zhang…. WANTED! DO NOT let him in!] 

A teacher's Badge? A renowned foodie? A disguise?

"Goddammit! I'll kill him, I swear!"

"That Bastard! Was that sob story all a lie?!"

"The asshole's learned how to swindle from his Teacher!" 

They kept cursing, the cause of it all long gone. Gray had already reached the Hunting Grounds, and he could already feel his heart beating loudly. This would be his first time! 

Ravenous Bunny territory? Check! 

Lots of food to bait one over? Check!

Incredible fighting spirit? Also Check! 

He kept roaming until… 


A Ravenous Bunny jumped at him! 

As soon as it did, he suddenly felt his legs freeze.

That was it, that was bloody it! As the curse washed over him, Gray hurriedly activated the Curse-Extinguishing Path! He only had an instant, but that would be enough! 

Find the Curse? Done!

Meld his Mana with it? Done! 

Use the Ambient Mana to Amplify it? Skipped!

No, right now, he had to get to the power-up ASAP! 

That's when it happened. He suddenly felt the curse course through his veins as if a burning flame! He could feel it affecting him, slowing him down to a crawl! 

"GRRRRR!" The Bunny gave a victorious grin.

This guy wasn't one of those OP Hunters! It couldn't wait to chew this bastard, and that's when it happened. Gray turned the Curse into a Blessing… 


He was so damn fast now! 

It suddenly felt as if his body had shed down all his weight. His hand? It was so light as he raised it in a flash, grabbed the Bunny by the neck, and then— Bit its white fur?! 

[Ding! Successfully Learned Ravenous Bunny Curse!] 

[Slow Down Your Opponents… or Speed yourself?!] 

[PS: May make its user VERY Hungry!] 

The poor Rabbit stood in his grasp, traumatized. W-What was wrong with this human?! It wouldn't even kill it?! He'd just eat it raw? Suddenly, the Hunters didn't seem that bad… 

"Pui— Your fur tastes disgusting! Either way, get in there!" 

Gray grabbed something on his back and dropped the Bunny… in a wooden cage?! As soon as the creature landed, it questioned the world. What was the point of a cage so flimsy? 

But then it met its captor's gaze. 

Those eyes weren't human. Those eyes were… just like its own?! 

Why did this guy look more like a Ravenous Bunny than a human?! 

"Hehe, we'll be the best of friends from now on. If you behave, I'll give you a treat!" Gray had started with the stick, but now it was time for the carrot! 

Veggies, meat, desserts, even some milk? Gray wasn't sure what the Ravenous Bunny would like, so he put it all before it. As for the creature, it suddenly feared for its life.

A madman! This guy was a freaking madman! 

Everyone knew Ravenous Bunnies only drank Blood! 

Yet, amidst the crazy spread, that was the only thing missing.

"Go on! Eat your fill!~" 

He knew. He had to know! 

What crazy form of torture was this?!

Yet, the poor bunny didn't dare make a peep. 

— Munch! Munch! Munch! Munch! — 

"There you go. Who's a good bunny? You're a good bunny! Oh yes, you're a good bunny. See, it's not too bad when you behave, am I right?" 

M-Monster! Demon! Sadistic bastard! He was even petting its ass to assert its dominance! Why couldn't he just pet its head like any other human would?! But it got worse… 

The poor Bunny tried to plan its escape a few times, sneakily turning its power against the human, but the man would only grow stronger?! 

Not using its power? → It was merely a tiny Rabbit with sharp teeth! 

Use its power instead? → The human would get a buff that overshadowed its own!

This felt so bad! But just as the Bunny was despairing, it suddenly realized something crazy. This monster… he wouldn't be satisfied with just it alone!


"GRRRRR!" → +1 Ravenous Bunny!

"GRRRRR!" → +2 Ravenous Bunny!

"GRRRRR!" → +3 Ravenous Bunny!

Gray just threw them all in the cage on his back. Still, he wasn't a monster either. He'd feed them plenty to compensate them! But he was soon pleasantly surprised. 

"Kyuuu!" Not only was the first Bunny he had caught now acting cute, but it was even gifting part of its treats to its juniors? Talk about considerate! 

"Ah! You guys sure are lucky! See how nice your older brother is? Now, don't waste it and eat it all. Enjoy!~" They were still all shivering. 

Just like that, he kept going, collecting Bunnies faster than a Harem Protagonist would waifus. Before long, his cage was so full of them that it seemed about to burst!

That's when he finally stopped the capturing rampage… 

"Well, that's already good enough, especially with how many we killed the other day," Gray offhandedly remarked, a bunch of bunnies gasping behind him.

This amount would suffice for what he had planned... 

"1…2…3… Curse me all at once!" 

The poor bunnies would have believed anything to be possible, but not this! One had to know that there were Legends about Ravenous Bunny Legions slaughtering even experts! 

But they complied because they feared for their lives. And as Gray felt the 20 Curses land on him all at once, he felt… bliss, his body overflowing with power! 

"Great! You guys are the best! Now it's time to head deeper…" 

Deeper?! Was he insane?! That place was the dwelling of… never mind. Compared to this devil, even the stronger monsters felt irrelevant. But then IT appeared… 

Fiery Fur, flaming eyes, as fast as death, and a maw filled with ember. As soon as they saw the creature, the Bunnies started squeaking like terrorized pigs. 

Seeing this… the Fiery Flaming Fox licked its lips! 

"Tch— What are you all waiting for? Curse!" 

— Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! — 

The fiery fox dashed forward excitedly. This human was weak and would make the perfect snack! It would finally enact its vengeance on the bastards who— 

— Curse! Curse! Curse! Curse! Curse! Curse!… and it kept freaking going?! Vengeance? Who was it kidding? The poor fox tried retreating, but it was far too late! 


This was the sound of Gray's fist crushing its skull! As he gazed at the Magical Beast he had just one-shot, he couldn't help but laugh. 

"So, this is what power feels like? Sigh, I understand why those Mages are so addicted to Magic… Anyway, you guys hungry?" 

As the Bunnies saw the bloody Fiery Fox, they suddenly didn't feel as bad. Blood, so much blood, tasty blood! Oh, and it was the blood of their natural predator, too! 

As for what happened next? A bunny-powered Gray slaughtered his way through the forest, leaving a trail of savagery behind him... all the way to a mountain of bones!

On top of it was a sleeping Fatty Zhang… 

Who needs Horse-Power when you got Bunny-Power? Also, did I just become a Magical Beast Tamer?! Who knows...

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