
Librarian of the Eternal Library

Ascend The Tower: Where Gods are Born, Legends Unveiled, and Myths Come Alive. In the realm of The Tower, where gods forge destiny, legends awaken, and myths transcend reality: Nox, a brilliant detective, is thrust into a realm beyond imagination. A relentless seeker, he yearns to unveil the truth of his origins — a quest for his lost parents. Luke, an enigmatic force, stands as the very apex of existence, yet aches for the familiarity of home on Earth. Bound by the threads of fate, Nox becomes the Librarian of the Eternal Library, a conduit between worlds. Here, amidst forgotten tomes and arcane secrets, he encounters Luke, a captive of eternity. Luke's longing to reunite with his parents resonates with Nox's search, but Luke holds knowledge beyond Nox's reckoning. United by destiny, their paths intertwine, setting in motion a tidal wave of change. The Tower's denizens watch as the tapestry of lives shifts, unraveling mysteries and rewriting destinies. Can Nox navigate this enigmatic realm to uncover his lineage and fulfill Luke's yearning? With every step, the Tower quakes, and its people are stirred. The Tower is a crucible, forging both heroes and gods. As Nox and Luke tread its labyrinthine passages, they'll not only shape their destinies but also reshape the very essence of The Tower. Prepare to witness a metamorphosis like no other. For in this saga, The Tower itself will be transformed, and at its heart stands Nox, bound to unravel not only the Tower's secrets but his own existence. Embark on a journey where mysteries converge, dreams take flight, and The Tower and its inhabitants are forever altered. _________________________________ **Warning:** The protagonist begins with strength and grows stronger over time. At the start of the story, the main character feels confused and struggles to adjust to the Tower, much like an ordinary person. While the main character is kind and affectionate, there are moments when he become angry and behave selfishly or maliciously. This story doesn't feature a perfect "Knight in shining armor" protagonist. He is human too, like you and me. If you're seeking shallow characters, you won't find them here. Every character, no matter how minor, has a backstory. Nox, too, holds a intricate past that will gradually unfold throughout the novel. _________________________________ This novel has taken inspiration from some of my favorite novels, such as: Leveling with the gods Second Life ranker Omniscient reader's viewpoint Solo Leveling and many more.... Even though most writers use the top books as inspiration, they do not say it aloud, like me. But, I love the novels I used as inspiration wholeheartedly. Even though all I can do is try, I will provide the readers with the best story possible. _________________________________ P.S: This is my first webnovel. Please do give me some time so that I may improve. I am also always open to suggestions. Thank you very much!! ** I know the story's pace is a bit slow. I apologize for that. I assure you that the pace increases in the later chapters. _________________________________ The art is not mine. If you are the artist, please let me know if you want me to take it down or give you credits. My Discord: MythicBunny#7072 My Instagram: mythicbunny06

MythicBunny · Fantasy
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97 Chs

Beginnings 2

Most people like to investigate in teams; it makes the work easier. But due to my lack of communication skills, the people who did couple up with me ended up leaving soon after.

I then learned and even started to prefer working alone. But undoubtedly, connections do help; like in this situation, where this bouncer in front of this pub is not letting me go inside. He can easily be taken down, but it would be best to not create a scene when I am on duty.

During my time as a P.I., I have learned to make and maintain connections. Most of the connections I have are with my clients and some friends. Many people have come to me asking for me to investigate their cases. Many famous people, many important people, many influential people. Like the owner of the bar in front of me.

After ringing him up, I made him speak to the bouncer standing guard. After what I made out to be just a few words, the bouncer soon made way and permitted me to enter.

This was the bar where Jesse last performed, so it was a crucial place where evidence and information could be obtained. I went straight to the bartender and ordered a non-alcoholic martini. The bartender was around 40 years old, a little plump, and had black curly hair and a bushy mustache.

After analyzing the bartender and how he spoke to other people, it was easy to deduce that he was a man who had retired from military service. He was very observant and looked like a man with few words but all the correct answers. Like most people, he needed a little incentive to answer some questions.

I finished my martini, took out 5000 citz, and slipped it to the bartender under the glass.

The bartender seemed shocked but then realized what he had to do.

"Ask," the bartender said in a somewhat grumpy voice.

"Jesse Morr," I replied.

"He was here two days ago, then he sat in some car and went away."

"Car?" I inquired. Jesse didn't make so much so that he could afford a car.

"Three people came in and took him in a black car."

"He went willingly?"

"Yes," replied the bartender.

"Do you remember anything about the car or the people?" I asked the bartender.

"More," the bartender said in a grumpy voice as if he was irritated.

I slipped 3000 citz to him, and he quietly slipped it into his pocket.

"The car had a 'Vote for John Vladson' sign. One of its headlights was also broken," replied The Bartender.

"Anything more?" I asked.


After staying for a couple more minutes and looking around the bar, which didn't have many customers, I walked out and headed toward my car.

The information the bartender gave me answered many questions and doubts. But what did Jesse find out that he was taken away? As old doubts were answered, new ones rose to take their place. But the most crucial question was, why would John Vladson not try to be discreet about this? John Vladson was a cautious man. It doesn't make sense that he would take Jesse away from a place with so many eyes in a car that clearly marks him as a suspect.

It all feels like someone is trying too hard to point fingers at John Vladson. But who?

After returning to my office, I booted up my computer and brought up the CCTV footage from two days ago. Although obtaining CCTV footage as a private investigator was never easy, I had friends in high places. I had risked a lot for them long ago on the condition that I could access the city's surveillance system whenever I wished.

What I needed to find among the many cars was a car with a 'Vote For John Vladson' sign and a broken headlight.

It wasn't too hard to spot as the car was the only one like it in the vicinity of the bar at that time.

I followed the car by changing to different cameras on the street. The vehicle was last seen going to the docks.

Unfortunately, the docks had no cameras that my computer could access. Fortunately, the docks only had a handful of warehouses, so it should not be hard to search them all before midnight.

When I got out, I was surprised to see that the moon had already risen. I jumped in my car and headed for the docks.

It took some time to reach as it was at the corner of City A.

As I neared the docks, I switched off my headlights and entered the gates. After parking my car at a spot that was quickly accessible, I walked toward the warehouses on foot.

Although I am not a fan of weapons, most guns and knives can be used by me. For investigations like these; I always keep on me a small gun that snuggly fits in the holster strapped to my shoulder, along with a knife in the holster on my socks and a dagger in a holster on my waist. Luckily all of this is covered by my Inverness cape.

There were a total of three warehouses on the docks.

Deciding to enter the warehouse closest to me first, I walked towards it. The floor felt damp, and the air felt stiff inside the warehouse compared to the outside. Crates of all colors and logos were lined up and stacked neatly around the warehouse. A quick examination of the first warehouse led me to find nothing other than crates and rats.

I made my way to the next warehouse. The environment and vibe of the second warehouse were the same as the first one, except that this warehouse was only half-filled with crates and boxes. In contrast, the first one was filled to the brim. Inspecting each and every nook and cranny of the second warehouse only helped me find zilch.

I then moved towards the third warehouse. According to the trend, the third warehouse should be empty since the first warehouse was filled and the second warehouse was semi-filled with crates and containers.

Talking? I quickly ducked behind some crates lying out in the open and slightly raised my head. Two? No! Four people come out of the third warehouse. It's dark, but I could make out the figures of the 4 people. 3 men and one woman.

I could hardly determine what they were talking about due to the distance, but I heard the words: ' Father, trapped, mother, safe.'

"Hello there," A voice whispered right behind my ears. A woman? Wait! A voice? Why didn't I hear any movement? NO! There is no time to think; I must react swiftly!

As I tried to reach for the knife holstered at my waist, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. A needle? No! It's an injection! How can someone be so stealthy? Ho--

Falling to the ground, I lost consciousness before I could think or react any further.

How much time has passed? What is the information I have been able to obtain so far? Is it useful? What is the best way to react in this situation? What is the thing I can do?

I jolted awake. My consciousness had returned, but I was unable to move my body. What was the thing that was injected into me? Poison? Drugs?

"My my, you are awake at last !" A voice said. Is it a man or a woman? My mind is still too hazed to make out such a simple detail.

I struggled to barely open my eyes. Standing in front I saw, Marie? Am I still under the drug's effect, or was the one in front of me really Marie?

"Well, even I was surprised when you found this warehouse today itself. I must say I am quite impressed, Mr. Mill," Marie smiled as she said those words.

I was now able to move my fingers and toes. I realized that my hands and legs had been tied together.

"Why?" I managed to say.

"Shouldn't we kill him already?" said someone. Someone? I glanced in the direction of the voice. Jesse? How?

"Now now, Love. Mr. Mill worked very hard to be able to get here. I think he at least deserves to know why this happened to him," replied Marie.

"As you say, Marie," replied Jesse.

"Now!" Marie said as she clapped her hands, "I am sure you have some questions, Nox! Ask Up!"

I examined the room I was in; it was probably one of the warehouses, the third one. There were four people around the room: three men and one woman. Wait! Only four people? Where is the woman who attacked me?

But before that, this thing actually made somewhat sense. Marie had always been the child of a very influential person. There were plenty of newspaper articles on how hot-blooded John Vladson was. So, it is not unimaginable to think that he took some of his rages out on his wife and daughter. As such, Marie wished to send her father to prison so she could be away from him.

One of the ways to achieve her desire was to fake a crime against her father but with plenty of proof and witnesses against John Vladson this time. Unlike the discrete crimes John Vladson commits, this was way too connected. Everything pointed directly at him.

After planning everything, she approached me, one of the top 10 detectives in City A. She knew that even if she did bear witness against her father, it would all be to no avail as the crimes committed by John Vladson had been way too discreet, and no evidence pointed to him.

But, if a detective like me investigated the case Marie had brought me and found Vladson guilty along with the various pieces of evidence against him, he would indeed be imprisoned.

In my opinion, this was only the beginning of Marie's plan. She didn't expect me to show up at the warehouse so fast.

"No need to be shy. Ask your questions, detective," Marie said. It was obvious that Marie was confused and didn't know what to do now. Undoubtedly, she had made an excellent plan. But, her plan was not without holes. Her entire plan probably shattered down to shambles just because I showed up at the warehouse too quickly.

"Where is the person who attacked me?" I finally asked. By now, I had regained total consciousness and control over my body.