
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasy
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225 Chs

Seas, Sands, and Seasons. (Prologue)

*clang* *clang* *clang* *clang*

Smite of steel ring through my ears, the clash of metal wakes me like a morning clock ringing. I clean my eyes as a bright flash of light flashes rapidly in the darkness...

"Lord Suowa, we have arrived. Please wake up."

Tanwa shakes my shoulder gently as she whispers sweetly into my ears. Her pink eyes are lucent even in the contrast flashes of darkness and white.

"I see, thank you Tan- fuwaaa!"

My words were skewed as I yawn. Stretching my arms as I felt it hitting the roof of the van.


I quickly close my mouth as I apologize. But Tanwa merely fans her hand saying:

"Don't worry Lord Suowa. Xin will help you with the train so follow him close okay?"

"Okay... Wait, what about the others?"

I look around and notice how Kokkan and Saya are missing...

"Am I the last one to wake? Sorry, let me get up now."

"Ah, you don't need to apologize! Come, let's get your face wash up first then."

*cling* *clang* *cling* *clang* *vrooom*

The sound of something heavy pass through as Tanwa led me by hand as she pulls me out of my sit. Tanwa lead me to what seems to be a faucet and I quickly turn the switch and let the cold water pour. I splash my face and let the coldness sink in.

"Good morning Sova, have a nice nap?"

I could hear Saya's voice as my vision is still blurry.

"Yea, morning... Wait, did I overslept?"

"Nah, that's why we wake you up. Come to the lobby when you're done."


"Here's a towel, Lord Suowa."

"Thanks, Tanwa."

I wipe my face and dry the parts that wet my hair. My mind was still fuzzy but the view in front is quite pretty. Maybe it's the lack of higher ground in my home place or the lack of my early sleeping habit, but this is the first time I saw the nightlife ever so glowing with flickering yellow and white from above. A mix of blue and grey to add the touch of the urban feel.

I turn around and see a giant open building amongst the empty dug up ground with steel bars all over. Unlike the night sky filled to the brin with stars, this building was empty, ghastly even. When I gave Tanwa the towel back, we decided to enter the giant place. The stale stairs and door made of grey stone and bars of steel have its colours run down as if rain has clean it up.


Sound of rusty metal scratches my ears as we enter a ghastly place.

(This place has a similar vibe to the underground place I use with Saya).

"Ah, there you are! Come with me."

Xin waves at us and gestured us to follow. I speed up and run to where he is and realize the details of this place. Empty receptions, broken chairs, dusty floors, broken steel boxes and damaged rooftops...

"How long was this place been abandoned?"

(And where's Saya and Kokkan?)

Questions pour from my mouth as I look around. Xin looks back at me saying:

"Hmm? Oh, well it's already been more than a decade since this place was fixed. But people still use this place 3 years ago. Thanks to Tanwa's older brother messing things up, they had to pull all the public trains for military use. So this place is now ignored entirely."

(Trains huh? Now that I think about it, didn't May said she ride one back when we're in Central? If so, if this station houses trains then does that mean I also rode one with Saya back in that underground dungeon thing? And hold on!)

"Wait, then why are we here if there's no train?"

Xin smirks and looks ahead saying:

"Yes, "public" trains. We're talking about Royalty here. Do you think they would sacrifice their own stuff for fodders? We'll be "borrowing" one of their private ones."

"Oh, ok then... I suddenly feel weird about this."

*cling* *clang* *cling* *clang* *vrooom*

A train rush through one of the dug up ways as we look past the broken windows. Xin stares at the long train as his eyes are glued to it following the tail before it disappears completely through the soft glow of yellow and blue. He looks down mumbling:

"So they still send people there as of now..."

Before looking back at me shouting:

"Sorry! Come, Lord Shala is waiting at the train already."

I can only wonder what as I reply:

"I see... Wait where's Kokkan?"

"Hmm? The black warrior? Isn't he beside you?"


I look to my left and see Tanwa and then my right when I notice Kokkan walking beside me.

"K-Kokkan!? When did you get there!?"

"Hmm? I've been beside you since you exit the vehicle."

"Really? I... Didn't notice..."

I clean my eyes once again to make sure this doesn't happen again.

"Maybe that's because I'm wearing all black."

"Well, I would at least notice your blue eyes."

"Really? I see..."

Kokkan replies with a smile as we continue onward.


Another rusty door was force open by Xin as we pass through.

"Dammit, Xin! Release me this instant!"

A surprise shout ring through my ears. My eyes fall to where it originated. Someone wearing clothing similar to those gate guards was tied up on with steel chains to a pillar.


"Oh, that pushover? Just ignore him. I'll release him when we deliver you two and return."

Xin answers me before I even ask as he continues on. I look at Tanwa who's trying her best to ignore him as she plucks her ears tight.

"Damn you, Xin! Once I get out of here I'll report this to Head Quarters and-"

"Get your self demoted to an even worse position? Be my guest. You should be grateful that you're not living on the streets like the rest of us. You can't even break off from a steel chain as a Gate Guard? Fucking pathetic. Well, the fact you became a Hunter despite being a noble is speaking volumes now doesn't it?"


"SSSSSHUT UP! And do your fucking job properly! Who do you think you are!?"

Xin cuts off his words with a harsh comeback. The gate guard hangs his head low as he finally quiets down. Xin leaves the place with a bitter taste and we soon entered an open area with large open spaces, chairs and large steel boxes with pictures on them...

(One word for this place, it's... Weird. In a good way).

There I could see one giant steel vehicle similar to the one we use underground. But unlike the one we used, this is... Worse?

The windows are just open holes, the exterior is made from some rusty thin steel, and the insides...

(Well let's not dwell too much).

I could see Saya sitting on a broken chair. But thanks to her size, the broken part doesn't seem to matter to her.

"Oh, you're finally here. Have a nice nap?"

"Mhm, I feel much better now... Say, how long was I asleep?"

"Around two hours. Maybe that's not enough for you but you can rest when we travel on the train. Now, I take dibs on the front seat."

"Huh? W-wait up."

I chase after Saya inside and found how the interior looks like. Unlike the ones we ride to the border, this one is very run down. Even the walls and seats inside are losing colour. At least, there are lights on the ceiling.

"Does this really belong to royalty? I feel like they don't bring this train forth because it's old or something."

Saya takes a sit on the place that looks like many seats combine to one and a large opening behind her. Before laying down and replying:

"Hmph, when all your funding and capital is sent to the military you can bet the only properly functioning tools definitely belong to the army and royalty. But with your neighbours being isolationist and enemies, It's just not many uses for vacation transportation."

I take a seat that nearest to the window just behind her replying:

"Did you get that from deduction?"

"Yes, it's just obvious."

Saya replies while Kokkan takes the seat across of me while Tanwa sits behind me.

"Alright, sit tight. We're going to start moving shortly."

Xin walks past us as he enters the driving room, I think that's what they explain to me when I ask back at the district.

"Saya, you can operate this train too right? I mean, you did drive the train we use to travel the border."

I lean on the bars in front asking. Saya pulls her head back that she's looking at me upside down replying:

"Well, if I have the manual sure. Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering can you drive something else? Like can you drive that van? Or maybe other transportation?"

"Oh? Do you want to travel with someone?"

"Mhm! Mhm!"

I nod enthusiastically. Saya gets up and sits straight saying:

"To be honest I can actually drive many things thanks to the information I gathered... But I guess most of my problem stems from... Being short."


"Hey! Who laughed just now!?"

Saya jumps on her feet as she points at us before she looks at Kokkan whose covering his mouth.

"What's so funny pretty boy?"

Kokkan takes a breathe in before replying:

"Sorry, you just reminded me of my little sister. Like how she spends so much time learning how to drive only to realize her feet won't even reach the pedal. Hahaha!"

Kokkan speaks with a smile as he tries to hold his laughter before bursting forth.

(Is he talking about Kanami? Still...)

"Kokkan, that's rude!"

"Forgive me, Sova. But, it's just hilarious."

"Hmph ignore him! In fact, I can even ride a plane. I could let you drive beside me as I show you the whole city. (As long as we don't get caught)"

I clutch the iron bars replying:

"Sorry... Anything but the plane..."

Saya and Kokkan look at me before Saya replies saying:

"Sorry, then what do you want to ride?"

I let go of the steel bars and realize how I squeeze it so hard it left my finger marks on it. I lean back saying:

"I don't know vehicles than a few. Do you have any suggestion?"

"What about a bike?"

Kokkan suggests something and I can't help but asks:

"Bike? Is it like those bicycles with a similar name? I saw them sell it on the scarp store and wonder how do people even use it..."

Kokkan gets closer and sits beside me replying:

"Yes, Sova. It's the same but not."

"Now you're making me confused."

"You see, bicycles are more manual where you need to pedal with your feet as you move. But the bike will drive it for you, so all you need to do is keep your balance and steer the wheel while make sure you fill it up with gas for Owlians Techs and magic for Zerian Uses."

Kokkan starts to make shapes with his fingers as he explains. I nod asking:

"I don't know what you mean but it seems fun. Do you ride one?"

Kokkan shakes his head saying:

"Not anymore. Since I can outrun any normal or enchanted bike."


"But I'm sure you'll still feel the greatness of having the wind blowing on your face or seeing the area around you becomes a blur."

(I sometimes dash so fast everything become blurred out but...)

"I don't think that's fun at all. I think it's quite annoying since it kinda hurts your eyes."

"I see..."

Kokkan quiets down as he seems to wonder what to say next.

*psssh* *hoooonk*

The sound of blowing steam and horns rings loudly when the train shakes and starts to move. I look at the scenery outside when it starts to get obscured and changed...

(I don't think I'll get bored with how the view could change like that).

"Well, I'm going to take another nap."

Saya lies down again as she closes her eyes. I stare outside saying:

"Sure, I might rest too."

"Um Lord Suowa, I suggest you don't look outside so much."

"Huh? Why?"

Tanwa warns me as she leans on my seat.

"This train may have been built with Owlian Tech, but it's still modified by magic to travel faster then you can imagine."

"Um... How fast?"

My curiosity gets me as Tanwa looks up and count with her finger saying:

"Usually it takes 14 hours to reach from the jaguar to the turtle sector. But since we can't be late, we modified it so that we only need 2 hours."

"That's really fast! I don't know how you get an engine that powerful but I'm surprised this train is still intact. If that's true you better not look outside if you're not used to that speed, Sova."

Kokkan commented on Tanwa's explanation.

"I see... I guess that's fine. Thank you for telling me."

"Y-Your welcome, Lord Suowa!"

Kokkan extends his hand past me to touch the window whispering:

"A barrier? No wonder I don't feel any wind pressure."

"That's right! This is all thanks to Tannan's friends back at the engineering club."

"An engineering club at a magic school? I'm impressed, even the Eclipse Empire's best schools didn't have such things. As expected of the best school at the Confederation."

"Hehe, if you really want to know more, you could find them when you arrive. I heard they're having an exhibition for the festival."

Kokkan looks at me when I nod saying:

"You can go if you want Kokkan, don't let me hold you back."

"B-But, my lord-"

"If you're that worried, I could follow you to see if you want."



"Thank you very much, Sova! I'll pay you back somehow!"

"Maybe with that Erickson bars."

"If that's what you want, then I'll give you my stock. But don't you want anything more?"


"Hah, I see. Thank you, Sova."

(Yes! Sweets captured!)

I lean back and rest my head on my seat. Feeling a bit uncomfortable by the steel pushing my nape. I look at Kokkan beside me whose pulling out a book from his cape.

"Kokkan, what're you reading?"

I lean closer to him as I try to peek at the title. But as our shoulders touch, Kokkan moves away from me a little replying:

"Oh, this is manga... Or in this Confederation, manhua. Or the people from the forbidden west and the north and west peninsula call this manhwa and I think the Aologi Empire calls this a comic- the point is, it has many names."

He opens up the part with a steel bookmark and reads it as I ask,

"Comic? Manga? Manhua?"

"Um... You don't know?"

I shake my head as I look at the contents. It's filled with panels of black and white drawings.

"Oh, is it like a picture book? That one I know."

"Something similar. Don't any of the stores in the district sell it? I mean, there's a bunch where I was staying before going to the palace."

"Really!? I never saw it before."

When I look at the cover I can see numbers and letters written in Eclish. And the focus was a beautiful lady holding two sword guns that's kinda similar to Kokkan in design. But rather than rifles, this one seems to be a shotgun.

"Say, are these base on real life?"

I point the character at the cover and Kokkan closes the book to look at it saying:

"Well, yes in a sense. I mean, it's possible but I don't think you'll see many people actually performing their moves since it's pretty hard, unrealistic or just plain waste of movement and energy. Sometimes the author made a huge mistake by making the tools and weapons do something else entirely."

"Woah! Can I see it? Can I?"

"Of course... And you can look too if you're curious."

Kokkan looks behind me and when I follow his eyes, I could see Tanwa leaning forth once more trying to peek.

"Eep! I mean, me too?"

"If you're curious."

"Really!? T-then... Then, this lowly one will gladly take your offer, thank you very much!"

Tanwa leans from behind Kokkan's seat and I look from beside him. I could see the contents as he opens the cover. From the intro pictures, title and the author who is a bear? Character introductions, page indicators, and finally begins the story with a grand picture of two people duelling and the title...

[48. Shura VS Ederaina 1]

(Ederaina? Ain't that the saint of nature from thousands of years ago? What's she doing in this book? Or is she just someone with her name? And wait, VS? What does that even mean!? This feels weirder to read than the usual book. Especially where in Owlian and the common tongue you have to read left to right, the language in this country and the neighbouring ones reads from right to left and then the scriptures begin from up to down).

When I look back, it seems Tanwa looks a bit confused since she can't read Eclish but happy enough to just see the pictures. It seems I'm not the only one confused here. I continue to look and read the bubbles appearing on their head and the words on the box while Kokkan slowly turns the page as he lets us observe.

The fight they're doing looks crazy as it takes up many of the space in the pages in white strides and each character looking desperate as they try to change the tide of battle...

(This is so much different than a picture book! And for some reason, that Shura guy looks a lot like Aoi when she transforms, and Ederaina for some reason wears a very revealing outfit in a winter wave... In fact, she doesn't look the same as the one in the history book May provides me).

I look back up at Kokkan whose reading it very intensely asking:

"Kokkan, can you do some of the moves in the book?"

Kokkan blinks once before looking at me saying:

"Oh Shura's moves? Easy, I can even go even faster than him. But since I'm a pure Martial Artist, I can't really even cast one of Ederaina's spells."

"Really!? That's amazing! I don't think I can do either of them!"

"Um, this lowly one has a question."

"You can just call me Kokkan."

"T-Then lord Kokkan, why are they even fighting? Can't they just make up? I mean I may not understand it but maybe they could at least talk?"

Kokkan nods and points at the parts and characters as he explains, saying:

"Ah, well you need to read the previous volume to understand their conflict and this climax but to put it simply, this Shura guy killed her little sister and burn her corpse before she can be revived. So in a blind of rage, Ederaina now pursues him for revenge.

"That's awful!"

"How could he do such a thing!"

"But in actuality, Shura does it because her little sister had actually died long ago and is possessed by the Monster King so that he could get close to the saint of nature, i.e Ederaina and possess her. So in actuality, Shura's actually protecting her."

"Wait, so she's Ederaina!? Why is she so immodest!? And where's the paladin that always accompanied her? I never really heard in the history books that Ederaina has siblings."

Tanwa asks Kokkan as she points at the book, I do the same asking:

"And why are they fighting? Can't he just explain and talk to her or try at least? And seriously, who is this monster king?"


Kokkan sighs and before he could reply, Xin has entered the room and looks surprised at us asking:

"Hoh~ what are you reading?"

"Hmm, oh this? It's Reki."

"Reki!? Man, you're pretty old school. Say, how far have you read?"

Xin sits on the seat beside us as he drops his weapon besides Kokkan's blades.

"Chapter 138."

(138? This book is 48 so minus that it would be... I can't count that far, but it's so much a difference! And if he read that far, why did he have a bookmark in it?)

Kokkan replies to him as he continues reading.

"138!? That's basically the most recent release. Damn, not even the translation half that far yet. I'm still waiting for the battle between Shura and Ederaina. What chapter is that again?"

Xin leans forward and holds his chin as he ponders. I point at the book saying:

"Well, we're reading it now."

"What, really!? Did the new volume came out already!? It hasn't even been six months."

Xin comes close as we gather around Kokkan, sandwiching him at his place. Xin clicks his tongue saying:

"Tch, it's still raw. I don't understand Eclish at all. Even when some of the words are the same as Runician it reads differently."

Xin scratches his head and back away when Saya wakes up shouting:

"Hah, Nerds!"

"Oh, shut up, when you train your body day and night, sometimes you just wanna lay down and rest. And I'm picking this hobby thanks to my nerd friends but I'm glad it did."

(Nerds? Wha?)

Saya gets up and leans on the bars infront of me saying:

"Really? You're glad your friend introduce you to books filled with nudes and tons of fanservice?"

"Nudes!? X-Xin! To think you've been reading such a thing!"

Tanwa covers her face as she commented but Xin makes a throwing gesture as he seems to throw Saya's words back replying:

"Oh, SSSSHUT UP! She's just looking at the wrong section of the store! You criticise someone's hobby but what about you magicians? Shutting your self in a secluded room reading scrolls but in actuality, they're a pervert who copulate with their own books!"

(Copulate? What does that mean?)

And it seems Tanwa helps me out as she tugs Xin's sleeve asking:

"Copulate? What does that mean Xin?"

"Not now Tanwa!"

Tanwa was left speechless by Xin's comeback. Saya in return fan her hand left and right saying:

"Heh, I'm not that much of an old sage yet. But at least they're not making and drawing their own imaginations of someone making out into a book at least."

I ignore their bickering when I realize Kokkan just continues to read. I lean close and read alongside him as we continue this trip.

(Just enjoying time together is pretty fun. Is this what a friend gathering looks like I wonder? And the festival after this... Heh, I wonder if Sis Fei planned all this so I could rest after a mission? She's really nice when she's not teasing me).

A new chapter... Hurray!

Thank you so much for reading so far. I really do. If there's anything wrong please do let me know so I can fix it.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts