
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasy
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227 Chs

Of Lord and Prey. (Epilogue)

"This is a shortcut Won-Yok created, Colonel. Good luck- Oh, forgive me, I meant Supreme Commander."

A traitor amidst the large city opens a secret passageway from the noble residence leading to the Imperial Palace from one of the aqueducts.

"Thank you, Do-Hagun nim."

"You saved my son, so I am happy to help... But only for that idiot Won-Yok to send him to his death."


"Just make sure you make him pay."

A traitor is always present in every group, be it those who are once allies, friends, family, someone who wishes to repay a lifelong debt, someone drown by their greed, or something simply as revenge.

"Leave it to me."

Iseon reply back as he can't help but grit his teeth mocking him for his pettiness deep inside. Everyone probably understood the sacrifice everyone has to make to somehow survive the Coalition, and Iseon himself understood it more than everyone since he's a culprit to the same pettiness.

The leader of the Opposition to the Royal authority, self appointed Supreme Commander Angeo Song-Iseon have easily broke through the city by thinning its garrison, forcing them fighting all 4 fronts before cutting open a path. With the North sieged by Admiral Deok-Hye, the East attacked by Admiral Son-Jungrip, and the remaining two fronts led by his former fiance Song-Ryong and her brother Song-Kong. He can only pray their father didn't come to crash the party from his own blood betraying him by bringing the legitimate princess along but that is simply wishful thinking.

With a small contingent elite forces numbering less than a thousand, they're crack troops that followed his parents when he first joined the war 16 years ago. Each of them are at least enough to be called a true martial artists for fighting 3 decades worth of experience in the most dangerous battlefields. Now they have swear allegiance to him, assisting him by proclaiming him King.

(The Phoenix Overlord may not like it but they're not directly intervening, so they still stand to gain from this as well).

As proof of that, when Iseon entered the Imperial Palace's vicinity, neither Soo-Nari with her keen senses and Yoo-Sui have sent anyone, nor any of the Ohgranye hiding in the shadows have stepped in to intervene when he cut open the capital wall. Even though the passage is new, it is still built upon old foundation, just like this kingdom, while the outside my shine the insides rust and rots to the core...

(Not like this kingdom shines in the first place).

Iseon thought as he looks past the ceilings, contrary to his belief that the situation would only get heated up as he enter deeper, there was only silence awaiting their arrival. Not a single Crimson guards that have sworn to protect the Royal Family can be seen. Neither servants or wall guards, and no life at the stables either...

(I should expected much).

Something click seeing the empty stables and Iseon immediately look below. Fresh trails and footprint can be seen scattered about heading deeper inside the palace. Iseon raises his hands shouting:

"All of you, spread out and encircle this place! I have somewhere I need to go."

" "We obey!" "

"Oh, and Captain Min-Ji."

"Yes, Young Master?"

"I have huge suspicion on a certain escape path. Bring our best there and immediately call for assistance if I'm right."

"We obey!"

As his loyal guards spread out, Iseon boldly stand before the main castle gates and push it open with no resistance.

*Clang* *Clang*

The massive doors open with a push and light pours inside the abandoned castle.

*Step* *Step*

His footsteps echo loudly within the empty lobby while small lights only peer through the gaps from the closed curtains. The sun has only peek out when the siege began, and now it has reach the summit as Iseon's past wash past him as he travels deeper into the open man-made pond. Walking over the bridge, he starts to hear voices...

(Huh? What are these 2 brats doing here!? What the hell are the guards doing?! What do you mean these 2 are the new officers that graduated? Are we really that low in nobles we had to recruit kids who haven't even finish their education!? What about that bastard boasting his 8 kids? Did he fucking ignore the royal decree!?)

(Hoh? Not even 20 years old and these two are already Generals with a title? Maybe my kingdom isn't doomed after all or the standards have become so low. But either way, they say heroes emerge from the depths of despair, and loyalty shines in the midst of chaos. Even if you're a child of the abyss, prove everyone's assumptions wrong, Iseon nim).

(It seems you've inspired many youngsters, my daughter included. Your presence brings hope to the younger generation, so keep fighting the good fight, here have some of these sweets to keep some motivation... A bit jarring since I'm trying to cheer you up but, your father is a brave man, just know that his last wish is to see you and protect you. So please don't hate him too much).

(Hey, Iseon! Don't think just because we're both Generals now that we're the same! Don't forget I'm still older by a few months. And then, I'm gonna surpass you one day and then both my father and grandfather. I will be the one bringing honour and prestige to my family! And soon the kingdom will sing my name! Cheo! Cheo! Cheo!)

(Angeo Iseon is it? I hope you don't take my son to be so annoying. He's just really happy to have someone similar in age fighting by his side. I'm sure you can guess with his personality, no normal people would want to befriend him- oh, I'm not calling you crazy or anything... But I suppose you are special).

(NOT BAD, KID!!! I always respect those who choose to fight than run away! Though you may be a boring person, I do hope my kids gets to be as strong as you one day! HUMHUMHUM! And it seems my daughter might reach your level soon enough as well, HUMHUMHUM!).

(Don't be foolish dear! Our daughter wouldn't even hurt a fly! Oh, Iseon nim, don't listen to him, I believe that our kids shouldn't even become fighters at all. And I hope when you have kids, they don't need to be as well. So how is it? Did you find someone you're interested? Oh, it's gotta be her, right? I know this isn't the time to be match making but what's so wrong about dreaming about a future!? Oh, maybe my daughter might interest you? She's very smart and the scholarly type you like).

(You're pretty amazing kid, even I can't do that much your age. With that talent, you will become the pillar for your generation. The Angeo family may fallen and give birth to a cursed child... But, I'm willing to extend my hand to those who deserve it, take my hand and I'll help revive your family).

(Thank you again, Song-Iseon, it seems my wife's training drills really did it marks! I heard you've already promised to join Dae-Song's family, what a shame, you should've join mine instead and be my disciple! Then you can call yourself So-Iseon, that would've been even better!)

(No! Ditch Dae-Song and Hwang-So, join mine instead. Become Jin-Iseon! Why must you hesitate? Is it because he offered his daughter to you? I'll let you marry my granddaughter instead! No wait, did the nurse said a boy or girl again? At least you can marry my... Uh, Niece?)

(Heh, look at you bumbling your words, master. And no, you probably don't have a niece, your entire family is filled with dudes, so high chance that new kid is a boy as well. Your family is probably cursed to forever have males down the line. And luckily I wouldn't be at that huge sausage party when he starts his debut. Plus, shouldn't you be asking the father of those kids first? You know, your own son?

But hey, look at mister popular~ Being chased and desired by all these old grandpas. I don't even feel a bit envious at all, but maybe... Yeon-Iseon isn't so different now is it? It might even be better since you get to have a beautiful girl as your master, Hm? Hm? Not even cute prince Juju pouts can buy such proposal you know, Hm~ Hm ~? I may be half a decade older but that shouldn't deter you from-)

Iseon exits the pond and enter the guest residential area. It was silent for a moment until he reaches a certain room and hears another voice,

(Cough, cough! Iseon... You may be a war hero, a General, the Saviour of our people, but you're also the pride of our Angeo family, and most of all... You're still my precious son. When this war finally ends, please have a simple and more importantly, happy life. I'm sorry that as a mother I can't teach or do anything a normal mother can).

"No, forgive me Mother... You son is simply one selfish man."

Wondering if this is a sign and last turning point in his life for hearing everyone's voices, he grips his weapon tighter and look up the stairs leading to the conference hall.

(Thank... Thank you for coming General! I'm R-R-Ri-Mi, now on duty! I-I'm happy to b-b-b-b-be able to work alongside one of the Heroes of the K-Kingdom! I'll pwove to you I'm one of the best bureaucrat ever! I'll wipe all your table off any papers!)

Iseon takes one step gripping his weapon tighter wishing for her safety back at their HQ. He exhales, his cold breathe visible for all to see wondering,

(It's only because of her that I need not worry about my back).

With her around to manage the land given to him by Won-Yok after the war, he actually has time to manage the ruins of his birthplace. Ascending the conference stairs, Iseon could finally hear voices inside. Slowing down upon the door, Iseon push it open to see Won-Yok with many of the old guards who's staying to strategize and command the defense of the capital.

"So you're finally here."

"It's not like there's much of a resistance, Old man."

Hwang-So pulls out his great sword saying:

"All of you leave and find another place to command, I'll deal with him."

" "We obey!" "

Both slowly walks toward each other lifting their weapons. Hwang-So brandish his sword for the fight while Iseon twirls his gun-glaive around. Stopping at a distance, the turn and circle the room, sizing each other up. Amidst the mostly empty round conference room that could fit thousands easily, Iseon broke the silent stare by saying:

"Even after everything, you still took up the mantle. Do you not trust your successors?"

"What successors? All I see are Corpses, Failures, and..."

Won-Yok squint his eyes at Iseon as he seems to know what he will say next.

"Traitors like you."

Won-Yok swings his sword and moves his shoulders as to warm up and continue saying:

"Usually I would tell people like you to watch your age and simply go home, but I almost forgot your age every time I see you."

"You're forgetting your age as well, old man. You're pretty much half of this Kingdom's history. (Traitor...)"

They stop for once and raise their weapons high with a similar stance.

"Tell me, Young Iseon, why do you desire the throne?"


It was silent for a while in the Conference room, the soft echoes of war could be heard at the distance as the dim sun shines down the glass ceiling. Iseon simply shows a determined as if he remembered something from a long gone time and smile.

"Simply because I have a dream, old man. That's all the reason we all need isn't it?"

"Very well... Hump!"

Won-Yok strikes first with a downward strike that cuts open the floor beneath them.

"Hehe, traitor you said just now right?"

Iseon chuckle as he remembers that recent word. He scoffs Won-Yok's pathetic attack and simply deflect the qi strike upwards.

*Pang* *Crack*

Rain, shards of glass and snow fell across the Conference room. Won-Yok appear from the reflection infront of Iseon and delivers another strike but Iseon simply blocks his attack again simply by placing his glaive to his back. Another strike arrives from his sides which Iseon counters with a large sweep.

*Clang* *Boom*

One strike blows away all the glass in one direction, pushing Won-Yok back to where they started. Some of the shards somehow scratches the skin of Won-Yok and even puncture it as shards are stuck at the gaps of his armour. Without a sound, Iseon vanish and appears with his glaive ready for an upper diagonal swing.


"All my loyalty."


"All my effort, my life, my time and future I spent in this God forsaken country!"


"All I have ever tasted was anger, fear, jealousy, hatred, betrayal, disappointments, and unjust deaths! From my own parents, from my own family, from my own friends, from the people that fought by my side, and from the same people that I spilled my blood for!"


"If I could choose when I was still in my birth mother's belly, I would've asked to be aborted if I knew my future. Ironically, this Kingdom probably have the best life sentiment with how much the population this country HAD. Amusingly, when someone's born different that sentiment is flush down the drain.

I wonder old man, if I wasn't so good at fighting, if I wasn't a child of a noble family, if I wasn't so gifted with knowledge, if I never met your great Niece who I call mother, and if I choose to fight back then, I wonder... What kind of ditch would my body be in?"

Won-Yok pales either at his words or all that onslaught destroying most of his armour and breaking one of his arms.

"Tell me, old man! How many times have this country betrayed me? How many times have those bastards at the court stab my back? How many times has my loyalty been rewarded? How many times must I get dragged to the mud until all of you are satisfied!?"


Won-Yok blocks half of his attack, cracking his sword and injuring his side. Grabbing his bloodied side as he asks,

"Then what of your comrades now? Those fools who is fighting and dying for your sake now?"

Iseon frowns at his question and smile replying:

"My sake? Don't misunderstand, they're just fear driven. But... Haha, that's right, I have one I would consider a real friend. But that's not what I want now."

Iseon approached the bloodied Won-Yok and he strikes down but Iseon's attack doesn't stop, smashing Won-Yok's sword and,

*Cleave* *Slash*

Before his own shadow or even the wind pressure could follow, his blade has severed Won-Yok's left fingers and opening a large gash on his chest. Iseon follows it up with a full circle swing which Won-Yok is forced to move back using his broken sword for guard.

*Smack* *Klang*

Iseon's stops mid-circle and smack the pummel of his glaive at Won-Yok's right wrist, caving Won-Yok's gauntlet and disabling his last hand. Using the motion of his pummel strike, he grabs the glaive at reverse. With the tip of the barrel pointing at Won-Yok he unleash the special round he received.


The shotgun shell burst into pellets puncturing holes towards the Supreme Commander's broken armour.


Won-Yok takes a few steps back before holding his wounds. Iseon raises his glaive once more saying:


Without any hands to use, Won-Yok desperately kick his broken sword upwards but,


Iseon unleash a burst that cut open the walls behind Won-Yok. Maybe it's because of his last ditch effort, he manages to prevent his body from being dismembered, but it doesn't change that another giant gash open from his shoulder down towards his waist.

"You stubborn fool."

Iseon mocks Won-Yok as he is impressed how even with all those wounds, Won-Yok still stands. The Supreme Commander with his face covered in shade shakes.


Sensing something dangerous for once, Iseon moves to the side,

*CLEAVE* *shake*

A massive qi blast cuts open the whole conference-

(No, the entire castle has been cleaved in half!)

The floors becomes disable as tiles fell into what seems to be an endless depth below the floor. Iseon tries to jump but senses another incoming attack and moves back instead.


From the Castle Wings, aqueducts, and the clouds above split open with that one strike. Iseon ready his weapon again when Won-Yok's figure appear above him and swings a giant sword.

*Clang* *Crack* *Crack* *Rapture*

Iseon blocks his attack in time but the floor cracks beneath him and both of them fell towards their next stage. Even in the depths of darkness Iseon still feels the murderous intent emanating around as he twirl his glaive and,


Blocks a single strike that cause a single spark illuminating the whole new ravine they created, revealing a bloodied up Won-Yok with black tattoos forming a line in his body. Iseon sensing another the danger blocks the second blow, brightening the darkness once more. Iseon uses this chance to use the momentum to get push back and land on something only for,


The ground beneath him cuts upon and he loses his footing again as something shines above him. Won-Yok's brand new sword burst to become a pillar of light as he swings it down shouting:

"[Swirling White fish technique, waterfall path: Paradise Fall!]"

Iseon gathers [Origin] to his glaive to parry it, and as he swings his weapon, his blade stops from the sheer power of Won-Yok's blow and pushed back before,

*Crash* *Boom*

Iseon's feet smash to the ground and the crushing pillar of light exploded and turning the whole place white. The whole technique devastated the area into a huge cylinder opening where water pours in to become waterfalls. Even with all the destruction, Iseon knew this place, the Underground Imperial Dungeon.


"I can't blame you since you haven't even been born yet boy, but..."

Won-Yok arrives in a grand fashion as he takes a stance saying:

"Let me show you why the battle of Jurong River ended with the full retreat of our enemies and how I claim the title of Supreme Commander."

Won-Yok unleashes a bloodcurdling aura that shakes and brighten the entire dungeon with him as the centre.


Something seems to break inside Won-Yok's armour while the wounds on his body recover. His eyes now pure white as his hair floats and his body expands twice his size that the veins in his body becomes visible and turns into some sort of pattern similar to the black tattoos. Iseon in turn answer back by going all out as well, bursting forth with his new power lighting his side of the room purple as his hair turns white while black cracks spread through his body.

"Sorry old man, but I'm not here to play pretend."

"Me neither, you ungrateful brat. Just because you're the child of the abyss doesn't mean you're the only one who can use that power."

"If that's true you would've used that first. You of all should know fakes could never match up to the real one."

Both of them charge swinging their blades, and as their edge clash Won-Yok found himself being push back as if his attack does nothing and Iseon follows up with another shotgun shell aim at his face.


The shells exploded right at his face but Won-Yok doesn't flinch and push ahead as the shot doesn't seem to affect him.


Imbuing [Origin] to his new blade Won-Yok push the blade toward Iseon's shoulders to no avail when he shouts:

"You ungrateful brat! I took you in and gave you land to live but this is how you repay it back!? What will your mother feel if she sees you now!?"

*Crack* *Smash*

A vein pop from Iseon's forehead when he pushes his glaive and force Won-Yok to his knees. Iseon's eyes turns black, his pupils burns purple, and the binding on his long hair break as he replies:

"If we go by your logic then you don't mind me killing your kids and gave their children land and treasures to bury the grudge then!? Don't fuck with me!"


Iseon kicks Won-Yok at his chest, pishing him back while dragging his feet and leaving a mark at the ground. The armour Won-Yok wears starts to crack where Iseon kicked, and Won-Yok dust it off and stand replying:

"Foolish child, you'll never learn what my great niece truly feel. And it seems I'm starting to understand your power."

"If that's so, then actually start winning you old relic. I'll kill your last remaining family and shower their graves with gifts. Then we'll see how you'll feel after I bound your soul to this wretched land you love so much!"


Appearing like a falling star, his blue scarf flutter amidst the darkness leaving behind a sparkling celestial trail. 3 different colour long swords lit up between the two, revealing a bloodied young man with glowing golden aura. His eyes burst gold facing Iseon saying:

"Song-Iseon Ssi... Take on someone your own caliber. I'll be your foe."

Yoo-Gisa arrives in time.

Thank you so much for reading so far! So many events and anniversary from my games... Wonder if there's any offline games?

Beltwayscreators' thoughts