
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasy
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227 Chs

Leaving the Magnificent City. (Part 5)

"Cough! Cough! Ahack!"

Coughing out the waters in my lungs, I start to move.

*crack* *crack* *snap* *snap* *crack* *shatter*

As if I felt the weight of the world upon me, I try to move. As if something is restricting my every move, from each joint of my finger until my neck, I still try to move. Opening my heavy eyes, I could see nothing but darkness with a bit of light so far out of reach. I could feel water and sand scratching on my skin. It's cold and itchy as I feel my clothes are soaked and heavy.

*crack* *crack* *shatter*

Forcefully I move my body once more until something cracks open and break that I was able to finally move my arms, realizing that the place is not dark but something is attached to my head, I forcefully plunge my fingers to the light and crack it open. Feeling something shock my hands and few sharp gashes giving tiny cuts I could finally see once more.

*crash* *crash* *crash*

Azure skies stretch like the bright blue ocean. When I look down I'm currently kneeling on the warm sand as the waves crash on to the shores... Wondering where I ended up, I start to forcefully remove the armour with brute strength and rip it apart. Bit by bit I could start moving my body as I deeply apologize to my Sis and Ptelophy for breaking the armour again. Being able to stand, I look around and what greets me ahead is nothing but a wall of greens and no one in sight. Not to my edge of shores with a turn to my right nor the endless shores to my left and the vast ocean behind me. Seeing that my bladeless sword and the retractable spear is still attached to the remaining armour, I sigh a breath of relief and grabs hold of my weapon when I realize my medal is missing...

(Ah schnitzel!)

I hastily look around and dig where I land while also the area around it and even look to the edge of the shores. But as I continue to search, something grabs my attention.

What I thought was just some half-buried rock were a huge metal chunk stranded on the beach. Memories of my time in the boat starts popping and I can't but feel the sorrow and guilt crushing down on me.

"Those kids... Did they... Urk!"

Falling to my knees, I feel my stomach churn, I can't help but feel the need to puke as the horror of what happened is starting to sink in deeper and deeper.

"Why? And... Saya, Sis Fei!"

I quickly stand and continue shouting:

"Saya! Sis Fei! Please can you hear me!"

Hearing no one answering I start running around the beach shouting:

"Anyone! Please answer me!"

Still hearing no answer, I walk to the edge of the shore and lay down as I try to shout but what comes out is a whisper of,


I lay lifeless on the beach as I look to the skies wistfully as I watch the clouds moves and time passes on.

(How long did I even pass out?)

"But, Sis, Saya are strong so I'm sure they will survive. But... What about the others?"

(Like the priest and the kids who are inside the ship and didn't know about the sudden attack? Or what about that little girl Ianthe? I was shielding both her and Saya when it happened...)

Only when the skies turn to gold and the gales grow harsher that I realize I have to move. Picking up where I fall and assessing my situation. It seems I have been stranded. I have nothing but the clothes and weapons on my back and I lost some important stuff as well like my medallion...

(I wonder if Sis will be livid? Or maybe Ptelophy will be furious as well?)


I clap both my cheeks and feel the burn on my face while the cold sea breeze blew. Seeing the sky is now gold, dusk is near and night will come next. Even I'm not stupid enough to travel the wilderness at the night. Seeing my wet long hair, I decided to stand and clean my hair and realize...

"My headband is still on? Wow! Amazing! Having long hair is tougher than I thought, how did Sis Yuwei and Rubeca handle theirs? No, I have more pressing matters! I better find some shelter. And maybe... I'll finally get to use the hunter skills Sis Rubeca thought me."

Brushing the sand off I look around and ascertain that the only way to go is either the forest which might be dangerous or follow through the coast till I find a port or settlement. After all...

"People usually build colonies and settlements near a water source is what Sis would say. But what if this is an isolated island? What about communication and transportation then- pichu! Pichu! Ha-Pichu!"

With another gust of cold winds blowing my way, I quickly get away from the water to not further drench myself and hopefully stop the sneezing.

"It's getting pretty cold-Pichu! I better move."

Wringing my clothes and removing all the remaining armour but the belt to hang my weapons, I choose the latter route and hoping for the best, maybe finding a higher ground would be best as I would figure out the geography... Looking at the trees, all I see is but the tip of the heavy forest with no hills or mountain in sight. Maybe the position of the trees? Or I'm just to short to see? I want to climb but...

I grip my weapon tightly and look at the sword. Pulling it out, the empty blade is still there as I wonder how is the sword's still intact and didn't get knocked off but the medallion did. I brush the thoughts aside and push forward. Feeling the thirst and hunger slowly coming in, I look to my left and see the forest...

"It seems I have to find something to eat and drink."

I walk close till my feet are off the sands and kneel. Placing my hand to the ground I close my eyes and heightened my hearing senses to their maximum limit. A myriad of sounds came crashing in, from the shores behind, the rustling of leaves, the whistling wind and many more.

With so many voices rushing in my head, I can't help but remember the first time I realize this technique. I thought my head was gonna explode or is my mind going crazy. Only when my mother and father figure out why I had such a problem that they help me out. I can't remember what or how they helped me but I was able to control how much I hear the next thing I knew and everything went fine. And it was only thanks to Sis Rubeca that I was able to control and utilize this talent.

As I continue to stay silent and listen, I notice one glaring thing. No matter how far I listen, I could not hear the sound of a single living being. Not the tiniest of insects nor the mule of critters...

(Weird, are forests suppose to be this empty? Even the place I train in is teeming with life every step of the way. I could hear even the wriggling worms from up in the trees and even underground but not here... Maybe this is a resort? A private or isolated island that May once told me where only a selected few are allowed in? Then doesn't that mean I'm entering illegally? Or if this is a resort, that would be best since I can ask for help).

"Argh! So many things to figure out! But... I'll do it, one at a time if I have to. Since there are no animals, what about the fruits? Or maybe herbs and other plants?"

Hoping that the sky would still shine a light on my path, I enter the forest to search for sustenance. As I search and look around, I start to think and remember the lessons I learn. Remembering what my Sis and May teach me during training and private class, rather than knowing a specific plant they would teach me the characteristic and general knowledge of their families instead.

For example, in the entire Iberos Continent where we are right now most of the plants that grow here can be separated into 3 orders, the Synthesizarea which are the normal plants with leaves, roots, and body that we usually eat and the ones that use the sunlight for food. Chlorofersuza which are mostly algae and grows by just sticking on things and the last one, Fungi, Sis told me that this is what happens when you ask for people who never seen a plant to make one, like Synthesizarea they may have roots and a body but they have no leaves to photosynthesis so they leech of from other plants or even living beings... But those are the lucky ones, I heard in lands where the soil is dumb and infertile grows one of the most dangerous orders, the Carnanirufex which can move around like a monster and eats other living monsters to survive. Sis even wants to categorize them to the other kingdom but they still retain the basic plant anatomy.

(Hehe, using the old Owlian language to memorize sure is a great thing but May always nag me that no one is using it anymore. It is a waste of breath and annoying to say it. But if it helps me memorize why can't I use it?)

Still, out of all of that, the safest bet is eating the one from the first order because most of them are edible and very few are poisonous thanks to how people have cultivated plants here. And those are usually the colourful ones and Sis Thought me that even then those are very specific like blue star fruit or a purple marble shape grapes are the only poisonous plant in this continent. Well, there's more but those are rarely found... Wait, maybe I can use my fruit knowledge to determine where I'm at? And before long, luck seems to be on my side as I found myself some a tree full of fully grown, smiling plump, and juicy golden-skinned fruits, a variation of the fruit Nanny Yunyun gave me back then.

"I'm saved!"

Using my new weapon, I extend my spear and cut the stems. And with the help of uncle gravity, he brings the fruit down to me as I hold them. Before I eat, something caught my eyes, other than one or two fruits that are still intact the other is full of holes and dripping goo like something just burst out of there.

"Right, Sis told me to be careful of parasites. After all, we humans are not the only ones after food in nature."

Taking the remaining two fruits, I cut them open to look inside. Seeing that there's nothing to worry about I start drinking the thing like back then and start to wonder again,

"This fruit... If I remember correctly the domesticated ones are usually blue but the wild natural ones are big, yellow, and... Blegh! Taste extremely bitter like those bitter gourds and also... Crunch, crunch, full of seeds which are fun to chew."

(Hmm, Uncle Soba bought me this before and told me that you can only get the wild ones in the twin peninsula. So does that mean there's a high chance I'm in the northern peninsula since the ship I'm in is suppose to went north? I'm still in the Iberos Continent! But just to make sure I have to find still need to find some human settlements. And it kinda makes sense since we haven't gotten far with the boat. But where is this? A place with no sign of animals and full of plants? Could I be on a farm? Or someone else' garden? But then this place looks too untended for that and I didn't saw any human signs like roads, boards or the like).

Grabbing a few more of the fruits, I continue down the shores in search of some city or village or anything that can lead me to one. With no map or compass, I couldn't tell which way is north or south or maybe I'm going in a circle... But if I am I'll probably end up in that ship wreckage I woke up in and that would be the worst situation since I'll be stuck on an island with no way to travel the sea. But didn't Saya manage to found me back then? I hope she can do it again.

(It doesn't feel like me to think so much but I need to prepare and think a lot when my situation is dire...)


I clap my cheeks with all my strength and feel my face burn from my actions. Calming down, I stop to look at the endless ocean, the gradient golden yet deep blue sky beyond with no setting sun. Enjoying the coming dusk and trying to relax to ease my mind. I take a deep breath and let it out saying:

"Didn't they say the sun sets on the west? Does that mean I'm looking at the east? So if I go south which is to my right since I'm looking at the east, I might be able to arrive at Rucina City? But... Why can't I see the great walls that pierce even they clouds? Am I on the lower ground? Or am I even looking in the right direction? Or am I looking at the east? It could the north..."


"Pichu! Brrrrr! Is it me or is this place colder than where I ever been? I better set up some fire. Let's see, what do I need?"


*crackle* *crackle*

Gathering some dry wood, I pile it up and set it ablaze. It was at this time I realize I also lost the notebook used to keep the spells I have written...

"Sigh... Luckily I still have my hunter skills to light up some sparks."

As I lay down at the sand, the night seems to arrive, the ocean tides rise with the coming moons and the cold breezes blew but luckily not strong enough to extinguish the flames. As it slowly dies out, I would use the fallen leaves to keep the fire going. Darkness creeps in all around as the only source of light is the dim glow by the moons and stars alongside the bright campfire.

"If Sis Rubeca saw me now she would be angry by how unproductive I am today... This might be the first time I ever been alone with no one at all. It feels weird and uncomfortable."

Seeing how soaked my clothes are I decided to remove them and wring them more before bringing them close to the fire to quickly dry them up. Wondering what to do now, I got up and decided to have some dinner with the fruits I just picked up. Thinking back on the time I was gathering I was able to spot some nests belonging not only to birds but also beasts like tunnels, burrows and even some huge dens. One common thing is that they are all left abandoned as if they are all forced to push deeper into the forest as all their tracks lead deeper inside.

"As if something is driving them out of their homes... There are multiple reasons like a change of climate, lack of food, mating seasons or maybe something very powerful is nearby. It seems there are more problems now."

Dumping in more leaves to fuel the flames, I start to wonder if it's safe to even sleep with something so dangerous nearby. But I push those thoughts aside since no matter how dangerous, my body needs to rest.

"And besides, if something gets too close, I could still hear them approach. Wait, I'm not alone, this might be a good time to visit Mary. Maybe she could help."

Finishing my meals, I pull my legs in and cuddle close to the fire before closing my eyes. My mind seems to fade and plunge deeper and deeper into the darkness. Dreaming and holing to meet Mary in these dire times.


When I open my eyes, I'm greeted not by the sight I wanted. Not on the beach with recreational facilities and a nice view that Mary is usually in but a cold harsh reality. The sight of the burned-out campfire, and the thick forest beyond. When I look back, I could see the morning sun shines to give the vast ocean the glimmer of a thousand diamonds while the azure skies bring with it cotton clouds that play with my imagination.

"Why? Usually just thinking of her would bring me to her place? Is there something wrong? It seems I truly am alone now."

I can't help but feel my fear creeping up on me. Seeing that my clothes are still there, I grab to feel if it's still soaked. Luckily, it seems a night of fire and breeze dried it up. Now, time to prepare for the day, brushing up the sands, strapping my weapons, opening the remaining parts of my armour which is the steel boots or more akin to sandals now with how much I rip it off to clean it off the sands. Eating the remaining fruits for breakfast and drinking the water inside the fruits I picked and washing my face on the shores as I feel the sands scratching my face.

Seeing my reflection upon the sea, I could see that my eyes are red as if I've been crying...

"Did I cry while sleeping?"

Feeling the soft waves brushing against my feet, destroying my reflection and prompt me to continue on my journey.

"Let's be more productive for today."

As I say that, I spotted a huge rock far ahead that could help me with visibility but my mind simply brushes it off as my legs stop by just the idea...

"C'mon, I know I conquered it already. You're even brave enough to climb a ladder!"

I shout to convince myself but it seems to not work until I look away deep in the forest. Sighing at my weakness, I simply continue walking on the shores hoping to find any hope. Thinking that maybe there may be something deeper in the forest, I step near the edge and start kneeling to pick up some noises once more yet still nothing...

(I wonder if the monster that moves deep inside actually bumps into human settlements? Wouldn't that mean they are in danger? Should I take the chance to follow their trails? Maybe if I could save someone, won't they help me out?)

I ponder for some more before I nod firmly saying:

"Alright, let's follow these trails. And let's hope for the best."


Thanks to the one year experience and training I received from Sis Rubeca, I was able to traverse the forest easily especially thanks to the techniques I learn as well. Sure I may see some weird-looking rocks and stumbled on some weird unbalanced stones but luck seems to smile at me again. But...

Kneeling, I grab ahold some broken things and seeing fresh footprints. I have arrived at some abandoned town... More precisely, a recently abandoned town. It seems that they have just moved in deeper recently. With the streets littered with corpses of mostly winged monsters I can't help but shout:

"Finally! I found one!"

From all the open and broken doors, abandoned and destroyed buildings, the opened and crushed gate I use to get in, frantic steps of people and beasts that overlap each other, pushed over gallons of water, broken and pushed down fences, storage still full of food, rations, logs and other resources.

(Does that mean they were here recently? From all the monster corpses lying around I assume they got attacked? But I've scouted and scanned the entire area with my echolocation and even search for blind spots to find not a single living beings, discounting plants).

"It's as if both the monsters and Human are running away from... Me? Nah, must be my imagination. But lucky me! I finally found a trace of some settlements and civilization! I can finally ask for some help! I must have gone a bit crazy being alone for once and no one to talk to. Let's go!"

I look at the trails ahead and decided to follow it even quicker this time. Feeling a bit sluggish since I haven't moved into the forest for a while but I quickly pick up my pace. Rather than following the stone road they seem to deviate to the forest beyond.

(Hmm? Aren't they going to follow the road? Oh, maybe its a shortcut but let's hurry up so I can ask if I can follow along. I can tag along by saying I can fight and help to guard them. That can work!)

Sprinting on the ground and jumping on tree stumps, using the vines to swing as I jump each obstacle but at a lower height, I am moving at an unprecedented rate than I was back at training. Maybe it's thanks to my new strength, experience or that I have improved. I could see more evidence of stampeding hordes passing through from the broken and knock over trees, crushed stones, pushed away bushes and trampled fields.

The trails soon continue at an opening filled with beds of trampled flowers and herbs. Landing on my knees at where the trail's end, I use my full hearing might... And to my joy and fortune. I could hear the sound of stomping, running of countless people running away as fast as possible with one exception that is storming to my way.

(Wait, it's coming to me?)

Feeling weird to experience excitement but worried at the same time. I grab and summon my weapon. Extending my retractable spear to the length of a sword and I take a stance when a shadowy figure crash lands infront of me. Its arrival brings forth a large gust of wind blowing my way and a huge cloud of dirt arrive soon after. Losing my visibility, I could sense and attack coming from behind me. Unlike most enemies I fought until now, her attack seems to be slow as I simply dig the pummel of my halberd to the ground and easily block her attack. When it clashes a huge gale blows away the cloud of earth revealing the assailant.

Before me is wolf beast-kin with fur, a large golden puffy tail with white patterns, unique clothing similar to the nobles I saw when I visit the northern peninsula. She is a wolf-kin who looks like a lady in her thirties, glaring at me with her emerald eyes and growling with hate and resentment showing from her face. She claws at my halberd and backs away as if she's trying to cut my halberd apart but proves useless as her attack didn't leave a scratch nor any pressure on me. She jumps around leaving behind huge craters of dirt and destroying the flower field from her powerful footwork before she stops at where she arrived just now.

(Thank goodness! She's a beast-kin does that mean she can speak? Perfect! I can ask her for help!)

Since she is from the northern peninsula, feeling happy and hopeful I bow my head down trying to speak in the northern peninsula tongue saying:

"Um, excuse me-"

"Shut your trap vassal of the Dark Gods! As one of the Guardians of the Witch's Forest, I will stop you on your tracks!"

(Witch's Forest? Where is that? Wait, is there even a witch forest? Must be a place I don't know about).

She shouts back with the same language, I make a halt gesture replying:

"W-Wait! I think you misunderstood-"


(It seems there IS something in this forest pushing them away!)

Her body explodes in a golden light which blinds me for a sec and I soon feel another attack coming infront of me. This time a lot faster, I extend the half-length spear to thrust at her and make a feint which proves to work as when the light dims. When I see her again, all her human feature seems to be replaced by fur as she now looks like a giant wolf standing on two legs similar to the companion of an ancient hero in this northern peninsula.

I saw her dodging to the side and using this chance I use the hammer of my halberd to hit her arms and disarm her but she blocks in time by bracing her left arm. My hammer smashes at her forearm and fling her far to bounce over and over at the ground before crashing face first.

(Weird, I don't think I exerted that much power. The enemies I fought back then would easily block that and counter back).

I walk closer to her and she slowly gets up with one arm. With shaking legs, the arm that I hit seems to be broken and bent beyond recognition as I could see bones poking out of her ripped blood-stained clothes.

(Oh, no! Then again, this is self-defence, right?)


She howls once more and covers herself in a ray of golden light before dashing at me. I disperse my halberd and use my spear and change to a wrath stance thinking,

(Time to at least incapacitate her).

[Immortal calamity dragon technique: dragon thundering storm]

Swinging my spear down, she manages to deflect my attack at the expense of breaking her remaining arm.

"Please, Stop-"

"Shut up! And die!"

She doesn't stop there and goes on to open her large jaws and try to bite my neck but unlucky for her, my attack didn't end there either. Using my instincts, I let my body move freely as to how to use the technique. Before she could bite me I dodge by moving around her and purple lightning bolts strike at her now exposed back causing her to winch and shut her mouth. Not stopping there, I stomp my feet at the ground and let it all out to unleash the true use of the technique.

(The first step, a single downward strike like just now followed by a thrust imbued with a discharge of a qi blast).

I thrust upwards at her defenceless back and my spear easily punctures her back lifting her and my mysterious power unleashes a volley of another purple lightning bolt piercing through where I stab and blowing her away. The bolts continue flying to the sky and causing the white clouds to turn grey and darken where we stand.

(The second step, bolster your standing and unleash a myriad and flurry of thrust on your single enemy with each thrust imbued with the dispersing qi strikes).

Usually aiming at their vital spots but since I need her alive, I aim at all the non-vital spots thinking, there's still one more step to complete the movement but still, this is the true,

[Immortal calamity dragon technique: dragon thundering storm]

I move my spear upward where she is and send countless thrust ripping her clothes, parts of her flesh, long claws and more as each of my qi bursts looks like a flying dragon. My technique explodes in a large barrage of purple light that disperses the grey clouds and opens up a clear blue sky...

(Ah fudge, ah schnitzel! I think I overdid it!)

In a last ditch attempt, she grits her jaws and use her weakened leg and kick but I block it in time as her leg soon makes weird sound as I realize it's not even made of flesh-



Black liquid spewed at my face blinding me for a while as I feel the burn akin to boiling oil. Pushed back by this sudden setback, I quickly let go of my weapon as I hear something crash to the ground. I wipe the black tar off my eyes and still can't see.

(Ah! What is this!? This is all my fault! But if she would at least listen!)

"Ah-Ri! Noooo!!!"

Someone shouts and approaches from behind me and I could sense another attack coming. Already in pain, I take this chance to simply gain some distance and jump back as he seems to after the wounded. I can't clearly see him but his silver hair and tail is pretty distinct. I saw him run away while still trying to get the sticky black liquid off my face and I can't help but ask,

"Sigh... What's even going on here?"

Feeling the mental strain of being treated like some monster, I close my eyes and take a sit down on the remaining flowerbed. Letting my echolocation sense the area, I can sense that other than the one just arrive he seems to be accompanied by two deeper inside who soon follow him to escape. As I lie, clean my face, relax and calm down. I can only wonder,

"What to do now?"

Here's to start a new journey. Thank you so much for reading so far! I really do but sadly no weekly releases after this.

P.S I'm working on the new cover of this new novel... Hope I can finish it soon so you can actually see Sova's face for once.

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