
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasy
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226 Chs

Dew for the Damned. (Part 3)

Amidst the peaceful stream and silent night, a soft hail of snow falls beneath the bright moonlight glow. After Yungmin's speech and plan announcement, Adventurers are force to be formed into groups with Hunters as he then call forth all their representatives to discuss the upcoming defense plan... Sadly that doesn't include me since Seyong decided to take the mantle of a group leader between us and the Hunter we rescued on the way. Watching the calm flood wash away my irritation and worry from the recent grouping...

(Let nature wash away your worries).

Seeing the water reach close to the window of my bedroom in the second floor, I start to wonder if staying in this place is a good idea? Luckily this Guild branch is once said to be the manor of a famous lord so it has 4 stories, and soon we'll be moving out of here when they're done so nothing to be worried I guess. Compared to the other rooms, mines a bit special. Not only is it smaller, the walls here seem to be made of steel along with the door and the window seem a bit high up to look that I had to use my bed to look outside.


At the corner of my eye, something splashes and make me turn to look at the source. Hiding beneath the thin veil of darkness barely illuminated by the blue moonlight are actually small fishes and aquatic creatures...

"Oh! Finally some wildlife. I did start seeing birds back at the capital."


"Sova! Look what I got!"

Barging into my room, Yoo-Ah lifts up something that smells amazing.

"Ta-Da-Dah! Hum! Hum! I got us some wild BBQ!"

The two foods Yoo-Ah hold in her arms are a huge mixture of ingredients being skewered into one perfectly cooked mixed of perfection. I could see myriads of vegetables, fruits, and even many different color of meat being layered atop each other giving the hot steam as if it's just pulled out of the stove.

"Woah! That looks tasty."

Yoo-Ah nods at my praise and strikes a triumphant pose shouting:

"Hum! Hum! I called it, the Sangeo special!"

"Sangeo? Isn't that Elder Hwang-So's family?"

"Hum! Hum!"

Yoo-Ah nods again and hands me one shouting:

"Enjoy it, Sova! There's barely any seasoning so I had to use more ingredients."

"Thank you! Um, though I don't think we have a place to eat it."

"That's fine! We could just sit on the floor! Hum! Here's for cheering you up!"

Yoo-Ah proclaims as she sits near the window and look up at the moon saying:

"Hum! Hum! Eating barbeque while moon gazing! Nothing seems better! Fuu... Fuu..."


"Oh? That does sound fun."

I follow and sit across her to get a view outside the window and eat as well. Thanks to the small room, even as we sit against the walls, our feet could almost reach even as we fold them but Yoo-Ah doesn't seem to mind. Giving a gentle breathe to cool down the piping skewer and take a bite.


Despite such a simple look, the moment I took a bite an array of different taste floods in as I soon realize the familiar taste of the ocean and the explosion of sweet and sour from the fruits and vegetables makes this feel like a full course meal. I have to hand it to Yoo-Ah.

"You really are the best cook I know. I really do wish you can cook for me everyday."

"Uck, cough! Hum! D-Don't say something like that! Especially when I finally know the truth... I mean! I know that I'm the one who keeps proposing you as joke but to do it now is cruel! Hum!"

Yoo-Ah retorts with her cheeks full and I can't help but feel happy that despite finally knowing the truth, she doesn't really treat me much differently. Though if there's one thing I'm curious about is,

"Say, how did you actually make this? Isn't the kitchen at the first floor flooded by now? And where did you gather the ingredients?"

"Hum! Hum! Glad you asked...!"

Yoo-Ah pulls her hand back and,

*SWOOSH* *nick*


Yoo-Ah perfectly performed a spear hand technique which I could barely keep up. Her attack cleanly cut a few strands of my hair and chip away at the thick metal wall behind me without even touching it. The force of her attack makes my hand techniques I use look pale in comparison.

(Not that I specialize in hand to hand combat but still, I guess her being Rucina's descendant played a part?)

"Hum! Hum! Surprised? Since Unlce Hwang-So's family are famous for catching fish bare handed, I learned many hand to hand techniques from him including the bare handed spear techniques! They say I'm pretty good with my hands so I learn many of Dad's War buddies hand techniques since I was little to catch games and open things.

The best I could do is crack open the shell of sea monsters with my bare hands! It saves up a lot of money from not buying blunt weapons, magic tools, and the like which would cost around 3 months of our Inn revenue! Plus, grinding spices have never been easier!"

(Compared to how she uses swords back than, she would've done better if she just fight with her hands. I wonder how painful it must be when Yoo-Ah punched her brother when I first met him? But all in all... Hold on, how does Yoo-Ah fight? The first time I know is that she's carrying a staff, then she uses a sword and now she knows how to use her hands? Could... Could she be one of those legendary Arms Master that has mastery on all things she wield?)

"W-What are you looking at? Hum!? Did some of the food get stuck at my hair or something!?"

"No, I'm just speechless! That's amazing! I wonder if you'll actually performed better in helping us fight- Uh, no forget I said that, your Sis will get mad at me."

"H-Hum!? Hum! Don't worry, Sova! I know my limits as a fighter! That time at the throne room is a special occasion after all! So give it your best out there!"


"As for the kitchen, I actually just cook it at the roof with some fire magic. While my magic is not the best and the area here being kinda sucking my mahic away, I only learn enough to turn myself into a walking kitchen by mastering both water and fire, following Uncle Yi-Il's teaching I have become a mobile diner!"

"Woah, so that's how Zerians learn to cook."

As we continue eating the skewer and tell each other stories, the familiar sound of slicing wind can be heard outside as I can wonder who it is.

"Hubby, I'm back! I smelled something absolutely mouth watering. Did you prepare dinner~? Or maybe you prepared yourself?"

As I predicted, a shadow looms over the window and someone lands digging her talons at the steel window frame. Feathers fall but I already hover my hand above my kebab and brush it all away. Hearing her speak in Runician I reply back in the same tongue saying:

"Welcome back I guess, since you're back is the discussion over?"

Yoo-Ah cowers under her imposing figure and move beside me seeing her imposing figure as I realize she's easily as tall if not taller than Sis Rubeca who's already very tall. Maybe because she's always flying and far away that she looks small? Gangyi folds her wings under her elbow and slowly reach her thin bird legs inside replying:

"Nope, just got bored of it! And since mister number 1 barely wants me to do anything, there's no point in me staying there."

Barely fitting her whole body in the room, the light dims as she block the window. Seeing Yoo-Ah cowering as her food shakes, I take this opportunity to hand her half of my meal saying:

"Right, Gangyi do you want some? I mean it's already-"

"Do I!? Kakaka!"

Ganyi snatches the whole skewer with her feet and starts chowing down.

"WowOwOW! There's actually food this delicious out here in the boonies!? Or is this your cooking!? If so, I got myself a Miracle Diamond! All my relatives will be so jealous when they hear this! Yum! Yum!"

Gangyi easily finish my remaining meal in a hearbeat and hand me back the skewer before I then says:

"Um, no, she's the one who cooked it. Meet Yoo-Ah. She's my personal staff as an adventurer."

Gangyi seems to look at Yoo-Ah more favourable or I should say with food in her eyes replying:

"Eeeh~ I heard you just started but you already have a personal staff? I guess having connections really does take you far."

Gangyi leans over and smile at Yoo-Ah saying:

"Kakaka, this is no easy feat even in Heaven but to think a back boonies peasant somehow satisfy my apetite, you deserve some respect. Name's Gangyi Lanhe. A total pleasure to see you."

"W-What is she saying, Sova?"

(Ah right, Yoo-Ah doesn't speak Runician).

"She's introducing herself, her name's Gangyi Lanhe. And she really loves your food."

Hearing that Yoo-Ah seem to calm down and be a bit happy as she puff her chest out shouting:

"O-Oh! Hum! My name's Yoo-Ah, just Yoo-Ah!"

I look back at Gangyi who's taking a step back near the window and translate what she's saying:

"She's introducing herself as Yoo-Ah, and also do you speak their language here?"

"Me? Of course not! I only bothered learning the common tongue, so why should I learn a lower language? For all I know she's speaking a bird language."

"Ironic of you to say that, but for someone who learned many languages and learned how hard it is for a culture to preserve it, that's really hurtful to say too."

(Hm? Wait if that's so, how in the world did she speak with Seyong then? I'm pretty sure he said he speaked with her? If so, did she have a translator around?)

In the middle of my thought, Gangyi leans ever more closer with a grin shouting:

"Oh~! Oh~! Did I finally make you angry? I heard you make quite the interesting face just recently."

I gently push her away and stick to the subject replying:

"Sigh, I can't really ask you to learn their language over night so I suppose I'll be the bridge and interpreter for a while."

"Kakaka, Hubby sure is quite talented to learn so many language, or should I say kind? But most importantly, let's get out of this cramp space, who's right idea was it to put you here anyways?"

She back away and look around the tiny cramped room that she barely could move her wings around.

"Well, Yuming did, since many of the people around knows and tried to approach me, he decided to give me some more privacy."

It was during the time Yuming force Hunters to form groups that many of them decided to approach me with an offer when the leaders are called...


As we all gathered, to wait, many people approach us with a proposal.

"Hey, you, you must be the famous star child, yes? Since we're both adventurers what do you say we form up as a group? We have a veteran adventurer with us and can split the spoils 6:4 just between us two while the other can get 5:5 as we recruit others what do you say? Generous aren't I?"

"Um, sorry but I already have a party."

"Yeah, stay away!"

"Hey, buddy, why don't you come with me and stop that blatant scam?"

Chu-Son and Hye-Bin push away many of the adventurers away and before I could wonder why they're still recruting when the group has been formed, someone else approach me saying:

"You, child, as one of the few remaining nobles of this nation, I implore you who is a patriot and a hero that slayed the traitor to help this nation's in need. You have been graciously accepted as a citizen of Silla so it is now your duty to contribrute by helping it's roots, us nobles. Of course, not to make the mistakes of our fellow kin, we will distribute the rewards more to you. Though, I'm sure you would understand why we nobles needed more now, do you not?"

"Um, not really, I'm still a foreigner. And I already have a party."

"Yeah! One noble is already too much!"


Turning away a noble yet understanding their plight from what Juha explained back then, a girl comes from behind me saying:

"Hey there~, why don't we team up since we're both girls? We have a group of all girls. And listen, though you got promoted quick I bet you lack all the experience needed. I'll tell you all the best spots you need to know in exhange for some of the items? Of course, I'll let you keep all the experience of course! You should be grateful."

"Oh, um, I actually learn many things from a kind friend. And I already have a party."

"Hum! Yeah! Sova is... He's simply taken! Now go away!"

"Leave this to us."

Hye-Eun and Ei seem to drive away many of the female Hunters and Adventurers away untik a perculiar one showed up saying:

"Hey, Owlians like us should definitely stick together shouldn't we? Since you're already so well off being a hero of the civil war and promoted so quickly, you don't mind me taking the loot for my sick family right? We the oppresed kins must help each other in need. I'll introduce you to my kid."


My heart sank a bit as I hear him speak and his words raises my suspicion as I then ask:

"Oh? Then can I know where you're from? Are you a native?"


I ask in Owlian with a certain dialect and caught him looking at me baffled. Seeing the truth of his offence with such a simple measure Uncle Soba taught me sunken my heart. I simply look him dead in the eyes saying:

"I'm sorry... But that is just hurtful."


"Eek! S-Stay away from me, you gogijalu! Ayeee!"

The pretender fell on his back from my reply and tried crawling away on all fours in a frenzy attempting to run away. Seeing many of the approaching Hunters and Adventurers freeze and turn white as they all quickly turn to where they came from.


Yoo-Ah looks at me scared and I don't know what kind of face I'm making but I simply turn away and walk to the room Yungming told me saying:

"Sorry, I need some time alone."




Unknowingly bending the steel remembering what those pretenders said, I try to calm down and think of the good things.

(All of them sound the same. And worst, one even tried pretending to be an Owlian which is disgusting to see. Now that I think about it, Moriz speaking Owlian is already quite unique. Now that I think about it, Jin-Yeon's right. There's no Owlians in those Guilds anymore).

Seeing how this is unbecoming of myself, I try to speak of the good things reciting:

"I'm really grateful for my party members for easily refusing them away and Yungmin for this-"

"Bullshit~! If privacy's what you need then he can just send you with me at my nest. He's definitely keeping a watch on you since you seem to be someone very important for his great Uncle to come to you personally. Now, let's get out of here~! I'm bringing your friend too so she won't be so lonely. I'm so considerate aren't I!?"


Without a moments notice, Gangyi grabs both me and Yoo-Ah and jumps out the window. Before my feet could touch the water surface, Gangyi spreads her wings and soar across the night.


Yoo-Ah being close enough hugs me with both her arms and feet as we fly across building and maybe because I've been flying more than enough, I can't even muster the energy to shout anymore. It makes me question in what is fear anymore.

(I suppose comapred to them, Gangyi's honest attitude is more tolerable).

The view distort a bit before we swiftly arrive and Gangyi drops at us the bed in the centre.

"Woah, so that's what it feels like to fly! I do hope I can get my own wings!"

Hearing Yoo-Ah's positive attitude as she jumps out of the bed, I nod along with her energy.

(I'm pretty sure you will. Seeing how all the bird related family I've seen can fly like Sis Yuwei and Fei, Gangyi here, and didn't Yoo-Gisa fly as well when battling Iseon?)

"Aaah~! Fresh air is so much better~!"

Gangyi lands one leg at the bed and fold her wing, making her look like a giant fluff as I wonder how thick her feathers are when she's already so big. Yoo-Ah who doesn't seem to be afraid of her that much anymore tries to sneak a peak from beneath her wings asking:

"Hum... So there's half human half animal? I only heard them in fairy tales but to think they're real...! Amazing! How does the body even work like that!? Are the legends actually true!? You're Rucina's direct descendants!?"

"Pukaka, that's a face of amazement if I have ever seen one. Kaka! I suppose it's normal for lower beings to be amazed by me! Behold! This is the majesty of a Greater Goddess!"

Gangyi spread her wings wide and strikes a pose, Yoo-Ah looks at her with awe even as feathers fall on her face. Though both speak different language, it seems they seem to get aling well.

(What happened to not being able to trust her by just lookin at her? Then again, Gangyi does looks real majestic if she doesn't make people angry).

"Kaka! Did you think something rude, Hubby?"


(How do they keep reading my mind!?)

Seeing them get along pretty well despite not understanding each other, the sight of seeing someone speaking different language and responding with another language then laughing it off is a bit bizzarre and pleasant. The night has reach its peak when two half moons align between the scattering clouds. I lay on my back watching such beautiful night and felt homesick with the view I can get watching the star lit sky from landlady's roof.

(Ah... Now that I think about it, new year's my birthday and it is also the same day the whole world celebrates Zeria's Independence Day. The festival should've been going for a week but... I don't think this kingdom has the luxury to celebrate when they're in ruins. I heard they celebrate it differently according to each regions's culture so I wonder how they celebrate it here? Are the two missionary celebrating it back at the capital?)

Moon viewing while laying down on the floor, I scoop some of the snow that has ammas at the floor and pour it down my face.


Amidst the snow, I accidentally huffed and tasted a feather, possibly Gangyi's.

(Well, there's no point thinking when I can start working!)

Yoo-Ah pops into my view from above alongside Gangyi. Yoo-Ah brushes some of the snow and feather away asking:

"Um, so... Sova, what is with your face?"

"Huh? Did I look weird?"

I hold my cheeks wondering her question before she then continue asking:

"No! I mean, I never seen you look so scary..."

"Ah, that's..."

Yoo-Ah confronts me about what happened at the guild and I'm bit short on words to explain. Gangyi seeing this simply folds her wings again to stand and watch me from behind.

"Um, listen, Sova... Is impersonating Owlians that hurtful to you?"

Hearing her question, all I can answer is,

"Yea... For so long many people have treat our kind with contempt and prejudice yet the moment we have something they want they immediately try to exploit us rather than try to make ammends, how can I not be angry?"

"O-Oh! Now that I think of it, this is the first time I see you so furious. Did you experience it before?"


Unpleasant memories of the past resurface just as she mentions it. Like the time some guide pretended to guide me for free by pretending to be Owlians and tried to get me arrested for false charges, or that one time I got fooled labouring for free for someone pretending to be an Owlian until Uncle Soba helped me out.


I sigh remembering all of it when Yoo-Ah pats my head saying:

"Then Sova, I hope you can keep yourself calm since that will be a very common trick people use to scam Owlians here. I heard there's so many impersonation cases like that Uncle Ajo simply stops accepting those kind of clients."

(Ajo? Ah, the one from that paper shop).

Yoo-Ah breaks the news to me and I can't help but say:

"So even across countries and continents, that's a universal thing huh? I simply don't understand why are people trying to scam us when we barely have anything left?"

"That I can't answer... But! Cheer up, Sova! With me and Seyong around, we'll make sure you don't get scammed!"

"Thank you! You've been nice to me since we first met, I really don't know how else I can thank you."


I hug her upside down from our position and pull her down as I express my gratitude, causing her to panic a bit as she scramble. With my face on her belly, I hug her a bit more before she taps my sides and I let her go. Yoo-Ah's face is absolutely red as she holds her face saying:

"T-That's the first time a boy have ever hold me so close... But didn't I hug him many times before too? Aaaah! Stupid me!"

Yoo-Ah buries her head in the snow as Gangyi then starts laughing.

"Kakakaka! While I know Polygamy is legal, I do hope you can try and limit your distance with other girls, okay Hubby? I can be jealous too."

Gangyi holds my head as she says that and I tilt my head asking:

"Huh? Jealous? Why? Oh right, she did say something of how I'm a bit too physical with other girls but what else am I suppose to do? I've been with girls my whole life? It's a bit hard to change my habits and aren't we friends as well now? Do you want a hug like before?"

I reach my arms out but Gangyi pushes them down stuttering:

"Huh? W-Well..."

Seemingly caught surprised by my question, this is the first time I see Gangyi so flustered as she then squish my cheeks replying:

"I know I'm the one who shove the ring unto you but I'm still a maiden at heart."

"Uh, huh?"

"Do I really have to say it out loud, Hubby?"

I pull her hands away replying:

"Um, sorry, I really don't understand.

"Hubby, you should learned at least proper etiquette right?"

"Uh, just saying it right now. I'm not actually a noble. And honestly speaking I don't have any friends I can ask about that."



Seeing her face changing so much in a day, Gangyi squishes my cheek again saying:

"B-But, y-you act so much more feminine than me, and, and..."

"Rhely? Ima shu det um pety kashual."

"Kakaka, like hell that's true, Hubby~! You're so polite it sometimes irks me honestly. Just like that New Empress Yuwei."

(I look up to Sis Yuwei as a role model for the way I act and speak in the Confederation. So maybe that's why?)

Feeling her pressing my face and continues to play with my cheeks, I pull her hands away again thinking,

(I've been trying to ignore this but...)

"Why do you keep calling me Hubby? Is that a way you call people in the Crane Sector? Since you're Lanhe, I guess it's a unique culture in the blue Crane Sector?"

"Eeeh~ don't you know?"

Gangyi looks back in shock at my question and I can't help but ask,

"Wait, don't tell me this ring has some sort of charm? I mean our contact HAVE been pretty intimate for someone who just met."

(Miria back then did say Harpies can control someone with their voice).

"That just means we're made for each other~! And you should know better that magical curses and vodoo don't work on Owlians. My racial trait don't work either. I actually had to use my special perfume to charm you back then."

"Right... So what is this ring?"

I reach my hand towards the half moons and bring the ring upon it. Seeing it shine beneath the moonlight and soft glow giving the patterns a distinct beauty I can't help but wonder how much it cost.

(Jewelry back at home could cost pretty much an arm or a leg. That's why only nobles uses them).

Gangyi holds my reached out hand with her wings and pull it down to my chest saying:

"That ring is simply an oath ring."

"Oath ring, I see- huh? Oath as in proposal marriege oath sort of oath?"

"Of course! Don't tell me you just wear a random ring someone gave you right, Hubby? And here I was so happy when the ring actually accepts you, it proves that you're someone who's is upright and just."

Hearing such an absurd answer, my body jumps in shock asking:

"What do you mean by that!? Is something bad going to happend if I'm not any of those!? And besides, I'm not a good person..."

Standing up while Gangyi still resting upon the floor, she looks at the ring at my finger and rubs her chin with her elbow replying:

"Kaka, that's not what the ring deems you though! Cause if you're dishonest or have any tought of ill intent, it would blow off and infect you with incurable diseases. As for how I know, let's just say I put it on someone who WAS once my fiance and killed him. Kaka, this really is a fateful encounter."

"Wait a fudging moment! What do you mean!? Somebody died!? And my fingers would blow off!? And what incursble diseases!? Did you just basically tried to kill me!? What in the flying fish nuggets is happening?! And isn't marriege usually not decided with just some simple ring but involve many magic shenanigans? And isn't it usually the male asking the females?"

(I remember alongside the jewelry that unlike the common folk who can just ask for marriege and be blessed by the local church or temple. Nobles on the other hand bought jewelry not only as decorations but physical proof of a relstionship).

"Oh, don't you compare our Crane family with the rest of them. Unlike the mermaids from the Yu clan, Kappas of the Gui clan, Orcs of the Zhu, Satyrs of Yang, and the rest, I suppose even the disgraceful Ji clan who can't even fly despit having wings. Ptui!"

Gangyi pretends to spit at the ground at the mention of the Rooster family as I then soon realize when she speaks most of them...

(Are most of the 16 great families all beast-kin? I mean I've only met the Phoenix, Tiger, and Dragon which are humans. And I'm pretty sure most are also humans from what I see back when those Envoys visit and all the nobles I encounter. Isn't Qiyue a human too? Is she not royalty by how people treat her? Is she secretly a Kappa like how Miria hides her mermaid form?

What is a Kappa anyways? Talking about her, now I remember that Moriz can transform too... Is he actually a beast-kin? I can't believe I'm thinking this but, I sure do hope I can see him soon).


My mind returns hearing Gangyi Grinding her talons on where she spits, Gangyi opens her wings wide with a prideful smile saying:

"We, the Harpies of the He clan IS in the end of the day are the few races that can only lay females, of course our culture would be revolve around a matriarchal system. But since you're wearing my oath ring, I'm forever yours, and you may do as you please with me. That's the least I can give you since you pass the trial..."

Gangyi leans closer unbuttoning her collar with her talons to reveal a similar black mark burn to her neck. As I open my ring and look on my finger she then says:

"All I ask is to be gentle okay? I'm now forever yours, and I can't wait to see how far I can fly in the ranks. Or maybe Big Sis will be happy I got her connections directly with Taiga herself?"

"Wait a moment! Am I suppose to say you're my fiance or something!? And I don't like how you keep imlplying you're using me for connections. Also, I'm still angry that you're trying to kill me!"

Gangyi hides her reddened face behind her wings replying:

"Eeeh~ come now, we're all martial artists. It is custom for us to forgive others easily for that kind of slight. I mean don't we all hurt each other worse during practices?"

"W-We are?"

(That's the first I heard of it, and now that I think about it, in all the hero stories-)

"Of course not~! Stupid Hubby~!"

As if she read my mind, she mocks me and I feel something snap in my head.

"Kakaka! But, think of it this way, if I did wish to really kill you, I wouldn't hand you over the ring. Plus, since you did succeed, I'm yours to command and your orders are more important than big mean sis now."

Completely shocked by her complete insult, I try to collect my thoughts. I look back at her seeing her presssing the tip of her wings together as to imitate a finger, she continue saying:

"As for your previous question... Usually we're pretty much married by this point when the mark appeared on my neck and your finger, but since we haven't had the ceremony I suppose that is the case."

"Aaaah! Seriously, what is with you!?"

"Pukakaka, don't sweat the small details, what matters now is I'm your biggest ally and I do hope you please take real good care of me, future husband~."

"Uuu.... This is too much!"

(Should I be happy I'm quickly getting along with people or should I be worried about that? I mean I suddenly gotten a fiance out of nowhere, this is ridiculousl!)

"I also just realize something, if Owlians like me are not effected by blessings or even curse, how does this ring even evaluate me?"

I keep looking at the mark on my finger and soon realize something amiss with the black mark. Gangyi buttons her shirt again and push the ring back on my finger replying:

"I don't know, but I do know that that ring is not made using normal magic."

"Oh? What is it then?"

"Well, usually this would be family secrets but since you're my future husband... I guess I can tell you some things. From what I heard when eavesdropping the Grandma Council, that ring is called [Judgement] Ring."

(That sound...)

Gangyi then twist the ring on my hand as she embrace me from the back and continue saying:

"It is a mysterious artifact created by God Mother which would form on her descendants talons the moment we hatch from our egg. While all the other family have their Soul Weapons and whatnot, we have those rings."

(Wait, it just forms after you hatch? And wait a fudging moment!? She hatch!? As in she comes from an egg? Is that how her kind works? Does this mean their kind lay eggs? Now I'm beyond curious!)

Brushing aside my morbid curiosity, I quickly realize [Origin] is involved. It really makes me wonder what Origin really is. Another thing that catch my interest is,

"God Mother? Is she like the leader of the Crane Segementum?"

"Oh no, that's reserved for the Matriarch. Just like how the Tigers have the Supreme Patriarch, we have the Supreme Matriarch. The God Mother is the founder of the crane family. In another term, she was the bird Rucina ground pound into submission."

Hearing such weird term, I wonder if Rucina smash her down or something and comment,

"Ground pound? Sounds violent. But..."

In the midst of our conversation I remember about Yoo-Ah and look at her who's still burying her face in the snow shouting:

"Yoo-Ah! You okay!?"

I pull her out and notice she's just asleep...

(She can sleep like that? No wonder she's been quiet, she must be exhausted).

"Kakaka!? That's an interesting way to sleep. Well, why don't we take a rest as well? I'm sure your friends would inform the strategy tomorrow anyways... More like I'll only bring you back tommorow anyways!"


Hearing her slefish request, I sigh and lay Yoo-Ah down in a much comfortable position saying:

"Alright, I suppose it's a good time to sleep."

"Kaka! Come here! Sleep with me, Hubby! She can join too!"

Gangyi drags us to her nest and sits with her legs pulled up, she wraps her wings around us and lay hugs us both and forming into a puffy ball.

(I guess they must've have bonded somehow when I was deep in thought if Gangyi is treating her like this? That's good news I suppose).

Like how a mother hen rest with her chick, she warms us up before saying:

"Nighty, night."

Feeling her warmth and softness of her featherz around me like a blanket amidst the cold snow makes me feel drowsy as I softly reply,

"Good night... I do hope I can learn more about you personally."


(So this is how a bird-kin sleeps... It's very nice).

I hug Gangyi and snuggle a bit closer which cause her to twitch but she doesn't seem to mind as she adjust.

(I don't mind it like this. I might get addicted to sleeping like this... If she keeps doing this I might get charmed in a different way... Still, I don't like this calmness. From what I experienced this past few months, it always ends with something terrible is about to come either soon or much later).


*Splash* *Surge*

"Urgh! Keep the sails up! Keep it up unless you want to die!"

"When is the energy crate coming back up!"

In the midst of a raging storm, where the ocean meets the sky and thunders roar with the sundering cannon fire, splitting the night. At the heart of that uproar are 3 armadas lined across each other to form a massive barrier against what is swimming ever closer in uncountable numbers. Like a massive tidal wave that never stops splashing, their bodies pile at the water beneath turning the deep black sea into crimson red.

*Boom* *Boom*

"Keep firing! Don't stop firing and if the cannons explode, just fucking throw it in the ocean and summon another one!"

*Boom* *Boom*

A symphony errupts, with cannons volley it is cast. The sea trembles as mighty cannons resound, in chorus of destruction the monsters beneath the waves are slowly being grind to paste.

"Under Lord Luo Fuji's command, we will prevail and bring countless honour to our Kingdom! Win this and our stories will be told through our children and their childrens as well! So keep firing!"

The ones currently fighting are the mighty armadas from the naval super power of the Kingdom of Rahit located at one of the coast of Indara. Followong the request of their God-King to help a greater deity from another country, they have taken a miraclous opportunity to position themselves at a right tide where the ocean currents pushes all the monsters to swim at a single lane. As for why this phenomenon happened they may never know but they shall not let this opportunity go by, for if they can stop the monsters here, then they would have stopped the entire monster leak from passing the Indara frontier.

Inside the bridge of the 3 armada's flagship, orders are being relayed one after another through magic crystals. Unlike the inferior Owlion tech which would get hindered by simple rain and other obstructions, magic has allowed Zerians to comminucate even at such disastrous weather or even unbelievable long distance. Thanks to this boon, command could always relay and receive reports from all their users as long as the tools are not broken. Amidst the flury of words thrown around the bridge, one naval officer looks at the radar of the ship shouts:

"Fleet Admiral! I can finally see the end of the wave! It'll soon be over!"

The Fleet Admiral hearing such news walks over to see for himself and confirms. The red dots at the end of the radar have finally stop pouring in after a period of time, the officer hearing such news lights up with fervour as the Fleet Admiral gestures at everyone shouting:

"This is the final push! Unload the reserve cannons! Glory to Sang Raja!"

"Bless be to Sang Raja!"

Under the Fleet Admiral's command, all the officers eagerly shouts at the coms to finish the battle. While the world may be dark and dangerous, the spirits of the people within are brighter than the sun.

As the sea turns red from the blood of the damned, the final monsters that arrived soon meets its demise from the unrelentless barrage. At the dissapearance of the last dot on the radar, the recon officer press the coms and shouts:

"That's the last of them! We have won!"

" "YEAAAHHH!!!!" "

The entire bridge erupted with celebration as outside, the ships that survive continuously fire upwards to the sky like fireworks amidst the raging storm. The captain lets the crew have their fun as they have been conscripted while celebrating Zeria's independence day. These brave men and women who have respond to the call of duty while they should be celebrating at home with their families deserve a recompense. Giving them a minute, the Fleet Admiral then finally starts shouting:

"That's enough of a winning cheer! Break formation and let's get out of this-"




"What the!?"

Everyone instinctively looked outside when the whole ship shakes. The same tides that have helped them form the killzome starts to shift change, causing a small wave bumps to sway heavily.


The recon officer hearing that sound quickly looks over the radar and colour drains from his face. A single massive dot large enough to fill the whole radar blimps. From the outside, the scattered red remains of the monsters disperse and the water rises. As if something is moving from beneath, a massive black monster slowly emerge causing many ships to tilt over when it bumps the beast.

"W-What is that thing."

"Captain- wah!"

6 whirpool then starts forming around the beast as the ships are all soon drag to it, as if a mountain have move all the monster carcass gets sucked in to the massive whirpool and soon the ships as well. As half of the ship enters,

*Crunch* *Boom*

"Aaah! Retreat! Retreat!", "What the hell is that thing!", "Ah Sang Raja, protect us.", "It's so big we can't even see its shape!", "Retreat! Retreat!", "Report! Report it to the greater Deity!", "I'm sorry, it seems I won't be going home tonight, dear.", "Drive this ship around! Pump those Engines with all the reserve magic!", "Something is interfering with magic! I can't tap into the reserve!", "All communication are static! I can't reach HQ.", "Something seems to be interfering!", "Damn those fools! They shouldn't have fired those cannons for fireworks!"

Maybe it is because the flagship is the furthest away from the formation that they are able to be spare from the whirpool and witness the carnage, but those hopes dissapear when a massive shadow soons loom over the ship. Many wish to cast their greatest spells in a last ditch attempt yet their hands won't even budge.

"Glory to Sang Raja."


With a single notion an entire battlship sunk beneath the heavy waves. And the rest of the armadas soon follows its fate as they all either get crushed or swallowed by the massive whirpools surrounding the monster. Rain, waves and thunder is now the only sound that echo beneath this mighty beast. As the six whirpool stops, 6 giant lights shines brightly beneath the waves and a pupil slits open and turn towards the cold south.

For too long it has been force to hibernate, and it has awaken recently for some time since it heard it's cry. It hungers, it remembers, it yearns to hear it once more. A mighty challenger, a vessel worthy to be devoured. An Archduke like itself have finally appeared close to its nest and it can barely contain its thirst by barely feeding from the carcasses that rain from above.

"[To Be Whole... Make us Whole...]"

With a single phrase that echo with the winds, it moves once more, slowly but surely.

Thank you so much for reading! I just realize but it's been 3 years since I first release the first chapter. The again I too around 1 year of total hiatus as well so perhaps this shpuld have more parts so... Yea. Thank you again.

P.S So many games takes around 50GB now it's nuts.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts