
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasy
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225 Chs

A Rainbow to Sunset. (Part 3)

"San-Min stall the Silencer while I halt the Colonel first! Reinforcement is inbound."

"Right away!"

(What the actual fudge is happening!?)

I can't help but scream internally as the situation unfold before me.

(First was suddenly meeting Juha, which luckily she doesn't recognize me. And then there's these elders bickering with each other, then the Colonel said he wants to wage war and put me in charge of the army and- Ah, this whole situation can go suck an egg! After all... There's a more pressing matter right infront of me).

The man responsible for causing the chaos by blowing up the ceiling and drawing his arms for a fight, the one who somehow know who I am and shouting my name infront of Juha as he challenge me...

(I hate this so fudging much!)

"No, wait... Deep breathes, fuuuh."

(Whatever he says makes no sense and there must be misunderstandings-)

*Shiing* *clang*

Summoning my Halberd in the nick of time, I parry the familiar person infront or should I say Ryu San-Min's strike with a single motion.

(To think we would meet again like this).

He tries to push and strike my blade away with his might, but with another small move is enough to lock him stale as I shove my halberd forward saying:

"San-Min, was it? Put your weapon down."

With a bit more strength, I forcefully bring him down to his knees as his arm start to over extend yet he respond with,

"Shut it! I won't fall for your tricks!"

Seeing him gathering energy upon his blade, I direct his blade to where he is pushing. Letting his own strength do the work, his blade slide past my body as he can't seem to control his own attacks. I use my free limb wrap to around his arms, entangling him with a familiar technique.

(Woah, that was easy... Was I this strong? Or have the enemies I fought so far has just been so strong? But didn't Abe said his power is similar to a Templar? Then why is he so weak? Or is he perhaps still hiding his true strength?)

Staring down upon his glare, I continue saying:

"Give it up."


Tightening my grip I force his hands to release his sword but he doesn't budge.

(Time to use the usual trick).

Gazing upon his face closely I pull my head back when I am greeted by myriads of glowing lights appearing behind him.

(It's similar to that time).

*Crack* *Crash*

Swinging my head forward as I loosen my grip at a precise moment. My head smash unto his face as I let him go, seeing him fling back and finally destroy the table with a loud crash.

(I wonder why do people like to slam on tables? It's been too consistent).

Upon receiving damage, the lights disappear before it could move and he seems to lose consciousness.

"San-Min! Shit, it seems the Silencer is still too much for him. So he's this strong even back then?"

"Where are you looking, Yoo-Gisa?"

The Colonel provoked by the Hunter's ignorance unleash a massive energy wave with his hands which he easily cut and disperse with an upward swing. The Hunter or I should say, Yoo-Gisa proves to be an adversary capable on standing with the Colonel.

(To think I would be meeting her brother like this... It's quite sad- wait! Has he been in the Peninsula the entire time?! Then where is he when the monster was still around!?)

With questions swirling in my mind as I can only wonder what's brewing inside their heads, Yoo-Gisa retreats to grab San-Min. Moving to the tallest rubble when San-Min grips unto his scarf and gets back up with a bleeding nose shouting:

"I'm not done yet!"

(Woah, he's tough).

Getting on his feet, San-Min summons a blade into his hand shouting:

"I won't be taken down so easily... Huh?"

San-Min notice he is not in he same place and look at Yoo-Gisa beside him asking:

"I've been, defeated?"

Turning back to see the guests Colonel invited, I notice Son-Jungrip's guards is escorting the other elder and Juha out... Juha, taking her chance to look back I see her gaze squarely at me, I can feel confusion, doubt and uncertainty before she help her grandpa escape.

(Let's just hope tommorow can be a peaceful meeting. I have no choice but to come clean the next day but for now...)

"Impressive physical strength."

Noticing Deok-Hye and her guard have snuck up beside me inspecting my halberd saying:

"I doubt even my escort could match with you. And that is one powerful soul weapon, you too have a strong will yet cloudy of your future huh?"

(When did she...)

"Don't be so alarmed~ since we're allies now let us repel these invaders away. I ain't gonna run like those oldies."


Seeing as San-Min is recovering with potions, Yoo-Gisa and The Colonel keeps their distance.

"Tell me, Gisa. Have you forgotten any common sense after travelling the world? To barge in the private property of someone and start attacking the residence. If I didn't recognize you I would've mistaken you for a terrorist. Even so, as a military officer that guards the peace and as a Guardian that protects this kingdom from destruction, I have no choice but to arrest you. Special Rank, Idol or whatnot."

"Cut the bull crap, Iseon! What kind of Guardian sold his people off to some Evil Empire!"

As if the Colonel has lost any spirit to fight, he breathe a long sigh and tuck his hands inside his large sleeve replying:

"Can you really say that when you're not so different? Unlike you who's interests lies on himself, I am moving to give this kingdom a future! Do you have any idea what's coming towards us soon enough!? If not, let me tell you this now, those greedy neighbors to the west are readying for a second coalition!"

"Of course I do! But this is not the right way!"

"You do? Then what the- Are you fucking with me?! Why the hell didn't you come home to even inform us!? Or tell me what it is if you ALREADY have the solution! They have been getting ready for 3 years by now! And do you know how much the people are suffering thanks to the Ring Nobles abuse which you can easily stop with your favours over them!?

Then again, that favour fall to deaf ears after that stunt you pulled years back that wasted the goodwill of the nobles and your parents!!! Let's not forget the appearances of that Champion class Monster and Bandit Duo! We could have solved everything so much faster with you here! So what the flying whale are you doing all this time!?"

A nerve seem to pop from Iseon's head as he shouts his resentment, his hands gripping the sleeves fron the insides as it tears apart revealing his ripped arms filled with scars. Iseon sighs ripping his sleeves entirely and continue saying:

"Sigh... I have no intentions of entertaining you anymore. In the slightest chance that I actually die tonight, I'm sure you yourself knows the consequences? I doubt you alone can protect this kingdom from millions of warriors knocking on our doorsteps or even try convincing your friends and family you so eagerly betrayed to fight by your side."

Iseon stands ahead of me and summons forth his gun-glaive saying:

"And let me warn you, you're gonna have to walk over my dead body before I let any of you another chance with the Silencer."

"You can count on us too, Iseon! Unless it's Yoo-Gisa, we won't be having trouble dealing with that brat."

Deok-Hye and her guard step forward as well as they pull their weapons out. Deok-Hye a single gun while her escort wields a dual swords.

Yoo-Gisa grip his long blade tightly till it shakes, gritting his teeth as he seems to regret his decisions. San-Min watching this all stand between them as a shadow falls from above landing beside him. It's the lizard that accompany him back when I first saw him but it's now much bigger and white flames burns through its scales. With bright lights shining through the moonlit sky, San-Min raises his sword shouting:

"Don't be discouraged, Yoo-Gisa! The Goddess of the Lake still count on us to change this time! It may be bad now but if we don't change the future something even worse will befell this place!"

"Yeah! Don't be dissuaded, Oppa! We came here tonight for one thing, and one thing only!"

A lady flies down from the ceiling with a winged white beast. Wearing a layered silver armour that covers everything but her head her. But contrast to her bright entrance her long jet-black hair flows as her crimson eyes glow with passion...

(Oh! Just like Kitten and Uncle Yi-Il but a girl this time... I wonder if they are a special clan of people that look like vampires?)


"To kill the Silencer from Heaven and end the attempt from the Phoenix Sector!"

Another person came crashing down with vigour as towering figure cast a long shadow. A tall yet slim man stand alongside them as he wields a spear even I have no knowledge about.

(Wait, they came here to kill me!? Then again, there is 2 Silencers now maybe they got the wrong guy?)

A solemn grim befell the Colonel as he sighs, his cold breathe visible from the freezing snow coming inside.

"I heard from them that you are nothing but a puppet of the Gods when they gave you their blessings and boon. Honestly, I thought they are just spouting bullshit but I couldn't care less when food, funds, and other supplies are coming our way... Now I see they speak the truth.

To think! A man like you could be brought down so low as to dangle by the strings of some forgotten Gods! I'm starting to see the appeal of what the Phoenix Sector is trying to do. Since you all came prepared, then bring it on! Don't you dare half ass it now, Yoo-Gisa! HAAAARRGH!!!"

Letting out a large war cry, the tie that holds his hair comes off as his long black hair starts to rise and shed as he unleashes a mighty black aura that makes the entire room darker swallowing the bright moon till it dims and the only light source is the litten glass that is already on the room. Familiar black cracks creep out from his neck and arms.

(Black cracks, so that's [Origin] properly utilized? The Colonel seems to be able to use the same powers I have, so I guess we are kinda the same? Wait... I wonder if I could ask him for some tutoring after all this mess? No, think about that later!)

Tension rises as we are now on a stand off, the lady riding the winged beast counter the Colonel by releasing a radiant wave as feathers flutter and the night becomes brighter, the tall spearman arm seems to fuse with the spear as his skin turns black and his eyes becomes green, turning into some kind of monster of sort...

(Oh, he's like that one soldier I face back then. I guess that Yoo-Gisa manage to recruit some special and unique people... I feel like I'm not welcome here or better yet, not suppose to be here).

Seeing a slight reaction from them, I give them advice saying:

"Beware of that spearman, he can now extend long spikes from his body with fast speeds and that black thing also acts as his armour that's hard to pierce, so use a blunt weapon or let me deal with him."

"Heeh? You sure have some fun experience fighting people like that. Alright, I'll take on that spearman! Dae-Ji, you handle that horse lady! You have no qualms with that right, Iseon?"

"No, I'll take on Gisa. Silencer, you'll deal with the boy and their pet. Seeing how you easily took care of him, support the other two when you're done."



Shouting in the common tongue, a familiar voice echo loudly from above as someone lands between the two opposing groups. Her crimson hair is clear in contrast to the scene of mostly black and white.


"Yup! It's me! Let me handle this situation! If you fight them now, you're wasting energy cause they can just escape whenever. So go retreat back with those seniors if you want to."

Abe points at herself with both her thumb before she turns to Yoo-Gisa's group.

"Heh, looks like all three key figures of the revolution is here. This makes it much more simple! Let's do this!"

The lady in white cheers as she raises her pure white sword when Abe shakes her

"Woah, calm down there. I suggest you don't do anything too rash here. Have you ever heard the warning-"


The lady in white lunge with her steed and with a single swing she left behind a trail of white mist as she cuts Abe in half.


"Aw~! Happy to know you cared."

Abe voice comes from above as we look up, we see Abe sitting on one of the broken roof pillars with no care as she continues saying:

"As I was saying, have you ever heard this warning? That when you enter a mirror, things may not seems the same there as here? As someone who sees through time, I'm sure you at least heard that warning once."



Seeing their silence, Abe makes a wide ear to ear grin as saying:

"Wait, you haven't~? Ah! Well you done fucked up, haven't you!?"

Abe confidently jump from above landing just an arms reach from them.

"Then, let me be kind and tell you. You see, a single, miniscule, and tiny change you see could change the entire world you're in! Want proof? Can you really say the Silencer standing before you is Sova Anmao?"

(Huh!? What the hell is she saying!?)

San-Min hands starts to shake hearing her. Abe getting more bold walks closer and continue saying:

"For all I know and hear, SHE is the rising star adventurer everyone looks up to in this kingdom even if she's an Owlian- No, especially since she's an Owlian many Owlians still in the cities cheered for her to show that not all Owlians are useless. I'm sure you saw her multiple times already, San-Min. That long blonde hair, that upright attitude despite her strength.

That wizard and princess has pretty much tell you about her everyday no? How she's surprisingly cute! And whatever happened for someone like her to be here? And how the wizard feels sad for letting her get hurt in the promotion exam by visiting her everytime they got the chance. Seeing how they don't know, you like keeping secrets don't you?"


"San-Min is that true?"

"Like hell I know!? She must be spouting bullshit! There's no way that Sova and this Sova is the same!"

"But she is!"

Abe's large ears twitch in delight and so is her tail as she reach her hands out to the moon shouting:

"Abandoned! Exiled! And for a reason she will never know! She now wanders this peninsula after her ship got wrecked! Last I checked she is now still sleeping happily after some party her new friends throw for her promotion. Well, your friends. Damn, she's just too lucky!"


"That's a lie! Shut up!"

San-Min enraged by Abe's provocation swings his sword and cut Abe again but she simply appears again a bit further away asking:

"Then have any of you seen the Silencer's face in your future? Probably not right? She likes to hide her face a lot. I mean, I doubt you actually realize behind that scary armour is a pretty cute girl. If not, I doubt you'll call her a he."

Yoo-Gisa's group starts to waver as they look at each other and soon at Yoo-Gisa when he shakes his head saying:

"Even so, it doesn't change the fact that you're trying to kill the Gods of these peninsula and turn this whole land into a dystopia! A world of chaos and anarchy!"

"And what makes you think that? And how can you be so sure? Do you have concrete proof? On what basis will that happen? The future is a fickle thing after all."


"Oh tell me, great savior from the future, what makes you so sure this is the timeline where the peninsula becomes a dystopia? Is everything still happening the same way your timeline did? Did the unpopular king ever get assassinated and the Colonel forcefully took the throne? Is the north conquered by the Kingdom of Geom? Or a more personal questions like, is your sister now a famous young baker yet? Or is the other one finally working it big in the law department? Probably not since it must be hard when nobody is taking care of the inn that is the only keepsake of their PrEciOus Parents."

(Huh? Wait, wait, wait, wait! Abe can see the future!? She did say she is the same as San-Min but... What the fudge is going on tonight! And wow, she really is pushing them back without violence, I really need to learn from her too).


"And hey, let me tell you. Have you ever doubt that the memories the Goddess gave you is the same timeline that we're in? It could just be she gave you the memories of you from the worst possible future to hype up the tension and where you are the strongest.

After all, that's what I would do when I'm a God losing followers. I would want the most loyal and fanatic puppets under my control to ensure I won't just go poof when things get boring, stale or when I make mistakes! And take it from me, someone who's not suppose to even be in the south right now, ya get me?"

Even from afar and behind his visor, I can tell Yoo-Gisa is now filled with doubts and regrets. Not only Yoo-Gisa but the lady in white and the spearman too is getting doubtful.

"Then let me put the 2 nails in the coffin with this question. Even if you did drive us out and restore the Gods of this land to its former glory. Can you really say, the Gods will fulfill their promise and make Silla great again? For all I care, I heard they prefer the kingdom of Jusa and Goryo, those place will definitely become the centre of the religion, you seen it in the future right? Who cares about succeeding something when I can take all their credit and just receive the biggest benefits?"

Yoo-Gisa bits his lips hearing that and Abe simply tilt her head and continue saying:

"What? In case you don't know, it was the same Gods you follow that drove this land to such a pathetic state! The great famine of 1233, some Gods made and lost a bet to the Water Goddess of the West Janu Archipelago to the west which took their water away and starve half of the peninsula and force them to be slave to the Heavens again after pain staking sacrifices to achieve independence.

Then there's the Tyrant King from the Unification Wars a few centuries ago who was tricked into being a puppet of some God that got bored and just wanted some action before getting his assed whooped by the Heavens and the entire Peninsula shattered into warring states again which killed 40% of the entire northern and western peninsula's population in the aftermath since the only rule on war is heretic genocide, and-"

"Enough of that! What's your point!? Those are different-"

"Nuh-uh-ah! And most recently, it is the same lake Goddess that bestow you your new chance that encourage your western kings to invade this land for "Unification" 13 years ago! You know, the war that killed your both your parents and friends, who caused so many recent tragedies like the massacre of Re lake and breach of the capital. And now they're preparing for round 2 as we speak! So tell me, what make you so sure that when this is all over that everything will be as "you" dream it is and not what "she" dream of it?

Are your family going to be alive at the end of it? Probably not, heard they're not religious, probably gonna get burned in some heretic hunt. Is your homeland gonna be the same? Will you even have a home to return to when they finish conquering your homeland? This place will be nothing but a land of ash, waste, and ruins when they are done! Just look at the scars that haven't healed this past 8 years after the coalition for a perfect reference!"

Abe scolds them like children as she look down upon them. Yoo-Gisa's fighting spirit diminish with her words while I see him loosen his grip on his blade.




"Hey, you serious? Don't listen to that deceiving witch! She's clearly manipulating you!"

Abe backs away wave her hand as if driving away a stray dog saying:

"ME? Manipulate YOU!? Then why don't you go back to that lake Goddess and just make sure your Gods is really who she is. Got me? I'm sure she will just spout round about bullshit and deter attention away. In your terms, kinda like some popular person on a scandal, they will just say something like there's someone doing something worse than them and this is totally not that bad. Or just blame something else and apologize profusely before going into hiding and avoid responsibility like she is doing now. I'm sure you seen it too many times to count even if she acts like some kidnapped princess."







Their lizard pet and white winged beast echoes among our cold silence as it looks at them confused to why they seem to stop and Abe just continue with,

"Oh, yeah, the last nail to the coffin! This might just blew my argument away entirely if true, but if she really cares for you, have she given you any of her Divine Regalia?"

"(Divine Regalia...)"

"(The hell is that?)"

"Divine Regalia? What's that?"

The lady in white slowly whisper, San-Min murmurs and Iseon rubs his chin as he asks in confusion. Yoo-Gisa then shouts back with,

"Never heard of that! We already have her blessing for her trust on us-"


Abe looks at him with scorn and continue explaining:

"Blessing!? BLESSINGS!? Cut the bull shit! They could give blessings to everyone since it is their duty! Like parents obligated to feed their childrens! They just withheld their powers in the name of "special privilege" when in fact it doesn't do much but make you their slave, a scam if you will! If you really want true affection, it is the Divine Regalia that counts! The relic that could transcends you to their level and make you stand by their side! It is an item that shows that the Gods in question is actually being sincere!

After all, Divine Regalia are made by sacrificing a part of themselves in return for you sacrificing your life or in your case, your future for them! Did you not know this!? Are the Gods so corrupt they withhold this information from you!?"

Everyone looks at Abe with shock and confusion as if a great revelation has been bestowed upon them. Doubts starts to cloud their eyes as they listen and Abe in return look a bit flustered replying:

"Hey! Now you're making me look weird! I mean, Every God or Goddess, big or small, popular or not, weak or strong, they WILL have one. If she really trusts and cares for you, I'm sure she wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice a part of her for you to help you in this endeavor, right? So do any of you have it?

But hmm... As a holder of Divine Regalia, I can't sense any divine energy emanating from any of you. Did you left it at home perhaps? Even our Sir Silencer there holds the Divine Regalia from the Deities of Heaven on his shoulders right now. See that medallion? If that thing got destroyed, the deity that gave it to him would suffer an incurable wound that will lower their ascension forever! That's just how much love and trust the deity has for him! From your so called "Enemy" from your so called "Demon" !"

Abe points at me and everyone looks at where her fingers end, at the medallion I wear on my right shoulder which bears the emblem of the phoenix.

(Wait, I hold that divine regalia thingy? This medallion!? Oh yea, I did remember Libing Shifu telling me it's made of the soul of the Deity of Law. And there's like only 16 of them).

Wondering what to do Abe then continues asking:

"So, what about you? Are you really agents of that Goddess!? You're not some sham and fakes right!? Are you truly important to her for you to risk your "real" future for something that's not gonna happen? Where is the LOVE given to you?"





It was silence for a moment as Yoo-Gisa seems to froze like a statue while still in his stance. The only sound coming was the cold breeze coming inside the room when Yoo-Gisa finally says,

"Let us leave."

"D-Don't you kid with me, Oppa!"

"Yeah, what are you saying after reaching so far!?"

Yoo-Gisa clench his fist till a crack appear on his gauntlet replying:

"We lost this one, and let's not forgot she somehow knew all that as well and probably plan much ahead. We don't even know if the one inside that armour is the same person we're told to kill and seeing how they can easily replace him? Her? Either way, we will be wasting unreplaceable lives for nothing!"

"Well, that's... We'll never know if we try! Don't give up so easily! I'm sure the Goddess has her reasons!"

"That's why I must return and ask! You can stay if you want but I'm leaving! We are still far from any of our goals and... I just can't continue when my conviction wavers so much."

Yoo-Gisa disperse his long blade as he then walks forward a bit looking at Song-Iseon saying:

"Sorry, old pal, but I'm still a half ass everywhere it seems. Let's hope we never meet again."

Yoo-Gisa waves his scarf and with a single blur, he vanish.

"Hey, wait for me!"

"Grab my hand, San-Min!"

The others seeing his absence disperse as well. The horse lady grabs San-Min and their lizard as she flew to the sky and the spear user jumps out of the ceiling to catch the Horse's feet.


As the room clears from enemies, the Colonel disperse his powers and slam his glaive to the ground in anger.

"Cheer up, Song boy! I manage to drove then away without much casualty, but I suppose the collateral is mourned. But hey! We're gonna need all the manpower you can get when the plan is set in motion. So try to preserve as many as you can before everything starts, Song boy. And, did you succeed in persuading those admirals?"

"Fuuuh... I did... And I have to commend your efforts. It's good to know we have reliable allies."

"Aw, you make me blush! I was just exercising my old skills."

Iseon look at the broken ceiling and rub his temples saying:

"Okay, I'm gonna have to fix that. But let me escort you out first, Deok-Hye."

Speaking back to his native tongue Deok-Hye pats his shoulder replying:

"Oh? Worry not, Iseon. I'll lent you some manpower. And besides, what did she say to that Hunter fellow? She must have some eloquent tongue. And what is she pointing at that fellow for?"

"I'll tell you later."

Deok-Hye and her escort sheathe their weapons and follow the Colonel out and before he exits, he turn to look at me saying:

"Thank you for your cooperation, Sova Ssi. If you wish for something later in the future, don't hesitate to approach me. If you wish you can stay here or leave."

"Oh! O-Okay thank you, Colonel. But I'll take my leave soon."

"Very well, have a safe trip. I'm sure that rat-kin friend of yours can help you back."

The Colonel leaves with Deok-Hye saying that and Abe soon approach me slapping my back:

"Well, look at ya! You sure do look awesome in that!"

"I know right? It's pretty cool."

In a moment of silence Abe looks up at the bright moon. Rubbing her hands she tries to warn it up with her own breathe as she says:

"Alright! Time to head back quick, Sova! Lest we attract more attention!"

"Oh, yeah. What was that all about? Me not being real, seeing the future, regalia, and whatnot?"

I disperse my weapon as I ask and Abe proudly puff her chest out while placing her hands on her waist replying:

"Oh, that? I was bluffing of course!"

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah! I may be reincarnated but I ain't no seer or time traveller. But, I suppose the right term for him would be a returnee. Anyways, some of what I said is a bluff and some info I extracted from the Empress! I just put two and two together to come up with that."


"Duh! Of course! Sometimes the best lies are the ones with truths mixed within them, plus you gotta shake up their core beliefs and psychologically challenge them if you want them to believe you! After all, it's easier to convince an adult about their future than telling a infant that they don't want a toy."

"Woah... Abe, even though I don't understand much of what you said but I could really learn a lot from you. You're amazing! I wanna be just like you someday!"

"Aw~! So many people are being so sweet. Must be my lucky day!"

Abe leans her elbow at my shoulders and with a huge smile, she points at me replying:

"And don't worry, Sova. One day, you too could become a massive liar."

"When you say it like that, I suddenly got less motivated."

"Don't sweat the details! Come now, let's hurry back, this room is freezing without the heaters!"

Abe pushes me from the back as she says that and following her lead, I can only ponder what will happen tommorow.

Thank you so much for reading so far! Hmmm... Been a while since I play YGO, and here ders master duel for free. Welp time to build my own deck and try my best.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts