

A man by the name of Shannon Alexander has never truly felt he belonged on earth. He also itched for an adventure, but alas circumstances held him back on his dreams. What will he do when he finally gets a chance to have an adventure for a lifetime?

UchihaDemon · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 12. Leave

"Do i need a reason to like someone?"

Indra peered straight into Serafines pale blue eyes releasing a formless pressure, He had truly had enough of this untaimed spoiled brat.

Serafines face started to lose color as she could feel the imposing aura which seems like it just wants to rip her to pieces. She hastily shut her mouth and sat back down obediently, no longer daring to even speak out a word.

Glancing at Serafine, Stefen sighed tiredly before looking at Indra "I'm sorry Indra, please forgive her she meant nothing by what she said."

Indra looked at Stefen giving him a bored face "I don't think its me you should be apologizing to is it?"

Stefen immediatly realised his mistake before turning to look at Madelyn "I'm sorry Madelyn, you're sister has had it rough these past few days preparing for the academy, if you would please find it in your heart to forgive her."

Madelyn was surprised because even though her father is not apologizing to her out of his own initiative, he still apologized. She raised her head and subtly nodded at her father.

While all this was happening Madam Vienna was having her own thoughts.

'That bitch! Just like her mother always going around seducing others men, this is not good i mustn't let her take this chance away from my daughter.'

Indra sensed Madam Vienna's aura getting darker and darker, He roughly guessed what was she was thinking.

'This woman.. there is no turning back for her, her heart is already corrupted she is at the point of no return.'

The two brothers were both also deep in their thoughts, their thoughts trailing around the same path.

'What an interesting man, He wasn't even remotely attracted by the beauty that is out little sister but he confessed to Madelyn the moment he saw her, I agree that Madelyn is beautiful but nowhere near the beauty of our little sis, or is there something special about Madelyn just like what he said? Is there a deeper meaning behind his words?'

Both the blonde haired younger brother and brown haired older brother were businessman so they always like to get to the bottom of things, and use every little clue given to put the puzzle together, just like their father.

Besides the little episode with Serafine the rest of the dinner went off without a hitch, Indra also got more Information on the Vienna family and how they operated.. to say the least he was impressed. He knew they were rich, but he did not know they basically owned half of the city.

'Being rich sure is different'

Irina and Kein also Enjoyed the various different dishes they got presented with. Most of the dishes were mainly made from parts of magical beasts so they improved the strength a little bit but it wasn't to the point where it was noticable. Stefen had truly spent a fortune on this meal and by the time they were done eating, everyone was satisfied.

Making sure that the trio was done eating, stefen proposed an idea.

"Why don't you guys spend the night here, it's night time and it gets quite dangerous at night."

Indra chuckled "Mr.Vienna i'm sure you've already seen my strength, there's little to nothing that can hurt me in this city."

Madam Vienna also chimmed in "No, Indra even though you're really strong there is still plenty dangerous things in the night and i assure you our bedrooms are better than the one's at the Inn."

Seeing that they were determined to not let him leave the manor, he turned around to ask his two companions for both of their opinions, in which they nodded. He tried sending eye signals, but they both looked at him weirdly.

'Damn it you guys! help me out! wait.. on second thought this might not be a bad thing i can keep an eye out for Madelyn in case the madam tries to do something stupid.'

"Alright Mr and Madam Vienna i will take you up on your offer."

Madam almost gushed out happily but she controlled herself so as to not not make a fool out of herself.

"Great! We've prepared three rooms for you, if you would like Serafine can show you to your rooms."

Indra smiled a little "It's alright I'm sure Miss Serafine still has things she needs to do, Madelyn can show us around and maybe even give us a little tour?"

Madam looked dejected upon hearing Indra's reply, but she still answered "Yeah, Madelyn dear can you please give our guests a little tour inside?"

"Y-yes ma'am" said Madelyn Shyly.

Thus the trio with Madelyn left leaving the rest inside the dining room.

Mr. Vienna spoke up "So? Markus, Logan what did you guys think of him?"

Markus replied while still in deep thought "He seems like an interesting guy, and i also can't seem to get a read on him."

"Same" said logan.

Madam Vienna turned her head to face her daughter with an angry expression and raised her voice, but not too loud so that Indra and the others wouldn't hear her.

"Serafine you idiot! Why did you have to go and act out like that! If you were on your best behavior than maybe that vixen wouldn't have stolen Indra from right under your nose, have you no brain?!"

Serafine started sulking, she doesn't know how to deal with the situation she is in. It has always been her being chased not the other way around, and this is also one of the reasons that she got furious when the man she has been eyeing was snatched away from her by her older sister.

Stefen tried to calm down the raging woman "Now, now, its okay either way we still get what we want right. Indra will still be a part of our family or we will have at least established a decent connection, whether it's Serafine or Madelyn, so whats the big problem?"

Madam Vienna sighed and exclaimed "Although Madelyn lives under our roof do you think that if she gains Indra's favour she will help us in bringing him to our side after everything we've done to her? I'm sure she also knows that we're the ones behind her mothers 'sickness' that led to her death, if that little girl uses her cards right the she will destroy this whole family!"

After listening to what Madam Vienna said, Everyone in the dining room presently had grave expressions, without exception!

Stefen inwardly gasped 'She's right! I've only been looking forward to the future and didn't think about the present. I must separate them at all costs!'

--back to Indra--

Madelyn showed everyone to their rooms and got everyone situated, when she showed Indra's room she noticed that he had stopped right before the door.

"Umm..M-Indra is there something wrong?"

Indra smiled and kindly instructed "Madelyn can you please take off your coat?"

Madenly hesitated and said while clutching her coat tightly "I'm sorry Indra because of my condition I get really cold, so i rarely take off my coat i even have it on when i sleep."

Indra sighed sadly at her reaction "Come on Madelyn, we both know that's not the case. Just trust me okay?"

Indra inched close to her inch by inch until he was directly in front of her, although she was older than him by two years he was still about a whole head taller. He gently pulled on her coat, at first she offered much resistance but she stopped when she noticed that Indra just genuinly wanted to help her and she new that he was not a bad person, she knows this because just like Indra she is very good at reading people's aura.

When Indra pulled off the long black jacket she was wearing, what he saw made him feel extremely sorry for Madelyn. His rage also started build up but he forcefully held it down.

Studying Indra's sad expression she was thinking 'He's probably regretting confessing to me now, my arms have been stictched and restitched countless times for as long as i can remember. The rest of my body is also battered and bruised, I can never go back to looking as good as i did back then. My inner and outer appearance are both ugly.'

but Indra's next words stunned her briefly.

"You poor soul."

Indra's kind and caring gaze made her feel as if she finally has someone whom she can rely on, and made her eyes red with a tear drop dripping down from her right eyes.

Indra brought her skinny frame in for a gentle hug and caressed her long black curly hair.

"There there let it all out, I'm here for you and will continue to be okay. So just let it all out."

Hearing Indra's words Madelyn lost all reservations. She sobbed and sobbed gripping Indra's dark blue robe tightly fearing that if she lets go she will lose him forever. She cried her eyes out until her eyes we're no longer hold any tears.

Time seemed to have stopped briefly as Madelyn layed in Indra's embrace ten minutes later. Indra's robe was drenched in tears but he smiled as he looked at Madelyn's resting face.

'Wow, she feel asleep standing.'

Indra used his right hand to open the door while still holding Madelyn in his left, then once he opened the door he carried her princess style, closed the door behind him and layed her down in the king sized bed.

As he was about to leave he felt something tugging his sleeve and looked to see Madelyn's slender fingers tightly gripping his robe. He saw Madelyn's pained face and decided to stay a little longer to ease some of her pain, until eventually...He fell asleep himself.

As Indra was resting in a kneeling position he sensed something or someone nearing his room, and he recognized who it was. 'It's now the middle of the night, what could she possibly want?'

A young girl entered Indra's room stealthily in a clear night gown, wearing black underwear and bra. As she was nearing Indra's voice she recognized something was wrong. She got closer and closer until she saw the face of her older sister.

'What is she doing in here! Did i get the wrong room?!'

However she heard a voice from behind that scared the daylights out of her.

"Serafine Vienna..Just what do you think you are doing hmm?"

Serafine turned her head ever so slowly and she got a look at the handsome young man who was still wearing the same outfit.

She acted naturally as if there was nothing wrong with the situation "Hello Indra, what is my sister doing in your bed? Did you guys do something together?"

Indra rebuked "Im the one asking the questions not you, understand? Now, why are you coming into my room dessed like...that."

Serafine started trotting forwards mischeviously showing her graceful cruves and beautiful blonde hair. She kept getting closer and closer, just as she was about to advance once again Indra put up his hand with his palm and fingers facing her.

"Nevermind i don't need you to answer" He then pointed one finger to the door and said one word in a commanding tone.


Although serafine was extremely scared she stood firmly rooted in the spot refusing to leave.

Indra inhaled through his nose and exhaled annoyedly.


A dark red ominous skeleton hand appeared behind Indra and made its way to Serafine who now looked as pale as a ghost because she is thinking that Indra is planning to kill her. But before she could say anything more Indra opened the door and the skeleton threw her out of the room.


Before she finished inwardy thinking what she needed to think her body hit the hard golden wall outside of Indra's room.

Indra slammed the door shut and made sure to lock it before helping himself next to Madelyn who was still sleeping with a gentle smile on her face.