
Liberation: Age of Aron

Firstly, yes I know this is my WSA entry but another reason I wrote this is to preach the phrase disability is not a limitation. Many have been denied reality because of how they are, some have even been denied themselves. But Hey? Reality is just a plane of existence that you define, this might be a fantasy novel but just like the MC that found comfort and himself in a virtual world(a game) your virtual world could be anything you hold dear, hang unto to, clench your fist and don't let it go, let no one define what hope is for you. False hope is a false hope the moment you deem it so, until then it is HOPE and COMFORT! This is the journey of a boy that refused reality and sought a reality for himself. With the launch of the first-ever virtual reality world where even pain could be felt. Leon was allowed to see what the way he couldn't in reality. Age Of Aron is a virtual reality game that was created with a composition of artificial intelligence, with each part able to make decisions best for the development of the world. A world that inclined itself with reality itself: A game so enchanting that when dived too deep into it could overlap the player's sense of true reality. Leon was given a golden chance to herald a path, whatever that path would be, however it would be was now based on him and the people around him. Join BLINDSAGE(Leon) on his journey to liberation in the magnificent and prodigious world where nothing is impossible, read and follow closely how all forces of existence conform to the will of his character and the magnitude of his compassion for the existences that others like him consider synthetic. This novel is rated 18+ !!!! Disclaimer: The cover is not mine, credit goes to whomever it belongs to. Discord: CephasWRITES#5862

CephasWRITES · Games
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79 Chs

The Fate Of A Politician.

"It's a compulsory summon to court meeting," Leon said.

"A compulsory summons can only mean one thing. An emergency state." Oweyn said.

"What is this emergency supposed to be?" Leon asked.

"We don't know, until after the court meeting," Oweyn responded.

Leon leaned back on his couch and sighed. '...is this her way of an excuse to send troops to me or is something wrong.'

"Since the due date is in fifteen days, I think we have enough time to gather intel that will give us an upper hand during the meeting," Oweyn said.

"Why though?"

Oweyn paused and began to explain better to him, "When nobles gather in court to decide the fate of a particular subject relating to the kingdom, all opinions that are purposed by the nobles are always best for themselves, for there not to be too much of diversities of interest the nobles in the court are divided into factions I learnt of a lot while working with the late king when he was the Duke of this duchy.

"Oh...that guy..." Leon said.

"I will give you detailed information about the court, after that we will proceed in gathering information that will give us an upper hand during the court meeting."

Leon gulped.

"I'll start with the basic information, as you know Temper Kingdom has a population of 7.3 million, approximately. We have a total of 376 nobles and 789 gentries. Of course, even though they are all nobles, not all of them can attend a court meeting, the only nobles that can attend a court meeting are those that hold a governmental position in the kingdom, such as the minister of finance, the prime minister, the minister of defence, the minister of foreign affairs, the minister of Public relations. You also have to understand that these ministers have assistance and either nobles or gentries working for them. So you can make sense of how the numbers fill everywhere. But only the ministers attend court meetings."

"Then why am I being summoned? I'm not a minister." Leon said.

"Because you are a Duke," Oweyn replied and continued, "It's natural for a duke to hold a governmental position except he or she is a royal family, it's prohibited for the royal family to be a member of the court. This brings us to the notion that you might be appointed a position in this coming meeting, even if you are not granted a position, your peerage as a duke still deems you fit to attend the meeting. After all this kingdom only has five dukes, you included."

"...I see..." Leon said, nodding his head softly.

"The authority of Temper kingdom is divided into domains of the executive, legislative and judicial. Now the executive level has five ministers, the legislative has thirty-three, but the court meeting can only be attended by the upper house of the legislative council, they are ten in number and are the main powerhouse of the legislative council, then the judicial level which consists of the Supreme Court, from there, the supreme judge and four other judges attend, alongside the secretary. Including the dukes that don't have a governmental position, the total number of nobles that will be attending is twenty-five. There are three aristocracy factions, the Royal faction, those that support the royal family, most of which are judicial level, the other two is the power faction and wealth faction, and the strongest of the two is the power faction, of course, because they are called power faction doesn't mean they are less rich than the wealth faction, it's a title according to their motive. Now, the most powerful figure in the court is Duke Sharr, the prime minister. Even though he's the prime minister, he never attended a single meeting during the reign of the former king and the late king didn't even have the power to take away his governmental position."

"That powerful?"

"Yes, that powerful, he moves the court even from outside, the late king and I during his days as a duke sought a way to bring him down but found no weakness, my advice is for you to just avoid crossing path with him. Though from the looks of things, the queen would probably want to make you a part of the royal faction. So we have Duke Sharr the prime minister, Duke Ewster the public relations minister, and the Foreign affairs minister Count Vincent. Ah, now I remember the late king held two positions to himself, the minister of justice and the minister of defence."

"And he still couldn't deal with Duke Sharr?"

"Duke Sharr cannot be dealt with," Oweyn replied Leon.

"Then the ten members of the upper house of the legislative council, I don't know if I can remember all, but Marquis Fellaminell, Marquis Robert, Viscount Romany and Count Vladimir are a part of it."

'Ah, the guy that wants a territory war with me, so he must be with the power faction.'

Oweyn observed Leon's silence, "I see you are taking it well." he said.

"Sure..." Leon replied.

"Then the head of the Supreme Court is Duke Woussutt, other four judges of the Supreme Court I don't know, but the secretary is Count Vondrair. I think that should conclude the information about the court, you can do a personal brainstorm but I will work to get more information, however, I will be needed some amount of money."

"I approve of whatever you ask," Leon responded.

Oweyn bowed.

"An intelligence bureau do you think it's possible to establish it?" Leon asked as Oweyn was about to head out.

A widespread smile occupied Oweyn's expression, "Of course, your grace."

Leon smiled, "Let's talk more about it after you return." Leon said.

"Yes, your grace." Oweyn bowed and headed out of Leon's office.