
Liana's Ancient Lover

You are not scared," his deep voice asked. "Why would I be I love every little detail about you, even those sharp scary fangs " she laughed. "No one who has seen me like this has ever stayed "Xavier's voice carried a hint of pain. "Your playing with fire Liana and I don't want to hurt you," he said. Liana kissed him, "Xavier your appearance won't scare me cause I don't care how you look. Call me crazy or stupid but I won't care cause all I see is a man who makes me feel something I never felt with any man," she said. His eyes narrowed into slits, she gasped as a feeling of fear and excitement filled her. Cold dangerous air seemed to fill the room but Liana's focus was on Xavier. "Liana " he sweetly called her name. Huffing she looked up at him. "are you going all the way with me " She nodded biting her lower lip seductively. His body pressed down on hers as he found his way into her.

jandralitto · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
134 Chs


"How is she now?" Gerald asked the doctor leaving Joy's room

"She will be fine just shaken up, her neck's swelling will go down soon. Her waist and ankle got hurt too so she needs bed rest and takes her medicine to help with the pain " he said.

"Anything else, she seemed to be in so much a while ago," he said.

"Let her rest now the medicine will take effect soon. Just make sure she doesn't move a lot until fully healed " the doctor said passing him the list of other drugs he had to buy.

"Alright, thank you, doctor," he said walking him out.

Joy moved up trying to pull the covers over her but the pain from her back made it impossible. She frowned in discomfort, a hand stopped her helping her lay down.

She looked up seeing Gerald guide her down and pull up the covers over her.

"I think you heard what he said, no movement until you fully healed. Your waist is injured and so is your ankle you can't move around too much.

He sat down next to her.

" I know but I hate laying in bed like this for too long "

"You will endure it, for the time being, now you just need to rest," he said.

She stared at him, "I know I said it but thank you, again"

"Your welcome, now go to sleep. it's been a long night get some shuteye" he said

Nodding Joy turned on her side closing her eyes. He got up and walked out of her room.

"Good night," he said.


"Why didn't you call us, I have been worried about her " Liana said on her phone. "It's good you both okay, please take care of her. We will drop by tomorrow morning " hanging up she turned to Xavier who looked back.

"What happened?"

"Lucian attacked Joy and almost chocked her, Gerald got there in time to help her and called the police on him"

"How is Joy right now, is Gerald still with her "

"Joy is okay, she had a sprained back and ankle but doing fine now. Gerald promised to stay over and look after her " she said.

"I guess your brother isn't holding back anymore," Xavier said.

"Am worried about Joy and you both " she said.

"Why, he can't harm us, maybe Joy but we can protect her "

"He knows who you both are what if he says something and causes harm to both of you "

"He can't cause no one would believe him and second even when he does it would harm him instead not us " Xavier let out.

Liana frowned, "What's going on, I can never have a peaceful life. One thing after another " she sighed.

Xavier held her hand, "You can't feel discouraged, me, Joy, and Gerald all have your back. Even my parents now do so you don't have to worry. We can pass through this, and soon you will have what you want peace " he said.

She smiled, "I hope so "