

"Princess Euphemia, Princess Nunnally, I would request you let Prince Lelouch leave to get ready for tonight's event," Lelouch said to the young princesses, as he entered the room.

"Boo, spoilsport, it was just getting fun," Euphemia said as she let go of Lelouch. He was tired having been stuck with the two of them since afternoon.

"This is one of the few events her highness conducts in Aries Villa, and many people will be coming, so we should all be at our best right," Leylin said calmly as Nunnally too let go of Lelouch.

Lelouch looked gratefully over to Leylin as he left the stranglehold of his sisters.

"Plus you can play even more tomorrow as you will be staying here tonight Euphie," Leylin said.

"Really, sister allowed it?" Euphemia asked her eyes sparkling.

"Well, it took a bit of convincing but since there is no harm in you staying here I was able to convince her."

"Yaay, Leylin you're the best" Euphemia cried as she skipped out of the room.

It had been over a few months since Leylin started to work in Aries Villa, as the second in command of the palace's security he did not really need to do much. However, he made sure to interact with the heirs as much as possible.

Euphemia was obviously someone who he needed to have a good impression of him. As Cornelia's biggest emotional attachment, being an enemy to Euphemia meant being an enemy to Cornelia. Not like Euphemia had any enemies with her personality. Leylin was able to easily able to get close to her by acting as a foil to Cornelia, curbing her protective tendencies and giving Euphemia more freedom.

Lelouch on the other hand gave Leylin a weird feeling. He reminded Leylin of Baelin, having quite some destiny attached to him. With Lelouch's intellect, Leylin knew he would not be as easy to manipulate as Baelin.

(For those who dont know about Baelin, it does not matter much he was a major character in one of the arcs. Baelin is a student Leylin takes in the Twilight Zone. He was supposed to be the protagonist in the arc, being a generic hero protagonist from humble beginnings. Leylin acted as his mentor during the start but left him soon after. In the end, Leylin kills him and the "antagonist" to gather their "Destiny". I just referenced this to show that Leylin has an understanding of how the world's will can sometimes choose their champions, and Leylin might be this world's champion)

As the champion of this world, along with being pretty smart, Leylin knew he would be difficult to manipulate. However, he did not need to worry about that as Lelouch had quite a few flaws.

He was extremely prideful and believed himself to be the most important. Common in royal children and something that could be changed as he grew up, but with his intellect, Lelouch may keep winning and this could lead to a full-on god complex at some point

However, Lelouch did have his sister Nunnally to ground him. She was still too young for Leylin to get an accurate guess of her character, however, she looked to be similar to Euphemia, who she saw as a rival to Lelouch's love. And with Leylin causing Euphemia to spend more time with Lelouch, she viewed him with childish hostility.

Lelouch himself was neutral to him, having challenged Leylin to a chess match once. Leylin had purposefully given him a tough fight but lost. He had made sure his mistakes were not obvious and Leylin viewed him as someone smart but not on Schneizel's level.

Speaking of the only one to defeat Lelouch in chess, Schneizel who had originally gained a slight interest in Leylin soon left him, as Leylin performed within Schneizel's expectations. Leylin had tried hard not to appear on anyone's radar the past few months as he felt becoming the knight of the second princess had caused enough waves. Any more would bring undue attention towards him.

His interactions with empress Marriane were limited as she was busy with something or the other most of the time, but Leylin was able to get a good profile on her. He knew she was involved in something unknown as she asked the security to leave the Aries Mansion many times in the past.

In the past months, Leylin's family Knightmare company had become big being named Ouroboros Tech. Leylin liked this not only as homage to his past affiliation but also as ouroboros was the snake of infinity, which represented how far the company would go in the field of science.

They had recruited quite some young talent however there were yet to be any breakthroughs regarding Knightmare technology. It was on its way and Leylin knew it would happen within the year. Leylin himself was almost finished with his AI chip interface and should be able to finish it at the same time.

Leylin had already started to work on his own political faction, of course not outwardly. They were all part of Cornelia's faction and he had made sure to 'convince' them of the benefits of supporting Cornelia. While many had noted the faction, most had assumed this was just princess Cornelia finally getting into politics, thanks to her loyal knight.

All his plans were coming to fruition and Leylin only needed a little more time before he was able to access all the secrets of the world.

"Well then Princess I will leave you to it," Leylin said as he left toward's the party knowing he would need to 'convince' a few people about the benefits of their faction.