
Leylah maleek

Hauwwahjasminah · Urban
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50 Chs


The next day...

Leylah was all alone at home,Suraj was at the hospital and she was bored sitting indoors at home alone. She picked up her phone and called her step siblings.

She wanted to hangout with them but they told her that they were at their mother's sister place in the mainland. But promised to be back the next day, so they could hang out together.

The children liked Leylah when they first met her. They thought she's a very beautiful and nice person. Leylah felt pleased to hear that they considered her an important person in their lives.

She called up Nabeela and as usual,Nabeela was busy at the company. She gave up and decided to take a little stroll around their estate. And when she felt a bit tired,she returned home.

She met a delivery guy in front of her door step and she was surprised. She hadn't ordered anything so why was he here?.

The delivery guy greeted her and told her she had a package from her husband. Leylah smiled and took the box from the guy.

It was a box of small chops and peppered chicken. After walking for a while she was hungry and tired. She thought the timming was perfect. She smiled as she entered her apartment. "My husband is just the best. Only he, will know that am hungry right now" She said to herself.

She took out a coke from the fridge and started devouring the small chops and peppered chicken. She was just half way when she got a call from Suraj,she smiled and picked it up "hey wifey,how is my angel and my prince doing?"

"We are fine my darling Hubby.thanks to your pampering and loads of love". Leylah replied and taking a sip of the coke.

"Have you had lunch? What do you want to eat?" Suraj asked in a loving voice. She was perhaps the only one in the world who could send his heart and mind into a frenzy just by hearing her happy voice.

"Really now,you want to make me become too fat and so I'll be undesirable to you right?" Leylah questioned wondering why Suraj keeps pampering her like this. Not that she was complaining but she didn't want to eat a lot and get fat and ugly.

"What? You know that will never happen. You don't even have the tendency to get that fat. Even with the pregnancy and over feeding,you still haven't added much weight" Suraj chukled and Leylah laughed lightly.

"I'll take that as a compliment"

"And to your question, no I don't want to eat anything else".

"You just sent me this mind blowing peppered chicken and small chops. I don't think I will be able to eat something else after this for lunch today".

" What? But I didn't send you anything. I just came out from that Surgery I told you about with the director and doctor Hassan "Suraj said baffled.

"Huh? You mean you didn't send me this?"

"No,I didn't" he confirmed. His voice a bit panicky.

"But the deliver....Oh! then Nabeela must have sent this. Stop panicking baby,I'll just call her and confirm okay". Leylah reassured him.

"okay call me after you've confirmed it okay. I will be waiting for your call"

"Alright I will".

Leylah called Nabeela immediately after dropping his call but Nabeela told her she didn't send her the box either. Leylah was shocked because she thought it would be Nabeela.

She thought of another person who could send her the box and saying its from her husband,Mrs Najma. She called Mrs Najma but she also said she didn't send it. At that moment,Leylah began to panick.

She dialed the director's number but just when he picked the call, she felt a sharp piercing pain in her stomach and she shouted in pain. She dropped the phone in her hand on the floor,fell off the chair and landed on her back.

The pain was immense and unbearably painful. She rolled on the floor and shouted out of her lungs. She soon started panting for air and started feeling weak as sweat beads formed on her forehead.

She looked at her phone which was laying on the floor, and tried to reached out for it. She finally came to the phone and saw that she was still on the call with the director.

She struggled with all her strength and tried to talk,but it all came out in a whisper. "Save.....me Suraj.....save us" that was all she could say before she felt her body gave up. All her strength left her body and with that,she fell unconscious.

The director rushed to Suraj and told him about the situation. He had already called the ambulance and the emergency team. So they left together with Suraj quickly,to go rescue Leylah.

The director didn't hang up the line and gave the phone to Suraj when Suraj insisted on talking to Leylah. The director explained everything that happened while they were in the car.

"My love please talk to me,say something please am going out of my mind here" Suraj cried out as he shouted at the director to drive faster. the hospital wasn't quite far from their house but today, it seems like it was moved backwards a thousand miles.

When they finally arrived at the house,they found Leylah lying unconscious on the cold ground.

Suraj quickly picked her and laid her in his arms. "Baby,baby what happened to you? Wake up my love,please open your eyes"

"Am here now so you don't need to panick,mm.....Please stop scaring me like this and open your eyes" Suraj cried as he held her in his arms.

"Don't worry Suraj,she will be okay. Let the emergency team take a look at her quickly please". The director gestured to the emergency team and they got to work.

" I hear a pulse,its very weak. We'll intubate her,let's start with an IV. get everything ready" the doctor who was in charge said and his team got to work.

"Her blood pressure is very low"

"Prepare a milligram of adrenaline"

"She's getting worse"

"Give me the defibrillator, 160 joules.....quickly"

"What's her status?"

"200 joules,come on quick"

The emergency team were struggling to bring Leylah back and Suraj was going crazy. He was looking at the love of his life struggling for life and he couldn't do anything.

Leylah was taken to the hospital later,the doctors said they need to perform a C-section on her. she hadn't regained consciousness and they detected a significant amount of arsenic in her blood stream.

This could harm her and the baby,so they needed to bring out the baby before the poison spreads all over her body and the baby's.

"How is my wife and baby doctor? What's their status now?" Suraj asked anticipatory when he saw the doctor attending to Leylah come out. He prayed inwardly in his mind that Leylah and his child were okay.

"They are in a critical condition Doc. Al kaseem. The mother is still in shock and isn't responding. We need to bring the baby out before its becomes too dangerous".

"Both the mother and child's life are at risk but we can save the child's life if we perform the c-section immediately".

"What? What about the mother? What are you talking about?" Suraj shouted in disbelief.

"Calm down doc kaseem. we will try our best to save both lives. Just keep praying for the both of them and we'll do our best".The doctor assured him.

"I'll need you to sign some documents before we go ahead with the c-section. doctor please come with me quickly, we don't have much time" the Doctor who was in charge told Suraj and the director.

They will need to perform a c-section on Leylah and deliver the baby prematurely since it was early an eight months old baby.

Suraj followed the doctor quickly and after signing the few documents,he suppressed his unstable emotions. turning to face the doctor he said as his voice broke,he was trying so hard not to show signs of any weakness in front of all his colleagues.

"Please....do all you can to save my wife.....please I beg you" Suraj pleaded helplessly.

"InshaAllah we will do our best Doctor Al kaseem,you just have to be strong and pray for them at this critical moment".

After Suraj signed the documents,he went straight to his office. performed ablution and observed a couple of nafilats( voluntary prayers). he cried and begged Allah for his wife's and child's life.

He couldn't bear to loose any of them. He was crying so much that even the director who was trying to be strong and just comfort him, broke down too seeing such pitiful scene.

Mr Al kaseem,Mrs Najma and Nabeela arrived at the hospital immediately after the director asked Nurse Martha to call them.

Everyone was surprised at what happened. They spoke to Leylah just some minutes ago and she was very much okay. then all of a sudden,she is here fighting for her life and that of her baby's.

They heard that Leylah consumed a poisonous food sent by an unknown person. she had thought Suraj sent them but when she spoke to Suraj and he said it wasn't him,she tried calling them to confirm if they sent it.

Nabeela glanced at Suraj who has been pacing non stop nervously since they arrived. He hadn't even said a word.

As much as he wanted to be calm,he just couldn't get his mind to settling down,as too many questions came conflicting on his mind.

Nabeela approached him and engulfed him in a hug as she tried to comfort him and soothe his pain. Suraj stopped and started crying in his sister's embrace. As much as he wanted to give hope to himself,there was really not much hope .

Several hours later,the doctors came out and the families rushed to get the news from them immediately. Nabeela asked impatiently "how is my sister in-law and my nephew? There out of danger right?"

"We successfully delivered the baby and he is in the NICU right now. But am afraid I can't say the same for the mother" The doctor said with a pitiful expression on his face.

"What.....what nonsense are you talking about? What happened to my wife?" Suraj bellowed and lunge towards the doctor. He wanted to strangle the doctor but his father stooped him.

"The poison has already spread to most parts of her body when she arrived here. although we have cleaned the poison but it seem to have injured her red blood cell".

"It's a miracle that she is still alive because arsene gas is known to block all the cellular respiration because of its toxicity".

"She is in a coma now,you all just need to pray she wakes up soon". The doctor said calmly and painfully. Leylah and Suraj were his colleagues and he felt sad about the situation.

He tried his best to save her and the baby,with the rest of the doctors. but it was indeed a miracle Leylah is still alive and the baby was delivered unharmed.