
Leylah maleek

Hauwwahjasminah · Urban
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50 Chs


Zara was enjoying all the compliments from Suraj,she was carried away and didn't realise it when she started saying the words she has kept hidden in her heart for so long.

"I've always wanted to come here with you Suraj. This place is special to me and I wanted to bring only a special person in my life here". she said absentmindedly. she was only thinking about her feelings for Suraj at that moment.

When Suraj heard her words,he was baffled and didn't know how to react. "Oh!am honoured". he just quickly said what came to his mind.

"We should come here again sometimes,maybe just the two of us". She continued and her gaze became extremely gentle and her voice was warm and tender.

Suraj raised his brows and paused what he was doing "what do you....." He was going to ask her when his phone suddenly rang and he excused himself to go answer the call.

"What are you going on about Zara?" Leylah asked as soon as Suraj was out of sight.

"What do you mean?"Zara asked raising her brows.

"Why are you doing all these knowing fully well that Suraj is now a married man? Do you think he is going to take pity on you and marry you?"Leylah asked exasperatedly.

"yea,that's the plan?"Zara retorted shamelessly looking at leylah confidently.

"What?"Leylah was flabbergasted.

"Look Leylah, I know Suraj loves you but he also loves me too. Its only a matter of time before he will ask me to marry him. I don't really like you but am trying to, for him. because I know at the end of the day we'll be co wives,Suraj's wives". Zara said as a matter of fact.

"This is unbelievable. I can see that you've gone crazy" Leylah replied in disbelief.

"very soon Suraj will lose interest in you and see that you only cause him problems and he is not truly happy with you. He will realise that am the only woman that loves,trusts and respects him". Zara looked at a with a smug expression and felt gleeful.

" And by that time,I will never leave Suraj alone,I will give him true happiness and make him marry me by any means,I promise you that". Zara said with her back straightened,chest puffed up,her chin up and head straight. she tried to looked intimidating.

Leylah became scared seeing Zara's intimidating aura,she panicked hearing Zara's threats. She doesn't want to share Suraj with any body.

It is true that she has caused him lot of problems and still is. She is always fighting with him and doesn't give him any happiness in their marriage.

'what if she succeeds in carrying out her threats? Suraj is very easy to manipulate,he could fall into Zara's trap'. the thought of it gave her creeps and she shuddered with fear.

She has to save her Suraj,she has to do something fast. She stood up abruptly and went in search of Suraj,she felt Zara was going to take him away from her if they stayed here any longer.

She found Suraj still taking on the phone,she didn't wait for him to finish when she spoke hurriedly " Suraj let's go back,I don't want to be here anymore".

" I don't want to stay here,let's go back please,let's go" Leylah said. Her voice was trembling and she looked scared.

She has always seen Zara's sweet and innocent side. But today,Zara's exude a certain aura which was so strong and made her worry.

Suraj was frightened,hearing her speak like this.he hung up the phone and held Leylah's face,"what's wrong? Do you feel sick?"He asked worriedly.

"Yes,I feel sick staying here. I don't want to stay here,let's just go back to the hotel please Suraj". Leylah begged desperately,her eyes were glistering with tears and Suraj shuddered.

'She was acting strange,why does she want to leave here immediately. she looked as if she was trying to run away from something so desperately. but what was it?'Suraj wondered.

"Its okay Leylah, we'll leave. Let me get our things and talk to Zara". he said trying to calm her down.

Leylah wanted to stop him but she hesitated and grabbed Suraj's arm,she held onto it tightly like her life depend on it. Suraj saw her behaviour and was alarmed, "you look scared Leylah, what happened?" he looked at her with concern. but she gave him her warm smile assuring him that she was fine. he felt a bit relieved.

"Let's talk when we get to the hotel"Leylah said but when she saw his worried expression,she gave him a warm smile assuring him that she was fine. Suraj felt a bit relieved.

"Zara am sorry but Leylah is still feeling unwell so we have to leave. Do you want to come with us?"Suraj told Zara calmly hoping she'll understand and not feel offended.

"Of course,we should go together,we came here together right? I'll just pack up" Zara said grinning at Leylah. She could sense Leylah's insecurities, Leylah looked scared. She smirk when she saw her plan working.

She got really pissed earlier at Leylah's question. She thought, 'it wasn't as if I am just holding onto Suraj blindly when he doesn't love me. he loves me but is shy to admit it. so am just trying to take the initiative and confess to him first. But Leylah keeps ruining my work and looks down on me'.

Zara hates it a lot when people look down or talk down at her. she said things without thinking because she just wanted to say things to hurt Leylah also.

'am done trying to be nice to her'. she thought inwardly.

Back at the hotel.....

when they arrived,the first thing Leylah did was to start packing her bags,Suraj was puzzled. 'She is supposed to be resting and not packing'.

"What are you doing?"he asked.

"packing. Have you forgotten that we were given only 3 days off work? Today is the third day and we'll have to resume work very early tomorrow morning".

" We can't live from here to work and we have to get home before rush hour. We don't want to be stuck in traffic. So that's why am packing". Leylah explained hoping she sounded convincing.

she just wanted to leave the hotel quickly to get rid of Zara,she want to take Suraj faraway from her.

"you're right. But you are still not feeling well. Just go lay down,I'll do the packing". Suraj said taking the clothes away from her hands.

"go ahead". he added when he saw Leylah still standing and looking at him hesitantly.

They checked out of the hotel and went home. Leylah called her mother and Mrs Najma to tell them that they've left the hotel and gone back home later that evening.

Back at their house...

Their house help jummai has already cleaned the house and moved Leylah's things back to her room by the time they arrived home.

Leylah finished praying magrib prayer and was about going downstairs to go serve the dinner,when she heard her phone ringing. When she saw that it was Nabeela calling,She hesitated for a while before she picked the call.

"Hey Leylah". Nabeela said in a low voice.

"Hey". Leylah answered coldly.

"Uhmm! I....ahm....how are you?" Nabeela struggled to say. She has been feeling guilty after the incident with Leylah and she felt hurt that her brother doesn't want to talk to her anymore because of what she did.

"Am fine".Leylah answered casually.

"Am sorry,please forgive me".Nabeela breathed out as her choked.

"You are sorry?" Leylah asked baffled.

"Why did you even do that? Did you hate the idea of me being with your brother so much or is it me that you just hate so much?"She asked Nabeela again as she couldn't understand why Nabeela went to such lengths to try to break her and Suraj.

"Am sorry Leylah,am so sorry. I.....I thought you were in a serious relationship and i just ..." Nabeela sniffed trying to control her tears before she continued.

"Am sorry,I should have been certain of the situation before I did what I did. But please just find it in your heart to forgive me".

"How ironical this sounds. Just some few months ago I was begging you this same way for your forgiveness but what did you do Nabeela?". Leylah scoffed and she felt Nabeela go quite.

"Its okay Nabeela,I've forgiven you. You were only trying to protect your brother,so I won't hold anything against you". Leylah added after a few seconds of silence.

"what Leylah? You forgive me?" Nabeela asked surprised.

"Yes I do,because you are family and my friend. Even if you don't see me as your friend or family anymore,I still do". Leylah said smiling bitterly.

"Am so ashamed of myself. I let myself be swayed by my emotions. Am sorry for making you feel that way. you were my friend,and then became my sister and now you're my brother's wife. I promise to always protect you and always support you like I did before". Nabeela said.

"Am so glad My sweet protector Nabeela is back. Am sorry for hurting ..."Leylah was saying but Nabeela cut her.

"No am the one who is sorry".

"No i should be the one saying sorry".

"No,I hurt you most. So I should say sorry" .

They continued arguing like that on the phone on who is more sorry until Leylah heard a knock on her door. "Yeah,come in",she said still holding the phone over her ear.

"You should come eat dinner" Suraj said not opening the door and left.

"That was Suraj right?"Nabeela asked in a low voice.

"Yes",Leylah replied.

"He doesn't want to talk to me anymore. He doesn't pick my calls or even return my messages. He is really mad at me this time and its hurts Leylah. Suraj has never been mad with me for more than a day and now its been almost a week" Nabeela lamented.

"Its okay,am very sure he is feeling bad about it too. I'll talk to him and try to make him understand". Leylah said cheering Nabeela up.

"I pray he listens"Nabeela replied.

"He will my darling. You know he loves you so much. He can't be mad at his cute,sweet sister for that long".

" Oh my! I missed your comforting words Leylah. I missed you so much".

"I missed you too my darling. I have to go now,I'll call you later okay?"

" okay,bye sister in-law"Nabeela said laughing over the phone before she hung up. She heaved a sigh of relief,she felt like a heavy burden has been relieved from her.

Suraj and Leylah ate in silence and after dinner,Leylah did the dishes even when Suraj tried to stop her but she insisted.

She made some fruit salad and brought it over when she saw Suraj in the sitting room browsing through some channels on TV.

"Here I made this" Leylah said handing the bowl of fruit salad to Suraj.

"Thanks",Suraj said taking the bowl from her.

"Can we talk Suraj?" She asked as she sat next to him.

"Of course" Suraj answered keeping the TV control on the table and looked towards Leylah.

"Nabeela called,she said she was deeply sorry and she asked for my forgiveness". Leylah said in a low voice,she paused before she continued again.

"I forgave her already. She did what she did to protect her brother because she loves you a lot and do not want any harm to come to you so I understand her". Leylah said as she smiled looking at Suraj.

" really?"Suraj asked,he felt happy that Leylah forgave his sister for what she has done. he felt so much relief that his sister was still a good person and have acknowledged her wrongs and apologised for it.

"Yes,she sounded hurt on the phone because you have been ignoring her and.... I know you are hurt too. So why don't you just talk to her and forgive her".

"Interesting. So you want to make decisions for me now" Suraj said looking at Leylah with interest,its been awhile since they've had a peaceful talk like this. 'what changed?' he wondered.

"No not really,I just feel you are in this situation with Nabeela because of me and I feel bad seeing a you both like this". Leylah clarified.

"Its okay,I've heard you. I was actually planning to go home and apologise to her when were back from the trip. I said some hurtful words to her in the midst of my anger".Suraj admitted feeling disappointed at himself when he remembered how he had spoken to Nabeela the other day.

"Oh! That's good to hear". Leylah said and focused her attention on the programme showing on TV. She would sneak a peck at him every now and then.

Suraj narrowed his eyes when he saw her behaving in a weird way. "Do you want to say something?" He inquired.

Leylah looked at him and forced a squeaky smile before she answered "yea".

Suraj was amused,he put the bowl of fruit salad on the table and said "go on".

Leylah bit her lips nervously,she fidgetted with her fingers before she started speaking.

"Uhmm....I...." Ahem! She cleared her throat awkwardly.

"Please just listen to me and don't say anything until i finish please Suraj" Leylah said . she got a nod of understanding from Suraj before she began.

"Firstly,I want to apologise for all the hurt I've caused you,I never meant to. And I know it will be hard but am ready to do whatever you want,to earn your forgiveness".

"I broke up with Ibraheem even before he had the accident and was brought to our hospital. His parents wanted us to get married but Ibraheem understood that i didn't want to get married to him. So he planned to tell his parent about it. But I guess he wasn't able to before the accident"

"I just didn't know how to explain the whole situation to his parents that was why I wanted our marriage to be a secret".

"I swear I never wanted to doubt you but when I heard all those things from Nabeela,I didn't know what to think anymore. I let my emotions get the best of me and....I....hurt you so much and I am...so....so....sorry Suraj" she said with tears in her eyes and she used her small hands to cover her face crying as her tears fell without warning.

thinking about it now,she felt her actions were disappointing and she never tried to trust or believe in his words. her shoulders shook as she cried loudly.

Suraj felt a piercing pain in his heart seeing her in such vulnerable state. He didn't like to see her cry.

"Its fine,stop crying already" he said but Leylah continued to sob not loudly though but her shoulder shook as she cried.

Seeing her vulnerable state,Suraj suddenly pulled her into his embrace. "Shh! That's enough Leylah" he said as he slowly patted her on the back. He looked at her face and saw her tears filled eyes,her nose had turned pink already and her lips were bleeding from biting it hard to stop herself from crying.

Suraj bent down gently and took her lips in his,he kissed her slowly and gently. And soon he was drowning in the abyss of her sweet lips.

Leylah was cut unawares and she opened her eyes while he was kissing her. This is the second time he is kissing her since their breakup but she felt the same emotions she felt during their first kiss. 'magical'.

Suraj broke the kiss and looked at Leylah,her face was all red and flushed. her plump lips were so seductive and beckoning. Suraj didn't waste time again and captured her lips,he soon deepened the kiss and Leylah instinctively wrapped her hands around his neck and returned his kisses with the same passion and longing in his eyes.

The kiss soon turned into a make out session when Suraj moved his attention to Leylah's neck when she was all breathless and panting for air.

Leylah moaned when she felt Suraj's hot lips on her neck,it sent her some tingling sensation. She unconsciously tilted her neck to the side,giving him more access to her neck.

Suraj left her neck and started kissing her collar bone making Leylah make incoherent sounds in his arms.

He was about going down to her chest when he heard his phone ring. Leylah who was in a daze and lost in the abyss of passion snapped back to her senses.

She pushed Suraj abruptly from her and ran upstairs to her room. She closed the door and rested her back on the door,trying to catch her breath. Her face was flushed,her lips swollen,her body burning, her head fuzzy and her mind in a daze.

She jumped on her bed frivoulously until she got tired and lay on her bed staring at the ceiling smiling from ear to ear.

She touched her lips,neck,and her collar bone. All where Suraj had touched with his lips earlier. She closed her eyes and imagined his lips on her again.

"Goodness! Suraj what are you doing to me? How can you have so much effect on me?" Leylah whispered to herself as she covered her face with a pillow blushing.

Knock knock! She heard a knock on her door suddenly, she freezed in her position in shock. 'What is he doing here? Does he want to continue again?'

"Hey Leylah are you sleeping already",she heard him say from outside her door.

'No no no! Don't come in please,am not ready to face you just yet. Oh God am too embarrassed' Leylah shouted in her mind as her heart thumped rapidly and her face started burning red again.

"Am coming in" Suraj said and opened the door slowly and entered after waiting for a minute.

'Nooooooooooo!'Leylah shouted inwardly but she was too late as Suraj was already inside her room closing the door gently.

She quickly closed her eyes and pretended to be sleeping when she saw Suraj come in. Her heart continued thumping in her chest and she tried to control her breathing.

He walked to Leylah's bed and saw her lying on the bed sleeping with her lights still on and without covering herself. Suraj looked at her lovingly with a gentle look on his face.

"She is sleeping without putting off the lights" he whispered in amazement. Leylah never slept with the lights on. But today and the other day at the hotel,Leylah has slept without putting off the lights.

He moved the pillow and brought her head to lay properly on the pillow before he gently covered her with the duvet. He sat on the bed close to her and caressed her face lovingly,she looked still beautiful when she sleeps.

"Goodness! Leylah what are you doing to me. I can't seem to keep my hands off you". His hands reached her lips and his minds went back to few minutes ago when he was kissing her in his arms.

He felt like a bolt of electricity,he gulped and shifted his attention from her tempting and inviting soft plump lips.

He kissed her temple fondling and whispered again " good night" 'my beloved'he wanted to add. He switched off the lights in her room and left her room quietly.

Leylah opened her eyes. Her emotions were everywhere,her face flushed and her mind was hazy.