
Leylah maleek

Hauwwahjasminah · Urban
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50 Chs


She attended to patients until it was 7am in the morning. Other doctors and nurses who weren't on night shift started arriving so the work was less and then she took the chance to go eat and rest a little.

She was starving and her eyes felt heavy, she was still sleepy so she thought to sleep for a bit before she go find something to eat.

Due to the uncomfortable sleeping position she was in,she woke up barely 30 minutes later. The first thing she saw after opening her eyes was a cup of coffee and a plate of food on the desk in front of her.

She looked surprised,she knew she hadn't ordered for any food before she slept.

'Someone must have definitely left them here for her,but who?'. She thought to her self and as if reading her thoughts,martha the nurse,her only closest friend now in the hospital came into the room.

"Good morning my California doctor,you are finally awake. you look so pretty when you are sleeping" Martha said. Leylah thought she was a talkative but she was no match to Martha.

"Good morning Martha,how was your night?"

"It was okay,I heard you were on night duty. you must have had a rough night,seeing as it was your first night shift.your eyes looks swollen from lack of sleep but you still look beautiful".

" come on Martha,you flatter me alot but thanks anyways".

"Are these for me?did you bring them for me?" Leylah asked pointing to the food and coffee on her desk.

"Yes,there are for you and I did bring them but it was sent from your department. Even though they've been giving you a lot of work to do they still care about you.I mean sending you breakfast.....isn't that sweet"Martha said smiling cutely.

"Indeed,alright am starving now.come on now let's eat"

"Don't worry about me,I just finished eating and said to come check on you. I have to go give some patients their drugs as they must have finished eating by now.I'll see you around ,my California doctor,bye".

" Leylah smiled to herself,she felt lucky to have such a sweet friend like Martha.

without wasting much time,she opened the food at the same time had a sip of the coffee "amazing" she moaned and when she opened the food,it was her favourite French fries and scrambled eggs.

She started digging in hungrily but she didn't as much as take 2 spoonful when she felt something repulsive and immediately she spat the food in her mouth out,

"Garlic" she shouted to herself.

She was allergic to garlic and anytime she had a meal with garlic,it causes her heartburns and it upset her stomach a lot. So she just avoided meals with garlic no matter how minute it might be.

She quickly rinsed her mouth with some water,picked the food and threw it frustratedly in the waste bin.

"why did have to have garlic?gosh!and am so hungry,what a waste".

She picked the coffee and continued sipping it until she emptied the cup,then she threw it in the trash can.She picked some files from her desk and was about heading out when she heard a knock on her door, "come in", she said and in came Suraj,she was surprised to see him in her office.

memories of what happened at his house the previous day flashed back, and his words when he referred to her as a stranger still echoed in her ears.

"Good morning doctor maleek". Suraj said,his tone a bit nicer than how he used to speak to her the past few days.

He didn't like how he spoke to her the previous day at his house,he felt even if he can't and do not want to forget what she did, he could at least speak nicely.

So he decided buy her breakfast to apologise for how rude he was and thank her for the present she got for his parents and sister. But he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable, so he told nurse Martha that it was a welcome treat from the department.

He thought she must have been done with her breakfast, so he decided to come apologise and stop this guilt he's been feeling since she left his house the previous day.

Upon entering her office,he noticed she was surprised seeing him in her office. He said good morning and she took a while before greeting him back. He didn't wait for her to invite him into the office as he was already walking around the room.

It was decorated quite stylishly and it look neat and beautiful. he was still admiring the look,when his eyes caught the attention of the plate of fries that was scattered carelessly in the trash can. He got closer to the trash bin to be sure of what he saw and then he looked at Leylah with a disappointed look.

'why did she throw away the food?did she know I was the one that sent it? Gosh!how can I trust that nurse to not say more than what I asked her?'he thought to himself.

"Doctor kaseem,how may I help you?" Leylah asked finding his behaviour a little weird.

"Do you really dislike.....am I really that...".

'do you really dislike everything about me?,am i really that dislikeable that you even throw away the food I got you?. 'that was what he wanted to tell her but he stopped himself.

" pardon?what....do you mean"Leylah asked confused and she was not liking the new expression he had on his face.

Suraj was very angry now and he cursed himself inside for even forgetting for a moment the kind of person Leylah has become.

'it's obvious she doesn't want anything to do with me so why do I even bother?'.

he took one last look at the trash bin before turning and leaving her office without saying a word and banged her door soundly.

Leylah was taken aback by his attitude,

'why come into my office and then get angry?or was it me?do I really upset him that much?,Oh my God,what can I do to make him forgive me?' she thought and sadness clouded her face.

She took a while before she composed herself and left her office to attend to her patients.

The day went by quickly and it was evening already,Leylah quickly went home to eat and change because she was also on night shift again.

She spoke to Ibraheem on the phone then slept for awhile and later left for the hospital. but this time she left the car for her mum and took a cab. even when her mum insisted. she wasn't going to use it until the next day in the evening when she'll be coming back home,she rather let her mum use it. she got to the hospital and as usual immersed herself in her work.

Suraj couldn't sleep well at night because he couldn't stopped himself from thinking about some certain somebody. He woke up early and after his morning prayers he got ready for the hospital without eating breakfast.

He was in the elevator when the elevator opened and he saw Leylah who seems to be sleep walking getting inside the elevator.

She just rested her head on the wall of the elevator. Suraj tried hard to hold himself from laughing,she looked so cute when she was sleeping. just like before and for a while all the anger he felt for her vanished.

He kept on staring at her sleeping face when the elevator dinged and opened,he knew Leylah didn't hear it so he nudged her a little and she quickly woke up and got out of the elevator. Suraj chuckled slightly and followed her quietly,until she got into her office and he saw her lay curled up on the sofa in her room,hugging the files in her hands.

Suraj smiled at her behaviour and closed her door quietly then went to his office.

Leylah woke up after a while she was glad that at least today she was going to go home and have a good night sleep until another weekend again.she tried eating the food from the cafeteria but it had garlic in it so she just bought coffee.

she remembered she had brought some snacks with her earlier,she ate that and planned to go get good food for lunch later.

"Yes aunt,am fine and work is hectic",

"Alright aunt,I'll make sure to drop by the house tomorrow after work" ,Suraj said on the phone.

He was on the phone with Mrs Karina.she had asked him to drop by the house since its been few weeks since he came to visit.

Before Leylah came back from the states,Suraj used to come check up on her every 3 to 4 days without missing. but since Leylah arrived he hasn't been to the house,he thought it was better to avoid Leylah. He only does that because he cares so much for his aunt and he knows she has nobody around. But now that Leylah was back,he was sure that Mrs Karina will be well cared for,so he stopped going to the house.

He was still on the phone with Mrs Karina when he heard a knock on the door, "come in" he said and continued speaking on the phone with his back facing the door.

"I promise aunt,I have to go now,I still have work. And make sure to take good care of yourself alright,okay bye aunt". He turned to see who has entered his office immediately he hung up the phone with a smile still plastered on his face.

"Hey Suraj,how are you?"Zara asked as she gave Suraj a side hug and went ahead to sit in the sofa in his office.

"Zara what brings you here?haven't I asked you to stop visiting me unannounced? I mean this is my work place and am mostly busy" Suraj scolded.

"I know alright,I didn't plan to come see you.I was actually coming to see someone in this hospital and then I thought I'd bring your lunch for you. when I passed by the house and your mum said you didn't eat before leaving home and she wanted to send you lunch. so I just thought since am coming to the same hospital I could just save her the stress and bring it "

"But seeing the way you are reacting now, I guess I shouldn't have even thought of helping out" Zara said with disappointment written all over her face.

"Forgive me Zara,am sorry,I just....its okay,am sorry" Suraj felt he was rude but he didn't really like this new habit of Zara,bringing him lunch,he just doesn't like the feeling.

"I'll only forgive you on one condition" Zara said.

"And what condition is that?" Suraj asked creasing his brows.

"You'll help me get an audience with that doctor I met the other day here".

"What?....I mean why?do you know her?"Suraj asked confused.

"No, I don't really know her but her fiancé is and comes from a very wealthy and quite famous family. They'll be getting married soon,so I was thinking maybe just maybe if I become friends with her now,I could

tell her that am an event planner. And if get lucky and she hires me as her wedding planner,do you know what that means Suraj,it means I'll have my big break and become a famous wedding planner if I get to plan her event." Zara said excitedly.

Suraj didn't seem to hear anything else,the only thing he heard was "will be getting married soon" it kept on echoing in his mind and head. 'No that's not true,how can Leylah be getting married? No,I don't believe that, Zara is such a nut case. 'he thought to himself.

"And where did you hear that from?".

"Oh!Suraj,its all over social media that Barrister Omar mustapha's son who just got back from the states,is about to tie the knot soon,a date hasn't been set yet though". Zara explained while opening her phone to show Suraj some of Leylah and ibraheem's photos that were taken on the day of the Leylah went to visit the family.

Meanwhile,Leylah was out with Ibraheem on a lunch date. She was still contemplating on where to go get lunch when she got Ibraheem call, "hey my baby,how are you?"Ibraheem said sweetly.

"Hey darling,am fine,I've missed you. I haven't seen you for days now" Leylah confessed.

"Oh i see,we can remedy that now, am at your hospital am at the parking lot. About coming up to your offce,so I could come give my baby a tight hug".

"Seriously!are you been serious right now?"Leylah shouted with excitement.

"Of course baby,I've missed you so much. So I thought to come see you and take you out for lunch" ibraheem answered.

"Alright,just wait at the reception,I'll come down in a bit okay" Leylah said smiling.

She picked her bag and the went to meet Ibraheem. And as soon as he saw her at the reception,Ibraheem rushed towards her and engulfed her in a tight hug. He lifted her off the ground and twirled her,which caught a lot of attention from most of the people around.

Leylah noticed that eyes were on them so she quickly got out of the embrace and blushed.

"Ibraheem! Put me down.this is my work place and people are watching" leylah said shyly.

"Really,let them look,or has it become a crime to hug my fiancée in her work place again" Ibraheem said his voice a bit loud so some of the people might hear him.

Leylah just dragged ibraheem out as she couldn't put up with all the eyes looking at them now.

When they got to the car,Leylah asked ibraheem why he had to make such a scene. And he said he did it because of the nurses who keep undressing him with their eyes anytime he came to the hospital and leylah laughed her eyes out. She hadn't had a great laugh for a while now and she was grateful to ibraheem.

They finished eating at the restaurant and ibraheem brought Leylah back to the hospital.Leylah invited him to her office,she wanted him to see the way she decorated her office. She had a knack for decorating and arranging places making them look beautiful and a sight to the eyes. she took a course on interior decoration while she was at the states.

They talked and laughed a while in her office before ibraheem decided to leave because he still had a lot of things to do at the law firm. he just took out time to come see Leylah because he has missed her.

Leylah came out of the office with ibraheem laughing and holding hands when she saw Suraj and a girl she didn't like,Zara,approaching them.

"Oh my!I can't believe I got to see you too together. wow!this is a lucky day for me,I must say,you both look good together" Zara complimented.

Ibraheem smiled and said "Thank you....but miss,have we met before?".

" No,actually, I just know you on social media"Zara replied honestly.

"but I've met your fiancée before just once in this hospital".

"Oh nice" that was all ibraheem could say.

"Hi doctor maleek,I actually wanted to meet you and speak to you today,so I asked Suraj....ah!doc. Kaseem to help out. but earlier on you weren't in the hospital so I was just waiting till you arrived".

" me?why?is there a problem?"Leylah said quite alarmed.

"No,no,I just wanted to talk" Zara replied.

"Alright then,baby I'll just leave you now,I've got to go. I'll see you,Ibraheem said giving Leylah a quick kiss on the cheek and hugging her briefly.

"Take care,drive safely and make sure to call me when you get to the firm"Leylah said hugging him back.

"I will,bye" Ibraheem said and left.

"Okay miss Zara right,"Leylah asked and got a nod from Zara," what do you want to talk about?"

Suraj was in agony because of what he just saw few seconds back with Leylah and Ibraheem,even when he saw the photos of Leylah and Ibraheem he wasn't this hurt,angry and felt defeated as he felt now. He ended up walking to his office absent mindedly and Zara thought he meant for them to go talk in his office so she asked Leylah to come with them to his Suraj's office.

While in the office, Suraj was seated quietly listening to their conversation and when Zara was done sweet talking Leylah and telling her about her plans to come cater at her wedding Leylah was so uncomfortable with the conversation and she said she'll contact her when ever a date is fixed and quickly excused herself out.

Zara was so excited and she didn't really read much meaning to Suraj's change of mood. She bade him goodbye and went to share the good news with her friend Nabeela.

Leylah didn't know how Zara got too much fake information about her and ibraheem and felt sick by that.

'did everyone on social media think I and Ibraheem are about to be wed? my God!where did they get such ridiculous information from?'Leylah thought'.

She was still thinking when her phone beeped indicating that she got a new message. She picked her phone and saw that the message was from Ibraheem,

["my love,I forgot to tell you.mum has been talking about throwing some engagement party for us, and she asked if she could meet with your mum soon. let me know what you think,okay baby?.....I love you. "]

"What! Engagement party?why is she rushing things?am not even engaged to her son yet" Leylah said trying to make sense off the situation,when her door opened and in came nurse Martha,she looked petrified.

"what's wrong Martha?" Leylah asked while putting on her lab coat and picking her sethescope thinking it was an emergency case that needs her attention.

"Doc. Maleek,its doc. Kaseem.....he's....I don't know what's wrong with him but I think he is hurting himself,I tried to stop him but couldn't".

Leylah felt fear immediately and quickly ran to suraj's office,she opened the door and the scene she saw in front of her gave her a shock.