
Chapter 3

Monsters, all in various shapes and sizes, just roaming through the streets. There were monsters with long, twisted necks. Monsters with eight hands and no faces. Monsters in spherical shape that just levitate off the ground. Usually the skies would be empty however, Angie was now seeing so many birds, just like the ones she had seen in the school. There were also large bird monsters flying in the skies.

"You okay." Edward asked in a concerned voice.

"Ye-ye-" Angie tried to say the words but, couldn't get them out of her mouth.

So, instead she clung to Edward and closed her eyes.

"That's okay. You can just keep walking. Don't worry too much. It takes time to get used to this."

"What is this?" Angie asked, peaking with her eyes, hoping that it would go away.

However, it was the same and she closed them immediately.

"I am not human. Neither are you. We are called Lexians. Humans born to monsters." Edward said. "All these monsters that you see here, they are all seeking refuge on Earth. In order to do that, they have to alter their DNA. However, hundred percent of the DNA is not converted. Which is why these monsters aren't able to have children.

However, exceptions happen. These exceptions are called Lexians. Like me and you. To monsters, we are just pieces of abominations. If they could, they will have us killed. Yet, they can't."

"Why." Angie asked, opening one of her eyes, and glancing at the monsters with a terrified look on her face. However, she was able to keep her eyes open.

"These monsters have certain conditions placed upon them that prevents them from it. After we turn twelve, we are handed over."

Edward answered her question before she had even asked.

"That's because humans like us, Lexians have powers. Each of us have our own unique powers." Edward said.

"Can I go back?" Angie asked.

"That wouldn't be good for you." Edward said.

"To my old life." Angie said.

Edward stared at her.

"I mean can't everything be made normal."

"No." Edward said bluntly.

"What if I give up my power?" Angie said in a hopeful voice.

"Not possible." Edward said. "If there was a way, we would all have done it already."

"This is so unfair. I didn't ask for this. I never asked for this. Now you are telling me that I am not even human. I want to go back. I want to go back being a human!" Angie said, angrily and she jerked her hand out of Edward's hand and stomped her foot.

Edward stared at her, with his usual grumpy look. For a second she was sure that he was going to hit her. Or to tell her that life was unfair and she couldn't do anything about it. It would be better for her to just accept this. She could almost see it on his face. The look clearly told her that. However, it suddenly changed and although there was the usual grumpiness on his face, his eyes were filled with warmth.

"How about we get some food? You hungry." Edward asked.

"No." Angie said. "I don't want to eat something."

"Alright, let's go and get something to eat." Edward said.

He started walking away and Angie after a while, walked after him.

Angie laid on her bed, looking at the ceiling, her stomach full. The hotel that she was staying in, had a monster receptionist. She had green skin and sharp thin bones protruding out of her body. She had gotten a little used to the sight of the monsters walking besides the humans. What still surprised her is how the humans aren't able to notice the monsters at all.

After eating at a restaurant, for which Edward had paid, they had gone to a hotel where they were going to stay for the night. Edward had offered her the bed and before she could even argue about it, had settled on the couch already.

No matter how hard Angie tried, she couldn't sleep. She was still thinking about how her life had changed completely. For now, she didn't even know what was she going to do. She was trying very hard not to panic right now. Even though she could suddenly feel the walls closing in upon her. Was it getting harder to breath? Was the room getting shorter. She could feel the sweat sliding down her body.

Suddenly she felt a blow and all the sensation disappeared. She felt a stinging sensation on her cheek and saw in the dim light, Edward standing upon her.

"I was calling for you but, you weren't responding so I had to get your attention." Edward said.

Angie didn't know what took over her but, she started to cry. For a moment, Edward hesitated before he put a hand on her shoulder. Suddenly, she wanted comfort and hugged Edward tightly, pulling him as close as possible.

"I am scared."

"I know." Edward said.

Angie was glad that he didn't make her break the hug. Slowly and steadily she calmed down and felt better.

"Listen everything's going to be alright. Okay, don't worry about it." Edward said.

Angie believed in him and finally was able to sleep.

She was woken up with the sound of someone knocking on their door. It was weird but, she could feel the presence of the person outside her door. Something told her that this person was very powerful. She looked around the room and saw that Edward had already woken up. However, he didn't seem eager to open the door. In fact, he had his wooden sword in his hand and was tensed for battle.

"Edward, I know you are in there. Open the door."

Edward stayed still.

Meanwhile Angie realized that she was still sitting in the bed. Immediately, she dashed out of the bed and was ready to run off. She was now very aware about the gravity of the situation.

"Edward, come on. Open the door and we can talk."

Curiosity was burning in Angie. She really wanted to know who it was. Somehow she didn't feel as if she was in great danger. However, she told herself to not think like this.


Edward looked at Angie and after a second, she nodded her head. The door was opened and she saw two men dressed in suit identical to Edward's. One of them was extremely tall and thin. He gave the impression of a butler. The other looked quite calm and had an air of elegance around him.

"You must be Angie. Hi, I am Acse. Leader of the Lexians."