
Lewd System

Zen the worlds most average male is given the most Lewd System in the universe. His whole life completely changes and he finally embarks on an adventure filled with dual cultivation. He is the Harem God. [Tags]:Anti-Hero, Dual Cultivation, Overpowered MC, Shameless MC, R-18, Multiverse Travel, Huge Harem, Sex Support: https://www.patreon.com/ghostybones

GhostyGodZ · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

3 chapters today

I will be doing 3 long chapters today to compensate for not posting chapters yesterday.

Vote power stones.

If I reach top 50. A Mass release like no other will happen.

Also if you donate to my pa.treon you will get a special deal I am planning out. Which is not only extra chapters, but also a direct discord link to talk to me.

You can choose your harem girls and fetish ;).

https://www.pa treon.com/ghostybones

Each tier represents the number of chapters.


5$ tier= 5 plus chapters

10$ tier= 10 plus chapters + bounus chapters

20$ tier = 20 plus chapters + bounus chapters.

30$ tier = 30 plus chapter + benefits such as discord me and talk about stories or 'other things'.

Also review if you can. Thank you all for the support.

>>>All non chapters will be deleted after next chapter is up<<<