
Chapter 1

~~~~~Y/N POV ~~~~~~

The sun light came through the trees hit my face causing me to wake up from my nap. Once I was woken up by the sun, I checked my surrounding noticing that I have no more food left. I sighed and stood up ready to go hunting again.

"Looks like I need to find more food. I sometimes wonder how animals survive in this place?" You asked yourself knowing that there are no one in the forest except from you, the animal and those naked giants called titans. You made sure you had all of your weapons with you in case you run into some titans.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

---------------- 3rd POV--------------------------

It's been an hour already and you still haven't found any food yet. You started to get frustrated until you notice a deer in front of your and decided to kill it for food. Once you killed it, you were about to bring the dead deer with you until you saw someone in the forest looking for food and since you are really kind, you decided to give it to her.

"Hi there. If you are looking for food, you can have mine. I'm not hungry yet" you said smiling at the girl.

"Oh thank you very much! I was wondering where all of the animals went!" The girl replied bowing.

"My name is Petra Ral and I'm from the scouting legion. What's your name?" She asked you.

"My name is Y/N L/N. I was wondering, what is the scouting legion?" You asked not knowing what it was since you were never aloud to go near the wall when u was younger.

"....WHAT?! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE SCOUTING LEGION IS?!" Petra shouted hurting you eyes but not showing because it would give away your secret.

" yeah...I was abandoned by my parents and lived in the forest for the rest of my life so I don't know what is happening" you lied not wanting her to know your real past.

~~~~~~Petra POV~~~~~~

" yeah...I was abandoned by my parents and lived in the forest for the rest of my life so I don't know what is happening" the girl which I learnt was called Y/N said and it made me sad. What kind of parents does she have? No one should live without their parents.

" oh I'm sorry to hear that. How about I take you to the squad and then they will tell what the scouting legion is?" I asked wanting her to come with me back to Levi's squad.

"Um...ok then since I have nothing to do" Y/N said. I smiled at her and started to walk back to camp with Y/N following me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~Still Petra POV~~~~~~

Once we reached to the camp, I looked behind my shoulder seeing her reaction. I continued to walk until I reached Levi's squad.

" Hi guys. I brought back a deer for dinner and I brought a friend along since she does not know what the scouting legion are." I told them while moving to the side letting Y/N in front.

"This is Y/N. She been living in the forest most of her life. Y/n this is the squad I'm in."

~~~~~~Your POV ~~~~~~

when Petra introduced me to her squad, My eyes landed on one particular male. He was short and his steel eyes held no emotion. While  i was spacing out, i did not hear Petra call my name. I snapped back to reality and turned to her.

" This is mu squad. The one that with a slight darker skin tone is Gunther, The one with wrinkles is Oluo,The one with the bun folded at the back is Eld. The one with green eyes is Eren. He's a titan shifter . Lastly, we have Levi, my boyfriend. He's the one with steel grey eyes." Petra said. i was still for a while trying to take in all of the information. I came back to reality and introduce my self.

"Hi, my name is Y/N. Its a pleasure to meet you guys." I said. They all said hi back and the one with green eyes, i believe is called Eren was about to ask me something but was interrupted by a big vibration from the floor causing him to fall. Everyone stood up from their position and was ready to attack what was about to come. A few second later, a group of titan came running toward them. They all got there swords ready and used their 3DMG to fly into the air and started to cut the nape of the titans neck. Petra came up to me and told me to find a place of safety and do not come out until the titans were gone. I wanted to say no but i knew that if i stayed, my secret would come out, so i did what Petra told me and i ran.

I didn't know where i'm going but i was so tempted to turn around and help them. Then i got an idea. i ran to my den as fast as i can and grabbed my clock, put it on and ran out. i thought that i can hide myself and help them and they would not know who i am. i put up my hood, took out my twin sword and activated my flying power. As i was flying through the trees, i spot the group of titan and some dead soldiers and some injured soldiers. I saw a two titans running toward two injured so i made sure i was well hidden and killed the two titans as fast as i can. As soon as i finished killing the titans, i quickly ran so they would not know who killed it. I made my way to the other titans and saw Levi's squad on the floor injured. I looked around and saw Petra about to get eaten by the titan and Levi desperately wanting to save her but was to busy fighting the other titans. I quickly flew toward Petra and cut off the titans hand that was holding Petra. While she was falling, i quickly grabbed her and brought her to the ground.

"Are you OK ?" I asked her changing my voice a little bit so she wouldn't recognise me. She nods her head, to scared to answer. When Levi finished killing all of the titans, he ran over to Petra to check if she was injured. I looked into his eyes and saw that he was scared of loosing her. Without knowing, i activated one of my powers to look into his past and saw something i never wanted to see ever again... The war against humans and wolf, I saw my family fighting off the humans in their wolf forms and i saw a man and women, which i guess was Levis parents, trying to defend themselves.   After a while, they successfully manged to kill my parents. The vision suddenly shifts and i saw a boy and girl dying and a crying Levi. Now i understand. Levi was only scared for Petra because he did not want to loose anyone that was close to him. He must really love her. As i said that, the scene suddenly changes and i see Levis parents and Petra parents talking to each other and then turned to the two kids and started talking to Levi and Petra about how they need to marry each other, Levi's face looked disgusted while Petra seems happy. After that, everything turned back into reality and i looked around me to see people staring at me. I panicked and checked if i was still wearing my clock and turns out i am.

I sighed in relief and turned to face them. They all looked at me like i died and came back to live.   "Ummm.... what are you all looking at?" i asked them and then one of them said that when i was asleep, I stopped breathing and when i opened my eyes, they were shocked and scared. I sighed and looked around me, only to see a tall man with weird eyebrows walking towards me and knelt down to my height.                                                                                                                                           " I don't know ho you are but i thank you for saving one of our soldiers. To make it up to you, how would you like to join the scouting legion and fight for humanity? we really need people who have your skills. so what do you say?" He asked me. I wondered a little bit and decided to join then.                                                                                                                                                                                    "Alright. i'll join you only if i can have my own room" i said as i stood up and looked at the man which i leaned that his name was Erwin. i wanted my own room because i didn't want them to find out my secret yet.                                                                                                                                                          " Deal" Erwin said as we shook hands. Everyone started to pack their stuff and i was told to ride with Levi. i waled towards him and nod mt head as saying hello to him, knowing that he does not speak a lot. He nods back and helped me get on his horse. I checked to see if i have everything. Once everyone went on their horses, they started to ride toward the wall. I held onto Levi so i wouldn't fall and rested my head on his back because i was tired. The wind blew my hood off but i was not worried because they were gone. As i closed my eyes, the wind blew my hair away from my face. Levi turned around to look at me ans smiled a little, admiring your beauty.

Levi's POV

I felt weight on my back so i turned around and saw Y/N sleeping peacefully. i smiled a little and admired her beauty.                                                                                                                                                            " She looks so beautiful and cute when she is asleep" i thought and shook my head ' am i already falling in love with Y/N? impossibly. I only net her today. Oh well. i guess this is what they call love at first sight.' I smiled and turned around as we continued our way toward the wall         

End of Levi's POV

what they didn't know what that there was a pair of eyes watching them and those eyes held anger and jealousy.

I wonder who this person is and what is planning on doing? Also, have Levi and Y/N fell for each other? ans if they have then would they be together and live happily ever after or will someone get in there way?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I'm not good at fighting scene so don't be expecting the fight scenes to be cool and some might not have fights scenes in them since i'm terrible at writing them. See ya in the next chapter.

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