
Levi's Love

A young man who lived underground was separated after his mentor had died. His mother had passed away and he is trying to find love, the one who he lost when he was just a lad. He's in his late twenties and stole in order to survive.

Lillyblossam0 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The fight

Falgon had headed Erwin to his room, they talked until Erwin fell asleep. He walked out and he heard voices. "Who knew that the commander would be gay" "I know right. He really must be a gold digger. Blondes are always that way" They looked and saw Falgon and they laughed "You should really watch out for your wife. The commander might take her" A male said while his friend walked with him and started laughing.

"So bro, How do you" Levi looked at Isabel then Isabel saw his eyes. "You don't have to talk about it Bro," She said while Levi saw her expression. Falgon knocked on the door, "Come in" Levi said. Falgon walked in when Levi saw him he saw Mike from behind. "You don't need to worry about him," He said while he slapped the back of Mike's head. "We need to go down to the hall." Levi looked at him and he nodded.

They came into the hall sat down with their food, Crystal came by and she looked at her brother then rolled her eyes. The chief came in and everyone looked at him "Alright after what happened I hope everyone can forget about the accident that happened. Now I'll be calling roll call. Ako Sho?"

"Here" "Sayoko Shall?" "Hai" "Hanji Zoe, "Here sir" "Sakata Sho?" "Here sir" after all of the comrade's names were called the Smith family. "Elwin Smith?" She looked at him "here sir...." "Emerald Smith?" She looked at him and stood up "I'm here sir" She said while she smiled. The chief looked at her and he smiled. "you always have a way to make me smile Emerald. "And lastly ... Erwin Smith?" Everyone looked around and they saw a man in a black hoodie, black pants, his brown boots. His hair was a little messy. "Erwin? Are you alright?" The chief looked at Erwin and everyone was quiet. He looked up "Yes, I'm here sir," He said while he sat in the corner of the table by himself.

"Alright... Now that everyone is here lets get this started I hope all of you and I mean all of you guys will forget this issue. Now I'll be going up to finish some of my work and when I come back down I want to see you guys happy. Do you understand?" "Yes sir!" All of them said.

The Chief walked out of the room. Mike cam over to Erwin. "Hey you okay?" He said while Erwin looked at him "You wish" He said while he banged his head on the wall hard. "That's new" He said while he smiled. It was a few hours then a group of people surrounded Erwin. He looked up, "Can I help you?" He said. "Yea you can" One of them said. As soon as Erwin blinked one of the men punched him in the face. Erwin fell off of the chair and he started to bleed a little near the eye.

"Oh No, Mike stop him!" Hanji said while Mike ran over to stop the man. The man pulled his blade out and caused Mike to step back. "This little man needs to learn a couple of things. Like for example he needs to learn how to defend himself. He should never hurt Crystal's feelings and Lastly he needs a good beaten!" Petra pulled Mike back "You can't always baby him he needs to learn." Mike looked at her and walked away "Fine".

As soon as the man pulled Erwin up from the ground and grabbed him from his throat he grabbed a knife. Erwin's eyes widened, "Do you still have the whip?" "Of course I do." He threw Erwin across the room and he just lied there still. The man grabbed the whip and slashed Erwin's back. His face was white and he was holding onto the tears from the pain. "Huh, I guess you are a strong one after all. Get me the metal whip please." "Yes Sir" And so the man whipped him where the blood came out and it wasn't red but it was blue.

Erwin stood up got into a fighting stance cleaned the blood off from his face. "Bro do you think the commander will win?" Isabel said while she looked at him. He looked at her "Of course not we all saw his weakness" "Well you are wrong. My soilder is a strong one and what you say you might regret it." A man said and Levi turned around and saw it was the chief.

Erwin dodged all of the punches and he punched the man in the nose where the man was bleeding. "What are you?!?" Erwin looked up and he smiled, "Your worst nightmare" He said while his hair turned into a darker color and his skin changed into a lighter tone. He sprouted his wings out and the wings were black and white. "Erwin Don't think about your family!" Crystal said. The man grabbed his blade and went charging after Erwin, Erwin grabbed him and back bend him to the floor. Everyone in the room was terrified from Erwin.

"ERWIN SMITH!!!" A man said and Erwin's eyes widened and he changed back into his human self. "You are in a lot of trouble blonde! You will reciceve a great punishment for this! Do you hear ME!!" He said while he grabbed Erwin from the wrist and dragged him. Hanji ran in with Elwin and Elwin couldn't do anything but stand there.

The chief looked around and sat down and looked at Mike "Erwin might not make through the pain that he is going to get" Levi looked at him "What do you mean that he might not make it?" The chief looked at him. You must have been living underneath a rock, Erwin... he has been in a lot of pain cause of the General." "We all feel bad for him even when he was a young lad his adopted parents abused him every single day. And for as I my sister and I can't stand it. We will tell you guys soon or tonight." Elwin said while she saw Emerald walking in.