
Levi's Love

A young man who lived underground was separated after his mentor had died. His mother had passed away and he is trying to find love, the one who he lost when he was just a lad. He's in his late twenties and stole in order to survive.

Lillyblossam0 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: The One Friend that Loves someone

"So Bro I keep on hearing you say a name. Who is this Erwin that you keep on calling out?" A woman said with red hair and forset green eyes. "Isabel, I thought I told you not to watch me sleep and stop listening to what I say when I'm sleeping it's creepy," Levi said while he playfully punched her arm. "Sorry, Bro. But like I said who is Erwin?" Isabel said.

Farlan came and grabbed Isabel by the arm and dragged her and hugged her. "Leave Levi alone Isabel shorty wants to be left alone for now" Levi looked at Farlan and gave him the death stare. "What you are short," Farlan said while Isabel chuckled. "Farlan watch your mouth or else I'll feed you to my titans". Levi said while he cleaned the blade of his knife. "Bro, you don't have a titan," Isabel said while she grabbed the bird and kissed it on its head.

"But please answer the question who is Erwin" Isabel said while she sat down fixing her dress. Farlan looked at her and sighed "Erwin is Levi's crush" Levi looked at him and he blushed red. "EEEK Bro is blushing the world is going to end" Isabel started to laugh while Levi was blushing red. "FARLAN I will end you!" Farlan laughed to death while he tried not to cry when Levi bit him.

"So what if he is my crush," Levi said while he brushed his hair down making it look neat. "BRO HAS A CRUSH!!!" Isabel said while she jumped on a chair almost falling off. Farlan caught her before she hit her face on the ground. Isabel landed on Farlan of his stomach and Levi saw the position that they were in. "Wow you two I know that you guys are that close but this is what I never imagined," Levi said while he smiled.

"Levi stop avoiding the question and tell us," Farlan said while he pushed Isabel off him. Isabel ran to the chair and sat down. Farlan sat down beside her and he pulled her in close so she can feel warm. Levi breathed in and sighed, "Erwin was my childhood friend. When we were kids we had a um little problem." Isabel raised her hand and Levi looked at her. "Yes, Isabel?" Levi said while she opened her mouth. "Did you kiss?" She said while Farlan shut her mouth. Levi coughed a little "Um... Yes... We...Did....." He said while he played with his thumbs.

"Bro!" Isabel said while she looked at him, "So how were you guys doing did you guys ever dated or go out on your first date" Farlan shut her up while Levi looked at her and chuckled. "We never um dated we kissed and he well I wrote him a letter and I never got the reply back from hi-" He was interrupted when the door knocked.

Levi opened the door with a knife in his hand and there stood a tall man with a black hat. A few hours later he closed the door. "Who was it Levi," Farlan asked while he stood up looking at Levi. "We have to get someone out of our way and we need to get caught by the Scout's" Isabel stood up "Bro we never lose you know that we don't like to lose," She said while she stood up, Farlan's mouth dropped when he heard Levi. "If we don't then our people can never see the sun again and we will be stuck down here" Isabel looked at him "Then what are we waiting for let's do this," she said while she hugged Levi.

So the three of them headed out to do what they were told and did so they were not caught by the Military Police but it was them. All Levi could think was I miss my loved one I hope that he is okay.