
Levelling Up in a Cultivation World

Minding his own business, Zen suddenly received a level up system out of nowhere, giving him opportunities and powers beyond cultivation and his world, marking the start of his journey to Invincibility.

La_6_v2 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Level Up System

[Ding! Level Up system has activated]

Zen was preoccupied by his daily work, currently it was cleaning the yard for an inner cities wealthy family.

As he was sweeping the floor, he heard the voice. Not knowing what it meant, Zen replied in confusion, "What?"

[Your Level Up system has activated]

His question was answered with the same notif, leaving him confused once again


[Your Level Up system has activated]

There was a moment of silence, as Zen tried to understand what was happening but to no avail, he was still confused.

He could only asks questions to clear his confusion, "what is a Level Up system?"

[The Level Up system, is similar to those fictional novel you have read in your previous world before transmigrating, it is your cheat to become invincible in this world]

Once again, Zen was confused, what transmigration? What previous world?

"What do you mean by transmigration and previous world?"

Now the system was confused. It was pretty sure that the host would have the memorise of his previous life and know the scenario he was in, but right now it seemed that wasn't the case.

It could only reply with,

[Host, can use the Level Up system to become strong]


[The Level Up system offers you the ability to level up through killing your opponents, gain valuable drops from monsters, see your status, and other functions]


Zen decided to check this system out later, after he was done with the floor.

The sweeping continued, 2 hour passed before he was done sweeping this mansions huge yard.

Walking out the get, he received his 2 copper and returned to the outer area of the city, where mostly the poor and old lived.

Currently it was 2 pm, he was home almost 2 hours earlier than his usual arrival time.

Going inside, he went to his mum and greeted her, and handed his mum his money.

Today he had earned 4 copper, which normal was enough for the family to go for 2 days without worry about money but his family was not that poor to be living off their daily pay. His father was a guard of the outer city, his older brother was an inner city guard, they both provided well for the family.

Money was not a problem, Zen had no reason to be working, but if he didn't work, then it meant staying at home 24/7, playing with other kids was a rare occasion in this place. Most people his age were worried about starting their own lives and were working hard to achieve something to start their lives. Most of them focused on cultivation, breaking through the human limits and entering body strengthening stage 1 was more than enough for them to have a comfortable life. Hence they all cultivated like maniacs.

Zen went to his room, which was just outside of the of living room, where his mum was at.

Inside his room, he laid on his bed, then he remembered the 'Level Up system'

"Level Up system?"


"What did you mean by monsters will drop valuable treasure?"

[When host kills a monster, such as a beast or a demonic beast, they have a chance to drop a treasure such as a swords, Martial arts skills, cultivation methods and so on]

After understanding what it meant, Sam went to explore the next function that had him confused.

"Can you show me my status?"

Suddenly a screen popped up in front of him.


Name: Sam

Age: 18

Level: 0 (0/10)

Physique: Human Physique (Ordinary)

Bloodline: None

Cultivation: None

Cultivation Talent: 0.1

Martial Skills: None

Reading through the status page, Sam was taken a back. He was confused once again. He could only clarify what was confusing him to the system.

"Level Up System, my name is not Sam, it's Zen, and I'm not 18, I'm 15"


Now the system was confused, it was pretty sure every detail of the host was accurate no matter what.

[System has adjusted your details]

It was left with no option but to correct the information.

Zen saw the name and age change.

Left with no other things to check, Zen decided to take a short nap.

Closing his eyes, slowly he fell asleep.

30 minutes passed, but there was no sign of Zen waking up.

An hour passed, same result.

At the 4th hour his mum came to call him but seeing he was asleep she went out the room.


Zen had woken up, but his view was filled with darkness, there was no light, just pitch black.

His 30 minutes nap had turned into a hours.

Looking at the fact there was no light outside his window too, he had probably slept for at least 9 hours.

Walking out his room, he did his basic hygiene routine and walked out the house.

There wasn't much today at this time, so he could only go out and enter the main city, where the night life was at. He was going to do some other stuff than waiting inside his room for day to come.

Normally when he ruined his sleeping routine like this he would continue his literature class by himself. He had been taught to read and write by the city provided schools, which taught people between ages of 6-10 to read and write alongside basic maths, just so they could do the basic accounting for themselves and other minor stuff such as reading labels.

Besides the basics the rest was up to themselves, whether they continued literature and general maths or not.

Zen's literature class was just reading, before this he couldn't go outside at night but ever since he had turned 15, 6 months ago, he could go outside at night.

Following the only sources of light, that were besides the main road, Zen travelled toward the inner city, as he walked his eyes was caught by the bright moon, looking up only showed his insignificance in the universe, and dream of being able to explore those celestial bodies that were out of his reach.

But sadly he was only a mortal, even the geniuses of the world could not dream of performing such feat. He, who had a talent of 0.1 would have to receive a miracle to achieve something like that.

While staring at the pitch black sky, his journey to the inner city ended.

Give me some Chinese names, or else I’ll have to make some random ones up or use English names, ruining the immersion.

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