
Levelling Up Cheats In The Apocalypse

In a world ravaged by a monster invasion fifty years ago, humanity clings to survival within walled cities while hunters venture outside to combat the threat. Among them is Zack, a young man who wanted to become a hunter despite his lack of awakened traits, a crucial aspect for hunters to harness their powers. For three years, Zack struggled in the hunter's academy, unable to awaken any traits, unlike his peers who swiftly manifest their powers and even join guilds. Despite the setbacks, Zack's determination remains unwavering until the very end. On the last day of school, when hope seems almost lost, Zack's dormant trait finally awakens: the cheater trait. With it comes the extraordinary power to learn cheat skills, a rare ability never seen and understood by anyone. Armed with his newfound power, Zack sets out on his journey as a hunter, determined to prove himself and protect what remains of humanity. Along the way, he will face not only the monstrous creatures that threaten their existence and others who envy and fear his power but also the challenges of mastering his unique abilities and discovering his place in a world forever changed by the invasion.

Comedian0 · Fantasy
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266 Chs

Chapter 39 - Ambushed

Although in his mind Zack didn't want to run away from possible problems, he still did his best not to be found. He moved from one side to the other of the city while avoiding the area where he met that group. The reason for that was the fact that he wanted to reach level sixty as soon as possible.

"It looks like they left the city's border thanks to the lack of monsters," Zack furrowed his eyebrows when he felt the ground shaking a bit more violently than before.

The explosions were happening closer, and it was obvious since Zack killed hundreds of giant fire slimes overnight. At that point in time, the other group should have found the remains of the battles that Zack had, so they knew that someone was there, and soon, Zack confirmed that.

While Zack was looking around for the next target, he soon saw a flash of light in the distance. In the next moment, Zack was hit by a lightning spear. He didn't have a chance to dodge it since the attack moved almost as fast as light.

Zack suddenly felt a surge of intense pain rip through his body, the searing energy coursing through his veins and leaving him momentarily paralyzed. Time seemed to stand still for a moment as Zack grappled with the shock of the attack. The pain was excruciating, a white-hot agony that consumed his entire being. Every nerve in his body screamed in protest, and he struggled to remain upright as the force of the impact sent him staggering backward.

As the initial shock began to fade, Zack's mind raced with a jumble of thoughts and emotions. He couldn't believe what had just happened. He had been caught off guard, unprepared for the sudden attack, and now he was paying the price for his lapse in focus… steam began to emerge from his body as he raised his head and then saw another flash of light in the distance.

Out of reflex, Zack used Invisibility and then Instantaneous Movement. Thanks to that, he escaped the next lightning spear and saw its form pierce a block of concrete before dissipating. 

Following the line that the projectile flew, Zack found a man floating in the air with his body covered in lightning. It was the guy he had seen the previous day… to think that he would attack Zack like that upon seeing him without hesitation.

"Son of a bitch…" Zack clenched his teeth.

Without hesitation, Zack used No Range Limit and then swung his sword to behead the man. However, he soon stopped when he was shocked again. The enemy flinched as he felt a sharp pain in his neck, but in reaction to it, his body covered in lightning magic shocked Zack through his sword. There was no direct contact, but the enemy's spell still attacked him.

"Fuck… the hell is this?" Zack thought.

The pain was insane. It was the first time Zack had felt that much pain, and he didn't think a human would be able to pull that off. Still, his sword damaged the enemy as well, and he confirmed that when he saw the guy approaching the ground to hide.

Zack (Cheater) - Lv 59 (13320/40.000)

HP: 1090/2190

MP: 210/210

SP: 540/540


Strength: 192 + 20

Intelligence: 14

Dexterity: 47 + 20

Constitution: 27 + 20

Spirit: 07

Focus: 07

Unallocated Points: 38


Skill List: Auto Aim Lv 10, Instantaneous Movement Lv 10, Speed Hack Lv 10, Inventory 10, Fire Lance Lv 01, Invisibility 04, No Range Limit Lv 10, Ice Cannon Lv 01, 

Unallocated Skill Points: 10

"Two more good hits, and I am done… Invisibility will only last thirty more seconds, so I have to finish him off," Zack thought and then approached the enemy with Instantaneous Movement. 

In the end, Zack finds himself surrounded by those guys, and two of them try to heal him. The bastard is smart enough to do that while his lightning armor is active. The enemy before him is unlike anything he has encountered before; he is truly clad in armor made of pure energy.

The enemy's form flickered and danced with arcs of lightning, its entire body encased in a corona of crackling electricity. Its eyes glowed with a fierce intensity, and its movements were swift and sure, like bolts of lightning striking from a stormy sky.

The armor itself seemed to shift and ripple with every movement, crackling and sizzling with raw power. It appeared to be composed of pure electrical energy, pulsating and humming with an otherworldly energy. That should consume a ton of mana, but he didn't look like he was running out of energy.

"Those guys must be supporting him with mana," Zack furrowed his eyebrows. "I have to kill them as well…"

They were being used; it was clear now, seeing them from a close distance. Their clothes and appearance were a mess, covered in dirt and wounds. Thanks to that, Zack clicked his tongue while hesitating.

In the end, Zack summoned from his inventory several blocks of concrete and made them fall on the enemy. Still, his reaction time was also off the charts, and he fired several lightning spears that destroyed them completely. Taking him down won't be easy…