
Leveling With My Divine Beast

Riku Fujimura is an ordinary college student who escapes his lonely life through RPG games. However, his world turns upside down when he stumbles upon a mysterious archway during a jog with his dog. Entering the archway, Riku finds himself in a dungeon reminiscent of his favorite games, where a translucent screen informs him that he must complete quests to survive. In his first quest, Riku battles a swarm of orcs, transforming his dog into the mythical Fenrir, now known as Rev. This initial victory marks the beginning of a perilous journey through an SSS-ranked dungeon, home to mythical creatures and dark magic. Riku and Rev develop an unbreakable bond as they face increasingly dangerous foes, their strength and skills growing with each encounter. Their ultimate challenge comes in the form of Beelzebub, a demon lord whose defeat earns Riku a legendary armor set, enhancing his powers and resilience. With each quest completed, Riku delves deeper into the dungeon's mysteries, uncovering secrets about the world's magic and his own latent abilities.

Shinuchi · Fantasy
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3 Chs


The arrow came out of nowhere, slicing through the air with lethal precision. "Rev, watch out!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the cavernous dungeon. My divine beast, Rev, turned just in time to see the projectile hurtling towards him. Without a second thought, I sprang into action, my legendary sword – a relic from a previous adventure – flashing in the dim light as I intercepted the arrow mid-flight, shattering it into harmless splinters.

The attacker, an elf twisted by dark magic into a monstrous form, snarled at us from the shadows. Once noble beings, these elves had become corrupted, driven by an irrational hatred of humans. With a swift, decisive slash, I cleaved the creature in two, its lifeblood splattering the dungeon floor. A notification blinked in my vision: +100 EXP.

"Rev, you need to stay vigilant. Keep your focus forward, not on me," I admonished.

Rev's deep, resonant voice filled the chamber, tinged with worry. "I fear you might disappear suddenly, without warning."

I grinned, trying to reassure him. "Don't worry. I won't vanish. I'm stronger than you think."

"Yeah, yeah," Rev muttered, but a hint of a smile played on his lips.

We pressed onward, deeper into the dungeon's labyrinthine depths. This was no ordinary dungeon; it was ranked SSS, one of the most dangerous in the world. Dungeons were graded by their peril, with H being the least threatening and SSS the most lethal. Within these treacherous confines, mythical creatures lurked, creatures like Beelzebub, the demon lord whose malevolent presence we could already sense.

But who am I, you ask? I'm Riku Fujimura, an ordinary college student. I spent most of my time playing RPG games, friendless but excelling academically in hopes of securing a good job. My life changed dramatically one fateful day while jogging with my dog. We stumbled upon a mysterious archway, an ancient gate wreathed in blue light.

Curiosity piqued, I ventured inside with my loyal dog at my side. The atmosphere was surreal, the corridor lit by flickering torches casting eerie shadows on the walls. Deeper and deeper we went, the surroundings becoming increasingly otherworldly. "This is just like the game I played last night," I mused aloud.

Then, as if pulled from a dream, a translucent screen materialized before my eyes. "System Quest: Kill the Swarm of Orcs. Reward: Dog will turn into a Fenrir and earn a Special Reward." My heart raced. "What the heck? Is this some kind of game? Am I dreaming?" I slapped myself hard, the sound echoing through the hallway. The sting confirmed my reality. "Okay, let's do this," I resolved.

I called out, "Inventory, open!" Another translucent screen appeared, displaying a basic starter pack. Equipping an iron sword, I steeled myself for battle. The orcs fell one by one under my relentless assault, their brutish forms crumpling before me. The final challenge was the General Orc, a hulking behemoth that towered over me. Dodging his massive fists, I danced around him, my sword flashing in the dim light. He managed to land a powerful blow, sending me crashing into the wall, blood trickling down my face. But I was far from defeated.

Summoning every ounce of strength, I leaped onto the General Orc's head, slashing down with all my might. The blade found its mark, and his head rolled from his shoulders. Panting, I surveyed the carnage. My dog, now transformed into the mythical Fenrir, stood by my side, a fierce gleam in his eyes. Together, we had taken our first step into a new world of adventure and danger.

As we caught our breath, a new quest notification appeared: "System Quest: Enter the Dungeon of Beelzebub. Reward: Legendary Armor Set." I exchanged a glance with Rev. "Ready for the next challenge?"

He nodded, determination burning in his gaze. "Always."

We descended further into the dungeon, the air growing colder and the darkness thicker. This was our new reality, a world where the line between game and life blurred. Each step we took brought us closer to unimaginable dangers and incredible rewards. The journey ahead was fraught with peril, but with Rev by my side, I felt invincible.

The journey began innocuously enough, with me seeking solace in the hills after a long day at college. My dog bounded ahead, his tail wagging furiously. As we reached the crest of the hill, the archway came into view, its ancient stones glowing with an ethereal blue light. The sight was mesmerizing, drawing us closer like moths to a flame.

We stepped through the archway, entering a realm that felt both familiar and alien. The blue light illuminated our path, casting ghostly reflections on the walls. "This is insane," I muttered, half expecting to wake up at any moment. But the solid ground beneath my feet and the chill in the air told me otherwise.

A few steps further, and the translucent screen appeared, heralding the first of many quests. The initial shock gave way to determination. If this was real, then it was an opportunity to live out the fantasies I had only experienced through a screen.

The orc battle was a brutal introduction to this new reality. They were ferocious and relentless, but my gaming instincts kicked in, guiding my every move. The iron sword felt heavy in my hand, but with each swing, it became an extension of my will. The General Orc was a formidable opponent, his raw power threatening to overwhelm me. Yet, in that critical moment, I found a reservoir of strength I never knew I possessed.

Defeating the General Orc was a turning point. The transformation of my dog into Fenrir was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. He was no longer just a pet but a powerful ally with a deep connection to me. His fur bristled with latent energy, and his eyes gleamed with intelligence and ferocity.

Our bond deepened as we navigated the treacherous dungeon. Each step was fraught with danger, but we faced it together. The SSS-ranked dungeon tested our limits, pushing us to the brink. The mythical creatures we encountered were nightmarish, their very presence a testament to the dungeon's lethal nature.

Yet, with each battle, we grew stronger. My swordsmanship improved, and I learned to harness the latent powers within me. Rev, too, evolved, his divine abilities unlocking new potential. We became a formidable team, our synergy honed through countless battles.

The dungeon's final chamber loomed ahead, the oppressive atmosphere signaling the presence of Beelzebub. A sense of dread settled over us, but we pressed on. The quest was clear: defeat Beelzebub and claim the legendary armor set. It was the ultimate test, one that would define our journey.

As we stood before the massive doors leading to Beelzebub's lair, I felt a surge of determination. "Ready, Rev?"

He growled in affirmation, his eyes locked on the door. Together, we pushed it open, stepping into the unknown. The battle that awaited us would be our greatest challenge yet, but with Rev by my side, I knew we could conquer anything.

The descent into Beelzebub's lair was harrowing. The air was thick with malevolence, and the walls seemed to pulse with a dark energy. Each step echoed ominously, the silence amplifying our tension. We moved cautiously, every sense on high alert.

Then, without warning, the ground trembled. The chamber ahead was vast, its ceiling lost in shadow. At its center stood Beelzebub, a towering figure wreathed in dark flames. His eyes glowed with malevolence, and his presence exuded an aura of pure evil.

"Welcome, mortals," he intoned, his voice reverberating through the chamber. "You have come far, but this is where your journey ends."

"We'll see about that," I retorted, gripping my sword tightly.

The battle began with a roar. Beelzebub's attacks were relentless, his dark magic searing the air. We dodged and countered, each move a dance of survival. Rev's newfound powers proved invaluable, his ferocity matching Beelzebub's darkness.

The fight raged on, each side refusing to yield. My stamina waned, but I pushed through the exhaustion, driven by sheer willpower. In a final, desperate move, I channeled all my energy into a devastating strike. The sword glowed with a blinding light as it cleaved through Beelzebub, shattering his dark form.

With a final, ear-splitting roar, Beelzebub disintegrated, his essence dissolving into the air. Silence fell over the chamber, broken only by our ragged breaths. The battle was won.

A new notification appeared: "Quest Complete. Reward: Legendary Armor Set." The armor materialized before us, a testament to our victory. It was magnificent, radiating power and protection. As I donned the armor, I felt a surge of strength and resilience.

"We did it, Rev," I said, my voice filled with triumph.

Rev nodded, a satisfied glint in his eyes. "Onward to the next adventure?"

"Absolutely," I replied, my heart swelling with excitement.

This was just the beginning. With Rev by my side and the power of the legendary armor, there was no limit to what we could achieve. The world was vast, filled with untold dangers and limitless possibilities. And together, we would face it all, leveling up with every challenge, bound by an unbreakable bond and a shared destiny.

As we stepped out of the dungeon, the sun rising on a new day, I knew one thing for certain: our adventure had only just begun.