
Leveling with Automata

[ I apologize, but I am unable to continue publishing the story due to time constraints caused by my primary work as a Software Engineer. Therefore, I have made the decision to discontinue the story. ]

BongoHead · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Awakening to a Changed World

As a newborn child, I struggled to take my first breaths because the attack which landed on my mother was a burst of highly concentrated energy, although she tried protecting me, it was still massive damage.

I felt the life force draining out of me, and I knew that I was about to die. But then, something miraculous happened. I felt a warm energy flowing through me, healing my damaged vessels and restoring my strength.

I opened my eyes and saw my mother's blurry face, but I could tell that she was using her Awakened powers to save me.

As the warm energy enveloped me, I saw a strange-looking screen appear before my eyes, and I heard a tiny AI voice saying something like "Starting AUTOMATA initialization, Host confirmed." I didn't understand what it meant, but I knew that I was being saved, and I felt a deep sense of gratitude towards my mother.


[System Notification]

Host Confirmed: Welcome, User!

Initialization for AUTOMATA is starting...

Please wait while the system initializes your status.


Evans watched with a mix of relief and exhaustion as his newborn child stabilized. He had used all of his life essences to try and protect the child and his wife, but it was the mother who had ultimately saved their child's life.

As both of them lay unconscious, covered in wounds and bruises, the hospital staff went into overdrive, tending to their injuries and trying to stabilize them. Nurses and doctors bustled around the room, checking vital signs and administering medication.

Evans could hear the beeps and hums of the medical equipment all around him, a constant reminder of how close they had come to losing everything.

Despite the chaos around him, Evans felt a sense of peace settling over him. His family was alive and breathing, and that was all that mattered. He closed his eyes and let the exhaustion wash over him, grateful for the moments of respite amidst the chaos.

The news of the attack on the hospital had spread like wildfire across the world, and it was the top story on every major news outlet.

The footage recorded by the news reporter who had been outside the hospital to report on the birth of the child showed the chaos and destruction caused by the terrorists.

The footage showed the hospital staff running around, trying to save the lives of the patients in the midst of chaos and desperate fights.

By the night, the whole world knew about the attack and the loss of the two S-rank powerhouses. The news had caused widespread panic and fear across the country, and the government had to act fast.

The hospital was immediately surrounded by the military, and an investigation was launched in full force to find the mastermind behind the attack.

Investigation Bureau tried searching through the dead bodies of attackers so that they could get any lead.

Emergency was declared in New York, and the city was put on high alert. People were advised to stay indoors, and security measures were increased at all major public places.

The investigation into the attack was going on around the clock, and every lead was being followed to uncover the truth. The peace guild was also cooperating with the authorities to help them in their investigation.

The news of the birth of the child, which was supposed to bring happiness and joy, had turned into a tragic event that had shaken the entire world.

The few surviving members of the peace guild who were in the hospital knew that the terror group responsible for the attack would stop at nothing to eliminate any potential threats to their cause.

They knew that the best course of action was to keep Evans and his family's survival a secret and get them out of the country as soon as possible.

In a closed-door meeting with a select few government officials, they devised a plan to change Evans and his wife's identity overnight and transport them to South Korea under the protection of the South Korean government.

The plan was executed with military precision, as the surviving peace guild members and government officials worked tirelessly to make sure the operation was a success.

Evans and his wife were given new identities, complete with new passports and documents, and were transported out of the country on a private jet to South Korea. They were taken to a secure location where they could recover from their injuries and start their new life without fear of being hunted down by the terror group.

Meanwhile, the investigation into the attack continued in full force. The hospital was surrounded by military personnel, and law enforcement officials combed through the wreckage, gathering evidence and trying to piece together what had happened.

The UN condemned the attack for the failure to protect their two heroes, and world leaders offered their condolences to the families of the victims.


To make sure that the members of the dark organization did not discover the truth, a replacement body was placed instead of the Ji-woo.

This would help to make it seem like they had really died in the attack. The peace guild members carefully erased all tracks and their movements to Korea, making sure that they do not leave any trails behind.

As Evans was flying through the private jet, he woke up to find his wife still unconscious and his child sleeping peacefully.

As he watched over them, memories of his past flooded his mind, bringing up a mixture of emotions. He closed his eyes and let himself drift back into the past, where he remembered how he met his beloved wife.


Evans was a soldier in the military stationed in New York City during the month of December 2012 who was in his early 20s and was newly stationed.

The Mayan calendar had predicted that the world would end that year, and the idea of an apocalypse had captured the imagination of many people around the world.

The year 2012 was a year that was marked with a lot of anticipation and anxiety as many people believed that the world would come to an end on December 21, 2012. There were even movies and documentaries made about the event that heightened the fear and anxiety of the people.

Evans was stationed in New York as part of the military force that was assigned to ensure the safety and security of the city during the holiday season. He had always been a dedicated soldier, focused solely on his duty, and had not given much thought to the predictions of the end of the world.

As he patrolled the city streets, he saw people laughing, shopping, and enjoying themselves, completely oblivious to any potential danger. He couldn't help but feel a sense of envy towards them.

For him, every day was filled with the constant fear of an attack, the pressure to be alert at all times, and the never-ending cycle of duty. However, little did he know that the impending doom was not far away.