
Nadia wakes up

'How lovely it would be if this moment could last forever,' Mathew thought, slowly moving his hand up and down Nadia's back.

Mat rubbed his fingers against his crush's soft flesh. His touch was gentle, yet her skin caved under even this tiny pressure.

An absolute cushion. Perfectly soft yet firm texture, inherently full of heat.

'To think a day came when I could caress her like that,' Mathew thought, immersing himself in the cuddly warmth Nadia's body offered.

The light suddenly flicked.

Mathew turned his eyes towards the barrier that separated the two of them from the rest of the room.

'There is no information about how long will the barrier last,' Mat thought, squinting his eyes a little.

'So it's not only merchants and possibly the system itself, but even the world at large?' Mathew thought, involuntarily clenching his fists.

And that was it.

Distracted for but a moment, Mathew made a small yet sudden move.