Amidst these individuals, the value of approximately twenty human lives seemed trivial and insignificant. Their primary concern lay in an ambitious venture—an enigmatic undertaking revolving around creating an extraordinary entity, an immense crocodilian behemoth.
They embarked on a flurry of activities without delay, engaging in a meticulous array of tasks. These endeavours encompassed the relentless scrutiny and refinement of the biological chip nestled within the colossal reptile's cranium.
Nearby, a second enormous crocodile lay supine, its colossal form only marginally smaller than its predecessor, measuring an imposing seventy to eighty meters in length and weighing no less than five to six hundred tons.
Ram Scott, the authoritative figure among them, waved his hand, commanding attention. "Our esteemed Number One exhibits remarkable progress, and I believe our Number Two ought to be given an opportunity for some exercise as well," he declared.