
Leveling up to marry you

This is a story about a normal kid who falls in love with a noble girl. He realised that after the betrayal of his comrates and his love one,he seek to become stronger and starts to level up in order to marry and protect his new lover.will he achieve marrige? Or will he accepts fate.

Night_Reaper · Fantasy
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7 Chs


It's 7.30 in the morning,November 21st and I'm right here doing my job wipping the tables and sweeping the floor,while doing that I'm using the system to find what my mood wants to eat today.Then a message came from her;"

"Takecare of work okey sweetheart. I love you my husband" She said

He sat for a bit, as Lucious was sitting reading her message,he imagine all kinds of way she spoke those words,such;






"AAAAA....CRITICAL DAMAGE TO THE HEART..AUGH!!"Coughing blood out dying as he imagine the way she says the words.

*Kneeing on the ground*

"Thank you God for creating me into this world even its bit late but I'm greatful You sent a Goddess into my life.." Nose bleed while crying,still imaginating how cute Rosabell are.


*SYSTEM: yup you damn are. So what do you have in mind today? What kind of meal do you want to cook?*

"Just an  egg burger"

*Cooks the egg burger and open a can of 7up. While he's eating,he felt abit happy today. Even tho he felt last night he was ignored fully in the text and as he predicted she fell asleep. He knows they don't have time to be together but he was hoping every night they would talk together,spend time even tho its just text yet he still understand that she needed rest and stuff, Even tho after knowing that,day by day he felt left out by her, maybe oneday she would forget him.*

"Haih..stop being sad you idiot. She's buzy and stuff and also tired. Try to understand her would you?"

"But...will she understand you?" the system spoke

"Who knows. If she really cares she would do something to show that she cares. But I don't hope too high anymore after that incident..I just hope she will never be like that liar..I hope.."


"Hey L, I've been thinking,you see..I didn't have the though of saying this but,when we both are  still single at the age of 30,lets get married by then."a familliar voice spoke.

"What? You're not joking right? Is this real or is it some kind of prank?" he replied with a burst of laughter.

"I'm seriousI'm accepting you after all this years you tried confessing to me over and over again,why not giving you a chance."

"Thank you.."

*He was so happy and didn't sleep for a night ,after 10 years of confessing all over again and get rejected,today is the day his feelings was accepted but,

nothing stays forever.*

"L,lets forget that we ever talked about that.can we? To be honest I still can't move on from her,Delphina..I'm sorry for playing with your heart all this time."

"Nah its okey,I get it,You don't like boys. Boys aren't your type right? You love her more. But listen,that won't change anything. Oneday you will realise that loving the same gender won't bring happiness and trust me,oneday she would betray you..can't you see? She already had a boyfriend you dummy! Even if,next time mind your words. Don't you dare say those things again to me and don't you dare show your face infront of me anymore..leave me alone"

*Sits at the library then one of his friend came to confort him*

"Bro..just stop it..it won't make any better just sitting here reading alm these books. Just let it be...

"Shut up. I'm reading right now and don't you dare say a word anymore,you don't understand this pain.."

"But I.."

"Enough..I wish I never fall in live with her back in primary.."Slowly tear falling down..

"It's okey..everythings gonna be just fine..maybe oneday you'll meet someone more better then her,that can make you fall in love every second, And that girl would love you the way you love her most."

"Where's Daniel?"

"He..I'm sorry but he doesn't want to be your friend anymore due to you don't have..you know. And the rummour is spreding by.."

"I know..Kila right? That bastard sure hates me alot.."


"I'll never love anyone anymore.."He said while closing the book to end the conversation.

*Back to the present*

"And here I am,standing looking at her photo smilling uncontrolable. And yet again..I fell in love with her. More than anything..haha she sure stole my 9 hearts. Please wait for abit more..I'll marry you. And thats a promise."