
leveling bru

a boi named nathan is reincarnated into the new world of ,#&'kdjxjdj(dont fell like coming up with a name right now) watch as are little weirdo ascends to the heavens (iss a good book bruh

the_excalebars · Fantasy
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im pretty lazy and im sure thus novel sucks absolute donkey ass and if anyone wants me to continue type in comments (BLUE BALLS) and i would like to continue but im not very good at writing im mostly a reader. so if even 1 person comments that i will continue and i might even start a new book about somthing im still thinking about it. i could do sex, Cultivation, etc and a whole ordeal of things. sry im tryna sound smart here. so if uve read this far in the comments type any kind of novel u would want me to write. bye ny master also if u want i could write in first or third person so let me know