

A roaring fire exploded, which chased away the cold air that invaded the commander's quarters. While Atlas did this, the blonde knight cast Cleanse on everything to free it from the Achaemendian filth.

Following that, Nulia spoke up, ''I will cook us some food. I still have a lot of meat from my hunting to use.''

Artemis and Amethyst offered to help while Grishna dragged Estelle and Artemis to check out the rest of the building. This left Atlas and Zena who watching him with glowing yellow eyes. ''So they are your harem? No wonder, their all beautiful.''

''Thank you,'' he replied before pulling out some ale while offering some to the black wolf woman. ''Do you want some?''

Zena eyed the offered drink suspiciously, raising an eyebrow as she quipped, ''Trying to poison me now?''