
Level-Up in the Cultivation World

He, who was once fragile and weak, now is holding sun and moon in both his hand. With a Level-up System aiding him, onwards to forge an undying legend of his own. Over coming myriad tribulations, here he stands with a sword in hand. An unknown soul of a distant world ends up travelling to a world of bloodshed and war. A world where heads start rolling for face and dignity. But where did all the start? Who was he before he became what he is now? Join us in this journey to find out about the one, 'He Who Transcends Nirvana'. Hello, dear Readers. I am Formless19, the author of the book - Level-Up in the Cultivation World. I hope you will enjoy reading my book because as the story progresses it will one get more fun. The initial chapters might be boring but give this novel a try, at 20 chapters, I am sure, you won't regret it. Also, check out my other book - The Cultivator's Odyssey. ----- Disclaimer: The image used as the book cover is not mine I fount it on Pinterest and if the creator of the image wants me to remove it, I will. Thank you.

Formless19 · Eastern
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20 Chs

Su Lanyue and Di Tianming

In the wilderness forest near the Xi'An Town, two people could be seen walking under the night sky before a new dawn arrived.

One of them was a man, six feet tall and extremely muscular. He had azure hair and eyes which gave him and enchanting look. The pink robe with butterfly embroidery looked very cute on him.

The other person was a women, her head only came up to the man's shoulders. She has black hairs and golden eyes along with an enchanting and slender body.

They were Di Tianming and Su Lanyue.

Currently, they both were walking, an awkward tension around them.

"So, S-Sister Su Langyue, you said you were from a sect, right?", Di Tianming tried to dissolve this awkwardness between them by striking a conversation with her.

"Huh? Ah! Yes, that's right, I am from the Serene Spirit Sect. Junior Brother, what sect are you from?", Su Lanyue replied with a hint of pride in her tone as she looked at him with an expectant gaze.

"Serene Spirit Sect?", he honestly had no idea about any sect or forces in this world. Living in the small town of Xi'An had truly isolated him from any sort of outside information.

However, he couldn't let himself be given away so, he pretended, "Ah? So, Sister Su is from Serene Spirit Sect, huh? It's my honor to be in your presence. Unfortunately, I am not from any sect or any other force."

"Ah? You're not from any sect? Wait a minute, are you planning to participate in the Sect Entrance Exam that will be held in a week in the Orchid Mountain City. How old are you?", she asked hurriedly, her tone a bit forceful as her face closed on his.

Di Tianming never expected this girl to, suddenly become so clingy. He was caught by surprise when he found her face so close to his.

Both of them momentarily paused as two of them felt each other's warm breathe.

They looked in each others eyes and saw the desire burning in them. Slowly, their lips started get closer and closer...and their lips locked.

"Come! Take me, my prince!" 

It was as if the beast in Di Tianming had awakened as intensified his kiss.

Previously, beside the pond, he had noticed his change of appearance and was shocked to see the transformation. However, gained a sudden confidence in himself after he saw how handsome he looked.

Both of them forgot where they were and how dangerous it could be, no, contrarily, it only worked as a fuel to their burning passion.

Time seemed to have lost its meaning to them as their bodies intertwined.


The sun had risen high in the sky.

Two people could be seen half-naked, wearing their clothes back. As Di Tianming and Su Lanyue fixed their clothing, they looked in each others eyes.

From the moment they started kissing, they said nothing afterwards but knew exactly what to do.

As Su Lanyue looked at him in the eyes, her cheeks turned red and she quickly looked away, avoiding his gaze.

"SU! LAN! YUE! What have done!? Just because you didn't want to get married, you went on your way and slept with a stranger!? Why? Why, Di Tianming!? Why do you have to be so handsome!? Ahh, what do I do? Hey, hey! Why are you coming close to me? Stop! I said, stop right there!"

Even now her actions and thoughts weren't in a sync. She stood rooted on the ground.

Di Tianming, seeing the woman, who he had spend the morning of passion, looking away and blushing hard, couldn't help himself.

He went forward and stood before her and move his hand around her waist, tightening them.

Su Lanyue blushed harder upon seeing his actions and wanted to push him away but something inside her stopped her.

Di Tianming saw her still avoiding his gaze so, he grabbed her chin and forcefully have her look him in the eyes. Her smooth, red cherry lips were hard for him to resist.

So he kissed her one more time.


"Did you really think I won't notice the blood? You're mine now.", he said domineeringly after breaking the kiss.

Unknown to him, after he absorbed the blood essence of the Evil-eyes Azure Tiger, his personality has begun to change. He has become more domineering, bolder and confident.

Su Lanyue, after being kissed again and hearing his words, became dazed. Their was only one thing going in her mind.

"You're mine. You're mine. You're mine. You're mine. You're mine....I-I am his?"

Di Tianming's voice continued to eco in her head, until, finally she snapped out of it.

"W-Who said I am yours? How dare you! Do you know who I am?", she said, her voice quivering.

Di Tianimg was about to reply her when he suddenly remember something, "Shit!", and his expression turned grave.

"What? What happened?", Su Lanyue asked worriedly after noticing his serious expression.

"I just left my pet beast in a cave, unguarded. I need to go back.", he was about to run in the direction of the cave.

"Wait. Let's go on my sword. We will get there faster.", Su Lanyue stopped him and said.

Di Tianming looked at her in confusion, not understanding what she meant. But his doubt was soon clearly.

Su Lanyue took out a sword from her spatial ring and injected spirit qi into it, making it float.

He was shocked to see the sword float and couldn't comprehend how she made the sword float.

When she looked at his shocked face, she became smug, "Haha. Are you shocked to see this? Behold my Shadow Steel Sword. Its a spirit sword. Have you ever heard of them? Hah! You haven't! Because only Spirit Body Realm or above can possess this weapon. That's right, I am a Spirit Body Realm cultivator and no ordinary one but one in the ninth-stage...."

Su Lanyue rambled on and on.

Di Tianming was speechless seeing her current behaviour. However, he was very shocked when she told him about her cultivation realm.

"Spirit Body Realm? Is that the next realm after the Blood Qi Realm?"

He wondered.

"So, you must behave properly with me. Otherwise, I will punish you with ropes."

He completely ignored Su Lanyue's nonsense and said, "Let's go."

She grumbled when he completely ignored her but still controlled the sword and left in the direction of the cave.


Inside the Evil-eyes Azure Tiger's cave, the baby cub was still sleeping unaware of the danger surrounding him.

A Iron-clawed Bear had entered the cave after sniffing the smell of blood.


It growled lightly as he a carcass of bones. It lifted his head and sniffed, searching for food.

An soon, he saw azure fur ball in a corner of the cave. It was the Evil-eyes Azure Tiger cub.

Slowly, one step after another, the Iron Clawed Bear approached the cub. Its mouth salivating.


It jumped towards the cub in an attempt to swallow it in one bite.

However, before its teeth could even touch the cub's fur, a punch landed on him, crushing its head into pieces.


Its body flew back, crashing on the wall of the cave. 

"Hu! That was close. Had I been a second late, it would have kill that cub." Di Tianming muttered softly. Su Lanyue, standing beside him withdrew her sword into her ring.

His eyes fell on the cub. Due to the loud, explosive sound it has woken up. 

The cub looked at Di Tianming before approaching him and licking his feet. He picked up the cub and looked at him.

"Hey! Big guy, you're finally awake." he said while caressing him.

Su Lanyue looked at the cub and her eyes lit up, "Wow! How cute! Tianming can I hold him?"

After everything that has happened between them, it was normal for them to change the way they addressed each other.

"Sure.", naturally he had no reason to refuse her. After all, if it wasn't for her help, he wouldn't have been able to reach here so quickly.

After giving her the cub, Di Tianming looked at the pile of bones which was once the corpse of the Evil-eyes Azure Tiger.

He could tell that the reason why it has, suddenly, become nothing but bones was because of him absorbing all of the blood essence from it.

This has cause the corpse to decay rapidly and reach its current state.

He signed internally as he started to throw the bones into the hole he had dug. After doing so, he closed the hole and erected a gravestone on it before writing on it.

"Here lies my benefactor and a loving mother."

He, then, walked towards Su Lanyue, who was playing with the cub and hugged her.

She had seen Di Tianming bury the bones and raising the gravestone and if fact, she knew that the cub was the Evil-eyes Azure Tiger cub and those pile of bones must be its parent, the moment she laid her eyes on them.

She even figured out that he Evil-eyes Azure Tiger must have died helping him and later, he absorbed its bloodline. She was no fool, it was all in front of her, making it quite easy to figure out.


However, she snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her stomach make a growling sound. In fact, it wasn't just her, Di Tianming, too, was hungry.