
Level-Up in the Cultivation World

He, who was once fragile and weak, now is holding sun and moon in both his hand. With a Level-up System aiding him, onwards to forge an undying legend of his own. Over coming myriad tribulations, here he stands with a sword in hand. An unknown soul of a distant world ends up travelling to a world of bloodshed and war. A world where heads start rolling for face and dignity. But where did all the start? Who was he before he became what he is now? Join us in this journey to find out about the one, 'He Who Transcends Nirvana'. Hello, dear Readers. I am Formless19, the author of the book - Level-Up in the Cultivation World. I hope you will enjoy reading my book because as the story progresses it will one get more fun. The initial chapters might be boring but give this novel a try, at 20 chapters, I am sure, you won't regret it. Also, check out my other book - The Cultivator's Odyssey. ----- Disclaimer: The image used as the book cover is not mine I fount it on Pinterest and if the creator of the image wants me to remove it, I will. Thank you.

Formless19 · Eastern
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20 Chs

Orchid Mountain City, Crown Prince Huang

The first thing Di Tianming saw after arriving near the Orchid Mountain City was the beautiful, captivating range of exotic orchids. He was entranced to see such beautiful combination of flowers. 

Legends has it that, deep within these mountains is Five Elements Orchid, a divine treasure rumored to give the power of five elements to the person who consumes it. However, thus far it had remained as a rumored legend because no human had ever being able to find it.

As both him and Su Lanyue arrived at the city gate, numerous heads turned in their direction. They were too attractive to not look at.

"Oh, look at them! They both look amazing.", someone in the crowd pointed at them.

"Yeah, the young lady looks gorgeous! And the young man beside her is handsome too."

"Oh Lord! I think I am going to faint.", some young ladies exclaimed as they looked at Di Tianming's heavenly appearance. 

"If only I could have her!", while some young men expressed their desires.

The people beside them scoffed, saying, "Heh! Look at you and then look at the man standing beside her."

Su Lanyue and Di Tianming were both powerful enough to hear the voice of the people talking but chose to ignore it. They approached the guards stationed at the gate's entrance.

Song Yi has been a guard for many years and has dealt with people of all backgrounds, to him, a single glance was enough to tell what kind of status a person had. He had also dealt with many impersonator who would try to enter the city in disguise and throw them into the prison.

Today, too, he was doing his job just right. Many people were coming along due to the Sect Entrance Exam which as a result increased his workload. However, being a professional, he did his job perfectly.

He saw two people arriving at a sword and landing in front of the gate, instantly catching his attention. He knew that these people were of extraordinary background and he would have to deal with them properly, otherwise...Let's just say he would lose his dear life at least.

"Welcome, Esteemed guest. Please follow me here to register and you may enter the city."

Su Lanyue and Di Tianming heard the respectful tone of the guard and Di Tianming was about to follow him when Su Lanyue suddenly took out a green token with a image of crane engraved on it and showed it to Song Yi, "Here!"

"Ah! So, its the Esteemed Lords from the Serene Spirit Sect. Please, welcome to the city."

Upon seeing the Serene Spirit Sect's identity token, Song Yi immediately bowed and greeted them as he stepped aside and respectfully gestured them to enter the city.

The both of them then proceeded to enter the city. 

It was Di Tianming's first time visiting a city of this world and in all honesty, he was stunned to see the beautiful shops engrave with beautiful designs bustling with people who wore luxurious clothes.

However, he was shocked to sense that most people had a cultivation of Blood Qi Realm at least, including the servants. Though, majority of them were either middle-aged or old. There were quite a few people whose cultivation he couldn't sense and speculated their strength to be in Spirit Body Realm or above.

He even saw a few children, around the age of 14 or 15, who had the cultivation of mid or late stage of Body Tempering Realm.

"As expected of a city!"

He thought after witnessing the huge difference of power level between the Xi'An Town and the Orchid Mountain City.

Here, a middle-aged or an old Blood Warrior would only be treated as servants if they don't have any auxiliary skills or have a prestigious background. However, back in the Xi'An town, they would probably be revered as Generals.

Looking at Di Tianming, Su Lanyue found his expressions funny and laughed lightly, "Haha. You're so shocked after only seeing these? Let's go deeper into the city, this is merely outer region."

"Outer region?", a sense of excitement and anticipation aroused within his heart when he heard her as he followed along.


Within a large courtyard in the Orchid Mountain City, inside a large hole.

A figure could be seen sitting on a high platform. Mysterious Golden spirit particles swirled towards the figure as the spirit qi constantly entered his body.

Knock! Knock!

Someone knocked on the entrance of the hall, the figure stopped cultivating and said in a deep, resounding voice, "Come in."

The door to the hall opened, lighting up the hall, revealing the appearance of the mysterious figure. The figure was a handsome young man with long golden hair and eyes. He had a presence that demanded obedience and submission as if he was a Emperor. 

A servant walked in and bowed, "Long live the Crown Prince! The core disciple of the Serene Spirit Sect, Jiang Hao requests for audience. He also said that he has news about Su Lanyue."

"Let him in.", the Crown Prince said calmly. However, one could clearly see the impatience in his eyes.

The servant, maintaining his bow, moved backwards and left the hall. Soon after, a young man appeared in the hall with whoosh. He had an handsome face, black hairs along with green eyes and wore a white robe with purple embroidery. 

Jiang Hao cupped his hands and bowed lightly, "Greetings, Senior Brother Huang."

"Hm. Quickly tell me the news you have on Su Lanyue.", Crown Prince or Senior Brother Huang if one may call, ordered impatiently.

"Senior Brother, Miss Su has entered the city and is currently headed towards the Rainbow Orchid Tower. However...", Jiang Hao paused as he hesitated to continue forward.

"However what?", Crown Prince Huang asked in cold, severe tone.

Upon hearing Crown Prince Huang's cold tone, Jiang Hao no longer held back and said hastily, "However, she brought along a young man with her."

"What?", a cold voice resounded followed by a majestic aura bursting forth, making the entire hall vibrate, resulting in cracks on the ground and the walls of the hall.

Huang Wei was truly angered. Su Lanyue was betrothed to him yet she refused to marry him. However, he was fine thinking that she won't reject him after spending some time with him. He even joined the Serene Spirit Sect and became a core disciple there just so to spend more time with her.

However, she ran away! And now, she comes back with man.

At first, he couldn't understand the reason for her being so repulsed to him but now...

He couldn't help but clench his hand in anger. He felt humiliated by the fact that his fiancée was meeting with another man behind his back. His eyes shimmered in golden light as killing intent flash across them.


Unknown of the raging storm coming in their direction, both Di Tianming and Su Lanyue were moving towards an inn.

Along the way here, Di Tianming saw the true beauty of the Orchid Mountain City. The beautiful orchid flowers and the luxurious buildings and houses along with well decorated shops gave off a lively aura, making ones heart happy and peaceful.

He also saw many exquisite and powerful treasures, including spirit weapons inside shops and tempted to check them out but realized that he had no money. So, he could only silently follow Su Lanyue around.

Soon, both of them entered an inn - The Cloud inn. 

"Welcome, Esteemed guest! I, Feng Dabao, am at your service.", a fat, middle-aged man came running while rubbing his hands when he saw Di Tianming and Su Lanyue enter. Looking at their clothes and appearance, Feng Dabao could easily tell that they were a big fish.

"Do you have a room available?", she asked.

"Yes, yes. Your are really lucky. We still have one room left. However, its the most expensive one.", Feng Dabao quickly explained.

"How much?"

"1000 low-grade Spirit Stones."

"Here!", she casually took out a pouch full of spirit stones and handed him the money. 

Feng Dabao felt like he was soon going to reach the high heavens and he definitely didn't mean metaphorically. "To be able to casually take out such big amount means that they have an extraordinary background. If I serve them well, I might gain some unexpected rewards.", he thought as his expression turned serious.

"Xiao Jing! Quickly lead the esteemed guest to their room.", he quickly instructed one of his subordinates.

"Tianming, I will get going now. It's already dusk and news of my arrival must have reached my master's ears by now. If you want to contact me, do it through the Communication talisman I gave you or come to the Rainbow Orchid Tower and ask for me, okay?"

Su Lanyue expression fell and her mood soured upon the thought of being separated by Di Tianming when she said that.

"I will.", Di Tianming said softly and hugged her and kissed her forehead lightly.