
Level-Up Apocalypse: Surviving With The Assimilation System

Within the virtual world of “Avalon Online”, Finn, or otherwise known as “Echo” within the game, was one of its greatest players. After logging off from a long session, however, he notices something awry outside of his apartment. The streets were flooded with chaos, screams echo through the night, and hell is loot loose. Monsters from Avalon Online are running through the streets, wrecking havoc. In the midst of this hellish awakening, Finn is greeted with the one gift bestowed to humanity in this dark hour: [...Assessing life experience…] [Assessment Complete] [Name: Finn Thorne] [Age: 20] [Designated Class: Assassin] [Starting Level: 5] [A [Legacy System] has been bestowed to you for your accomplishments within Avalon.] [Assimilation System Awakened.] In this twisted turn, as the world as it was once known is gone with the arrival of magic and monsters, the remnants of humanity must level up if they wish to survive. Finn is left in this dark, hopeless apocalypse, using his own experience from Avalon Online to best survive what seems to be an impossible task. -- Daily updates at 9 AM PST Support for bonus chapters

DelzGB · Fantasy
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156 Chs

Alone In The Dark

Before he could even properly give in as a lack of will brought him to a still, he found the ground rippling beneath his feet. At least, he believed it was solid ground; the sand he stood on was gone, finding himself standing on the surface of the abyssal sea. 

He glanced up, seeing that the strange, black-fleshed entity had changed its pose. It stood with its left fist raised, as if having thrown an uppercut.

"What?--" Finn questioned. 

Erupting from the unseen depths below, something rose as the innate reflexes of the assassin brought him to raise his arms. In that split-second, he witnessed what had risen; a fist matching that of the entity, only dozens of times larger. 

Out of instinct, the ability plundered from his lost friend activated itself–

["Impervious"] [4:59]