
Level One Isn't Weak!

I always admired the powerful heroes that protect the innocents against the crazy strong monsters that terrorize our world. One day, I will gain a high level ability and become one of those heroes I admire. Is what I expected, but what can I do with my level one ability?! No matter, with hard work and perseverance, I will surpass this crappy level system and become a hero! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Many thanks to a friend who made my cover! See more of her works at @soupersquid on Instagram!

Vilince · Urban
Not enough ratings
310 Chs

Three vs Three

On the day of the class battles, all students were moved into an abnormally large gym. The insides looked like a normal school gym with basketball, badminton rackets, and court outlines on the floor. The strange thing was… an incredibly huge arena in the middle of the room! It looked like it was made from stone with marble stairs making its way up on each corner.

("Why did they build this in here?") [Adam]

"How do you guys like the arena I made?" [Mr. Frank]

Everything made more sense.

"Oh… That's why it's in here. You made it." [Felix]

"Of course I did, I'm the genius inventor and your teacher Mr. Frank." [Mr. Frank]

He puffed up his chest, proud of his own (self-proclaimed) title.

"What are we doing here? Are we still waiting?" [Adam]

"We're waiting on the rest of the classes. Our opposing class may be here, but we still need the announcer and spectators." [Mr. Frank]

("There's going to be an announcer? Are we in a show I have no clue about?") [Adam]

Moments later, the gym was swarmed with students.

("It should be about time...") [Mr. Frank]

A man in a yellow suit with dark shades and a comb over walked onto the arena. He twirled a microphone in his hand before bringing it up to his mouth.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, I am your announcer Greg. The moment you all have been waiting for has finally arrived! We are proud to announce the start of class battles!" [Greg]

He looked around and extended his hand in class P-3's general direction.

"For today, the two classes that will be fighting are class P-3, and class B-1!" [Greg]

("Well, that was fast.") [Adam]

"The two will be fighting in a three versus three match! The two classes will pick three of their finest students to battle it out!") [Greg]

("I didn't hear about this! I thought it was literally going to be our entire class going at it!") [Adam]

"Oh, I forgot to mention. I didn't know what we were going to do for the fights so I just tried training everyone." [Mr. Frank]

("How irresponsible!") [Felix]

"Both classes, please send up three fighters each within the next five minutes." [Greg]

He descended the stairs and sat down in a nearby foldable chair.

"Who's going to be fighting?" [Adam]

"It's pretty obvious who will be going. You and Felix. You two were the ones to last the longest against me during both the physical and ability training." [Mr. Frank]

"What about the third person?" [Felix]

"That's also pretty simple." [Mr. Frank]

He turned around and scanned the class. A few seconds later he seemed to be getting annoyed.

"Tiffany! I know you're in there! Stop hiding behind your classmates!" [Mr. Frank]

A girl with long white braided hair, green eyes, and glasses squeezed her way out of the crowd. Adam noticed she was constantly shifting from anxiety.

"Uh… Y-yes?" [Tiffany]

Mr. Frank pointed his thumb behind him at the arena.

"You're going to fight as well." [Mr. Frank]

"Huwah?! I-I can't!" [Tiffany]

"...Yes, you can." [Mr. Frank]

"B-but I'm not a f-fighter…" [Tiffany]

Mr. Frank was getting tired of trying to convince her.

"You won't actually fight. I know what your ability is. I saw you use your invigoration ability to heal all the students that I either shot, or beat up in hand to hand combat. You may not have come at me during the training, but you did do well in support." [Mr. Frank]

Adam walked up to her and placed his thumb on his chest.

"Don't worry about fighting, just let me and Felix handle the heavy lifting. If you're ever in a pinch, I'll protect you!" [Adam]

Tiffany blushed. She looked away so that only the reflection of light could be seen on her glasses.

"...I'll go…" [Tiffany]

Mr. Frank put his hand over his ear and bent in closer.

"Huh? What did you say? I couldn't hear you." [Mr. Frank]

"I-I said I'll go!" [Tiffany]

She raised her voice while holding her hands to her chest surprising the three. The reflection from her glasses disappeared revealing eyes on the verge of tears, but filled with determination. The next instant Adam hunched over, clutching his chest.

("Urgh! That's so god damn adorable!") [Adam]

"A-are you okay?!" [Tiffany]

She bent down to see if Adam was alright. He raised his head, meeting face to face with her and blushing from how close they were.

"N-nothings wrong, I'm fine." [Adam]

He jolted upright as he tried to get out of that situation as fast as he could.

"A-are you sure?" [Tiffany]

Adam looked down at her, blinding himself with her worried upturned eyes.

("Guh! Must protect!") [Adam]

Mr. Frank and Felix stood on the side with their arms crossed, watching silently. That is, until Mr. Frank glanced at his watch.

"Oh crap, guys get up there right now! You have one minute left!" [Mr. Frank]

The three frantically hurried their way upstage.

"It seems the two classes have finally decided on their contenders!" [Greg]

Greg pulled out a tablet and scrolled through it.

"On class P-3's side, we have Adam! Felix! And Tiffany!" [Greg]

Looking the other direction, Greg continued on with his announcement.

"On class B-1's side, we have Christopher! Andrew! And Ashley! Both sides come to the center of the stage!" [Greg]

All six students moved to the center. Both classes lined up with each opposing side facing each other.

"For the safety of the spectators, we have our head of security setting up a barrier around the arena! For the safety of our participants, we have our lovely school nurse on the sidelines! So don't worry about your abilities and go all out!" [Greg]

Felix reacted to the word 'nurse'. He turned his head left and right looking around for her. Once he was able to locate her, he waved and smiled. Surprisingly, she returned the greeting.

"Is everyone ready?" [Greg]

Felix lowered his voice and whispered a small plan to Adam and Tiffany before Greg started the match.

"Tiffany, go to the back and support. I'll be the vanguard while Adam defends you." [Felix]

"Let battle… Commence!" [Greg]

Greg hopped off the arena before the students made their move. Tiffany dashed to the back and began to chant something. Adam followed Tiffany's lead, holding the fort in front of her. Felix took a different role. He lunged forward and rushed Andrew.

"Too slow!" [Andrew]

He raised his arm upwards, creating a wall of sand. Ashley also stood in the back and prepared to attack. Christopher was nowhere to be seen.

"Did you think that something like a wall will stop me?! Warp!" [Felix]

Felix teleported behind Andrew and placed his hand upon his back.

"Spatial Discharge!" [Felix]

"Wha- Gah!" [Andrew]

Andrew was blown over to Adam's feet, but was already knocked out cold.

("They took down Andrew already?! He's way too strong! I'll have to aim for the weak link!") [Ashley]

She aimed her hands at Tiffany and summoned a number of ice shards.

"Torrential Hail!" [Ashley]

Adam quickly dashed between the two, holding out a hand against the onslaught of ice shards.

("Time to show the fruits of my labor!") [Adam]

"Zero Point!" [Adam]

The air before his hand began to amass into a single spot. The incoming ice shards were pulled into it, crashing into each other.

"I'll send this back to you." [Adam]

He brought his arm back, holding the massive amount of compressed air and ice shards as if he was a pitcher in a baseball game. He swung his ability Ashley's way, blasting her with air and her own attack.

"No way-!" [Ashley]

The impact blew up ice shards and mist, enveloping her side of the arena. After the barrage of ice and wind died down, Ashley who was once standing fell onto the floor unconscious.

"Kya!" [Tiffany]

Adam and Felix turned around to see Christopher holding Tiffany hostage. He held her hands behind her back and his other hand around her throat.

("His ability was to turn invisible?!") [Adam]

"Forfeit, or the girl gets it!" [Christopher]

This cowardly act enraged the two that veins began to pop up here and there.

("I'm going to end you.") [Adam] [Felix]

Adam took a stance with his arms crossed over in front of him.

"Eye of the Storm!" [Adam]

The air flow changed. Wind currents blew towards Adam, alarming Christopher. He raised his arm to attack Tiffany, but it was too late. The wind flowing to Adam became exponentially stronger pulling Christopher to him. Preparing to attack Christopher when he got in range, Adam prepared his Pressure Cannon.

"You're finished! Pressure Cannon!" [Adam]

"Uack!" [Christopher]

Christopher took the full impact of Adam's Pressure Cannon which is the equivalent of a 50 Lb. cannonball being fired. The entire front side of Christopher's shirt was ripped open and he was blown back far enough to bounce off the barrier of the arena.

"I'm not finished with you! Warp!" [Felix]

Felix teleported in front of Christopher mid air. He formed his hand like a blade and held it like his hand was in a scabbard.

"You deserve this. Spatial Slash!" [Felix]

The invisible blade hit the already unconscious Christopher and the barrier behind him causing a large crack to form. Christopher hit the ground with a loud thud while Felix landed unharmed.

"...T-the match is over! The winner is class P-3!" [Greg]

Adam and Felix bumped fists before walking over to Tiffany.

"You okay?" [Adam]

"...Y-yes…" [Tiffany]

"Let's get off the stage for now." [Felix]

They regrouped with their class, but instead of being greeted with congratulations, they met Mr. Frank with his arms crossed and his brows furrowed.

"Felix." [Mr. Frank]

"Yes?" [Felix"]

"You went too far." [Mr. Frank]

"He deserved it." [Felix]

"He was already unconscious." [Mr. Frank]

"...I didn't notice." [Felix]

Mr. Frank sighed.

"You have a level 8 ability. Not only that, your Spatial Slash would have definitely killed him if not for the head of security." [Mr. Frank]

He pointed across the room at a man sweating profusely while downing multiple water bottles with a towel on his head.

"...I'll be careful next time." [Felix]

"...Alright, it seems that you're reflecting on your mistakes so I won't punish you or take the matter any further." [Mr. Frank]

Greg came upstage once again.

"Thank you all for coming today. Unfortunately we will have to postpone the rest of the matches today. It will take some time to repair the barrier and the arena. Please look forward to the fights coming tomorrow." [Greg]

"...Class is over, everyone is dismissed." [Mr. Frank]

The students began to empty the gym, but Felix was stopped at the door.

"Remember, don't go too far next time." [Mr. Frank]

"...I know." [Felix]

Adam and Tiffany waited for Felix to finish his conversation with Mr. Frank.

"Alright guys, let's go home. We have a fight tomorrow too." [Felix]

"..." [Tiffany]

She tugged on Adam's shirt as if she was trying to say something.

"...Hey Felix, how about we go out somewhere to eat first." [Adam]

"...That sounds nice, Tiffany, you ok with it too?" [Felix]

Tiffany, still clinging onto Adam's sleeve, nodded. Adam's face became a bit flushed.

("This isn't too bad. This is actually pretty great…") [Adam]

"...Alright then, I want some ramen." [Felix]

"No problem with that." [Adam]

As always thanks for reading guys. I can't believe I made it to 2k views! Next chapter has some more combat, but soon I'll add some chill moments. I hope you guys continue reading and maybe power stone me :D.

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