Kim Seungmin and Hwang Hyunjin is the definition of perfect relationship. Nobody can ruin their perfect relation ship for the whole 2 years, not until one of their ex came back and tried to ruin it.
Never wanted anything as much as you
Never crossed my mind that I could ever lose
I had this picture in my head
Of all the promises you've made
But you turned them into dust
Empty-handed, now I'm lost
I know I gotta let go
With no regrets, you're already gone
The closer I got, the more I lost
My soul, it was slowly fading
I'm like the autumn leaves, don't know which way I'm blowing
But it don't matter if it's raining or it's snowing
Afraid to let you go
But in my heart, I know
Got to move on, I think it's time
It's all good now
Stray Kids - Levanter(바람)
Just a little warning.
You can encounter some curses and some scene that maybe not suitable for you but no BS. I'm still minor but not that minor.
That's it. I hope you can enjoy my story. Love y'all.
And sorry about the errors that you can encounter. And sorry if I have wrong grammars because English is not my mother tongue and I'm not professional or good at it. I just want to try writing English story, I just to explore more and get out of my comfort zone so yeah. Hope y'all will like my story. Enjoy reading.