
Leuko - Blind to the Sunlight

If the artist recognises his art on the cover and wants to take it down, feel free to ask and I will proceed to remove it. “Leukophobia. The fear of the color white, the hue of nothing. On the Sanctuary, we kneel to its grace. It was the embrace of our god, the shape of his benevolence! The Emperor of the Desolate! Our savior, our sun, our god, our radiant sky! He shielded us, miserable from the Broken War! Guiding us into safety, leading us into wonder! Our joy was his, our life was his price. Until a boy was born beneath its glow Marking its first sin. He who was born without color. A child of white, as pure as his cry To be born in the white of emptiness, what an outrage! But this boy envied the vacant air He obeyed its absence. In his weakness, he wanted it void! He obsessed to become bare! In the end, he had it in his palm! AND HE HATED IT! In his selfishness, he took it all away. This is how he became the Bringer of Eclipse. The one, who took out our Sun! Survival marked his second sins” She finally closed her book, just to see her cute little kids trembling under their blankets. “Mom…will this pokemon also take you away from us?” She smiled as she gave a kiss on their forehead. “Of course, he will always try to take you, me, and everyone to satisfy his greed. Now you understand why we must leave?” Her children slowly nodded, still terrified under their blanket. “Good, now slept well, or the Bringer of Eclipse will eat you alive.” She said while closing the light beside her children's bed. She slowly left the room, even when her children still trembled in fear. But she wasn’t the only one to leave, as someone who was looking in their window also started to leave while a small figure in his hand ‘I want this…affection…’

NStar · Video Games
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27 Chs

Chapter 4: I'm an abomination

The skeleton surrounded me once again in the sea of blood, still trying their fruitless effort to take away my eyes before they were reduced to dust. But there was also nothing I could do, so I simply lay there waiting for the darkness to arrive.

But suddenly, the skeleton started to smell very sweet, to the point I stood up to look at them.

But by doing so, the darkness immediately covered my vision.

Oh, I'm awake.

"Good morning, Luciel, I prepared you a breakfast." A gentle voice reached my air, and right in front of it was the delicious smell that I noticed in my nightmare.

I connected my vision with Pandora, allowing me to see Nurse Joy with a plate of multiple cut berries in one hand, and a basket of...

"Poképuff!" I exclaimed in joy as I tried to reach the basket, but I couldn't reach them.

Oh, Pandora must be near her, what is he...


To my dismay, Pandora was currently swallowing a poképuff, without me!


"Kyu?" He stopped to look at me in surprise.

"Why didn't you wait for me?"

"Kyu!" Realising his mistake, he removed the food from his mouth and put it back onto its designated plate. He wanted to look innocent, but I could clearly see that there was still some treat missing.

I wanted to berate him more, but I was distracted by a gentle chuckle.

I looked at Nurse Joy who seemed very amused about the situation. "Please don't mind me, I just find your interaction very cute."


"So Luciel, did you sleep well?" She asked as she raised a table on the bed to drop the breakfast. Pandora took this as a signal to continue his meal and immediately took back his poképuff.

"I never slept better than that! It must be because of the bed!"

"I'm happy to hear that."

Why would me, sleeping well, make her happy?

I tried to look at her to find my answer, but nothing in her gaze betrayed her intention, not even a slight trace of pride. I could detect some concern, however.

"Are you not hungry?"

Her voice took me back to reality as I gazed back at the breakfast she made me.

Once again, I verified that she really had no plan to eat this food before taking a fork and delicately took a piece of the berries bowl while making sure my elbow didn't touch the table and that my head was low.

Barely a second after, I already took my first bite.

The berry was obviously fresher and juicer than what I usually eat, but this one even had a more...sweet taste.

I looked for a napkin and cleaned my mouth with before inspecting the bowl.

This allowed me to notice a golden liquid covering the fruit, the liquid also seemed very sticky. I took my fork to collect some of it a bring it to my tongue, and as expected, it was sweet.

"What is this?"

"Oh, that honey, a sweet produced by a Combee. Its honey is said to be very healthy and can be used to help some mild sickness."

Oh, so that's why it's so tasty, do I really deserve something so tasty? It also seems very expensive, how would they want me to repay it?

Do they want my knowledge like Cynthia? No, it cannot be this expensive.

"I also have a question if you don't mind?"

Is it really knowledge they want? "Yes, you can ask anything."

"Sorry for assuming, but I was under the impression that you were living in a very poor environment." I nodded to this deduction, but she wasn't finished. "Yet I can see that your table manners are extremely refined, in fact, I could almost mistake you for a child from the Kalos aristocrat. So that's why I'm curious how such a combination is possible?"

"My father."


I'm sure she didn't understand what I meant by that, but I was currently hungry, so I ate. I'm sure my answer can wait...pff


Mmmh? What does Pandora want? Does he want my poképuff...I guess I can give it to him.

But instead of asking me anything, he simply moved so I could have a better focus on her. This way, I could see the look of shock and...concern. Yes, it was a look of concern!

But why does she give me this look again? It is only supposed to be used when she feels bad for me, isn't it?

Then why is she concerned?

"Is there anything wrong Nurse Joy?"

"Are...are you angry against your father? Did he do anything to you? If he did, you can speak about it to me."

Why does everybody assume I feel angry at him!? I'm not allowed to feel angry, so of course I'm not!

"Luciel, I know you don't, but you can trust me. Just ask me for anything, and I will help you acquire it."

Anything, but there is nothing I...oh right.

"Can I join the Zenith Academy?" That's what Cynthia recommended me right?

I expected a response, but only silence followed.

The eye of Nurse Joy lets go of the concern, and only shock stays.

Oh no...did I ask for too much? Am I too much unworthy to even consider joining this academy? Will she take my bed? My poképuff! Or maybe she will hit me, throw me outside, and...

"When did you learn about the academy?"

"Eh, oh it was last night."

"And who told you that?"

I kept my mouth shut, I prefer that she get angry at me than Cynthia.

"...alright, you don't have to answer me, but can you at least tell me the reason why you want to join it?"

"Because...because I was told it was the best way to get what I want."

I could see a slight glim inside Joy's eye and immediately started to relax. "Oh, and what is your dream then? Becoming the strongest? Becoming popular? Being loved by all? Making more friends? Because the Academy could indeed help you realize your dream!"

"Eh, but Pandora only wants me to live better."

"Live better? So you want to live in luxury?"

"Eh, euh?" I looked at Pandora for confirmation, and he simply nodded with his fake head. "Yes."

"Alright, that's a good dream, as you don't have to join the Zenith Academy to fulfill it."


"Indeed, you may not know that Luciel, but people who are able to build a bond as deep as you and Pandora are very few, and at your age, it can only mean you are talented with taking care of pokemon. Currently, this a profession highly with a lot of demand, and not a lot of offers. This means you can easily earn enough money to live a wealthy lifestyle."

Really? But...am I really talented for something? And even if I am, it being a living horror, not taking care of pokemon.

"Wait, I'm going too fast, before thinking about it, we should first think of your education, I'm sure that someone with your talent could easily get enrolled in any academy. Evidently, it won't be at the same level as the new Zenith Academy, but at least it won't be dangerous!"

"Dangerous? What do you mean?"

Nurse Joy looked a little sad when I asked this question, but she was still keeping her smile. "Well you see Luciel, to join the Zenith Academy, you first need to pass the entrance exam, and it will be extremely dangerous. And the worst in it is that only talented children are sent to this exam, children that trained specifically for the occasion, and I still expect a lot of them to get hurt."

Her eyes filled with pity as she spoke. 'That's why I'm so worried about you taking this exam. Even children in perfect health face risks, and you've only just begun your treatment. In your case, the danger is much more serious. "So please Luciel, reconsider your choice." She asked me in an almost pleading tone.


I don't know. It's true that I only want to live in luxury so Pandora can be happy, but there's no need for me to participate in this dangerous exam. Even if I do take it, what are the chances of me succeeding?

...but Cynthia trusted me to join her at the top.

But Nurse Joy ordered me to stay.

But Cynthia was kind to me.

But Nurse Joy healed me.

...I...I don't know.

"Pandora, what should I choose?" Right, it isn't my decision to make, it's for Pandora that I'm doing this

Pandora looked back at me before thinking for a short moment. "Mi kyu!"

"He said that we can do both."

"Eh? Pandora said that?" She looked confused.

"Yes, he said that if I fail the exam, I can just try to join another academy after.

She shook her head. "But that's still dangerous, you could get seriously hurt by...

"If it's just pain, then there is no problem."

She just fixed me, she seemed to want to say something, but each time she try, she immediately stopped.

"Even if I die, it only means there won't be any more pain anymore. I win in both cases."

"Can...can you really call these victory?"

Hmm, what an odd question, of course I can.

I think she realized my answer before I could say it because looked at the roof instead of me.

"The motto of the academy is to always reach the top...well it going to be." She murmured before looking at me once more with moist eyes. "Do you really think you want to be under these expectations...I swear I will do all my effort to help you other way, you don't have to do this."

...so If I don't join, I will be a burden...a burden to the person that was kind to me...

"I will join the Zénith academy."

After I finished, she almost looked like she died on the spot, but she still regained her vitality to say her next sentence, even if they were said at a very low volume. "If...If that's what you desire..."

She looks sadder than before...I can't even last one day without making someone cry.

"Well if you want to participate that much, then you must follow certain rules!"

She raised her five fingers.

"First, you must not go beyond what you're able to do.

Second, your health comes before your success at the exam

Third, you must not listen to what Volo will tell you, even if he seems sweet to you now, he's rotten to the core.

Fourth, trust your pokemon, he will always keep you safe.

And fifthly, try to not approach other kids please, you might scare them."

"Yes! Thank you Miss Joy."

I stood up from the bed and hugged her.

Oh... it's comfy...even better than the bed...and warmer too.



What has gone through my brain? She's not Pandora! I can't just hug people because I feel happiness!

Maybe she doesn't mind...

I looked up just to see her eyes shed tears.

Oh no!

"I'm sorry! I didn't want to disgust you!"

She looked at me shocked, but then she closed her eyes and smiled.

But this smile wasn't the same as those before, this one looked more...honest?

Is she actually happy that I hugged her? No, I must not have understood.

"I'm happy that you trust me enough to hug me Luciel...I'm truly happy."

She wiped the tear from her eye, letting only her pristine smile shine.

...and weirdly...it also made me happy.


Danu was previously known as one of the islands with the biggest mountain just behind Shinno, the mountain was so big that its top was hidden by the cloud. It presence could easily be seen from any point of Danu, no matter the zone.

However, almost nothing lived here, as despite being immense, it offered no benefit for life to flourish, its rock lacked nutriment for the ground pokemon, it lacked any perch to rest on, which discouraged any flying type, and there was no life to torment for the ghost type.

It's easy to say that this mountain could not contain any life, yet, after millenary of solitude, humans started to populate it. They started by craving its skin and building immense stairs leading right to the top.

And it was in the middle of them that an immense platform was built. Even if it was more just to call it an immense hotel hall that offered all kinds of service. It's so big that it could easily accommodate the 3468 people it currently contains with more space to spare.

Each of these person were either children, happy or confident to succeed in the exam, or they were parents waiting for their child's success. They jocked between themself while hoping for the other downfall. What is sure, is that each single of them couldn't even imagine their own failure...

Except maybe one.


A young girl with cascading blond hair, with a yellow shirt covering her grey jean. On her head rested a straw hat, and on the straw hat, resided a caterpie.

'I was happy when Doctor Oak gave me the chance to go to a prestigious academy, but I didn't know it would be that prestigious!'

'Everyone surrounding me was wearing a dress so expensive they could probably buy our house with no problem!'

'Did I take the wrong plane? It must be the only explanation!'

She looked down at her dress with an air of regret.

'Uncle gifted me this as a gift for joining the academy...

...but how am I supposed to succeed when I can't even get close to them without suffocating them with the stench of my poverty?'

'I can't even find a seat to sit down, because every time I approached a table, they acted like I should pay them for hurting their eye.'

'My parent couldn't come because the price of the plane was too expensive for both of us, so I'm all alone...and they didn't even buy a return ticket...'

What in the world am I supposed to do?! I'm doom!

"Caterpie?" I sensed a snuggle on my neck, so I looked at my side.

"Ah, I'm fine Kitty." She took her pokemon in her arm and started to pet it.

"Hrm hrm." She looked back in surprise just to see a purple-haired youngster looking at me with a judgemental eye. He was wearing a completely purple suit that would certainly cost millions.

"Eh...hello...my name is Yellow...nice to meet you."

"The pleasure isn't shared, as for my name, it would be a waste of air to tell it to you."

'Oh no! I knew it would happen!'

"I'm...I'm sorry..."

"You better be, your presence is an eyesore."

"Ah...then it would be better for me to leave."

"At least you are able to preserve my breath, now get out."

But you are the one... never mind...it's not worth it...I shouldn't have come here...I should just find the door and leave before I make a mistake,

"An instant, the pokemon on your shoulder, wouldn't it be a caterpie?"

"Ah, yes it is. Her name is...

"You gave a name to such a weak pokemon? How pathetic."

I...he's right...

"I can't believe you had the gut to show yourself here with such a weak pokemon, I would have understood if you said you would use it as food for your other pokemon, but...

He looked down at her belt with a cold gaze, easily noticing that it was empty.

"But clearly you're too stupid to realize it."

"...he's my friend..."

He looked at me with horror. "Friend? This a pokemon! You cannot be friends with a pokemon, they are weapons!"

'I know...but this one is my friend.'

'Of course, I didn't dare to tell him that, he would just get angrier and I already perceived a lot of gaze on us, and the majority weren't favorable toward me.'

"You know what, you should leave right now, out of this exam, your presence only ruins it. This academy is supposed to only accept the best of the best! So clearly someone like you can't stand a..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the main door opened, causing everyone to stop talking and look toward it.

A bunch of knights entered the place first with their white armor and their logo being drawn on their chests. All of them were waving their grey flag of Unova high in the air.

A knight then put himself in the middle.

"Oye oye! Make place for it majesty Natural Harmonia Gropius of Unova!"

Soon, the main corpse entered, it was led by a tall man wearing a white dress that was covered by a tunic that was purple with the design of a golden eye on one side, and the inverse on the other. He looked old, but his hair still was in a graceful green that cascaded inside his golden collar with blue gems.

He looked very impressive and stood even taller than the guard surrounding him, yet, he was still overshadowed by the simple kid in front of him.

Contrary to the pompous cloth of the elder, this kid was wearing a very simple white shirt with orange trousers and very long green hair. Yet, he was the one who took all of the intentions of the public.

All the members inside the platform could not help but be mesmerized by its presence, some even stood up and tried to approach him.

'This being was so perfect, so graceful...I need to follow him...I need to follow the k...'

*Toot* *Toot!*

Two of the knight raised their trumpet and used it, the sound allowed everyone to come back to their sense.

Those who stood up were looking quite embarrassed as they sat down, but if the king cared, he didn't show it.

The audience also seemed to understand that as they all took a breath of relief.

'Is that what a king is? Even when he's so young he can still be charismatic...I want to follow him...I want him to'

'Ah! Calm down Yellow! Your mind is corrupting you!'

'I shouldn't look at him, just looking at him draw me in!'

'I really don't deserve to be near such important people, even the law of the world acts so.'

But suddenly, the elder stopped walking and looked back with a serious gaze. A guard almost hit him by accident, but he was able to stop himself before the dram.

The guard also stopped and they looked at him weirdly. "Is there a problem great sage?"

The king also looked behind him, but his face betrayed no emotion.

"There is someone approaching." The great sage responded coldly to the guard.

'Someone approaching? Was there a deal as someone couldn't walk the march behind them? Maybe it is a normal procedure for a king?'

'I'm happy that I didn't commit such a mistake when I entered, my situation is already bad enough.'

'Feel bad for that person thought.'

'I looked at the stairs to see who would suffer for his ignorance, maybe I could comfort him with a sweet after this...if they let him go.'

Yellow looked at the stairs, but to her surprise, she found no one.

'Strange...maybe he's starting to get old. There really nothing th...'


Yellow fell down on the ground, almost hitting her head against a table. But despite that, she still looked at the entrance where a strange thing appeared

'What is that? I only blinked my eye and it suddenly appeared at the top of the platform!'

'It looks like a weirdly made doll of a pikachu, but it couldn't be because I swear in my eye that he wasn't there one second before.'

'Is it a pokemon!? A ghost-type pokemon perhaps?

'...but do look kinda cute.'

"What is this pokemon, is it even one?" The elder asked while facing the plush. He looked at it warily, yet he didn't seem scared.

"It is indeed a pokemon." A melodic voice reasoned right behind him, it was coming from the king.

"Then can you control it?"

"I do not control them, they simply help me." The king simply looked at the pokemon, who didn't even seem to care about its gaze.

"But no, I can't."

"Then it's dangerous, guard!"

The guard immediately broke their formation and placed themselves in front of the king, ready to protect him.

As for the pokemon, he suddenly pulsed everywhere inside his costume, until he started to expand.

"What is this abomination!"



That was the only thing anyone could hear before turned silent and their individuality died.

And regardless of whether they were young or old, rich or poor, strong or weak... One thing was clear, each and every one of them were all now...



Even the sky seemed to testify to the silence as nothing moved anymore. The wind stayed still as if moving would make absorbed, and the cry of pokemon stopped as if the slight sound would get them devoured.


And they stopped breathing because any movement would get them killed.


Or maybe they were already dying and my mind is simply slowing me time to observe...the abomination, to look at the existence that is a sin against reality, one last time the shun him.


There was only one exception in this world of nothingness, a simple sound.


The sound of blood dripping on the floor.



*Bam* *Drip*

*Drip* *Bam*

Soon, another melody played to accompany it...

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam*

...the sound of people falling.



Yet, the blood being spilled reasoned more.

"I'm sorry..."

The abomination spoke.

"I'm so sorry for that."

His voice was low, it was weak, pitiful even. Yet, it scared me, his voice contained to harm, no pain, nor malice. Yet I only heard it dread.


"But he doesn't like to be called an abomination."

The guard who called him looked at an amalgamation of darkness pressed right into his head.

But it wasn't his blood that was dropped.

It was a small hand, as pale as a corpse that soaked the ground in crimson.

The abomination looked like a child with white hair, he wore a white kimono that I would've praised on a normal occasion for its patchwork. He also wears a blindfold covering his eyes.

He looked normal, yet simply standing near him, made people hear death talking on their shoulders.

And it begged them to save themself.

The kid appeared out of nowhere as the pokemon was inflating, he simply left from under the rag, as if nothing happened. Yet, he did it so fast that no one noticed him until the pokemon try to shoot a tendril of darkness right at the guard's face

Then...it was a moment when a tendril of darkness shot toward the guard


And was stopped by the abomination with his hand.


The guard finally fell, losing all the force in his muscles.

Yet the darkness did not move.

"It alright Pandora."


"Spilling my blood isn't a sin."

The pokemon started to take back its darkness, revealing the gaping hole in the middle of his hand.

"Luciel Solarium."

Just behind the guard's body, stood the sage of Unova, who seemed unconcerned about what was going on. He simply approached the monster without any hesitation and stood right in front of the kid.

"I think it's the first time I see you standing."

The same was true for the king of Unova, who looked at the scene with curiosity.

"But I suppose now you have a higher status than me."

The sage bowed toward the monster as if it were normal.

"I, Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius, greet the King of sorrow, the tyrant of mind, the False Sun and...

The king of Danu."