
Chapter 3

When we pulled up to the school, Emily again reassured me that everything will be fine and that she will be with me every step of the way. Linking our hands together we made our way into those big double doors.

"Hey Em!" someone called out, as they came up to us.

"Hey Liz" greeted Emily, when the girl finally stopped in front of us, Emily unlinked our hands to give her a hug, pulling away she said;

"Liz this is my best friend Ellie" she gestured to me.

"And Ellie this is my good friend Liz," she said as she introduced us.

"Hi" I greeted her as I offer her my hand to shake.

"Just your good friend, I am so offended" she scoffed out both sarcastically and dramatically.

With a light laugh, I gave her my hand for a handshake and said that it's nice to meet her.

"Same here" she replied with a smile as she shook my hand.

"So, What class do you guys have first?" she asked as the three of us made our way to our lockers, which surprisingly were not that far away.

"English," we said in unison, as we opened our lockers.

Liz, Emily, and I made small talk as we waited for the bell to ring for the first period. And to my surprise we had a lot in common, Liz felt and much-needed inclusion to our friendship.

We were all laughing at a funny story Liz was telling when;

"Hello, ladies!" exclaimed some guy as he laid his arms on both Liz and Emily's shoulders.

I didn't recognize him when he noticed me he asked;

"And who are you gorgeous?' with a sly wink.

Emily elbowed him in the ribs as she said,

"This is my best friend Liz"

"Liz this is Thomas the great Idiot" she sighed dramatically.

"Oi, you know you love me Emmy baby" he retorted as he gave her a sly smile and wink.

I gave him a friendly wave and smile as I said hello.

Two other boys came up to us and greeted the rest of the group.

"Guys this is my best friend Ellie," she said;

"Ellie this is Xavier and Josh" she introduced as she gestured to the two strangers.

With a bright smile, I gave them both a wave.

"Thomas! stop picking me" exclaimed Liz as she stopped Thomas from poking her in her belly.

"Ohh!, Come on, you know you love me" he retorted as he dramatically threw his arms around her.

The pair continued to argue and cause the rest of us to laugh at them. Feeling eyes on my I look to the side of me and I notice the dark brown eyes of Xavier watching me while wearing a small soft smile.

When he noticed I was looking at him, he gave me a wink which caused me to look away from him while a blush rose to my cheeks.

Timidly I look up to see if he was still looking at me and he was, my face got redder than I thought possible.

Thankfully the bell rang and we all had to head to class, Josh, Xavier, and Liz had History while Myself, Emily, and Thomas had English.

Making plans to meet up during break we all made our way to our respective classes. While the three of us made our way to English class I had this strange urge to turn around, so I did, and I saw Xavier looking at me with a smile, he gave me a wave before he turned around and headed towards his class.

Turning around, Liz, Thomas, and I made our way to class. Honestly, I think I might fit right in with this group of friends that is if they will have me. They all seem to be so humble and nice.

Thomas was so funny, by the time we reached our classroom I had tears running down my face because of how much he made me laugh.

At a sudden stop, in front of was the confrontation I was dreading all Morning. There was Mikeal at his usual desk in the front with his all too friendly, friend Abigail.

Thomas bumping into my back is what snapped me out of my shock.

By the look on Thomas' face, he was about to say something about me wanting to be close to him. Until he saw the look of pure panic on my face and his entire demeanor changed.

"Hey, you ok?" he asked,

"Yeah, I'm Good" I replied, as I swallowed the fear and, as confidently as I can, made my way t the empty desk at the back.

At the corner of my eye, I can see that Mikeal noticed that I had made it to class and was looking at me in confusion as sat down in my seat.

Thomas and Liz quickly followed my lead and took the empty seats at my sides.

Thomas looked between me and Mikeal in confusion as I refused to make eye contact with him.

"So, is anyone going to tell me what's going, because no offense, but, don't you always sit with Mikeal and his pose?" he asked as he looked at both Liz and me.

Liz and I continued to ignore him and starting to idle ourselves with meaningless things.

"Fine, don't tell, I'll just go ask him then," he said as he rose from his seat.

"Ok" we said as we both forced him back into his seat.

Before we can tell him anything our teacher walked in and he made us swear that we will tell him after class.

All throughout class I could feel the glaring eyes of Mikeal making a hole in the side of my face as he glances at me any chance he gets and tries, to make contact with my eyes.

This interaction did not go unnoticed by Thomas as he grew more suspicious and restless as the class went on.

The class couldn't have gone any faster, the minute the bell rang Thomas grabbed both our hands and pulled us to a private corridor.

"Well, Spill," he said as he crossed his arms and glared down at us.