
Letters to the Stars #2

Zeke Orion,

I want you to know that life is really not that bad. I may have a foul-mouthed mother, but I have friends who are my source of strength.

The best friendship is the one you least expect. To be honest, after I was backstabbed by my ex-friend, I had my doubts.

Maybe I am the problem. I don't deserve to have friends. Everyone will cheat on me.

I had a really hard time trusting people. But my friends, removed all those doubts. They helped me overcome the demons I'm fighting.

Whenever we are together, we laugh. We forget our problems at home, even just for a moment.

We all have problems and battles to overcome, but when we're together we forget it and enjoy the moment.

I remembered one funny moment we shared.

We visited one of my friend's house—which is our house also because we loved staying there. It is outside the city to get there we need to ride a jeepney. One time, it is already dark when we decided to go home. So, it is really dim inside the jeepney, so one of my friends find it hard to count her money, being the most playful I grabbed my phone and turned on my flashlight which my other friends followed. We laughed loudly inside the jeepney not minding the other passengers who are looking at us.

For me, they are for keeps. This is the kind of friendship that I should treasure and nurture.

Zeke, I hope that you also find this kind of friendship. It's not toxic. Find friends that helps you grow and be better. Stay away from people that is controlling and selfish, you don't need it.

You deserve a friendship that will motivate you to do better. A friendship that will help you explore outside your comfort zone.

Zeke, don't be afraid going out of your comfort zone. Life should be full of adventures and challenges. Don't be afraid of trying new things.

When I met you Zeke, I know that you're daredevil—my daredevil. Explore and conquer the world.

"Do one thing every day that scares you."

—Eleanor Roosevelt

Love, Ashia Elio.

Saturday, July 25, 2020