
Letters To My Ex

I always had the words stuck in my throat, choking me and begging me to let them loose but I never did. I've finally gained the courage to let them out and so here I am, pen and paper in hand with my whole heart to write out.

Jini_thewriter · Teen
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4 Chs


Wednesday 15th July, 2020,

Dear Liam,

A lot has changed since we last saw each other. The way I say it now makes it seem like we ended on good terms, but its quite the opposite.

As you always liked to say, the past is the past and ater you left me crying like a leaking tap, it took me days before I got my ass out of bed and decided that I was more than that.

I always remembered how we would always argue about my dressing, so the first thing I did was to burn all my clothes and go shopping for new ones. In case you don't remember, I used to be the conservative type, the big shirts and jeans type. Now I'm the maxi mini skirts with a hooded crop top and heels.

I did a real 180. I guess you could say the heartbreak changed me. To be honest, it did not only change my dressing style but also my career. After shopping I decided to post pictures of myself in the clothes I bought on Instagram and within two weeks I was gaining lots of followers.

This led to me getting lots of sponsorship, and because I was making so much money from it, I decided to quit my crappy job at the tech firm and lead the glamorous life of a Social media influencer.

I thought to myself, 'why stop the changes there, when you can even go bigger?' So I decided to go bigger and we all know that bigger is better.

Heavens I just read that out loud to myself and it sounded like I wanted to get a boob job. Though I did consider it, I still didn't do it. Instead, I changed my hair from blonde curls to a straight platinum blonde shoulder length.

According to a lot of my fans, it did wonders to my brown eyes.

I moved out of the apartment we rented together, but I bet you already know that since you would have received the mail informing you of the termination of contract. I bought a duplex and got a cat and a dog.

I also decided to start wearing makeup and not the lipstick and eyeliner that I used to claim was makeup. I wear the real deal now, though my first few attempts ended quite terribly, but now I can proudly say that I am a professional makeup applier, if there's a word like that.

I decided to drop my cute glasses that you got me for our four years anniversary and opted for contacts. I also decided to buy lenses in different colours so that I look different every once in a while.

To sum it all up, I guess you could say that I'm not where you left me at all.

Yours Sincerely,
