
Letters of Compunction

IN THE COVER IK THEY LOOK TWELVE THEY ARE 16 HELP Easter, a prince trapped inside his room, his mother's lapdog, has many faces. He doesn't need to close his eyes when plunging a knife in somebody's chest, or ripping off someone's fingers, one by one. But, as secrets pile up like pebbles in a jar, they are bound to spill at some point. And, those pebbles slowly spill, suffocating him and tearing at his identity and morality. (Easter's not the only mc but eh) Prequal: The Study Room

Rosewater15 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Chapter 4

Easter sighed, repeatedly slamming his head against the wall. The puppet entered the room, handing him satin white gloves. His coat was stiff, his pants and shoes uncomfortable. Today was the Good Friday ball and feast that he would rather not go to.

"Please avoid getting brain damage before the ball," the puppet said.

"I hope I faint and fall into a coma for a year as an concomitant," Easter replied, putting on his gloves. He combed the hair he had messed up, heading towards the door.

This time the door opened when he turned the knob. The puppet followed him silently, as they headed into the hallway. The light outside was almost to sunset, when the ball would begin. The ballroom was on the other side of Easter's annex, and by the time he arrived, the ball would've started.

"What's your conjecture on the events that will happen today?" Easter asked the puppet.

"I don't know. Most likely chaos."

"Most likely."

Their shoes make hollow sounds on the white marble floor. Easter looked down at the garden. They had changed the flowers, from an assortment of brightly colored roses into silver Easter lilies and daffodils. There were small lights planted in the garden like fireflies. Easter remembered the firefly gardens last year. Last year, he had walked by them alone, plucking one of the lilies idly while staring at the moon.

Easter was named after the flower; He was the kingdom's flower, a simple decoration for the Royal Family to sit and act pretty beside the crowned prince.

"Your Highness," Easter spun around. A girl stood behind him, holding her dress out and bowing to him.

"Speak," he said coldy, staring at her with his red eyes. She looked familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Ah- I merely wanted to give you this flower." She held out a red tulip. His eyes narrowed. "This flower... it matches your eyes."

Although red tulips may mean love, they could also mean distain and hate.

He accepted the flower cautiously. "What is your name?" he asked.

"Lady Meril of the Tarnin house," the girl replied. Easter tried not to look at her in consternation. Tarnin... was Elias's surname. He doubted it was a coincidence.

"This flower can be construed in many ways," he said, putting the flower up to his lips. "Which way do you mean?" She smiled, nodding, but not answering. "Hmm, so you wish not to say."

"When will Your Highness arrive at the ball?" Meril asked.

"I'm heading there right now, can you see?" Easter replied. She bowed again.

"Then, good day, Your Highness."

"Yes. Good day." He sighed, walking away. The puppet had disappeared, probably to hide in the shadows and observe from afar. Easter plucked the petals off the flower angrily, imagining that they were his problems. What is the Tarnin family thinking now? Are they getting desperate?

He greeted the King and Queen, then Osiris. The tulip he had picked at had long been reduced to a stem, it's petals making a trail on the marble floor. Osiris smiled at him.

"You look well, Brother." Easter nodded quietly.

This time, Easter entered beside Osiris at the ball. It felt strange, but strangely comforting. Osiris was the prince everybody wanted to be on good terms with, but Easter was the prince nobody dared to offend, unless they dreamed of a greater downfall for themselves. The cold and nervous looks coming his way were amusing, the nobles flapping their fans out and trying to stand straighter.

Once again, Meril approached him. "Good day, Your Highness." Her fan covered her mouth when she spoke, masking her expression. He turned towards her.

"What business do you have with me?" he asked coldly.

"Oh? I simply wanted to greet Your Highness on such a festive day. You seemed to like the tulip I gave you. You were quite fond of it's petals." Easter narrowed his eyes. He wanted this girl to go away. He didn't want to deal with politics now, although it was probably inevitable. He wished to go hit his head really hard right now on the wall.

"I wish to connive that encounter a few minutes ago, Your Highness"

"And yet you still speak of it. Where is your coterie of gossiping ladies today?"

"Ah, they do not wish to associate with me."

"How unfortunate." Easter hid his mouth behind his wine glass, in a fakely genuine pity. Meril nodded.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness." Easter was bored of this conversation, but Meril seemed to be wanting to press on. "My whole family is unable to rest these days, because my poor brother was falsely accused." Catious eyes starting watching them. The second prince and sister of a supposed murderer attracted much attention.

Meril was trying to press Easter, to figure out what side he was on.

"How unfortunate," Easter replied, uninterested.

"Truly. My poor brother is getting glares from people that don't even know the situation well." 'Please leave me alone,' Easter thought.

"Well, it seems you don't care for him either," Easter replied. "Seeming how you throw his name around so carelessly just because you think it'll get you some attention."

"W-what??" she exclaimed. Perhaps Easter should cut his brother some slack. The nobles hid their mouths behind their hands, starting to murmur.

The general public is so easy to tame. Just keep feeding them, brainless dogs that will follow the person who gives them the most food. As long as you can kindle their cupidity for entertainment.

"How dare you say that to me? Do you know how decrepit my mother is because of this? You must be delirious!" She gasped, covering her mouth.

Easter spoke in a low voice. "Lady Meril, I have endured your ramblings long enough. Don't you think you should be trying to lessen your family's decadence? Offending a prince of the Royal Family is considered treason." He sighed, taking a sip of his wine. "Guards, I do not wish to see this lady again."

The Tarnin family was like a defunct candle, all burned out now. Only used to be thrown around. Easter turned around, glancing at the queen, who seemed to be enjoying the chaos. Osiris rolled his eyes at Easter, leaning on one of the decorated pillars.

"That family... who knew their children were so desultory?"

"To deride the Royal Family and murder, tsk, what did that Duke teach them?"

Easter tried to hold back his smile as he finished his wine.