IN THE COVER IK THEY LOOK TWELVE THEY ARE 16 HELP Easter, a prince trapped inside his room, his mother's lapdog, has many faces. He doesn't need to close his eyes when plunging a knife in somebody's chest, or ripping off someone's fingers, one by one. But, as secrets pile up like pebbles in a jar, they are bound to spill at some point. And, those pebbles slowly spill, suffocating him and tearing at his identity and morality. (Easter's not the only mc but eh) Prequal: The Study Room
Dear Osiris,
I am quite tired. I am glad your case has gone well, though. Its a shame Elias wasn't killed. I'm sure you already prepared quite an elegy to read at his funeral.
My case, on the other hand, hasn't been so... great. Unfortunately, Nico Sterin blew up the body when I arrived. He also ran away, I heard. I haven't seen any trace of him ever since, and it's been five days. Well, I guess it has only been five days. His family is worried.
At least I have the evidence still, and I can send Mother a report. Hopefully she closes the case, sending some knights to go search for him. (Maybe he'll turn up on his own?)
The mines the Marion family owned have been lacking as of late. How unfortunate. I guess after they won their trial, their small drop of luck ran out. I hope they do better in the future, if they don't want to turn into an evanescence house, only passing by before fading away for a brief while.
Elias... Do you really planning on using him as a servant? Sure, he's probably useful, but what about your reputation? Or mine? (Or Mother's)
By the way, I have unfortunately been assigned a fiancé. I suppose sixteen is a good age to get engaged, because most people are engaged when they're young, especially the royal family. You better find a suitable crowned princess soon, unless you want my child to become the next heir. After all, I was the original crowned prince, so I guess it doesn't really matter.
Of course, I would hate to become the king. Please take all of my problems and I will reap you of your glory.
I'm joking. I wouldn't want my pesky brother taking care of my kid. He can't even find himself a girl, or take care of one, much less a child. Maybe I'll get my child to overthrow you. (Or my wife.) You should keep your eyes peeled.
Speaking of children, I haven't seen the puppet. I wonder how he is doing.
Try not to ruin your reputation too much,