
Letters of Compunction

IN THE COVER IK THEY LOOK TWELVE THEY ARE 16 HELP Easter, a prince trapped inside his room, his mother's lapdog, has many faces. He doesn't need to close his eyes when plunging a knife in somebody's chest, or ripping off someone's fingers, one by one. But, as secrets pile up like pebbles in a jar, they are bound to spill at some point. And, those pebbles slowly spill, suffocating him and tearing at his identity and morality. (Easter's not the only mc but eh) Prequal: The Study Room

Rosewater15 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

A Letter from the Crowned Prince

Dear Easter,

Today, I am going to sneak into your room and give you this letter. I don't know why we don't just meet each other and talk like normal people. Perhaps because your social anxiety is so bad you can't physically speak to your superior amazing talented elder brother. Maybe if you disguise as another woman, it would soothe your nerves.

Anyway, what happened?? I feel like I have been roped into another one of you and Mother's shows. Please, Easter. I just want to rest. No more murder cases.

The lady I found, she is Laura Hawthorn, right? You babbled on and on in your previous letter about her family, although it was something I knew off the tip of my tongue. I heard she got into a scandal with another guy, Pyrian Demetree? Is Pyrian another Nico?? Why are all these murders about love quarrels? Easter, your shows have bad writing.

By the way, I just sat next to YOUR fiancé in YOUR carriage with YOUR future child. How was it with Mother? I know you guys were either speaking crap about me or murdering each other in the carriage. Perhaps having a heated battle of tongues.

Let me introduce to you your new child. It used to be Oliver Tarnin, but now its an Anonymity. Its actually quite behaved, which is unexpected, considering the Tarnin household reputation. (well... i guess its not really real... since we were the ones who ruined it...) Anyhow, I dressed up the Anonymity in something fancy today, and Lady Rose helped me. (she did most of the dressing up)

I felt like you are the kind of person where, if your cat died, you wouldn't want another one identical to the previous, but one that didn't remind you of your old cat as well. So I gave him a style opposite to the Puppet and the Runaway.

Lady Rose and your child are getting around quite nicely. Well, I guess it's technically her son. Oh my, how awful my brother is, getting his fiancé pregnant when both were only sixteen. What a monster.

Well, I'm going to go invade your privacy now,
