
Letter Of My Life

Poems that my fun and sleep-deprived brain could not get rid of. Warning, this will have crackhead energy in some, but most will hold a dark story/humor/meaning.

Raven_Flyer · Urban
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9 Chs

What is What?

Many questions plague our minds.

How? Who? Why? When?

But most of all in binds,

We seem to ask them.

How about those who can not hear?

Those that can not see?

The ones that are broken beyond repair?

People who can't happily be?

Who are the ones affected the most?

Family? Friends?

The ones who rarely can boast,

The person broke to no end.

Why me? Some cry out,

Why him and not her? Others say.

Some simply can't even shout.

Trained people hear this every day.

When will it be fixed?

When will it be over?

People can't help but be transfixed,

When a normal one becomes whats needs cover.

The simple questions

that receive, complex that hits the gut.

It's up for suggestions

What is What?