
Letter Of Battle

A Letter to the fallen, A memory of Horrors, and a ton of shit that makes no sense! Welcome to Letter of Battle

Katho_Mim · War
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Battle Of Lexington!! (One Shot)

Title: Letter Of Battle


Battle Of Lexington!! (One Shot)

Start Date: 08/07/2021


Dear Brethren Levin,

It is currently Year 1795, Month 4, Day 19th I just turned 35 years old 10 days ago. My nephew`s are quite energetic but it always reminds me why I fight you know…

It`s hard to believe that last time I saw you it was Year 1775, month 4,19th day…The fateful Lexington Battle.

Man it`s crazy how we were just 15 at the time and we had signed up to be minutemen. Oh, I remember how much we were both so hyped up to fight, and how foolish that was. Well, I hope you don`t mind buddy but I just wanna get a little nostalgic okay…

I remember it clear as day, we had received news of British troops approaching us. We went from hyped up on cloud nine to being scaredy cats that are afraid of jumping from a tree.

I know that we should be wise about battle but when I heard the British footsteps all I was thinking was a chance to be remembered as a legend. Honestly, I wouldn`t have went if I didn`t think that when we work together anything is possible. I realize now that I was being childish, and that the world is more cynical than I thought.

Thanks man, thanks for following me even though you knew it was dangerous. All I remember is that we went through the alleyways for a shortcut, and we saw it. We both saw something we`ll never be able to forget…The truth of real war…

When we got there, we both saw something indeed terrifying, all of the people we come to realize as comrades were there dead in their own pool of blood. I know my blood ran cold at the sight and as if a six-sense kicked in, I was able to save you from being stabbed by the British soldier. I got my gun ready, and eyes focused in as much as possible as I shot down the soldier.

And as if I shot an alarm, more soldiers started to close in on us and if we stood there, we would have fallen from a pincer attack. I mean not to be weird my Brethren, but yea I grabbed your hand as we ran into a back alleyway. The soldiers indeed followed us but at least we knew where we are, and they had no idea from left to right.

Oh, how I remember dumping water on them from balcony`s and throwing piled rocks at them. I guess my idea of well-placed traps was good after all. HA! And you said it was a waste of time. But as said we ran so fast and for so long. Next thing I knew, we ran right into another battlefield.

Oh, my goodness man, I was raging so badly screaming bloody murder and then you were so annoyed that you bitch slapped me. Just dang, I remember how we both hugged right then and there as we saw cannons launching and soldier shooting. But from behind us came the British soldiers and the good thing is that we already reloaded our gun.

We indeed had nice aim; I mean I would definitely clip it. As we made our shots, we charged in. Thanks god we practiced breathing styles because I was able to use thunder breathing 1st form thunderclap flash. Wait a sec this is 1700`s that hasn`t even came out yet. Well, all together we went Alexander the great on their asses cutting through them like butter as they went down one by one like dominoes.

Then to finish them off we charged a Ka-me-ha- wait a sec we`ll get copyrighted and were still centuries behind!! Fuck!! As the soldiers dropped dead, we joined back up with the main force to take out the rest of the invaders.

We both reloaded our guns as fast as possible and both sides got into a showdown. We intensely stared down the British as they looked down on us. Then as if everyone heard it, the single leaf dropped from the tree. Just like that both sides starting shooting at one another. Bullets flew and missed because yes guns from the 1700`s were totally bootyhole. That doesn`t mean they always miss their mark, and a part of the nightmare that is this battle we lost another comrade to the British. Another round after another began with shooting back-to-back but our side knew we couldn`t keep this up.

Once we didn`t have anymore bullets to spare, we made a dash towards the British. We caught them by surprise with our boldness and then we began to slaughter any soldier we can get our hands on. It was one heck of a blood bath and all I can remember was one of the soldiers screaming out Geronimo.

But why did you do it? At some point I passed out after hearing a gun shot. When I woke up 5 hours later, I asked where you were. No one would tell me. After searching the battlefield for you I found out why. WHY DID YOU DO IT!? YOU HAD MUCH MORE TO LIVE FOR DAMNIT!! SO…Why??

*Tears drop on Letter*

I found out that gun shot was about to hit me until you miraculously read the shots trajectory and saved me…But at the cost of your own life…

SO, why did you have to die…you had people waiting for you…But it`s ok…I`ll see you soon my friend…

From: Jerry

So, time goes by, and the man named Jerry passed on. To soon see his best friend…His brother…

THE END…or is it??

By: Kato Namikaze

IRL Name: Gerardo Dones Jr