
Lets fix the Tournament

When the Old Guy thought he won the prize, he got shocked into another universe and has to start all over. It begins at the start of the fourth year, we can and will use cliches, self-insert, Harry/Multi/Multi yes, he is finally going over the top. This is the second part of Let's fix the Multiverse. Again this is not mine all writing belongs to the author who wrote this fanfic Fvdv123

Jazper_Hemsath · Book&Literature
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11 Chs

In-laws, you get them when you marry…

"Girls, your main mission is to protect me from my in-laws, especially when they want to remove Little Harry." That got all the girls laughing.

Luna: "I'll bring a Snorcack, that will make my dad happy."

Hermione: "We take the trunks with us, Maybe Harry can hide in one. Don't forget love, you have an appointment with my parents too." Crap, that is a buzz killer. We apparated to the Hogwarts borders and walked in, during the walk, I was teasing the girls with wandless magic, pinching their butts.

They responded in kind, soon the boy versus girls escalated into girls pummeling the boy.

"I give up! You girls are the bests, the smartest, the most beautiful, and too bloody many to win against.

Try something else, instead of imagining a hand on that arm, imagine a wand at the end and do a Lumos with it." The girls stopped harassing me and concentrated on their Lumos. The youngest was first to succeed, they did not yet depend on their wands and baked-in habits. Soon the others followed.

"Hoggy? Where are the parents waiting for us?"

Hoggy: "The parents are waiting in the entrance hall Master Griffy"

"Good, we can impress them with our Lumos." We were laughing and joking around, moving the Lumos in all directions like a flashlight.

The parent watched us walk to the castle, their jaws dropped when they noticed the Lumos was without a wand, the girls were not even moving a hand or finger.

"Girls let us shock them, do a wandless message Patronus, say hi to the folks. I am going to scare the Weasley twins." Suddenly all kinds of glowing animals were speeding to the parents, from Luna's rabbit to an enormous elephant. My dragon soared through them to the Gryffindors' common room. It stopped at the twins and delivered the message.

"Junior marauders, give that idiot that was dating Katie a kick under his ass for me. Katie is one of us now. I hope she is the last one. Do you like my dragon?"

The twins were amazed by the dragon, not recognizing the breed, and living with a brother like Charley, you know them all.

At the entrance hall, the parents were flooded with Patronus', talking through each other, one by one they dissipated. Leaving a stunned group of parents to watch their children run to them and started hugging.

Madam Bones: "You didn't tell us you could do this wandless Lord Potter. What else are you hiding from us?"

"Ow! Madam Bones! Do you give all your secrets to someone you only met for a few days? Besides this was the second spell they tried. Tell me, we are awesome, no? Did you see the elephant? By the way who cast the elephant?" All the girls smiled, and Pansy raised her hand, indicating the elephant was hers. We looked smugly at the parents, the shock effect was great, now they will forget the classes we skipped.

Madam Bones: "The teachers were complaining that you are skipping classes and luring young girls astray." Or not…

Tonksie: "Madam Bones, all of us can do our Owls and Newts, with our eyes closed and still rake outstanding's in."

Hestia: "That is true Madam Bones, even Tonks and I know more now. That messenger Patronus used to be hard for me to cast, even with a wand, now it is easy without."

Mr. Delacour: "Fleur? Why are you not training for the tournament? You skipped days according to Maxime. How come do you look younger? Is it the bond you share with Lord Potter?"

Fleur: "Too many questions papa, Harry and I are married now, and his magic is fantastique! I learned more in these few days than in all my years in school." The other girls were happy to explain what they learned. Belladonna and Katie were standing aside with me, even Pansy's and Milly's parents were present.

"Everyone please, let us go up to Gryffindors' office, so we can talk this out, underway you can ask your daughters some questions, so I don't have to answer them all." We took the tourist route, with an interlude on the third floor, explaining Fluffy. I hope the goblins got him too.

Dobby already prepared the office, a lot of chairs and side tables with a variety of drinks. I took my seat behind my desk, I wanted to say I looked impressive… Nah it is just a kid playing grown-up.

Let us do the Lord thing: "Lords and Ladies, I am sorry that I did not contact you after we woke up, but there was so much to do, that it skipped my mind. I already have deposited the money I promised in your vaults, Just Katie Bell needs hers and her parents. As you know the claiming happened in the old ways, so there is no going back on it.

As for skipping classes, we developed a way, unique to us, to learn magic and wandless magic. So we are at the Newt level with our education. Are there any questions?"

Croaker: "Can we test it with a couple of questions?" We nodded, then the questions rained down on us, Runes, Arithmancy, Transfiguration, and charms were the major topic. The girls were happy to answer them, and discuss their answers if the parent disagreed with them. The questions were getting harder and more detailed, surpassing Newt level, the girls were still keeping up, Flora and Fauna were discussing runes with Croaker, Ginny explained Muggle studies to Mr. Weasley, Luna the characteristics of the crumpled horned Snorcack to her dad. After twenty minutes the parents were convinced.

Madam Bones: "Amazing, Susan and Hannah can graduate from the Auror academy this minute."

Mrs. Brown: "My Lavender can assist me in St Mungos as a healer, she is fully qualified, she knows every spell."

"We all do Mrs. Brown, we all have the same knowledge. And we are learning more and more each day."

Lord Greengrass: "What are your plans? I can say I am not happy if Astoria leaves the school so soon she is only thirteen years old, even when she aged to fifteen, it is too soon." A lot of parents agreed on this.

Mrs. Weasley: "How did you end up with so many wives Harry? Are you abusing your power?"

"Molly, I do not abuse anyone, they came to me, some out of necessity, others because of a contract, some I asked because I liked them. For your information, Ginny joined with the approval of the other girls without my knowledge, I know she loves me, and I love her.

As a matter of fact, I love them all, we are magically connected, they know how I feel about them, and I know how they feel about me."

That got some eyebrows raised.

Lord Lovegood: "Lord Potter, did you mind-link with so many girls? Do you realize the dangers of that?"

"Lord Lovegood, I do realize the dangers, I also realize the benefits, Luna said I can handle up to thirty, so twenty-three is within the limits. Being Lord Peverell helps too." Yep, we throw Peverell before the bus so it diverts him from the rest.

Lord Lovegood: "Are you saying you have all three?"

"Yes, it was the requirement for the title. It is a lot to do about nothing, really." The Q &A lasted for another hour. Most of the parents were just happy with the money, and the knowledge their daughter is well taken care of.

The soft drinks were slowly disappearing, with stronger ones taking their place, I just love Dobby! A half-hour later the house-elves came to collect the parents, the ones without elves were helped by the Potter elves. The only ones left standing were Madam Bones and Croaker.

"You have a spell to stay sober? I want to learn that! I never can hold my drinks."

Croaker: "Maybe it is because you are only fourteen?" ...Yes, let us go with that explanation.

Madam Bones: "What are your plans now?"

Hermione: "Now, we are working on manor trunks, there were five of them in Potter mansion, but the Potter elves had to sacrifice them, to prevent Dumbledore from draining the wards. We are now combining them into one."

Susan: "There was so much lost with those manor trunks auntie, we could only save a few animals, the house-elves have released some of them, those are now wandering on the estate, but a lot of trees, plants and herbs are lost."

Hannah: "Auntie, what Dumbledore did was unforgivable, we have a mansion trunk from Harry's Grandmother,+ that was stored in Gringotts, if the five were anything like them, then he destroyed an area the size of the forbidden forest. With the wildlife included."

Croaker: "You can reactivate a manor trunk? You know those are not normal trunks that are resized, do you?"

Peggy: "We know that they are pocket dimensions, and the trunk is just the portal to this world. We combined five into one because there were not enough magic plants and animals to sustain more trunks."

Astoria: "We linked the four others to the ley-line that runs below Potter mansion, that will sustain them until we can redo them too."

Padma: "We had to reduce the power links because Potter mansion is still recuperating from the drain."

"Our plan, for now, is to clean the wizarding world from the maniacs. It is going to be hard because Dumbledore trained the Slytherins into madmen, that love to rape, torture and kill anything that runs around on two legs. He trained the Gryffindors to run into any situation without thinking first.

He took the bad sides from the houses and amplified them, overshadowing the good qualities of the houses."

Daphne: "We want to stay here for a few years to study until we are seventeen, the youngest is fifteen years now, so another two years."

Parvati: "We are going to do our Owls soon and at the end of this school year a few Newts, so we can study for a mastery."

Cassandra: "I have a job at St Mungo's, I start next month. I will sleep here with everyone though."

Peggy: "I was looking for a job, maybe I start a store, I don't know yet."

Tonksie: "We are fifteen back again, we lost our jobs at the DMLE so we go back to school with Harry."

Madam Bones: "Your job will be waiting when you are seventeen years old."

After they left, we took a bath and went to bed. Little Harry was tired so we settled for hugs and cuddles. Tomorrow is Saturday so we could sleep in.

The next morning, we woke up with the youngest training their wandless magic... On me.

Little Harry got his first magic blow-job, a double-teamed even.

Daphne: "Harry, can you cast your Patronus, and try to recognize the breed?" I cast my Patronus, and everyone starts studying it. It was a Western model, meaning four legs and two wings.

"Thank Goat God, Game of Thrones is out, those bastards were crazy, but why was the Stranger in the prophecy? Or is he going to introduce a new breed there? Combine a few stories?"

Megan: "Do you recognize the breed?" I studied the Patronus, then it hit me, the clue was a blue egg.

"I have it, this is from the inheritance series, Eragon, the last dragon rider. Man, the bad guy is a nasty one. Come in, I will share the story, there was even a movie made of it but it kind of flopped, because the idiots didn't follow the books." After the story was shared, a lot of girls wanted to come along with me.

Luna: "Imagine Husband, sharing your mind with a dragon, an intelligent dragon."

"Luna, how on earth can I take you with me? I even don't know how to get there myself. And the magic there is different.

The ancients, Grays or whatever they are, linked the magic to the elves language, so you need to know the language if you want to do magic."

Peggy: "Not necessary Harry, if you go there, you bring your own magic with you. It will depend on how you are transported there."

Pansy: "You can reduce the manor trunks to the size of marbles. Put them in your mouth before you are transported, you can take us all along with you."

Hermione: "But if we all leave with him, can we come back? What happens when we all disappear? What are the chances this reality will split like the other one?"

Luna: "It will happen when he goes in Peverells vault. It will activate the Hallows."

Tracey: "Luna, are you certain of it, or making a calculated guess?" Luna smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

Luna: "It is a calculated feeling Tracey, just as I am feeling the split in the other universe, where Peggy and Fleur married Harry."

Fleur: "We can prepare for the worst outcome. We must make a list of things to be done, before entering the vault. Like, make a will."

Daphne: "A good idea, if we disappear, the money will go to the ministry. Maybe some of us want to stay here. For some of us, dragons are not that appealing."

Fauna: "We should look for a spell to learn a language or a translation spell."

Astoria: "What if he is gone? What about children? I want to stay here, but not if Harry is gone, and I even don't have a baby of him." That was something to think about.

Hermione: "Astoria, there is a method in the normal world, in vitro fertilization. They take an egg cell from you, and fertilize it with the sperm of a donor, Harry's, then implant it in your womb. They can even implant it in a surrogate mother if there are problems growing a baby inside you. We can take sperm from Harry and put a stasis charm on it, that keeps it fresh for years. One load can produce at least a dozen kids, used sparingly."

Tonksie: "We will collect several loads Hermione, I know I want some toddlers with Harry's genes."

Cassandra: "Now that I know how they do it, I can work a procedure out to do it magically. We never thought about it that way. Let us first collect some samples." The next hour, Little Harry was worked to the bones. There was a strange look in their eyes, I bet they saw baby Harry's instead of sperm.

"Alright, enough already, Little Harry needs to recuperate. Remember we have an appointment with Hermione's parents, and we need to go to Gringotts for the wills, Dobby can you make an appointment with Blooddagger? Ask Tonks to come too if he has the time."

At breakfast in the great hall we sat on our house tables, the adults were sitting with me at Gryffindors. Angelina and Alicia took Katie apart and started whispering. A sour-faced sixth-year watching them must be the idiot Katie dated.

The twins took a seat in front of me;

T one: "Harrikins, we are worried for you.

T two: "How many wives do you have already?"

T one: "You do know women have urges too, don't you?"

T two: "Can you satisfy all those needs Harrikins?" To their horror, Ginny responded.

Ginny: "Fred and George, first, it is none of your business, second, he is a master in bed. Third, he still has room for seven more." That got them worried, glancing to their girlfriends, who were giggling with Katie.

"Relax guys, I am at my limit. How did you like my dragon? Pansy has an elephant Patronus, it scared the shit out of the parents last night."

T one: "We never saw that breed Harrikins."

T two: "Although we want to learn the spell."

Ginny: "I will teach you later." The twins were surprised, baby sis knowing more than the super twins?

"It is not that hard, the first years can learn it if they want to." A firstie that was listening got excited.

Firstie: "Everyone, Lord Potter will teach the messenger Patronus to the first years after breakfast." Huh? Did I say that? The hall was filled with happy cheers, most of those little buggers don't even know what a Patronus is.

An Auror on the main table saw my surprised look and took his revenge on me for skipping classes.

Auror: "When we are done with breakfast we will move the tables, and Lord Potter can teach the first years, others will have to watch on the side." What did I do to that dude? Petty bastard. After breakfast, the middle tables were moved to the side and all firsties trooped together. Let us fuck the Aurors.

I made a silence bubble around the first years, told the wives to cast some examples. Several Patronuses started to patrol around the firsties. I entered the bubble and started explaining, the spell, the happy emotions, and most of all intent.

"Remember you are not going to try, you are going to do the spell. It is easy, most grown-ups fail at it because they think it is hard to learn it. The secret is in your mind, I know you all can do the spell, now you only have to do it yourself, concentrate, and cast the damn thing." While I released my dragon. The Patronus filled the kids with happy thoughts, one by one they cast a Patronus. The hall was filled with all kinds o glowing animals.

"Alright, dismiss them, next phase is the message, you summon the Patronus with the thought that you want to send a message to your parents or friend. Once the Patronus is out he will look at you, say the message, and he will go to the person. Once again I released my dragon "how are my beautiful snakes?" and send him off to Daphne.

The kids took it in, and started their Patronus, said their message, and watched them disappear.

"Don't worry, the normal's can't see them, they just get a happy feeling from them, A normal parent will hear your message if it is meant for them. Now, practice a lot." I smirked to the head table and released the silencing spell.

"Done. Like I told you just now, it is not that hard. All of you have one thing left to do. Teach it to the second years." I left the great hall, the firsties were practicing their Patronus, while the second years closed in on them.

Dammed I could have done a Yoda, do or do not, there is no try… Meh… maybe next time. I turned around and with a sonorous,

"Remember to send a Patronus to the Daily Prophet, they love to hear news like this."

This day will be remembered as Patronus day. There were some big animals, like a croc and rhino, birds of all kinds, the biggest was still Pansy and her elephant. Beaubatons and Durmstrang students were watching slack-jawed, how firsties cast a beyond Newt spell.

We walked outside to the ward line and apparated to Gringotts, I nodded to the guards with a fist to my chest. They nodded too.

Hermione: "No bloody greeting Harry? Are you losing your touch?" I pinched her butt.

"No, Hermione, as you could feel, apparently not." Giggles all around when we went inside.

Tonks was waiting with Blooddagger: "Lord Potter? What is the occasion?"

Master Tonks, I decided to make a will, there are some items in the Peverell vault that can cause me to walk the planes again. I want the girls provided, hence the will.

Well. It was almost the same as in the other plane, only now there would be some toddlers with my blood running around, so no need for blood adoption, although I leave the option. I arranged a chokehold on the vassals, so they can not cause problems. The will would activate, the week after I do not return from the Peverell vault.

The girls one by one recorded their will.

It was time to meet Hermione's parents, I told the girls to apparate to the mansion, while Hermione and I fetched her parents, they were waiting at the leaky cauldron, with a brief explanation, I made a portkey to the mansion. Apparating the parents is a big no if you want to keep them happy. After introductions and a tour of the mansion, we spotted even a small herd of unicorns, the ones Tapsy released from the trunks. We settled in the office.

Hermione: "Mum, Dad, I explained in my letter that I did an inheritance test at Gringotts. I activated the House, I am now lady Dagworth-Granger, I have a mansion somewhere in Britain. And a seat in the wizengamot. Things escalated this week, our magic connected us together, and to make a long story short, I am married to Harry now." Subtlety is not Hermione's forte.

Mr. Granger: "We were wondering when you would tell us that you are married… with twenty others to the same boy?"

Mrs. Granger: "Mr. Tonks visited us last night, and explained the whole situation to us. Not that we understand it all, but twenty-three? Is this normal?

"It is not normal, I admit it sounds strange, but I was only planning for six. Each House needs a wife, to keep the bloodlines separate. Some girls are the last members of their line, so they need to be a Consort, to let their children keep their maiden name. Then it snowballed out of control. The criminal organization with Voldemort as leader swore fealty to the Heir of Slytherin. I destroyed the Heir of Slytherin, with me claiming the Lordship by right of conquest, I gained the whole criminal organization.

I must admit it was deliberate, so I could get them where it hurts, their money and titles. I claimed several houses as a penalty for various crimes. A side effect was that those houses had marriage contracts or wanted to pay their debts with their daughters.

If I refused the girls, they would end up on the streets or worse. The only thing left to say is that I love Hermione, just as I love the other girls, we are magically connected to each other. We have a way to share each other's mind, we can not lie to each other in there, the feelings are real."

Hermione: "Mum, dad, another thing we did was sharing each others knowledge, in our group are two Aurors, and a healer, several girls are already graduated, with them sharing with us, we are now beyond seventh' years. We decided to stay in school for two more years, and study for our masters."

"Another thing that is worth mentioning, the claiming was done in the Old Ways. There is no divorce possible. Master Tonks maybe told you already, but the girls are financially independent. Each got a million galleons in a personal vault, to do as they please with it."

Mrs. Granger: "This is not the way I pictured to see my daughter get married, this is more like a nightmare."

"We can always have a ceremony when we are eighteen for the family from your side. My side of the family is just the girls. I am the last one." Yep… I was aiming for the pity train, once aboard we can ride it to avoid the in-laws. Anyway, it seems Tonks already did a good explanation, they just wanted to rub it in.

We distracted them with grandpa's manor trunk, dad's eyes shined at the sight of the spitfires, more when he heard what we could do to improve them. Mum was doing a walk in the woods, the animals didn't see a human in more than ten years, so they were not afraid, and allowed us to come close.

One by one the girls introduced themselves to Hermione's parents. Cassandra had several questions about the normal's way of healing and began a conversation with Mrs. Granger about in vitro.

Hermione had the chance to show her parents magic spells, including her Patronus. Several parents dropped by after the girls send a message-Patronus to invite them to the mansion.

Lunch at the mansion was becoming a big family meeting. Even Sirius dropped by with his family.

Sirius: "Alright Harry, You win, but how did you end up with twenty-three?"

"You ask me? Did you know you could get another daughter and wife yesterday? Be glad I made the little Drucilla a Ward of House Potter and employed her mother. Or do you want one more wife? Two?"

Lord Davis: "Master Black, Lord Potter is Lord Slytherin too, the death-eaters swore fealty to the Heir of Slytherin, so they are Harry's vassals now, he squibbed a lot of them already, and claimed several houses."

Lord Greengrass: "Most of the dark faction are squibbed, Malfoy, Lestrange, Flint, Nott, Travers, Taylor, Wright, Selwyn, Yaxley, and I am forgetting some more. The light faction took some blows too, with Dumbledore outed as a hidden Dark Lord. Now that Hogwarts is back to normal, all that is left is the ministry and the wizengamot."

Lord Abbot: "Anyway, he can't hurt me anymore, I am out of daughters, now I can make fun of his many wives." I raised my eyebrows at that statement.

"Maybe some nieces? Do you have some?" Lord abbot paled, it seems he has some.

Tonksie: "Harry don't tease the Lords, although I remember Arabella, she is a beautiful woman. Friendly too."

"Hold on a minute, no more adding to the family, it is getting too much."

Luna: "Husband there is room for seven more wives, I told you thirty is the limit."

"Not funny, Luna!"

On a higher plane Death looked at The Stranger and asked: "Why did you give The Gray's permission to take your turn?"

The Stranger responded: "Did you see his preparations? Did you notice the plans of his wives? There is no fun in watching him steamroll all over Westeros. You better give him a reset that won't end with him having twenty wives again."