

Aven, King of an Futuristic Monarcy/society(Xoria) ,begins having dreams of a strange woman, a woman who completes the prophecy of conceiving the perfect heir. But this woman's family history isn't far from his.

Sushiwatermelon04 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

RMC meeting adjourned?

Letharia's POV


He clenched his fists as I was awaiting a response. He punched the wall. Then he stared at me with only anger in his eyes. I saw him come closer to me as he was about to slap me, I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact. "That's enough".

I opened my eyes after hearing an unfamiliar voice, it was no other than former king Nero himself. He caught Aven's hand and pushed him against the wall, while holding his neck " Never once have I ever laid a hand on my wife, you better straighten up before I take her from you ".He spoke with such rage in his voice before grabbing my hand taking me away. King Nero shut the door and looked at me as if he were serious, "When was your virginity taken and by who"?

"If I told you, you'd start a war then execute the man".

I began to walk away as if the conversation meant nothing.

King Nero grabbed my hand "Listen to me Letharia if your not a virgin you are not pure in the eyes of the gods. Then I wonder why would the gods choose you.... but no harm will come to him if you tell me now".

I stared into his hazel eyes, "Let me go".

"This man doesn't happen to be a guard, does he?

"If I told you, you'd have his head".

"Ah, so he is a guard, how lovely".

He quickly spun me around to where I was facing him and handed me his cape. "Your naked, don't you remember".

"My dignity has been taken, so why should I care".

I covered my self and walked by him, side by side. As I didn't have the strength to run, I was tired. King Nero smiled "Why so bland?

"I don't want to talk to you".

"You sound like your mother".

"You never knew her".

"Who told you that?

"My father".

He frowned "I knew your mother before he ever did".

He then continued " Your mother wasn't just an obsession of mine, the difference between you and your mother is simple. Your hair color is white, and your mother was Auburn, have you ever seen her outside of a picture frame? I think not.

He paused "Do you even know your Father's real name?

I stayed silent then looked away as I continued walking. He smiled as he continued " If you want to base your judgment of me off your father go ahead, but you'll learn just how wrong you are".

As I was about to speak his phone began to ring. "Hello", he answered.

" We'll be right there". He then hung up and looked at me "You have a meeting with the RMC".

I remained silent, as I refused to speak. King Nero kept staring at me, he then walked in front of me and grabbed by hand pulling me into a room closing and locking the door behind him. He turned on the dim lights, then he began removing his cape from my body. He stood behind me groping my breasts as he kissed my neck. His hand was going lower and lower. I was helpless. I covered my mouth, but he grabbed my hand and a moan slipped from my mouth. I then pulled away from him and whimpered "Stop".

Tears streamed down my face, as his facial expression turned into sympathy. "I'm sorry, I lost myself for a second". He cleared his throat and continued " Now, I'll leave the room as you get dressed, I'll call the maid to bring you clothes".

I nodded, as he left the room I grabbed a pillow off the bed and screamed into it while sobbing uncontrollably, how was I so weak when I could kill people in cold blood. The maid came into the room with a slim multi-color dress in her hands, she stayed in the room as I got dressed as we didn't exchange a single word. The dress showed my midriff and my bare legs. The maid then handed me a pair of black heels "Finished?", I finally spoke. She shook her head no as she went behind me and formed a braided bun with my hair and left two hairs sticking out then she wiped the tears off my face. "Now your finished, please follow me, my lady".

"May I ask your name?"

The maid looked at me confused " Please don't report me, mistress. If I did anything wrong..."

"No", I giggled at her facial expression.

I continued "You have a calming presence, thank you for wiping my tears".

"Oh, yes I understand. The kings are terrifying, I'm a palace slave for one, I dread it so. I've had to wipe the tears of many girls who had been chosen to satisfy our king, losing their virginity. But you, you're different, you must be the girl from the prophecy. Stay strong mistress. My name is Illy, ask the maids for me if you need me, now let's go."

I followed her, she led me into a room with guards and people in robes with marks on their faces sitting onto large wooden chairs. Their chairs were facing a table which had marble chairs around it, there I saw King Aven and former King Nero. I walked further into the room and sat away from both of them. A man who sat in a wooden chair started to speak in a booming voice " Daughter of Letra, you and the rebels of Xoria have killed approximately 20 innocent people including guards. How will you atone for the deaths of those innocents"?

I couldn't think clearly, I stood up and spoke firmly " I killed more than 20 so fuck off... No one in Xoria....no mere child in Xoria is innocent"!

The kings starred at me in disbelief. One man took his hood off "Watch your language in the presence of the kings...please continue council member Velis."

The hooded man ignored what I said and continued " Letharia Vulpine, are you aware your Father will pay for the deaths of these people"? Your half-sister Lorelei will go into adoption as your entire family is on trial".

I fell silent and questioned in my mind "Half-sister, my uncle had found that poor child around the arms of a corpse". I forgot about that thought then I wrapped my arms around my chest "If I marry and carry the child of the King, and deliver a healthy child, you won't hurt them, Lorelei won't suffer?"

The man tilted his head "I can make no promises, as a part of the prophecy there is a scheduled date to start conceiving the child, there will be trial dates, on certain days if you would like to please his majesty, oral and anal sex is allowed".

I saw council member Velis's face in the light, he had short white hair with gray eyes. He looked as if he was in his mid 20's.

"If my family suffers this prophecy will not be completed".

He laughed "The Kings will be delighted to witness a family execution, maybe you would want to be tied down watching Lorelei have a lethal injection. But, you will marry the king, and you might as well watch your family die alongside him, since your so disobedient that could straight you up, don't you think?"

I cleared my throat and took a deep breath, I had to act perfect, weak, obedient, and I had to prove my loyalty, so I could save what was left of my family.

" I accept", I spoke in a loud, firm tone.

King Nero and King Aven stared at me wide-eyed, and the council members whispered to each other.

Just then, the doors had opened, a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes came into the room. She wore a crown-like tiara. The guards kneeled. She locked eyes with King Nero, and then she glared at me. She then turned and spoke to the council standing in place "So the daughter of a whore is going to marry my son?"

"How could the King marry a stuck-up, petty bitch like you?"

Everyone gasped. But the two Kings smiled.

"Shut your mouth, peasant! Everyone knows about your mother but you. Just because you have been chosen does not mean you are queen yet".

She then turned to the council and said: "How could a rebel be chosen, and at much less a peasant".

The man who spoke before looked at her" Queen Eliza, you, yourself were a mere commoner before, the prophecy speaks for itself, I suggest you leave or take a seat, a seat quietly next to your husband".

I smiled, as the man in the robe smiled at me as she scoffed and took a seat.

"Head Council member, Velis?" King Aven spoke

The man who once spoken before looked at him and said: " Yes, my liege?"

He stood up "Could you read her mind, and tell me everything?"

He nodded and stepped down from his chair, I saw his face more clearly. He was young, he looked so much younger than all the other council members, handsome even. He had a chiseled jawline, just as the Kings, but there was something so different about him. He was cleanly shaven just as Aven was but I looked into his grey eyes and stood silent as he stood there starring into my eyes. He put his right hand on my cheek and then his left hand on my other cheek, his hands felt cold. He muttered a few words in Latin, "Ex Dei. Praebueris tua. Ostende mihi puellam ut sit. Da mihi de eius voluntate". then he stared into my eyes and commanded I follow his finger. I did. He then put his hand on my forehead and spoke louder as he stared deeper into my eyes. My life flashed before my eyes but my thoughts could not be heard nor my voice.

He stepped away and stared at the Kings "I can see her memories but I can not hear her thoughts, it's a similar skill...I heard that her mother possessed."

"That's impossible", King Nero spoke.

I was confused. But I studied council member Velis's techniques quickly. I put my hand on his forehead. Everyone gasped as the council members rushed out of their seats to help him.

"She wouldn't dare", Aven spoke under his breath.

I closed my eyes and muttered some words. I just let the words leave my tongue. I didn't know if I repeated it right. Just then, I felt a gust of wind, and millions of memories played in my head like a movie but they weren't mine. I heard voices. I saw people. I heard his thoughts "What is she doing"... "beautiful"... "mastering my technique turning it into her own"...."No"...."stop"..."stop"...

Another memory flashed in my head, it was my mother smiling holding his hand calling his name "Zane" looking up at her as if he was her child.

I pulled back and gasped. King Nero rushed to my side and asked a guard to handcuff my hands but I pulled my hands away.

Zane fell back and coughed, I saw tears in his eyes, but only for a second. The council members looked at me in shock "If she is as powerful as her mother then the heir might be 10 times more".

Another one spoke " A help to the kingdom".

Zane stood up and walked towards me.

I looked into his eyes again and spoke: " Why don't they know?"

"You can tell them", he calmly spoke.

"How can you see me? Your eyes follow me but your blind."

"Why don't you tell them?!", he yelled.

"It doesn't feel right", I whispered.

He scoffed then he screamed at the top of his lungs"If you do that again, I will have your head!"

The council members pulled him away from me.

"That's enough", a man spoke, he looked as if he were in his 50's.

"Head Council member Velis is in no condition to speak as of now, Daughter of Letra, you may leave but we have your word, that you will comply with both Kings."

Before I could accept, I turned around to the guard that tried to handcuff me, I looked into his eyes and whispered in his ear "Your eyes reflect blood in the moonlight, now kill your thoughts and listen to the sound of my voice. How are you bearing with the pain of killing the innocent, pain, or pleasure? Accept it, that the gods have given up on you. Give me your pleasure and your pain....."

I panted in his ear, I grabbed his chin and had him face me. "Shit", he whispered. My hands then glided around his body as he leaned in to kiss me. I smiled as I pulled his sword away from his sheath. I pulled back and swiftly ran pass former king Nero. Before they knew it, I had a sword held to Aven's neck.

Note: The phrase ""Ex Dei. Praebueris tua. Ostende mihi puellam ut sit. Da mihi de eius voluntate", means

"May the gods lend me power to show me the girl's intent". As Zane tries to read her thoughts and access her memories.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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