
Lethal Weapon (DROPPED)

They called him Mactator, meaning ‘Slaughterer’… Born from his mother’s cold corpse, in a sea of bloody corpses and gunfire… He was raised by mercenaries, moulded into a perfect killing machine… He was trained to hunt, to kill, and sometimes, to annihilate… His body was filled with scars, the only proof of tales he is the sole living witness to… His mind wasn’t broken, for he never knew what it meant to be ‘right’, to be ‘normal’… He was a perfect ‘Lethal Weapon’…until his blade dulled… Then he, like any other rusty blade or cranky gun, was disposed of… And his tale came to end… Or it should have…

Azerial_0 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

[Chapter:3][A new life(1).]

"Woah…consider me surprised, System."

His eyes widen in surprise as he looked at his reflection in the lake's surface.

Long and smooth black hair, silkier that's anything he had ever touched…

Spotlessly white, smooth, and unblemished skin, softer than even that of a newborn…

Eyes similar to the blue sky, bright, yet also deep…

A tall, fairly muscular build, around 190cm, with perfect muscles at the ideal places…

Even his voice, now that he noticed it, had become smooth, charming, soothing, and strangely melodious…

And most importantly, he himself must agree that he looked unexpectedly charming, even for a man's tastes…

"If I were a woman, I'd want to bag this hottie…hell, even if I were a man, I'd be attracted…"

He chuckled, watching how even the slightest of gestures exuded such surreal and seemingly otherworldly charm…

Glancing to his side, he saw the Panda stare at his face unblinkingly.

"I guess even if I were an animal, I'd be interested…?"

He burst out laughing at the thought.

He had to admit, though, he certainly like his new looks.

"Now that I'm thinking about it, didn't the 'System' mention something about a 'standard package'?"

The moment those words left his mouth, the voice of the 'System' resounded within his mind, and the familiar blue hologram-like translucent screen appeared in his vision.

((System integration complete. Hello again, Vita.))

"System? What are you doing in my head?", he asked, mildly surprised.

((The 'standard package' includes a lesser version version of the System, bereft of many authorities and functions as well as the main Intelligence. One of the abilities chosen for you by the System include partial access to the main System.))

"Oh? So I can reincarnate people too now?"

((Negative. While partial access to the main System allows for many functions, the main purpose of the main System, reincarnating individuals, is not included within.))

"Oh, that's too bad…"

Thought he said that, he wasn't really that disappointed. It would have been quite interesting to reincarnate people of his choice, but he didn't mind not being able to either.

"Then, what functions does my System have?"

((Displaying System Menu…))

A larger blue screen appears.

. . . . . .

[System Menu]

— Status

— Inventory

— Quests

. . . . . .

"Three functions?", he asked, not knowing weather that's many or less.

((The 'standard package' issued System only contains 'Status' and any additional function would have to be included in the list of abilities, perks, etc… wished for by the subject being reincarnated. However, the advantage of having access to the main System is the capability of the System to acquire new functions.))

"Oh, so the number might grow in the future?"


"Cool, then, can you explain what these all are? I kind of remember playing video games with Status and Inventory and all that, but that was a long time ago…"

((Affirmative. Beginning tutorial…))

The 'Status' function was suddenly highlighted by a white glow.

((To begin with, please access your 'Status'.))

He followed tue System's advice as he raised his hand to tap it.

((Please note, the System and all its notifications, windows, etc… are only visible to you. The System advices using either verbal or mental commands to operate the System instead of physical actions, preferably the latter, so as to not arouse suspicion.))

"Oh, I can do that?", he blinked before 'thinking' of tapping 'Status', and surprisingly,

"It works! Nice, then I don't have to look like an idiot who's seeing things or muttering to himself. Thanks , System."

((My pleasure.))

The System Menu floats back a little as a new window appears over it.

. . . . . .



Human | 20 years | Male




(Whispers of Origin)

(Unique Guide : System)

(Abstract Charm)

(Enhanced Concentration Capacity)

(Meta Luck)

(Totality Connection)

(Soul Anchoring)

(Mind Anchoring)



. . . . . .

Reading through it, the System's voice reappears just as Vita finishes reading the last words.

((The 'Status' shows your basic information, that is, your name, race, age, and sex. As you may have noticed, the System has chosen your age during reincarnation to be 20 Earth years.))

"Thank you.", he says with a small smile, "While I found myself looking young again, it's nice to know it's not only my appearance."

((Your welcome.))

((The 'Status' also lists your 'Skills', 'Abilities', and 'Perks'.))

((Skills are acquired capabilities, such as 'Meditation', 'Zen', 'Weapon Mastery', 'Reading', 'Swimming', etc… . Skills can be improved through repeated usage, learning related skills, acquiring new knowledge about said skills, etc… .))

((In order to easily quantify and facilitate skill growth, the concept of 'levels' has been introduced. Through aforementioned means, 'Skill Experience' can be acquired, and once enough 'Skill Experience' is accumulated, the System will 'level up' the Skill, improving the effect of the skill as well as your mastery over it. The level cap of Skills is 100, reaching which a Skill can 'evolve' into another variation of the original, once more starting from level 1.))

((Abilities are capabilities that cannot be acquired through ordinary means, and are either innate, inherent, or acquired through special means. Examples would be 'Calm Mind', 'Telekinesis', 'Divinity', 'Shapeshifting', 'Eyes of Truth', etc… .))

((Abilities cannot be improved naturally, but certain catalysts, special stimuli, etc… can facilitate evolution or advancement of abilities, either improving its effects or decreasing the demerits of said ability.))

((Perks are special to System users. They are benefits that the System guarantees in response to accomplishments made by the users. Perks can also sometimes be likened to talent. Examples would be 'Growth of Combat related Skills +100%', 'Dexterity of left hand +35%', 'Energy Usage of Skills using Mana -10%', 'Lifting Capacity corresponding to strength +200%', 'Damage against Beasts +15%', etc… .))

((Perks can neither be improved nor advanced, but different perks with similar effects can be overlapped to gain higher effect. Also, since perks are granted based on your achievements, same achievements can be repeated at greater intensities in order to gain similar perks with greater effects.))

"Wow, that's a lot to take in…"

Despite saying that, his mind was already running faster than ever as it absorbed all the information presented before him, trying to make better sense of it.

"Can you explain to me what my abilities are?"

((Of course.))

Right after, eight different window appear one beside the other, each containing the descriptions as well as the effects of his six abilities.

. . . . . .

[Whispers of Origin]

Type : Ability

Description : Allows the owner of the ability to communicate with all aspects of origin, based on their affinity with said aspect.

(Current Aspects)

Nature : 99.99%

Sun : 99.99%

Moon : 99.99%

Note : Conditions unique to each aspect must be met before any affinity reaches 100.00%.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

[Unique Guide : System]

Type : Ability

Description : Allows the owner of the ability to have access to a Unique Guide, in this case, the main System.

Note : Currently, many of the benefits available are locked due to insufficient permission. However, the possible advancements of this ability remain limitless.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

[Abstract Charm]

Type : Ability

Description : The owner of this ability subconsciously emits a unique kind of charm, making those influenced by it take more note of the owner as well as garner goodwill solely based on appearance. The owner can also consciously change it into a type that makes those influenced feel specific emotions upon noticing the owner, including but not limited to, lust, love, passion, obsession, wrath, desire, greed, hunger, serenity, insanity, etc… at intensities variable depending on the owner's will, and with the capacity depending on the owner's importance to the target. The more important the owner is to the target, regardless of reason, the greater the capacity of intensity of emotions that can be induced.

Note : As an abstract ability, it does not come under 'Absolute Charm'.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

[Enhanced Concentration Capacity]

Type : Ability

Description : The owner of this ability can use their concentration far above the maximum level, allowing them to do better in doing different kinds of tasks. This also allows for pushing their abilities, physical or mental, far more than they could normally achieve, beyond even 100 percent capacity. The owner is never distracted and overcomes obstacles very easily, which makes achieving things much easier.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

[Meta Luck]

Type : Ability

Description : The owner of this ability is blessed with levels of luck so great that it bends the very structures of reality, constantly rearranging them to their advantage, whether they want it or not. Their luck affects them to the point where probability means nothing, as in they can defy logic itself (e.g., they are immune to and unaffected by the laws of causality, live life without consequences, can forge their own destinies, easily triumph against impossible odds, etc.), they're fated for boundless wealth and prosperity, find amazing success in all aspects of life, allowing them to overcome all impossible odds and defeat unbeatable foes.

Their luck may be so powerful that no force within their universe or reality can take it from them, not even death, allowing their luck to be carried on into the afterlife or into their next life if or when they pass on. Luck Erasure will only reduce its effectiveness temporarily, rather than permanently removing it entirely.

Note : While everything that happens dictated by the owner's luck is to their advantage, sometimes, it may not appear so at first glance. Sometimes, it may not appear like the owner is lucky at all.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

[Totality Connection]

Type : Ability

Description : User is undetached to any reality and can freely travel throghout the entirety of anything. They can enter, escape and re-visit any part of the Totality in any time: nothing can force them to stay or leave certain locations. Ultimately, users are able to appear in different realities, planes of existence, layers of reality, metaphysical locations and the most distant realities. There's nothing that can stop them as all doors are opened to them. On top of that, those who are unbound to the Totality are also free from its restrictions, which is why this power is mainly used by free beings.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

[Soul Anchoring]

Type : Ability

Description : The user is immune to all soul-based powers, meaning their souls cannot be manipulated in any way, including being absorbed, destroyed, trapped/sealed, or converted into another type of soul.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

[Mind Anchoring]

Type : Ability

Description : The user is immune to any form of mental displacement, they are immune to having their minds switched, transferred, drained, displaced or otherwise removed from their bodies. Even if their brains are taken out, and replaced with another person's brain, the other person's brain can never take control over the body of the user at all.

. . . . . .

"Wow…", he blinked, "I have no idea what most of these are but they still sound awesome…"

Some were easier to understand to him, like 'Unique Guide : System', 'Enhanced Concentration Capacity', 'Meta Luck', and even 'Soul Anchoring' and 'Mind Anchoring', which made his surprise all the greater as he could tell how incredible these are.

But the other three…he couldn't even understand them fully. All he knows about 'Whispers of Origin' is that they let him talk with his three friends, and as for the other two…

((There are several applications to 'Whispers of Origin' and 'Abstract Charm', while for 'Totality Connection'…think of it as a Visa for you to go to other worlds. It lets you go from one plane of existence to another, without having to be bound to any of them, similar to how, with a Visa, you can travel from country to country, without having to become a citizen in each just to roam unbounded.))

"Oh, that's pretty nice I guess. But that means I'll go to other worlds in the future?"



((As for the applications of the other two abilities, I will explain them to you when the opportunity to use one of those applications arises, as knowing about all of them right now would only make you both confused and bored.))

"Oh, alright then."

He casually agreed to the System's decision, knowing well that he wasn't exactly the studious kind, nor the kind that examines everything under a microscope. As long as he knows he can do it, and that doing so would bring him an advantage, he doesn't really care about the how and why of whatever it is he does.

((Now, please close the 'Status' to move on.))

Mentally operating the System, he closed the eight windows along with the 'Status', going back to the 'System Menu'.

((Please open the 'Inventory'.))

Upon doing so, a large window with a hundred square slots, arranged into ten rows and ten columns, appears before him. And there was a marker at the corner of the window, indicating it was just the first page.

((The 'Inventory' is an infinite dimension where time is static, meaning whatever you place within, remains in the same condition as it previously was in till you remove it. Anything with consciousness must first be rendered unconscious before it can be placed within. You can also use this as a weapon by storing something extremely heavy and bringing it out above your enemies, or storing attacks such as an exploding mine or a projectile of magic coming towards you and releasing them towards your enemies instead.))

"Ooh! Seriously?"

He quickly looked around, finding a stone the size of his fist, lifting it up before imagining it going into the 'Inventory', and…

"It disappeared, it really disappeared~! I can do magic too now! Awesome!"

He chuckled like a child gaining a new toy, repeatedly making the stone appear and disappear, as the System waited patiently for him to enjoy his newfound capabilities.