
Let us meet again

They found themselves in an unknown place. Given a chance again to live in a different world, they were told that they would be split up after arriving. Now, in a vast world of magic, this group of friends must find each other again.

YuuIsSniped · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


After quite some time traveling, the Capital's walls finally came into view. The cobblestone architecture seemed old but well-kept. Very few trees struggle to hide the majestic sight from view. The city seemed to be resting on a strange piece of land. It looked very unnatural, as if something in the past have caused the irregularity. Ark thought so too.

"You haven't said anything for the past hour. Are you... all right?" Ivy asked, concern in her eyes. Ark looked down at the path they were walking on, kicking a stray pebble along the way.

"There are many things on mind. Like a lot. My home, my friends." Ark glanced at Ivy. "It all seems bizarre. All of... this seems like a dream. A realistic one. I feel very..."



Ivy chuckled. "It seems that we have a lot in common. You won't be though for long. I am sure a Magenus can help you. I have read that one the most talented members of the Magenus Order lives here. Oh and also one of the legendary Aegi."

Ark's eyes widened partly.

"Here?" He gestured, pointing to the nearing wooden gates. Ivy nodded.

As they approached, they have noticed that two guards stood in front of the city. Armed with spears and steeled with armor, they looked intimidating. Their helmet covered most of their face, only seeing through horizontal slits along the eyes.

"State your business, travelers." The left guard shouted, both planting their spears in the ground.

Ark looked intimidated, but Ivy walked forward and pulled a bag from her clothes.

"Did you always had that?" Ark asked, confused. She smiled and looked at him slyly.

"Yes. These skirts have pockets." She said, smiling.

Ivy reached within her bad and pulled out a scroll. She then handed it to the guard. "Total Magic Verification for this guy over here."

Both guards looked at the scroll, read through it and flinched at the bottom.

"Y-you're one of the acquaintances of Sir Gropius?" One of the guards said, pointing to the parchment. Ivy nodded gladly.

"Yes. We also would request a priority line for the verification." Ivy suggested.

"Of course!" He shouted. The guard then turned towards the capital walls. "Entry allowed! Open the gates!"

Another guard appeared overhead. He is quite high up but you can notice his subtle nod. The guard turned to a mechanism. It was an arching mechanism containing a metallic ball. It was hooked into interlocking gears which are then connected to the gates. The guard held up his hand towards the mechanism. His hand then started to glow, spinning the metal ball into impressive speed.

The gears started to pin slowly, prompting to the gates to lift. The guards below moved aside to allow both Ark and Ivy in. "Welcome to the Capital. The Magenus Sanctum is in the center. Please wait over there and we will notify the Head Mage of your request." The guard pointed along seats lined with people.

Ivy smiled at the gesture. "Indeed, indeed, my good sir." She waved as the guard went deeper within the city's paths.

Ark could not help but chuckle.

"You seem into this city thing, huh?" He asked. Ivy cheerfully nodded.

"Yep, I've never been to a city this big before! The buildings are lined with beautiful marble and wood, the paths are even decorated nicely, and look at all these people! They look like they've been waiting their whole life to step into this place." She delightfully whispered. Coming from a measly town, Ark could understand Ivy's reaction.

He looked around the people seated around them, they are all wearing what Ark could make out as traveling gear. It would seem that this capital city was a meeting ground for travelers and commerce.

Both Ark and Ivy sat on empty seats and proceed to lightly chat as they waited for the guard to note their arrival. They did not wait long, however, as the guard came back with news.

"Welcome back, good sir." Ivy started, acting snooty with her voice. " Do we have thy permission to enter the Sanctum?"

Ark glanced at the guard, who was in a slumped.

"I am very sorry, but there was a protocol to not let anyone go inside the Sanctum anymore. I am very sorry to waste your time." He said.

Ivy expression tightened. "What? Why? What is the reason for this?!"

Despite the news, Ark could tell that we was not letting go of her posture to say the least. What's worse is that she seemed to be attracting quite a crowd. All eyes were directed at them. At this moment, Ark stood up.

"Ivy, we should quiet down, there is a lot of people here." Ark told her in a calming voice. "And you can let go of that dignified tone on your voice now."

With a quick glance, Ivy nodded. " Fine."

Ivy looked at the guard again. "So the request for analysis is denied?"

"I'm afraid so. However, you two are cleared of any danger in the Capital. Even if you are denied that request, please enjoy the confinement of our dear city." The guard said before saluting and walking away.

He left so quickly that Ark and Ivy could only wave at his back.

"So what now?" Ark asked.

"Grop did give you an incomplete analysis. Earth and water. If we cannot analyze you further, we can find something like a school for people who want to learn magic." She explained.

Ark grew concerned. "But doesn't that require money?"

"Only the mastery of magic, but for starting adventurers like you there is usually a course on how to manipulate your core. At least that's what Grop told me. Considering his age, I don't know how much the cost of teaching magic has changed over the years." Ivy said, putting her hand beneath her chin.

"There is only one way to find out." Ark said and immediately started walking towards the city's stone-laden paths. Ivy followed suit.


There are so many things in the city, Ark and Ivy realized. Tall buildings hugged each other, the windows overlooking the streets below. The streets themselves are lined with different shops that alternate in products such as fruit and meat, clothes and jewelry, to armor and weapons for the licensed adventurer. Children ran around chasing each other while being watched by their parents on benches. Every now and again, crowds of people would gather on one market stand, trying to take in the produce. It was hectic as Ark realized that Ivy had taken with her the entire life savings that she had saved working in the Inn. Once again, the capital is a meeting ground for travelers and commerce.

The sun had almost set and the city's surroundings begin to dim. However, as soon as the star's light had glazed the city one final time, the street lamps burst into life, giving a mild feel of calmness to the people walking along. Among these people are Ivy and Ark.

"So we haven't found a school in this city yet. The place is very huge." Ivy complained, yawning. Ark looked at her in slight annoyance.

"Not just that, you just proceeded to look into every stall possible in this place. And you didn't buy a single thing!" Ark exclaimed. Ivy scoffed.

"Yes, I did! Check this out." She countered, reaching into her pockets. She reached her hand over to Ark and opened to show a beautiful ruby necklace framed by a golden chain. "Very pretty right?"

Ark stared at it for a moment and glanced at her proud face. "It is."

Ivy smiled, looking back at Ark. "Right?! I got it from an A-class vendor who gave me a huge discount."

Ark smiled. However, his smile faded when he saw that Ivy was about to collide with someone. Ark rushed over, but Ivy had already bumped the person, making her fall on her bottom. "Ow!" she exclaimed.

Ark rushed over to help her up, and proceeded to apologize to the bystander. His eyes widened. The person had long red hair that reached the end of her back, she had beautiful blue eyes that seem to sparkle in the dusk. A very beautiful face, however, this was not the feature that entirely caused Ark's trance. She had gigantic wings for arms and talons appeared where a normal person's feet would've been. A demi-human.

A guard ran along beside her. "General Shira! Are you alright?"

Ark recognized the name. It was one of the Aegi that he read in the book.

"You can trust in my strength, I am alright. And please, just call me Shira. I am off- duty today."

As Ark helped Ivy on her feet, the demi-human reached out her wing. "If you are going to apologize, don't. It was my fault for standing in the middle of the path."

"It is okay, ma'am. We did not pay attention to where we were walking." Ark told her. Ivy stood to her feet, flushed from embarrassment.

"I believe this is yours."

Ivy stared at her outstretched wing. Within the fiery-colored feathers, she spotted something red sparkling. It was her ruby necklace. Ivy reached for it and smiled. "Thank you."

Shira nodded. She then glanced at Ark and squinted for a moment.

"So, what is an Astral Walker doing here?" The feathered lady asked.

"You can tell that I am an Astral walker?" Ark pointed to himself. Shira nodded again.

"Of course. I am an Aegis after all. I can also tell that you have all four primary elements with you."

Ark and Ivy was in shock. They needed a Magenus for analysis, but it seems that an encounter with an Aegis was enough.

"Wait, wait. Did you just analyze him?" Ivy asked.

"Yes I did but I cannot give you the freedom to use it. Only a Magenus can have the jurisdiction to allow the use of magic. That is why people go to a Magenus to get their magic usage certified. It is to provide order." Shira explained.

"We came here to have him analyzed." Ivy explained. "But we were to told that our request was denied."

At this comment, Shira grew skeptical. "I do not know about that. A Magenus should be ready anytime. Access to the Sanctum is prohibited if that is the case. However, you can take this." Shira said, pulling out one of her feathers.

"This is my brand. A brand of an Aegis. Basically the second-highest form of jurisdiction in Alvana. Take this and show it to the Sanctum guards. They will know once you see it." She held the feather on her hand and it slowly floated. Shira chanted a whisper and the feather glowed with a deep-red tint.

Ark grabbed it and was thrown off. It was not as hot as it looked. In fact, it was warm. Ivy looked at it in total awe.

"Now go, the Sanctum closes in 3 hours. As for me, I am going for a short patrol." Shira told them before turning to the guard behind her. "You are dismissed."

With a salute from the guard, the group went on their separate ways.