
Let us meet again

They found themselves in an unknown place. Given a chance again to live in a different world, they were told that they would be split up after arriving. Now, in a vast world of magic, this group of friends must find each other again.

YuuIsSniped · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Ark's eyebrow furrowed in deep thought. Unless it was a massive coincidence, the name felt familiar. He looked at the words once more. 'Gregus'. It looked out of place in this world. It was also a very Greg thing to do. At this point, Ark knew.

Avery and Greg are very much in this world. Cass and Jessie are still nowhere to be found. Yet.

Ark knew that he needed to take action. This world might seem different with the obvious addition to magic, but something about it seemed familiar. Despite the similar feeling, he still needed to get home. However, he needs to find his friends first. That was his priority as of no-

"Deep in thought, I see."

A sweet, lively voice interrupted Ark out of his trance. He looked up. Looking down on him was Ivy.

"Miss Ivy? What are you doing here?" Ark exclaimed, immediately standing up. Ivy's face went slightly sour.

"Please, just Ivy." She said, chuckling right after. "Grop wanted me to assist you towards the capital."

Ark looked behind Ivy towards the Inn. It was far, but he could spot Grop staring at them from the entrance. "But aren't you the owner of the Inn?"

Ivy shook her head. "I am not the owner, Grop is. I'm sort of the right-hand. Even though Grop get cooped up behind the counter, he founded the building."

Ark nodded as a response, but he stopped for a moment. "Wait, you said that he wanted you to assist me? What does that mean exactly?"

Ivy looked away.

"I mean, he sensed something else within you. And most of the time, he thinks that that is special. You are also just starting you adventure... newbie." Ivy looked back at Ark, slightly smiling. "I also think that it is healthy for me to do other things with my life."

Ark stared for a moment.

"Why didn't you do that earlier in your life?" He asked. Ivy looked away and became silent. Moments later, she finally spoke.

"T-there is a reason for that." she muttered. This Ivy was different. At first meeting, Ivy has struck Ark as a person who is outgoing and cheery. However, this current Ivy that he is currently speaking to, who is looking away, as if shamed by the world around her, seemed different. It's as if a mask just broke.

"I-I am a husk."

Ark was lost. "A husk?"

Ivy only nodded, her eyes threatening to leak.

"All my l-life. I have b-been magicless. S-something this society ignores. Grop t-told me that I was left b-by my own mother to die in the wilderness. H-he knew as well. Yet, h-he still chose to raise me. I-I was not special. And yet, someone like h-him still wanted me." She said, tears now falling.

Ark wanted to do something, but he just stood there as Ivy continued, trying to wipe her falling tears.

"As I-I grew up, every one of my p-peers knew that t-they were special. They s-showed it too. They manipulated the e-elements. S-showed it to other p-people. Made t-their parents proud and I was just there in the world. I was e-existing. B-but I...I-I... was jus-

At that moment, Ark completely broke. He rushed and gave her a swift hug. Ivy's eyes widened. Yet, she hugged back. Eventually, her crying was reduced to sniffles.

"Shh. Everything is alright. I..." Ark paused for a moment. "I... am just like you."

He broke the embrace and put a hand on her Ivy's shoulder. Ivy, who has calmed down, only looked at him. "Really?"

He looked out as a response. "Yes."

"To tell you the truth, I wasn't that special either. That is I found people who understood me." Ark explained, glancing back to Ivy.

"Just like Grop?"

"Exactly. Back in my world, how the society thinks is similar. They ignore those who are not special in any way. They will never get recognized. Never get famous. And will never be shown any love."

Ark paused for a moment and calmly sat down on the grass. Ivy did the same.

"However, there are those who try to care. Because they know how to put themselves in other's shoes. There will always be someone who will walk through life with you." He explained, smiling.

Although her face was red from crying earlier, she found herself also smiling.

"I-I didn't know you were so wise in these things." She said, giggling.

Ark flushed. "U-uh. I read a lot of books about this stuff."

Then Ivy seemed to ponder about something.

"Wait, what do you mean by 'back in my world'"? Ivy asked, confused.

Ark panicked. He did not know if he should say this kind of information freely.

"Uhm. It's s-something I usually say." He stammered, quickly standing up. Ivy stood up as well. "Anyways, where to the capital?"

Ivy pouted. "Earlier you were very open, and now you seem discrete."

Ark chuckled nervously as a response.

At the entrance of the Inn, unbeknownst to both, Grop shook his head and smiled.