
Let There Be Chaos

Damian Cillian the Lucky… Or so he thought, until a cow’s exploding remains came crashing through his mansion. Like a cruel jest, “the Lucky” gets another chance at life only to wake up drowning. Join Damian/Moria of Keiros as he journeys through this seemingly ordinary classical era like world, only to uncover a web of intrigue, Madness and Chaos, lurking beneath its surface. Entangled by these mystical phenomena, Damian has no choice but to seek the “WHY?” of things. You can expect a fantasy adventure Isekai, riddled with mysteries, tons of world-building, the dark/good aspects of life and a lot of action that isn’t just summed up to “This guy hits harder, therefore he’s stronger.” This will be a long book, so buckle up, recline in your bed as I guide you through it.

Chaoticwriting · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
84 Chs


Karameikos district, Domus Atelius.

The shadows cast by the balcony's balustrade on the second floor of this grand Domus twisted and moved as a man casually strolled out of it. With a cheerful expression, Mateo clutched his sky blue and white toga in his left hand, making his way towards the open balcony window.

"Using the Atrium is the preferred way of accessing a Domus," Lucius remarked as he filled a glass for himself.

"But the window was wide open, though. I couldn't resist." Mateo smiled as he approached him, taking in the sight of his friend wearing a luxurious toga, with his brown hair neatly slicked back.

"At the very least," a voice chimed in and said, "You're dressed appropriately this time," causing his smile to grow wider.

Opposite Lucius, Claudia sat on a couch, exuding elegance in her stunning ensemblea blue-black stola paired with a light golden palla. Her piercing clear blue eyes, fixed on her glass on the table, its content mirroring her stoic expression, flawless makeup, and neatly coiled dark brown hair.

"Oh, darling, you don't need to keep appearances here, you know?" Mateo said with a smile as he stood before the duo.

"Furthermore, I almost died. I at least expected a heartfelt reunion, with you whispering your love for me as we embrace. All the while basking in this moonlit glow." He commented, settling on the couch facing his friends.

Claudia's eyes moved to him, and with a playful smirk, she replied, "There is a time for everything."

"However, I believe there are more pressing matters at hand. There is only so much we can get through a messenger."

Mateo sank into the couch and exhaled deeply as he shut his eyes and relished the feel of its texture. "This month has been quite hard on us… Can't we at least discuss trivial matters first?"

"For instance, I bumped into Kyra in Scriptura, and she sent her greetings," Mateo shared, peering at Lucius with one eye open.

Lucius, knowing his friend's tendency for rants, let out a strained sigh and glanced at Claudia, whose left eye twitched. Mateo noticed this as his gaze dropped to his left pinkie, where a single nail stretched a fraction longer than the others.

Exasperated, he explained, "I apologise, but there are no manicure services available in the wilderness."

"Neglecting self-care and grooming before coming here is unacceptable, regardless of any excuses." Claudia reprimanded while glaring daggers at Mateo.


Mateo glanced back at his fingernail, now neatly trimmed. He took note of his hair and beard—the excessive waves now tamed into a deliberate shape. Before the waste could hit the floor, it vanished in a quick burst of flame, leaving only a wisp of ash, which dispersed through the open balcony, carried by a soft breeze.

Stroking his beard in contentment, Mateo turned to Lucius, who sipped his beverage. 

"Thanks for the shave, Subtiltas." Lucius emitted a faint greenish aura in response, while Mateo served himself a glass of the golden-coloured drink.

"Ahh… There's nothing quite like a sip of Aqua Vitae before diving into a serious conversation." He noted, taking another drink before setting his glass back on the table in front of him.

Mateo's grin widened as he noticed his friends' blank faces. A laugh erupted from him. "Okay, okay, I get it... I'll be serious," he choked out, but his giggles betrayed any attempt at composure.

The pair exchanged frustrated glances, as Claudia let out a sigh before speaking assertively.

"Calm down Acero."

Mateo's body tensed, a flush warming his face. His hand darted out, wiping it as he let out a sigh. "Geez, can't a man and his wolf have fun?" 

With a soft grumble, he gestured with his right hand, causing his shadow to stretch and stand upright beside the couch. The shadow solidified into a sturdy, imposing coffin, its wood coloured a deep brown. Inside, an elaborate spear lay bare, its shaft and blade pulsed with faint blood vessels laced with a hint of gold.

"Tada," Mateo said with little enthusiasm, motioning towards the standing, opened coffin. "Here's what my close call with death granted us."

Claudia, unsurprised, sighed and took a sip from her glass.

"As expected, it's not meant for frequent use, but we can still lease it to a wealthy collector." Mateo suggested as he reclined back onto the couch.

Lucius noted, "This at least confirms that the Frenzied hunter didn't plunder his victims."

"Does he not realise that his carelessness will pave the way for fools who believe they're entitled to everything?"

"He is called Frenzied for a reason," Claudia said, her voice tinged with amusement, as she savoured the lingering taste of her drink on her moist red glossy lips.

"People just mistakenly perceive him as a noble figure, determined to eradicate pirates from the world."

With a smirk, Mateo shared his opinion. "Could it be his acclimation conditions?"

"Gain fame by striking fear into a prominent group that holds a strong sway over a specific jurisdiction?"

Lucius stared at the gently swaying Aqua Vitae inside his glass. "That's a good point.

"The first pirate crew he destroyed was relatively small, so they paid him little mind.

"However, shortly after, he unleashed his wrath upon one of the 6 dons of Uwandle, igniting tension within the remaining, who will now grow restless and fortify their defences."

With a knowing tone, Claudia said, "A cornered beast is the most dangerous."

"Not to mention, he's actively disrupting the existing order."

"Not quite," Mateo disagreed, shaking his head. "You could also see his negligence as a way of maintaining order.

"Another ambitious group will emerge from this to fill in the void he created.

"Moreover, this would still fulfil his acclimatisation needs, achieving two goals at once." With his words spoken, Mateo took a gentle gulp from his glass as the coffin vanished into the depths of his shadows.

Claudia's gaze shifted from her lover to the retreating shadows, her eyes filled with curiosity. "I'm surprised you had the foresight to bring a coffin of Repose with you."

Hearing this, Mateo couldn't help but chuckle, his voice filled with a mixture of confidence and mystery, as he revealed. "Prior to the ambush, I made a stop at the temple of Metonia, where I gained a vivid premonition about what awaited me."

"Knowing the Patch's equipment, I was confident that renting one would be worthwhile."

Claudia's nod prompted Lucius to ask. "What can you tell us about Darius?"

Rubbing his neck, Mateo confessed, "Xerxes actually intercepted me before coming here." 

"Been informed. She extracted intriguing info by divining the remains of his corpse."

His eyes sharpened as he stated in a deep tone, "Darius passed away two years ago."

Claudia and Lucius both raised an eyebrow in sync, while the former mumbled under her breath. "Parasitic or spiritual possession?" 

Leaning forward, Mateo remarked, "Close, but not quite."

"As expected, she initially provided me with a partial answer, so I had to request her to provide the complete response."

The serious ambiance was momentarily shattered as the trio shared a laugh. "Typical charlatan behaviour," Lucius said, smiling.

Mateo nodded, as he faced Claudia, and continued, "At first, I had similar assumptions to you. But then she mentioned his fate showed a conflicting destiny of both true death and life."

Lucius squinted his eyes and spoke in a low voice, "The Cult of the Stillborn."

Mateo nodded while explaining, "And as one would expect, they chose the real Darius as a host for a Carrion Weaver."

With his glass in hand, he gracefully swirled it, focusing his eyes on the golden beverage that sparkled under the glow of the full moon. "Born in Zandaria, Darius Koresh had a privileged upbringing.

"He was the youngest of four and had two loving parents.

"Like many other young Zandarians, he dreamed of following in the footsteps of one of his ancestors, who served as a commander in the Zandarian navy.

"Filled with a spirit of freedom and adventure, he aspired to join the navy himself.

"Nothing noteworthy occurred throughout his twenties, though he rapidly climbed the ranks, falling just shy of his dream position."

Interrupting briefly to have a sip from his glass, he carried on. "His rapid ascent will, of course, lead him into the supernatural. Regrettably, he'll fail in his awakening."

Upon hearing this, the pair leaned forward immediately, aware that their friend was now discussing the intriguing part.

Mateo continued, with a smile lingering on his face. "He failed miserably, narrowly escaping death.

"Furthermore, in the presence of his family members who had no knowledge of the harmoniser community, he had no choice but to deceive them and rely on the navy to orchestrate an incident that would provide justification for his poor state.

"As per standard procedure, the navy will provide him with skilled harmonisers to assist in his recovery. However, while his body healed, his mind did not.

With a swift gulp to empty his glass, he intertwined his hands and resumed. "The experience broke him, leading to extreme depression.

"However, his deep-seated fear of death will consistently hold him back from ending everything, rendering any form of therapy ineffective. This, in turn, worsened his already bleak quality of life.

"And of course, in such a situation, those cultists appeared."

Claudia and Lucius looked puzzled, their brows furrowed, until Mateo interjected with a quick clarification. "Of course, due to Zandir's unique properties, they opted to carry out their plans on Janus."

The Alabaster archipelago, with its chain of islands, stretched from the western coast of the Zandir empire. Running along the Hayawanat sea, its 5 distinct islands formed a bridge between the Zandir empire and the Adephagia archipelago to the southeast, as well as the north Belaustrum continent to the east. The island of Janus, commonly called the Gateway, had a close link to mainland Zandir.

Mateo continued speaking after noticing his friends' understanding nods. "Following the implantation of the Carrion Weaver, he'll miraculously awaken and join their ranks."

As the moonlight cast a gentle glow on his face, Mateo leaned back and added. "Nevertheless, given the nature of the Stillborns, he would be considered nothing more than an experiment rather than an actual member.

"To keep his relationship with the cult and his awakening a secret, he feigned his own death and adopted the guise of a pirate.

"Unbeknownst to him, the Carrion Weaver, the creature that positively impacted his life, will also lead to his demise.

"It will gradually erode his mind, as his fear of sudden death magnified and will eventually lead to the birth of a new identity and fate, with that mutant parasite completing its cycle."

With his explanation complete, he sighed and cast his gaze upon his friends, who both seemed lost in contemplation.

Lucius' forehead creased in anger as he whispered, "Singularity, the 7th silence, Crimson Dawn, pirates, the Euporia family, and quite possibly Harmonyand now this?"

"This can't be a coincidence," he muttered through clenched teeth, his frustration clear in the slight tension of his jaws, before he forced himself to relax.

Claudia's eyes softened as she glanced at her friend. With a shake of her head, she reassured, "Not all changes are negative.

"It was during similar times that this very city experienced a rebirth through the Goddess.

"Not to mention the numerous historical events that marked significant turning points."

With a determined gaze, she boldly proclaimed, "But this time, their darkness will no longer veil and protect them."